233 research outputs found

    Challenges and Opportunities in Near-Threshold DNN Accelerators around Timing Errors

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    AI evolution is accelerating and Deep Neural Network (DNN) inference accelerators are at the forefront of ad hoc architectures that are evolving to support the immense throughput required for AI computation. However, much more energy efficient design paradigms are inevitable to realize the complete potential of AI evolution and curtail energy consumption. The Near-Threshold Computing (NTC) design paradigm can serve as the best candidate for providing the required energy efficiency. However, NTC operation is plagued with ample performance and reliability concerns arising from the timing errors. In this paper, we dive deep into DNN architecture to uncover some unique challenges and opportunities for operation in the NTC paradigm. By performing rigorous simulations in TPU systolic array, we reveal the severity of timing errors and its impact on inference accuracy at NTC. We analyze various attributes—such as data–delay relationship, delay disparity within arithmetic units, utilization pattern, hardware homogeneity, workload characteristics—and uncover unique localized and global techniques to deal with the timing errors in NTC

    Circuits and Systems Advances in Near Threshold Computing

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    Modern society is witnessing a sea change in ubiquitous computing, in which people have embraced computing systems as an indispensable part of day-to-day existence. Computation, storage, and communication abilities of smartphones, for example, have undergone monumental changes over the past decade. However, global emphasis on creating and sustaining green environments is leading to a rapid and ongoing proliferation of edge computing systems and applications. As a broad spectrum of healthcare, home, and transport applications shift to the edge of the network, near-threshold computing (NTC) is emerging as one of the promising low-power computing platforms. An NTC device sets its supply voltage close to its threshold voltage, dramatically reducing the energy consumption. Despite showing substantial promise in terms of energy efficiency, NTC is yet to see widescale commercial adoption. This is because circuits and systems operating with NTC suffer from several problems, including increased sensitivity to process variation, reliability problems, performance degradation, and security vulnerabilities, to name a few. To realize its potential, we need designs, techniques, and solutions to overcome these challenges associated with NTC circuits and systems. The readers of this book will be able to familiarize themselves with recent advances in electronics systems, focusing on near-threshold computing

    AMISEC: Leveraging Redundancy and Adaptability to Secure AmI Applications

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    Security in Ambient Intelligence (AmI) poses too many challenges due to the inherently insecure nature of wireless sensor nodes. However, there are two characteristics of these environments that can be used effectively to prevent, detect, and confine attacks: redundancy and continuous adaptation. In this article we propose a global strategy and a system architecture to cope with security issues in AmI applications at different levels. Unlike in previous approaches, we assume an individual wireless node is vulnerable. We present an agent-based architecture with supporting services that is proven to be adequate to detect and confine common attacks. Decisions at different levels are supported by a trust-based framework with good and bad reputation feedback while maintaining resistance to bad-mouthing attacks. We also propose a set of services that can be used to handle identification, authentication, and authorization in intelligent ambients. The resulting approach takes into account practical issues, such as resource limitation, bandwidth optimization, and scalability

    Design Space Exploration and Resource Management of Multi/Many-Core Systems

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    The increasing demand of processing a higher number of applications and related data on computing platforms has resulted in reliance on multi-/many-core chips as they facilitate parallel processing. However, there is a desire for these platforms to be energy-efficient and reliable, and they need to perform secure computations for the interest of the whole community. This book provides perspectives on the aforementioned aspects from leading researchers in terms of state-of-the-art contributions and upcoming trends

    Techniques of Energy-Efficient VLSI Chip Design for High-Performance Computing

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    How to implement quality computing with the limited power budget is the key factor to move very large scale integration (VLSI) chip design forward. This work introduces various techniques of low power VLSI design used for state of art computing. From the viewpoint of power supply, conventional in-chip voltage regulators based on analog blocks bring the large overhead of both power and area to computational chips. Motivated by this, a digital based switchable pin method to dynamically regulate power at low circuit cost has been proposed to make computing to be executed with a stable voltage supply. For one of the widely used and time consuming arithmetic units, multiplier, its operation in logarithmic domain shows an advantageous performance compared to that in binary domain considering computation latency, power and area. However, the introduced conversion error reduces the reliability of the following computation (e.g. multiplication and division.). In this work, a fast calibration method suppressing the conversion error and its VLSI implementation are proposed. The proposed logarithmic converter can be supplied by dc power to achieve fast conversion and clocked power to reduce the power dissipated during conversion. Going out of traditional computation methods and widely used static logic, neuron-like cell is also studied in this work. Using multiple input floating gate (MIFG) metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) based logic, a 32-bit, 16-operation arithmetic logic unit (ALU) with zipped decoding and a feedback loop is designed. The proposed ALU can reduce the switching power and has a strong driven-in capability due to coupling capacitors compared to static logic based ALU. Besides, recent neural computations bring serious challenges to digital VLSI implementation due to overload matrix multiplications and non-linear functions. An analog VLSI design which is compatible to external digital environment is proposed for the network of long short-term memory (LSTM). The entire analog based network computes much faster and has higher energy efficiency than the digital one

    In-Network Distributed Solar Current Prediction

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    Long-term sensor network deployments demand careful power management. While managing power requires understanding the amount of energy harvestable from the local environment, current solar prediction methods rely only on recent local history, which makes them susceptible to high variability. In this paper, we present a model and algorithms for distributed solar current prediction, based on multiple linear regression to predict future solar current based on local, in-situ climatic and solar measurements. These algorithms leverage spatial information from neighbors and adapt to the changing local conditions not captured by global climatic information. We implement these algorithms on our Fleck platform and run a 7-week-long experiment validating our work. In analyzing our results from this experiment, we determined that computing our model requires an increased energy expenditure of 4.5mJ over simpler models (on the order of 10^{-7}% of the harvested energy) to gain a prediction improvement of 39.7%.Comment: 28 pages, accepted at TOSN and awaiting publicatio

    Класифікація та архітектурні особливості програмованих мультипроцесорних систем-на-кристалі

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    Provided general information on embedded multiprocessor systems-on-chip based on FPGA (FPGA-MPSoC). Completed a comprehensive analysis of the architectural features and provided Shih rock classification FPGA-MPSoC. Powered overview of recent research in the development of FPGA-MPSoC. A wide circle of such systems in order to study trends in architecture and all problems solvedПредоставлено общую информацию о встроенных мультипроцессорных систем-на-кристалле на базе ПЛИС (FPGA-MPSoC). Выполнено всесторонний анализ архитектурных особенностей и предоставлена ​​широкая классификация FPGA-MPSoC. Приведены обзор последних исследований в области разработки FPGA-MPSoC. Представлен широкий круг таких систем с целью исследования всех тенденциях архитектуры и решаемых задачПредоставлено общую информацию о встроенных мультипроцессорных систем-на-кристалле на базе ПЛИС (FPGA-MPSoC). Выполнено всесторонний анализ архитектурных особенностей и предоставлена ​​широкая классификация FPGA-MPSoC. Приведены обзор последних исследований в области разработки FPGA-MPSoC. Представлен широкий круг таких систем с целью исследования всех тенденциях архитектуры и решаемых зада