89 research outputs found

    Comparing MapReduce and pipeline implementations for counting triangles

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    A generalized method to define the Divide & Conquer paradigm in order to have processors acting on its own data and scheduled in a parallel fashion. MapReduce is a programming model that follows this paradigm, and allows for the definition of efficient solutions by both decomposing a problem into steps on subsets of the input data and combining the results of each step to produce final results. Albeit used for the implementation of a wide variety of computational problems, MapReduce performance can be negatively affected whenever the replication factor grows or the size of the input is larger than the resources available at each processor. In this paper we show an alternative approach to implement the Divide & Conquer paradigm, named pipeline. The main features of pipeline are illustrated on a parallel implementation of the well-known problem of counting triangles in a graph. This problem is especially interesting either when the input graph does not fit in memory or is dynamically generated. To evaluate the properties of pipeline, a dynamic pipeline of processes and an ad-hoc version of MapReduce are implemented in the language Go, exploiting its ability to deal with channels and spawned processes. An empirical evaluation is conducted on graphs of different sizes and densities. Observed results suggest that pipeline allows for the implementation of an efficient solution of the problem of counting triangles in a graph, particularly, in dense and large graphs, drastically reducing the execution time with respect to the MapReduce implementation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Distribution Policies for Datalog

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    Modern data management systems extensively use parallelism to speed up query processing over massive volumes of data. This trend has inspired a rich line of research on how to formally reason about the parallel complexity of join computation. In this paper, we go beyond joins and study the parallel evaluation of recursive queries. We introduce a novel framework to reason about multi-round evaluation of Datalog programs, which combines implicit predicate restriction with distribution policies to allow expressing a combination of data-parallel and query-parallel evaluation strategies. Using our framework, we reason about key properties of distributed Datalog evaluation, including parallel-correctness of the evaluation strategy, disjointness of the computation effort, and bounds on the number of communication rounds

    MapReduce vs. pipelining counting triangles

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    In this paper we follow an alternative approach named pipeline, to implement a parallel implementation of the well-known problem of counting triangles in a graph. This problem is especially interesting either when the input graph does not fit in memory or is dynamically generated. To be concrete, we implement a dynamic pipeline of processes and an ad-hoc MapReduce version using the language Go. We explote the ability of Go language to deal with channels and spawned processes. An empirical evaluation is conducted on graphs of different size and density. Observed results suggest that pipeline allows for the implementation of an efficient solution of the problem of counting triangles in a graph, particularly, in dense and large graphs, drastically reducing the execution time with respect to the MapReduce implementation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Comparing MapReduce and pipeline implementations for counting triangles

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    A common method to define a parallel solution for a computational problem consists in finding a way to use the Divide and Conquer paradigm in order to have processors acting on its own data and scheduled in a parallel fashion. MapReduce is a programming model that follows this paradigm, and allows for the definition of efficient solutions by both decomposing a problem into steps on subsets of the input data and combining the results of each step to produce final results. Albeit used for the implementation of a wide variety of computational problems, MapReduce performance can be negatively affected whenever the replication factor grows or the size of the input is larger than the resources available at each processor. In this paper we show an alternative approach to implement the Divide and Conquer paradigm, named dynamic pipeline. The main features of dynamic pipelines are illustrated on a parallel implementation of the well-known problem of counting triangles in a graph. This problem is especially interesting either when the input graph does not fit in memory or is dynamically generated. To evaluate the properties of pipeline, a dynamic pipeline of processes and an ad-hoc version of MapReduce are implemented in the language Go, exploiting its ability to deal with channels and spawned processes. An empirical evaluation is conducted on graphs of different topologies, sizes, and densities. Observed results suggest that dynamic pipelines allows for an efficient implementation of the problem of counting triangles in a graph, particularly, in dense and large graphs, drastically reducing the execution time with respect to the MapReduce implementation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Tight Bounds on the Round Complexity of the Distributed Maximum Coverage Problem

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    We study the maximum kk-set coverage problem in the following distributed setting. A collection of sets S1,
,SmS_1,\ldots,S_m over a universe [n][n] is partitioned across pp machines and the goal is to find kk sets whose union covers the most number of elements. The computation proceeds in synchronous rounds. In each round, all machines simultaneously send a message to a central coordinator who then communicates back to all machines a summary to guide the computation for the next round. At the end, the coordinator outputs the answer. The main measures of efficiency in this setting are the approximation ratio of the returned solution, the communication cost of each machine, and the number of rounds of computation. Our main result is an asymptotically tight bound on the tradeoff between these measures for the distributed maximum coverage problem. We first show that any rr-round protocol for this problem either incurs a communication cost of k⋅mΩ(1/r) k \cdot m^{\Omega(1/r)} or only achieves an approximation factor of kΩ(1/r)k^{\Omega(1/r)}. This implies that any protocol that simultaneously achieves good approximation ratio (O(1)O(1) approximation) and good communication cost (O~(n)\widetilde{O}(n) communication per machine), essentially requires logarithmic (in kk) number of rounds. We complement our lower bound result by showing that there exist an rr-round protocol that achieves an ee−1\frac{e}{e-1}-approximation (essentially best possible) with a communication cost of k⋅mO(1/r)k \cdot m^{O(1/r)} as well as an rr-round protocol that achieves a kO(1/r)k^{O(1/r)}-approximation with only O~(n)\widetilde{O}(n) communication per each machine (essentially best possible). We further use our results in this distributed setting to obtain new bounds for the maximum coverage problem in two other main models of computation for massive datasets, namely, the dynamic streaming model and the MapReduce model

    Answering Conjunctive Queries under Updates

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    We consider the task of enumerating and counting answers to kk-ary conjunctive queries against relational databases that may be updated by inserting or deleting tuples. We exhibit a new notion of q-hierarchical conjunctive queries and show that these can be maintained efficiently in the following sense. During a linear time preprocessing phase, we can build a data structure that enables constant delay enumeration of the query results; and when the database is updated, we can update the data structure and restart the enumeration phase within constant time. For the special case of self-join free conjunctive queries we obtain a dichotomy: if a query is not q-hierarchical, then query enumeration with sublinear∗^\ast delay and sublinear update time (and arbitrary preprocessing time) is impossible. For answering Boolean conjunctive queries and for the more general problem of counting the number of solutions of k-ary queries we obtain complete dichotomies: if the query's homomorphic core is q-hierarchical, then size of the the query result can be computed in linear time and maintained with constant update time. Otherwise, the size of the query result cannot be maintained with sublinear update time. All our lower bounds rely on the OMv-conjecture, a conjecture on the hardness of online matrix-vector multiplication that has recently emerged in the field of fine-grained complexity to characterise the hardness of dynamic problems. The lower bound for the counting problem additionally relies on the orthogonal vectors conjecture, which in turn is implied by the strong exponential time hypothesis. ∗)^\ast) By sublinear we mean O(n1−Δ)O(n^{1-\varepsilon}) for some Δ>0\varepsilon>0, where nn is the size of the active domain of the current database

    Streaming Complexity of Spanning Tree Computation

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    The semi-streaming model is a variant of the streaming model frequently used for the computation of graph problems. It allows the edges of an n-node input graph to be read sequentially in p passes using Õ(n) space. If the list of edges includes deletions, then the model is called the turnstile model; otherwise it is called the insertion-only model. In both models, some graph problems, such as spanning trees, k-connectivity, densest subgraph, degeneracy, cut-sparsifier, and (Δ+1)-coloring, can be exactly solved or (1+Δ)-approximated in a single pass; while other graph problems, such as triangle detection and unweighted all-pairs shortest paths, are known to require Ω̃(n) passes to compute. For many fundamental graph problems, the tractability in these models is open. In this paper, we study the tractability of computing some standard spanning trees, including BFS, DFS, and maximum-leaf spanning trees. Our results, in both the insertion-only and the turnstile models, are as follows. Maximum-Leaf Spanning Trees: This problem is known to be APX-complete with inapproximability constant ρ ∈ [245/244, 2). By constructing an Δ-MLST sparsifier, we show that for every constant Δ > 0, MLST can be approximated in a single pass to within a factor of 1+Δ w.h.p. (albeit in super-polynomial time for Δ ≀ ρ-1 assuming P ≠ NP) and can be approximated in polynomial time in a single pass to within a factor of ρ_n+Δ w.h.p., where ρ_n is the supremum constant that MLST cannot be approximated to within using polynomial time and Õ(n) space. In the insertion-only model, these algorithms can be deterministic. BFS Trees: It is known that BFS trees require ω(1) passes to compute, but the naĂŻve approach needs O(n) passes. We devise a new randomized algorithm that reduces the pass complexity to O(√n), and it offers a smooth tradeoff between pass complexity and space usage. This gives a polynomial separation between single-source and all-pairs shortest paths for unweighted graphs. DFS Trees: It is unknown whether DFS trees require more than one pass. The current best algorithm by Khan and Mehta [STACS 2019] takes Õ(h) passes, where h is the height of computed DFS trees. Note that h can be as large as Ω(m/n) for n-node m-edge graphs. Our contribution is twofold. First, we provide a simple alternative proof of this result, via a new connection to sparse certificates for k-node-connectivity. Second, we present a randomized algorithm that reduces the pass complexity to O(√n), and it also offers a smooth tradeoff between pass complexity and space usage.ISSN:1868-896

    Worst-Case Optimal Algorithms for Parallel Query Processing

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    In this paper, we study the communication complexity for the problem of computing a conjunctive query on a large database in a parallel setting with pp servers. In contrast to previous work, where upper and lower bounds on the communication were specified for particular structures of data (either data without skew, or data with specific types of skew), in this work we focus on worst-case analysis of the communication cost. The goal is to find worst-case optimal parallel algorithms, similar to the work of [18] for sequential algorithms. We first show that for a single round we can obtain an optimal worst-case algorithm. The optimal load for a conjunctive query qq when all relations have size equal to MM is O(M/p1/ψ∗)O(M/p^{1/\psi^*}), where ψ∗\psi^* is a new query-related quantity called the edge quasi-packing number, which is different from both the edge packing number and edge cover number of the query hypergraph. For multiple rounds, we present algorithms that are optimal for several classes of queries. Finally, we show a surprising connection to the external memory model, which allows us to translate parallel algorithms to external memory algorithms. This technique allows us to recover (within a polylogarithmic factor) several recent results on the I/O complexity for computing join queries, and also obtain optimal algorithms for other classes of queries
