23 research outputs found

    PARSNIP: Performant Architecture for Race Safety with No Impact on Precision

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    Data race detection is a useful dynamic analysis for multithreaded programs that is a key building block in record-and-replay, enforcing strong consistency models, and detecting concurrency bugs. Existing software race detectors are precise but slow, and hardware support for precise data race detection relies on assumptions like type safety that many programs violate in practice. We propose PARSNIP, a fully precise hardware-supported data race detector. PARSNIP exploits new insights into the redundancy of race detection metadata to reduce storage overheads. PARSNIP also adopts new race detection metadata encodings that accelerate the common case while preserving soundness and completeness. When bounded hardware resources are exhausted, PARSNIP falls back to a software race detector to preserve correctness. PARSNIP does not assume that target programs are type safe, and is thus suitable for race detection on arbitrary code. Our evaluation of PARSNIP on several PARSEC benchmarks shows that performance overheads range from negligible to 2.6x, with an average overhead of just 1.5x. Moreover, Parsnip outperforms the state-of-the-art Radish hardware race detector by 4.6x

    Blox: A Modular Toolkit for Deep Learning Schedulers

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    Deep Learning (DL) workloads have rapidly increased in popularity in enterprise clusters and several new cluster schedulers have been proposed in recent years to support these workloads. With rapidly evolving DL workloads, it is challenging to quickly prototype and compare scheduling policies across workloads. Further, as prior systems target different aspects of scheduling (resource allocation, placement, elasticity etc.), it is also challenging to combine these techniques and understand the overall benefits. To address these challenges we propose Blox, a modular toolkit which allows developers to compose individual components and realize diverse scheduling frameworks. We identify a set of core abstractions for DL scheduling, implement several existing schedulers using these abstractions, and verify the fidelity of these implementations by reproducing results from prior research. We also highlight how we can evaluate and compare existing schedulers in new settings: different workload traces, higher cluster load, change in DNN workloads and deployment characteristics. Finally, we showcase Blox's extensibility by composing policies from different schedulers, and implementing novel policies with minimal code changes. Blox is available at \url{https://github.com/msr-fiddle/blox}.Comment: To be presented at Eurosys'2

    Applying exokernel principles to conventional operating systems

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. 51-52).by John Jannotti.M.Eng

    Surviving sensor network software faults

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    We describe Neutron, a version of the TinyOS operating system that efficiently recovers from memory safety bugs. Where existing schemes reboot an entire node on an error, Neutron’s compiler and runtime extensions divide programs into recovery units and reboot only the faulting unit. The TinyOS kernel itself is a recovery unit: a kernel safety violation appears to applications as the processor being unavailable for 10–20 milliseconds. Neutron further minimizes safety violation cost by supporting “precious ” state that persists across reboots. Application data, time synchronization state, and routing tables can all be declared as pre-cious. Neutron’s reboot sequence conservatively checks that pre-cious state is not the source of a fault before preserving it. Together, recovery units and precious state allow Neutron to reduce a safety violation’s cost to time synchronization by 94 % and to a routing protocol by 99.5%. Neutron also protects applications from losing data. Neutron provides this recovery on the very limited resources of a tiny, low-power microcontroller

    Proving full-system security properties under multiple attacker models on capability machines

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    International audienceAssembly-level protection mechanisms (virtual memory, trusted execution environments, virtualization) make it possible to guarantee security properties of a full system in the presence of arbitrary attacker provided code. However, they typically only support a single trust boundary: code is either trusted or untrusted, and protection cannot be nested. Capability machines provide protection mechanisms that are more fine-grained and that do support arbitrary nesting of protection. We show in this paper how this enables the formal verification of full-system security properties under multiple attacker models: different security objectives of the full system can be verified under a different choice of trust boundary (i.e. under a different attacker model). The verification approach we propose is modular, and is robust: code outside the trust boundary for a given security objective can be arbitrary, unverified attacker-provided code. It is based on the use of universal contracts for untrusted adversarial code: sound, conservative contracts which can be combined with manual verification of trusted components in a compositional program logic. Compositionality of the program logic also allows us to reuse common parts in the analyses for different attacker models. We instantiate the approach concretely by extending an existing capability machine model with support for memory-mapped I/O and we obtain full system, machine-verified security properties about external effect traces while limiting the manual verification effort to a small trusted computing base relevant for the specific property under study

    Easier Parallel Programming with Provably-Efficient Runtime Schedulers

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    Over the past decade processor manufacturers have pivoted from increasing uniprocessor performance to multicore architectures. However, utilizing this computational power has proved challenging for software developers. Many concurrency platforms and languages have emerged to address parallel programming challenges, yet writing correct and performant parallel code retains a reputation of being one of the hardest tasks a programmer can undertake. This dissertation will study how runtime scheduling systems can be used to make parallel programming easier. We address the difficulty in writing parallel data structures, automatically finding shared memory bugs, and reproducing non-deterministic synchronization bugs. Each of the systems presented depends on a novel runtime system which provides strong theoretical performance guarantees and performs well in practice

    Contributions for improving debugging of kernel-level services in a monolithic operating system

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    Alors que la recherche sur la qualité du code des systèmes a connu un formidable engouement, les systèmes d exploitation sont encore aux prises avec des problèmes de fiabilité notamment dus aux bogues de programmation au niveau des services noyaux tels que les pilotes de périphériques et l implémentation des systèmes de fichiers. Des études ont en effet montré que chaque version du noyau Linux contient entre 600 et 700 fautes, et que la propension des pilotes de périphériques à contenir des erreurs est jusqu à sept fois plus élevée que toute autre partie du noyau. Ces chiffres suggèrent que le code des services noyau n est pas suffisamment testé et que de nombreux défauts passent inaperçus ou sont difficiles à réparer par des programmeurs non-experts, ces derniers formant pourtant la majorité des développeurs de services. Cette thèse propose une nouvelle approche pour le débogage et le test des services noyau. Notre approche est focalisée sur l interaction entre les services noyau et le noyau central en abordant la question des trous de sûreté dans le code de définition des fonctions de l API du noyau. Dans le contexte du noyau Linux, nous avons mis en place une approche automatique, dénommée Diagnosys, qui repose sur l analyse statique du code du noyau afin d identifier, classer et exposer les différents trous de sûreté de l API qui pourraient donner lieu à des fautes d exécution lorsque les fonctions sont utilisées dans du code de service écrit par des développeurs ayant une connaissance limitée des subtilités du noyau. Pour illustrer notre approche, nous avons implémenté Diagnosys pour la version 2.6.32 du noyau Linux. Nous avons montré ses avantages à soutenir les développeurs dans leurs activités de tests et de débogage.Despite the existence of an overwhelming amount of research on the quality of system software, Operating Systems are still plagued with reliability issues mainly caused by defects in kernel-level services such as device drivers and file systems. Studies have indeed shown that each release of the Linux kernel contains between 600 and 700 faults, and that the propensity of device drivers to contain errors is up to seven times higher than any other part of the kernel. These numbers suggest that kernel-level service code is not sufficiently tested and that many faults remain unnoticed or are hard to fix bynon-expert programmers who account for the majority of service developers. This thesis proposes a new approach to the debugging and testing of kernel-level services focused on the interaction between the services and the core kernel. The approach tackles the issue of safety holes in the implementation of kernel API functions. For Linux, we have instantiated the Diagnosys automated approach which relies on static analysis of kernel code to identify, categorize and expose the different safety holes of API functions which can turn into runtime faults when the functions are used in service code by developers with limited knowledge on the intricacies of kernel code. To illustrate our approach, we have implemented Diagnosys for Linux 2.6.32 and shown its benefits in supporting developers in their testing and debugging tasks.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Energy and power aware scheduling algorithm modeling for battery powered embedded systems

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    Energy management has always been recognized as a challenge in mobile systems, especially in modern OS-based mobile systems where multi-functioning are widely supported. Nowadays, it is common for a mobile system user to run multiple applications simultaneously while having a target battery lifetime in mind for a specific application. Traditional OS-level power management (PM) policies make their best effort to save energy under performance constraint, but fail to guarantee a target lifetime, leaving the painful trading off between the total performance of applications and the target lifetime to the user itself. This thesis provides a new way to deal with the problem. It is advocated that a strong energy-aware PM scheme should first guarantee a user-specified battery lifetime to a target application by restricting the average power of those less important applications, and in addition to that, maximize the total performance of applications without harming the lifetime guarantee. As a support, energy, instead of CPU or transmission bandwidth, should be globally managed as the first-class resource by the OS. As the first-stage work of a complete PM scheme, this thesis presents the energy-based fair queuing scheduling, a novel class of energy-aware scheduling algorithms which, in combination with a mechanism of battery discharge rate restricting, systematically manage energy as the first-class resource with the objective of guaranteeing a user-specified battery lifetime for a target application in OS-based mobile systems. Energy-based fair queuing is a cross-application of the traditional fair queuing in the energy management domain. It assigns a power share to each task, and manages energy by proportionally serving energy to tasks according to their assigned power shares. The proportional energy use establishes proportional share of the system power among tasks, which guarantees a minimum power for each task and thus, avoids energy starvation on any task. Energy-based fair queuing treats all tasks equally as one type and supports periodical time-sensitive tasks by allocating each of them a share of system power that is adequate to meet the highest energy demand in all periods. However, an overly conservative power share is usually required to guarantee the meeting of all time constraints. To provide more effective and flexible support for various types of time-sensitive tasks in general purpose operating systems, an extra real-time friendly mechanism is introduced to combine priority-based scheduling into the energy-based fair queuing. Since a method is available to control the maximum time one time-sensitive task can run with priority, the power control and time-constraint meeting can be flexibly traded off. A SystemC-based test-bench is designed to assess the algorithms. Simulation results show the success of the energy-based fair queuing in achieving proportional energy use, time-constraint meeting, and a proper trading off between them. La gestión de energía en los sistema móviles está considerada hoy en día como un reto fundamental, notándose, especialmente, en aquellos terminales que utilizando un sistema operativo implementan múltiples funciones. Es común en los sistemas móviles actuales ejecutar simultaneamente diferentes aplicaciones y tener, para una de ellas, un objetivo de tiempo de uso de la batería. Tradicionalmente, las políticas de gestión de consumo de potencia de los sistemas operativos hacen lo que está en sus manos para ahorrar energía y satisfacer sus requisitos de prestaciones, pero no son capaces de proporcionar un objetivo de tiempo de utilización del sistema, dejando al usuario la difícil tarea de buscar un compromiso entre prestaciones y tiempo de utilización del sistema. Esta tesis, como contribución, proporciona una nueva manera de afrontar el problema. En ella se establece que un esquema de gestión de consumo de energía debería, en primer lugar, garantizar, para una aplicación dada, un tiempo mínimo de utilización de la batería que estuviera especificado por el usuario, restringiendo la potencia media consumida por las aplicaciones que se puedan considerar menos importantes y, en segundo lugar, maximizar las prestaciones globales sin comprometer la garantía de utilización de la batería. Como soporte de lo anterior, la energía, en lugar del tiempo de CPU o el ancho de banda, debería gestionarse globalmente por el sistema operativo como recurso de primera clase. Como primera fase en el desarrollo completo de un esquema de gestión de consumo, esta tesis presenta un algoritmo de planificación de encolado equitativo (fair queueing) basado en el consumo de energía, es decir, una nueva clase de algoritmos de planificación que, en combinación con mecanismos que restrinjan la tasa de descarga de una batería, gestionen de forma sistemática la energía como recurso de primera clase, con el objetivo de garantizar, para una aplicación dada, un tiempo de uso de la batería, definido por el usuario, en sistemas móviles empotrados. El encolado equitativo de energía es una extensión al dominio de la energía del encolado equitativo tradicional. Esta clase de algoritmos asigna una reserva de potencia a cada tarea y gestiona la energía sirviéndola de manera proporcional a su reserva. Este uso proporcional de la energía garantiza que cada tarea reciba una porción de potencia y evita que haya tareas que se vean privadas de recibir energía por otras con un comportamiento más ambicioso. Esta clase de algoritmos trata a todas las tareas por igual y puede planificar tareas periódicas en tiempo real asignando a cada una de ellas una reserva de potencia que es adecuada para proporcionar la mayor de las cantidades de energía demandadas por período. Sin embargo, es posible demostrar que sólo se consigue cumplir con los requisitos impuestos por todos los plazos temporales con reservas de potencia extremadamente conservadoras. En esta tesis, para proporcionar un soporte más flexible y eficiente para diferentes tipos de tareas de tiempo real junto con el resto de tareas, se combina un mecanismo de planificación basado en prioridades con el encolado equitativo basado en energía. En esta clase de algoritmos, gracias al método introducido, que controla el tiempo que se ejecuta con prioridad una tarea de tiempo real, se puede establecer un compromiso entre el cumplimiento de los requisitos de tiempo real y el consumo de potencia. Para evaluar los algoritmos, se ha diseñado en SystemC un banco de pruebas. Los resultados muestran que el algoritmo de encolado equitativo basado en el consumo de energía consigue el balance entre el uso proporcional a la energía reservada y el cumplimiento de los requisitos de tiempo real