14 research outputs found

    Why Do Cascade Sizes Follow a Power-Law?

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    We introduce random directed acyclic graph and use it to model the information diffusion network. Subsequently, we analyze the cascade generation model (CGM) introduced by Leskovec et al. [19]. Until now only empirical studies of this model were done. In this paper, we present the first theoretical proof that the sizes of cascades generated by the CGM follow the power-law distribution, which is consistent with multiple empirical analysis of the large social networks. We compared the assumptions of our model with the Twitter social network and tested the goodness of approximation.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted to WWW 201

    Why does attention to web articles fall with time?

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    We analyze access statistics of a hundred and fifty blog entries and news articles, for periods of up to three years. Access rate falls as an inverse power of time passed since publication. The power law holds for periods of up to thousand days. The exponents are different for different blogs and are distributed between 0.6 and 3.2. We argue that the decay of attention to a web article is caused by the link to it first dropping down the list of links on the website's front page, and then disappearing from the front page and its subsequent movement further into background. The other proposed explanations that use a decaying with time novelty factor, or some intricate theory of human dynamics cannot explain all of the experimental observations.Comment: To appear in JASIS

    The alignment of formal, structured and unstructured process descriptions

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    Nowadays organizations are experimenting a drift on the way processes are managed. On the one hand, formal notations like Petri nets or Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) enable the unambiguous reasoning and automation of designed processes. This way of eliciting processes by manual design, which stemmed decades ago, will still be an important actor in the future. On the other hand, regulations require organizations to store their process executions in structured representations, so that they are known and can be analyzed. Finally, due to the different nature of stakeholders within an organization (ranging from the most technical members, e.g., developers, to less technical), textual descriptions of processes are also maintained to enable that everyone in the organization understands their processes. In this paper I will describe techniques for facilitating the interconnection between these three process representations. This requires interdisciplinary research to connect several fields: business process management, formal methods, natural language processing and process mining.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Conjoining Speeds up Information Diffusion in Overlaying Social-Physical Networks

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    We study the diffusion of information in an overlaying social-physical network. Specifically, we consider the following set-up: There is a physical information network where information spreads amongst people through conventional communication media (e.g., face-to-face communication, phone calls), and conjoint to this physical network, there are online social networks where information spreads via web sites such as Facebook, Twitter, FriendFeed, YouTube, etc. We quantify the size and the critical threshold of information epidemics in this conjoint social-physical network by assuming that information diffuses according to the SIR epidemic model. One interesting finding is that even if there is no percolation in the individual networks, percolation (i.e., information epidemics) can take place in the conjoint social-physical network. We also show, both analytically and experimentally, that the fraction of individuals who receive an item of information (started from an arbitrary node) is significantly larger in the conjoint social-physical network case, as compared to the case where the networks are disjoint. These findings reveal that conjoining the physical network with online social networks can have a dramatic impact on the speed and scale of information diffusion.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Rejection-oriented learning without complete class information

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    Machine Learning is commonly used to support decision-making in numerous, diverse contexts. Its usefulness in this regard is unquestionable: there are complex systems built on the top of machine learning techniques whose descriptive and predictive capabilities go far beyond those of human beings. However, these systems still have limitations, whose analysis enable to estimate their applicability and confidence in various cases. This is interesting considering that abstention from the provision of a response is preferable to make a mistake in doing so. In the context of classification-like tasks, the indication of such inconclusive output is called rejection. The research which culminated in this thesis led to the conception, implementation and evaluation of rejection-oriented learning systems for two distinct tasks: open set recognition and data stream clustering. These system were derived from WiSARD artificial neural network, which had rejection modelling incorporated into its functioning. This text details and discuss such realizations. It also presents experimental results which allow assess the scientific and practical importance of the proposed state-of-the-art methodology.Aprendizado de Máquina é comumente usado para apoiar a tomada de decisão em numerosos e diversos contextos. Sua utilidade neste sentido é inquestionável: existem sistemas complexos baseados em técnicas de aprendizado de máquina cujas capacidades descritivas e preditivas vão muito além das dos seres humanos. Contudo, esses sistemas ainda possuem limitações, cuja análise permite estimar sua aplicabilidade e confiança em vários casos. Isto é interessante considerando que a abstenção da provisão de uma resposta é preferível a cometer um equívoco ao realizar tal ação. No contexto de classificação e tarefas similares, a indicação desse resultado inconclusivo é chamada de rejeição. A pesquisa que culminou nesta tese proporcionou a concepção, implementação e avaliação de sistemas de aprendizado orientados `a rejeição para duas tarefas distintas: reconhecimento em cenário abertos e agrupamento de dados em fluxo contínuo. Estes sistemas foram derivados da rede neural artificial WiSARD, que teve a modelagem de rejeição incorporada a seu funcionamento. Este texto detalha e discute tais realizações. Ele também apresenta resultados experimentais que permitem avaliar a importância científica e prática da metodologia de ponta proposta