4 research outputs found

    From Dataflow Specification to Multiprocessor Partitioned Time-triggered Real-time Implementation *

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    International audienceOur objective is to facilitate the development of complex time-triggered systems by automating the allocation and scheduling steps. We show that full automation is possible while taking into account the elements of complexity needed by a complex embedded control system. More precisely, we consider deterministic functional specifications provided (as often in an industrial setting) by means of synchronous data-flow models with multiple modes and multiple relative periods. We first extend this functional model with an original real-time characterization that takes advantage of our time-triggered framework to provide a simpler representation of complex end-to-end flow requirements. We also extend our specifications with additional non-functional properties specifying partitioning, allocation , and preemptability constraints. Then, weprovide novel algorithms for the off-line scheduling of these extended specifications onto partitioned time-triggered architectures Ă  la ARINC 653. The main originality of our work is that it takes into account at the same time multiple complexity elements: various types of non-functional properties (real-time, partitioning, allocation, preemptability) and functional specifications with conditional execution and multiple modes. Allocation of time slots/windows to partitions can be fullyor partially provided, or synthesized by our tool. Our algorithms allow the automatic allocation and scheduling onto multi-processor (distributed) sys-tems with a global time base, taking into account communication costs. We demonstrate our technique on a model of space flight software systemwith strong real-time determinism requirements

    Compilation de systèmes temps réel

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    I introduce and advocate for the concept of Real-Time Systems Compilation. By analogy with classical compilation, real-time systems compilation consists in the fully automatic construction of running, correct-by-construction implementations from functional and non-functional specifications of embedded control systems. Like in a classical compiler, the whole process must be fast (thus enabling a trial-and-error design style) and produce reasonably efficient code. This requires the use of fast heuristics, and the use of fine-grain platform and application models. Unlike a classical compiler, a real-time systems compiler must take into account non-functional properties of a system and ensure the respect of non-functional requirements (in addition to functional correctness). I also present Lopht, a real-time systems compiler for statically-scheduled real-time systems we built by combining techniques and concepts from real-time scheduling, compilation, and synchronous languages

    Design and implementation of WCET analyses : including a case study on multi-core processors with shared buses

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    For safety-critical real-time embedded systems, the worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis — determining an upper bound on the possible execution times of a program — is an important part of the system verification. Multi-core processors share resources (e.g. buses and caches) between multiple processor cores and, thus, complicate the WCET analysis as the execution times of a program executed on one processor core significantly depend on the programs executed in parallel on the concurrent cores. We refer to this phenomenon as shared-resource interference. This thesis proposes a novel way of modeling shared-resource interference during WCET analysis. It enables an efficient analysis — as it only considers one processor core at a time — and it is sound for hardware platforms exhibiting timing anomalies. Moreover, this thesis demonstrates how to realize a timing-compositional verification on top of the proposed modeling scheme. In this way, this thesis closes the gap between modern hardware platforms, which exhibit timing anomalies, and existing schedulability analyses, which rely on timing compositionality. In addition, this thesis proposes a novel method for calculating an upper bound on the amount of interference that a given processor core can generate in any time interval of at most a given length. Our experiments demonstrate that the novel method is more precise than existing methods.Die Analyse der maximalen Ausführungszeit (Worst-Case-Execution-Time-Analyse, WCET-Analyse) ist für eingebettete Echtzeit-Computer-Systeme in sicherheitskritischen Anwendungsbereichen unerlässlich. Mehrkernprozessoren erschweren die WCET-Analyse, da einige ihrer Hardware-Komponenten von mehreren Prozessorkernen gemeinsam genutzt werden und die Ausführungszeit eines Programmes somit vom Verhalten mehrerer Kerne abhängt. Wir bezeichnen dies als Interferenz durch gemeinsam genutzte Komponenten. Die vorliegende Arbeit schlägt eine neuartige Modellierung dieser Interferenz während der WCET-Analyse vor. Der vorgestellte Ansatz ist effizient und führt auch für Computer-Systeme mit Zeitanomalien zu korrekten Ergebnissen. Darüber hinaus zeigt diese Arbeit, wie ein zeitkompositionales Verfahren auf Basis der vorgestellten Modellierung umgesetzt werden kann. Auf diese Weise schließt diese Arbeit die Lücke zwischen modernen Mikroarchitekturen, die Zeitanomalien aufweisen, und den existierenden Planbarkeitsanalysen, die sich alle auf die Kompositionalität des Zeitverhaltens verlassen. Außerdem stellt die vorliegende Arbeit ein neues Verfahren zur Berechnung einer oberen Schranke der Menge an Interferenz vor, die ein bestimmter Prozessorkern in einem beliebigen Zeitintervall einer gegebenen Länge höchstens erzeugen kann. Unsere Experimente zeigen, dass das vorgestellte Berechnungsverfahren präziser ist als die existierenden Verfahren.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) as part of the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre SFB/TR 14 (AVACS

    Conception et vérification d'exigences de sûreté temporisées à base de contrats dans les modèles SysML

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    De nos jours, les systèmes informatiques croissent en taille et en complexité. Intégrés dans des dispositifs de différents domaines tels que l'avionique, l'aéronautique, l'électronique grand public, etc., ils sont souvent considérés comme critiques à l'égard de la vie humaine, des coûts et de l'environnement. Concevoir des systèmes embarqués temps-réel critiques sûrs et fiables est une tâche difficile, étant donné que leurs modèles sont souvent source d'erreurs. Une façon pour les concepteurs de contourner cette difficulté consiste à s'appuyer sur la modélisation compositionnelle de composants logiciels pilotée par les exigences. Le raisonnement à base de contrats permet de construire des composants sûrs à partir des exigences globales du système en interposant des spécifications abstraites et partielles entre les besoins du système et les composants eux-mêmes. Informellement, un contrat modélise le comportement abstrait d'un composant du point de vue de l'exigence à satisfaire (c.a.d garantie) dans un contexte donné (c.a.d. hypothèse). Les contrats peuvent être exploités pour décomposer et tracer les exigences au cours d'un développement itératif, mais aussi pour effectuer une vérification compositionnelle de la satisfaction des exigences. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une méthodologie de raisonnement à base de contrats pour la conception et la vérification de systèmes sûrs développés en SysML. Ainsi, nous définissons en UML/SysML la syntaxe des contrats et des relations de raffinement entre contrats et/ou composants qui sont utilisées pour prouver la correction du système par rapport aux exigences. Ensuite, nous proposons un cadre formel qui modélise la sémantique d'un modèle UML/SysML étendu par des contrats selon une variante d'automates temporisés entrée/sortie et nous définissons la correspondance entre ces concepts. Nous formalisons les relations de raffinement par la relation d'inclusion de traces et nous prouvons leurs propriétés compositionnelles ce qui assure la correction de la méthodologie. L'approche est instanciée pour le profil OMEGA et la boîte à outils IFx2 qui génère partiellement les obligations de preuve. Finalement, plusieurs études de cas dont une issue de l'industrie complètent la théorie pour évaluer l'approche à base de contrats et ses résultats et les comparer aux méthodes classiques de model-checking.Nowadays computer systems grow larger in size and more complex. Embedded in devices from different domains like avionics, aeronautics, consumer electronics, etc., they are often considered critical with respect to human life, costs and environment. A development that results in safe and reliable critical real-time embedded systems is a challenging task, considering that errors are accidentally inserted in the design. A way for system designers to tackle this issue is to use a compositional design technique based on components and driven by requirements: it allows to infer from global requirements, component properties that must locally hold. Contract-based reasoning allows to compositionally derive correct components from global system requirements by interposing abstract and partial specifications for components. Informally, a contract models the abstract behavior a component exhibits from the point of view of the requirement to be satisfied (i.e. guarantee) in a given context (i.e. assumption). Contracts can be used to decompose and trace requirements during iterative design, but also to perform compositional verification of requirement satisfaction. In this thesis, we present a methodology for reasoning with contracts during system design and verification within SysML. Thus, we define the syntax for contracts in UML/SysML, as well as a set of refinement relations between contracts and/or components in order to prove the system's correctness with respect to requirements. Next, we provide a formal framework that models the semantics of a UML/SysML model extended with contracts as a mapping of the language concepts to a variant of Timed Input/Output Automata. The refinement relations are formalized based on the trace inclusion relation and compositional properties are proved to hold which ensures the soundness of the methodology. The approach is instantiated for the OMEGA Profile and IFx2 toolset with partial automatic generation of proof obligations. Finally, the approach is applied on several case studies, including an industry-grade system model, which show its efficiency by comparative verification results