83 research outputs found

    Department of Computer Science Activity 1998-2004

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    This report summarizes much of the research and teaching activity of the Department of Computer Science at Dartmouth College between late 1998 and late 2004. The material for this report was collected as part of the final report for NSF Institutional Infrastructure award EIA-9802068, which funded equipment and technical staff during that six-year period. This equipment and staff supported essentially all of the department\u27s research activity during that period

    Annual Research Report, 2010-2011

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    Annual report of collaborative research projects of Old Dominion University faculty and students in partnership with business, industry and government.https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/or_researchreports/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Integrated polysilicon thermistors for microfluidic sensing

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    This thesis documents results related to the design, fabrication, and testing of integrated polysilicon thermistors for microfluidic sensing in experimental investigations of micro impinging jet cooling and microchannel flow. Such experimental study has yielded fundamental understanding and practical design guidelines of these two microfluidic applications. Novel MEMS devices fabricated include temperature imagers, MEMS nozzles and nozzle arrays, and micro fluidic couplers. A technology for suspended microchannels with integrated polysilicon thermistors has been developed and used for microchannel flow study and flow-rate sensing. Theoretical models have been developed to analyze such micro thermal and fluidic phenomena. In the micro impinging jet cooling study, a MEMS-based heat transfer measurement paradigm has been successfully developed for the first time. This includes technology for MEMS device fabrication, an experimental setup well suited for microscale thermal study, and accurate and efficient data processing techniques. Sensing and heating are integrated into a single thermal imager chip, which allows temperature measurement over a large area at very high spatial resolution. The heat transfer data demonstrate the excellent promise of micro-impinging-jet heat transfer, and provide useful rules for designing impinging-jet-based micro heat exchangers for IC packages. In the investigation of micro channel flow, suspended microchannels with integrated thermistors have successfully been designed and fabricated to study the basic science of micro-scale channel flow. Considerable discrepancies between existing theory and experimental data have been observed, and an improved flow model that accounts for the effects of compressibility, boundary slip, fluid acceleration, non-parabolic fluid velocity profile and channel-wall bulging has been proposed to address such discrepancies. In addition, micro fluidic couplers have been designed and fabricated as the fluidic interface connection between micro fluidic systems and the external macro environment. The experiments show that MEMS couplers are capable of handling pressures as high as 1200 psig. Finally, this thesis presents the development of liquid flow sensors. Resolution of 0.4 nL/min and a capability of bubble detecting have been demonstrated. A numerical model is developed to understand device operation and to guide the design process. Excellent agreement has been found between numerical and experimental results

    Degree-per-hour mode-matched micromachined silicon vibratory gyroscopes

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    The objective of this research dissertation is to design and implement two novel micromachined silicon vibratory gyroscopes, which attempt to incorporate all the necessary attributes of sub-deg/hr noise performance requirements in a single framework: large resonant mass, high drive-mode oscillation amplitudes, large device capacitance (coupled with optimized electronics), and high-Q resonant mode-matched operation. Mode-matching leverages the high-Q (mechanical gain) of the operating modes of the gyroscope and offers significant improvements in mechanical and electronic noise floor, sensitivity, and bias stability. The first micromachined silicon vibratory gyroscope presented in this work is the resonating star gyroscope (RSG): a novel Class-II shell-type structure which utilizes degenerate flexural modes. After an iterative cycle of design optimization, an RSG prototype was implemented using a multiple-shell approach on (111) SOI substrate. Experimental data indicates sub-5 deg/hr Allan deviation bias instability operating under a mode-matched operating Q of 30,000 at 23ºC (in vacuum). The second micromachined silicon vibratory gyroscope presented in this work is the mode-matched tuning fork gyroscope (M2-TFG): a novel Class-I tuning fork structure which utilizes in-plane non-degenerate resonant flexural modes. Operated under vacuum, the M2-TFG represents the first reported high-Q perfectly mode-matched operation in Class-I vibratory microgyroscope. Experimental results of device implemented on (100) SOI substrate demonstrates sub-deg/hr Allan deviation bias instability operating under a mode-matched operating Q of 50,000 at 23ºC. In an effort to increase capacitive aspect ratio, a new fabrication technology was developed that involved the selective deposition of doped-polysilicon inside the capacitive sensing gaps (SPD Process). By preserving the structural composition integrity of the flexural springs, it is possible to accurately predict the operating-mode frequencies while maintaining high-Q operation. Preliminary characterization of vacuum-packaged prototypes was performed. Initial results demonstrated high-Q mode-matched operation, excellent thermal stability, and sub-deg/hr Allan variance bias instability.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Dr. Farrokh Ayazi; Committee Member: Dr. Mark G. Allen; Committee Member: Dr. Oliver Brand; Committee Member: Dr. Paul A. Kohl; Committee Member: Dr. Thomas E. Michael

    CIRA annual report 2007-2008

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    Bayesian networks for the multi-risk assessment of road infrastructure

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a methodological framework for the multi-risk assessment of road infrastructure systems. Since the network performance is directly linked to the functional states of its physical elements, most efforts are devoted to the derivation of fragility functions for bridges exposed to potential earthquake, flood and ground failure events. Thus, a harmonization effort is required in order to reconcile fragility models and damage scales from different hazard types. The proposed framework starts with the inventory of the various hazard-specific damaging mechanisms or failure modes that may affect each bridge component (e.g. piers, deck, bearings). Component fragility curves are then derived for each of these component failure modes, while corresponding functional consequences are proposed in a component-level damage-functionality matrix, thanks to an expert-based survey. Functionality-consistent failure modes at the bridge level are then assembled for specific configurations of component damage states. Finally, the development of a Bayesian Network approach enables the robust and efficient derivation of system fragility functions that (i) directly provide probabilities of reaching functionality losses and (ii) account for multiple types of hazard loadings and multi-risk interactions. At the network scale, a fully probabilistic approach is adopted in order to integrate multi-risk interactions at both hazard and fragility levels. A temporal dimension is integrated to account for joint independent hazard events, while the hazard-harmonized fragility models are able to capture cascading failures. The quantification of extreme events cannot be achieved by conventional sampling methods, and therefore the inference ability of Bayesian Networks is investigated as an alternative. Elaborate Bayesian Network formulations based on the identification of link sets are benchmarked, thus demonstrating the current computational difficulties to treat large and complex systems

    Analysis and Design of Low-Cost Waveguide Filters for Wireless Communications

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    The area of research of this thesis is built around advanced waveguide filter structures. Waveguide filters and the waveguide technology in general are renowned for high power capacity, low losses and excellent electromagnetic shielding. Waveguide filters are important components in fixed wireless communications as well as in satellite and radar systems. Furthermore, their advantages and utilization become even greater with increase in frequency, which is a trend in modern communication systems because upper frequency bands offer larger channel capacities. However, waveguide filters are relatively bulky and expensive. To comply with more and more demanding miniaturization and cost-cutting requirements, compactness and economical design represent some of the main contemporary focuses of interest. Approaches that are used to achieve this include use of planar inserts to build waveguide discontinuities, additive manufacturing and substrate integration. At the same time, waveguide filters still need to satisfy opposed stringent requirements like small insertion loss, high selectivity and multiband operation. Another difficulty that metal waveguide components face is integration with other circuitry, especially important when solid-state active devices are included. Thus, improvements of interconnections between waveguide and other transmission interfaces are addressed too. The thesis elaborates the following aspects of work: Further analysis and improved explanations regarding advanced waveguide filters with E-plane inserts developed by the Wireless Communications Research Group, using both cross coupled resonators and extracted pole sections (Experiments with higher filter orders, use of tuning screws, degrees of freedom in design, etc. Thorough performance comparison with competing filter technologies) - Proposing novel E-plane filter sections with I-shaped insets - Extension of the E-plane filtering structures with metal fins to new compact dual band filters with high frequency selectivity and miniaturized diplexers. - Introduction of easy-to-build waveguide filters with polymer insert frames and high-performance low-profile cavity filters, taking advantage of enhanced fabrication capabilities when using additive manufacturing - Developing new substrate integrated filters, as well as circuits used to transfer signals between different interfaces Namely, these are substrate integrated waveguide to metal waveguide planar transitions that do not require any modifications of the metal waveguides. Such novel transitions have been designed both for single and orthogonal signal polarizations

    Shall we play a game?

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    In response to real and perceived short-comings in the quality and productivity of software engineering practices and projects, professionally-endorsed graduate and post-graduate curriculum guides have been developed to meet evolving technical developments and industry demands. Each of these curriculum guidelines identifies better software engineering management skills and soft, peopleware skills as critical for all graduating students, but they provide little guidance on how to achieve this. One possible way is to use a serious game — a game designed to educate players about some of the dynamic complexities of the field in a safe and inexpensive environment. This thesis presents the results of a qualitative research project that used a simple game of a software project to see if and how games could contribute to better software project management education; and if they could, then what features and attributes made them most efficacious. That is, shall we— should we— play games in software engineering management? The primary research tool for this project was a game called Simsoft. Physically, Simsoft comes in two pieces. There is an A0-sized printed game board around which the players gather to discuss the current state of their project and to consider their next move. The board shows the flow of the game while plastic counters are used to represent the staff of the project. Poker chips represent the team’s budget, with which they can purchase more staff, and from which certain game events may draw or reimburse amounts depending on decisions made during the course of the game. There is also a simple Java-based dashboard, through which the players can see the current and historical state of the project in a series of reports and messages; and they can adjust the project’s settings. The engine behind Simsoft is a system dynamics model which embodies the fundamental causal relationships of simple software development projects. In Simsoft game sessions, teams of students, and practicing project managers and software engineers managed a hypothetical software development project with the aim of completing the project on time and within budget (with poker chips left over). Based on the starting scenario of the game, information provided during the game, and their own real-world experience, the players made decisions about how to proceed— whether to hire more staff or reduce the number, what hours should be worked, and so on. After each decision set had been entered, the game was run for another next time period, (a week, a month, or a quarter). The game was now in a new state which the players had to interpret from the game board and decide how to proceed. The findings showed that games can contribute to better software engineering management education and help bridge the pedagogical gaps in current curriculum guidelines. However, they can’t do this by themselves and for best effect they should be used in conjunction with other pedagogical tools. The findings also showed that simple games and games in which the players are able to relate the game world to an external context are the most efficacious

    On Security Notions for Multi-Party Computation

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    Die meisten Sicherheitsbegriffe, die heutzutage benutzt werden, stammen aus den 1980ern. Doch durch ein seitdem besseres Verständnis der Theorie stellt sich die Frage, ob sie nicht weiterentwickelt werden können. Ein begrenzender Faktor sind hierbei sogenannte Unmöglichkeitsbeweise, die mathematisch beweisen, welche Sicherheitsgarantien nicht erfüllt werden können. Diese liefern einen begrenzenden Faktor, ihre Aussage sollte jedoch nicht übertrieben werden. Der Beweis ist nur in seinem eigenen Setting gültig und deckt nur genau den einen Sicherheitsbegriff ab. Historisch haben sich die etablierten Sicherheitsbegriffe jedoch zu etwas deutlich schwächerem entwickelt, wodurch eine Lücke zwischen dem entstanden ist, was praktisch benutzt wird, und dem, was bekanntermaßen unmöglich ist. In dieser Promotion zeigen wir einige dieser Lücken auf und untersuchen Sicherheitsbegriffe, die mit Sicherer Mehrparteienberechnung (MPC) zusammenhängen, und die zwischen den Etablierten und den Unmöglichen liegen. Abbildung von Geschäftsmodellen und Gesetzlichen Regelungen in MPC. Mit Sicherer Mehrparteienberechnung (MPC) können Parteien eine Funktion über privaten Eingaben auf sichere Weise so berechnen, dass nichts über die Eingaben der anderen Parteien bekannt wird außer die Ausgabe der Funktion. Heutzutage hat MPC nur einen vergleichsweise geringen Mehraufwand im Vergleich zur direkten Berechnung. Und obwohl Datensparsamkeit in der Praxis belohnt wird, wird MPC kaum benutzt. Wir glauben dass einer der Gründe dafür, dass MPC in Praxis kaum benutzt wird, darin liegt, dass es Geschäftsmodelle und gesetzliche Regelungen ignoriert die eine gewisse Leakage der Daten benötigen, während allgemeines MPC auf fast-perfekte Privatsphäre hinarbeitet. Wir präsentieren einen neuen Baustein, der es Geschäften---die durch einen zentralen Operator repräsentiert werden---ermöglicht, effizient die gewünschte Menge an Leakage abzubilden, die benötigt wird, um das Geschäft aufrechtzuerhalten oder um gesetzliche Vorgaben zu erfüllen, während Nutzer anonym und ohne durch mehrere Interaktionen hinweg verlinkt werden können Daten sammeln. Wir modellieren die Anforderungen im Universal Composability (UC) Framework. Dadurch wird garantiert, dass die Sicherheitsgarantien unabhängig davon halten, welche Protokolle parallel ausgeführt werden. Trotz dieser starken Sicherheitsgarantien ist das Protokoll dabei effizient genug, um auf moderner Hardware ausgeführt zu werden, selbst wenn der Nutzer die Daten auf Smartphones mit beschränkter Rechenleistung sammeln. (Fetzer, Keller, Maier, Raiber, Rupp, Schwerdt, PETS 2022) Eine Instantiierung stärkerer Commitments. Mit einem Bit Commitment Schema kann sich ein Sender gegenüber eines Empfängers auf ein Bit festlegen, ohne das dabei zu offenbaren (hiding), aber auf eine Art die es dem Sender nicht erlaubt, den Empfänger später davon zu überzeugen, dass das Commitment auf ein anderes Bit festgelegt wurde (binding). In der Quantenwelt sind Commitments stark genug, um MPC zu konstruieren, weswegen es einen Anreiz gibt, Commitments so sicher wie möglich zu machen; jedoch sagen Unmöglichkeitsbeweise aus, dass beide Sicherheitsbegriffe -- hiding und binding -- gleichzeitig nicht bedingungslos halten können. Als Konsequenz weichen moderne Bit Commitment Schemas eine Sicherheitseigenschaft auf, die dann nur noch computationally halten, also auf Grundlage komplexitätstheoretischer Annahmen. Wir stellen das erste Bit Commitment Protokoll im Quantum Random Oracle Modle (QROM) vor, das bedingungslose Sicherheit für den Empfänger (binding) und langfristige Sicherheit für den Sender (hiding) bietet und das dabei keine Zusatzhardware benötigt. Unser Resultat basiert auf einer neuen Annahme über die Schwierigkeit, Quantenzustände über einen langen Zeitraum zu speichern. Langfristige Sicherheit modelliert technischen Fortschritt des Angreifers, da Transkripte, die heutzutage nicht effizient gebrochen werden können, in Zukunft vielleicht einfach extrahierbar sind, sobald schnellere Maschinen verfügbar sind. Wir beweisen die Sicherheit des Commitment Protokolls im QROM unter oben genannter Annahme und zeigen, dass eine Instantiierung im Standardmodell zu einem neuen Angriff auf die langfristige Hiding-Eigenschaft zulässt. (Döttling, Koch, Maier, Mechler, Müller, Müller-Quade, Tiepelt, IN EINREICHUNG) Undetectable Multi-Party Computation. Covert MPC ist eine Erweiterung von MPC, die nicht nur die Eingaben versteckt, sondern das gesamte Vorhandensein der Berechnung. Teilnehmer lernen nur dann die Ausgabe, wenn alle anderen Parteien das Protokoll ausgeführt haben und die Ausgabe für alle Parteien vorteilhaft ist. Anderenfalls lernen die Teilnehmer nichts, nicht mal, welche anderen Parteien versucht haben, an der Berechnung teilzunehmen. Ein einzelner Nichtteilnehmer kann unabsichtlich die gesamte Berechnung abbrechen. Daher stellt sich die Frage: können NN Teilnehmer eine Berechnung ausführen, während K>NK > N Parteien anwesend sind, und bei der die Ausgabe nur von den Eingaben der NN Teilnehmer abhängt, während die Identität der anderen Teilnehmer unter den anwesenden Parteien versteckt wird? Dies sollte insbesondere dann gelten, wenn die restlichen Parteien nicht wissen, dass eine Berechnung im Gang ist. Wir verknüpfen diese Frage mit der theoretischen Machbarkeit von Anonymen Whistleblowing, bei dem eine einzelne Partei versucht, eine Nachricht preiszugeben, ohne dabei die eigene Identität zu offenbaren und ohne dass sich die anderen Parteien auf irgendeine besondere Art verhalten müssen. Leider zeigen wir dass keine Primitive sowohl Korrektheit und Anonymität mit überwältigender Wahrscheinlichkeit im asymptotischen Setting erreichen kann, selbst unter sehr starken Annahmen. Jedoch konstruieren wir eine heuristische Instantiierung im Fine-Grained setting mit überwältigender Korrektheit und jeder beliebigen Ziel-Anonymität. Unsere Ergebnisse liefern starke Grundlagen für die Untersuchung der Möglichkeit von Anonymen Nachrichtentransfer durch authentifizierte Kanäle, ein faszinierendes Ziel von dem wir glauben, dass es von grundlegendem Interesse ist. (Agrikola, Couteau, Maier, TCC 2022