3 research outputs found

    A fast and tight heuristic for A∗ in road networks

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    We study exact, efficient and practical algorithms for route planning in large road networks. Routing applications often require integrating the current traffic situation, planning ahead with traffic predictions for the future, respecting forbidden turns, and many other features depending on the exact application. While Dijkstra’s algorithm can be used to solve these problems, it is too slow for many applications. A* is a classical approach to accelerate Dijkstra’s algorithm. A* can support many extended scenarios without much additional implementation complexity. However, A*’s performance depends on the availability of a good heuristic that estimates distances. Computing tight distance estimates is a challenge on its own. On road networks, shortest paths can also be quickly computed using hierarchical speedup techniques. They achieve speed and exactness but sacrifice A*’s flexibility. Extending them to certain practical applications can be hard. In this paper, we present an algorithm to efficiently extract distance estimates for A* from Contraction Hierarchies (CH), a hierarchical technique. We call our heuristic CH-Potentials. Our approach allows decoupling the supported extensions from the hierarchical speed-up technique. Additionally, we describe A* optimizations to accelerate the processing of low degree nodes, which often occur in road networks

    Optimal Planning with State Constraints

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    In the classical planning model, state variables are assigned values in the initial state and remain unchanged unless explicitly affected by action effects. However, some properties of states are more naturally modelled not as direct effects of actions but instead as derived, in each state, from the primary variables via a set of rules. We refer to those rules as state constraints. The two types of state constraints that will be discussed here are numeric state constraints and logical rules that we will refer to as axioms. When using state constraints we make a distinction between primary variables, whose values are directly affected by action effects, and secondary variables, whose values are determined by state constraints. While primary variables have finite and discrete domains, as in classical planning, there is no such requirement for secondary variables. For example, using numeric state constraints allows us to have secondary variables whose values are real numbers. We show that state constraints are a construct that lets us combine classical planning methods with specialised solvers developed for other types of problems. For example, introducing numeric state constraints enables us to apply planning techniques in domains involving interconnected physical systems, such as power networks. To solve these types of problems optimally, we adapt commonly used methods from optimal classical planning, namely state-space search guided by admissible heuristics. In heuristics based on monotonic relaxation, the idea is that in a relaxed state each variable assumes a set of values instead of just a single value. With state constraints, the challenge becomes to evaluate the conditions, such as goals and action preconditions, that involve secondary variables. We employ consistency checking tools to evaluate whether these conditions are satisfied in the relaxed state. In our work with numerical constraints we use linear programming, while with axioms we use answer set programming and three value semantics. This allows us to build a relaxed planning graph and compute constraint-aware version of heuristics based on monotonic relaxation. We also adapt pattern database heuristics. We notice that an abstract state can be thought of as a state in the monotonic relaxation in which the variables in the pattern hold only one value, while the variables not in the pattern simultaneously hold all the values in their domains. This means that we can apply the same technique for evaluating conditions on secondary variables as we did for the monotonic relaxation and build pattern databases similarly as it is done in classical planning. To make better use of our heuristics, we modify the A* algorithm by combining two techniques that were previously used independently – partial expansion and preferred operators. Our modified algorithm, which we call PrefPEA, is most beneficial in cases where heuristic is expensive to compute, but accurate, and states have many successors