302 research outputs found

    SME and NPO readiness for adopting software-as-a-service in developing countries

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.This research aims to study [Software-as-a-Service] SaaS readiness and adoption in South Africa. South Africa is an emerging economy, but it has the qualities of both an emerging and a developing country. The telecommunications infrastructure in particular has the qualities of a developing country. This study focuses on small to medium sized organisations, comprising both enterprises and non-profit organisations. Molla and Licker's (2005a) Perceived E-Readiness Model (PERM) is adapted and used to study SaaS readiness and adoption. Important SaaS multi-theoretical factors were added to the PERM to increase the rigorousness of the model

    Exploring and categorizing maintainability assurance research for service and microservice-based systems

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    Im Laufe des Softwarelebenszyklus eines Programms innerhalb einer sich stĂ€ndig wechselnden Softwareumgebung ist es wahrscheinlich, dass dieses Programm regelmĂ€ĂŸig gewartet werden muss. Wartungen kosten Geld und somit ist es wichtig, dass ebensolche Wartungen effizient und effektiv durchgefĂŒhrt werden können. Im Laufe der Geschichte der Softwareentwicklung traten unter anderem zwei Architekturmuster hervor: Serviceorientierte Architektur und Microservices. Da diese Architekturmuster ein hohes Maß an Wartbarkeit versprechen, wurden viele Altsysteme hin zu diesen modernen Architekturen migriert. Es kann fatale Folgen fĂŒr Unternehmen haben, wenn Änderungen an einem System nicht schnell, risikofrei und fehlerfrei umgesetzt werden können. Es wurden bereits viele Forschungsarbeiten bezogen auf die Wartbarkeit von serviceorientierter Architektur publiziert. Systeme basierend auf Microservices fanden jedoch, bezogen auf Wartbarkeitssicherung, nicht viel Beachtung. SĂ€mtliche Forschungsarbeiten befinden sich verteilt auf viele Literaturdatenbanken, wodurch ein umfassender Überblick erschwert wird. Um einen solchen Überblick bereitzustellen, fĂŒhrten wir im Rahmen dieser Bachelorarbeit eine systematische Literaturstudie durch, die sich mit der Wartbarkeitssicherung von serviceorienter Architektur und Systemen basierend auf Microservices beschĂ€ftigt. Zur DurchfĂŒhrung dieser systematischen Literaturstudie entwickelten wir eine Reihe von relevanten Forschungsfragen sowie ein striktes Forschungsprotokoll. Aufbauend auf diesem Protokoll sammelten wir insgesamt 223 Forschungsarbeiten von verschiedenen Herausgebern. Diese Arbeiten wurden bezĂŒglich ihres Inhalts zuerst in drei Gruppen von Kategorien unterteilt (architektonisch, thematisch und methodisch). Danach wurden die jeweils relevantesten Forschungsrichtungen aus jeder thematischen Kategorie herausgearbeitet und vorgestellt. Zum Abschluss wurden deutliche Unterschiede der in den Forschungsarbeiten prĂ€sentierten Inhalte in Bezug auf serviceorientierte Architektur und Microservice-basierte Systeme herausgearbeitet und dargestellt. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigten eine deutliche UnterreprĂ€sentation von Forschungsarbeiten zur Wartbarkeitssicherung fĂŒr Microservice-basierte Systeme. WĂ€hrend der Untersuchung der Kategorien konnten wir diverse Forschungsrichtungen innerhalb dieser feststellen. Ein Beispiel hierfĂŒr ist die Forschungsrichtung "change impact in business processes" in der Kategorie "Change Impact and Scenarios". Abschließend konnten wir einige Unterschiede bezogen auf die gesammelten Forschungsarbeiten zwischen Systemen basierend auf einer serviceorientierten Architektur und Systemen basierend auf Microservices feststellen. Ein solcher Unterschied kann zum Beispiel in der Kategorie "Antipatterns and Bad Smells" gefunden werden. Im Vergleich zu Forschungsarbeiten, welche sich auf serviceorientierte Architektur beziehen, beinhalten Forschungsarbeiten im Zusammenhang mit Systemen auf Basis von Microservices nur grundlegende Informationen zu Antipatterns, jedoch keine Herangehensweisen, um diese zu erkennen. Aufgrund unserer Ergebnisse schlagen wir einen stĂ€rkeren Fokus auf Forschung zur Wartbarkeitssicherung in Microservice-basierten Systemen vor. Mögliche zukĂŒnftige Forschungsarbeiten könnten ĂŒberprĂŒfen, ob Herangehensweisen zur Wartbarkeitssicherung von serviceorientierter Architektur auch bei Microservices anwendbar sind. DarĂŒber hinaus schlagen wir die DurchfĂŒhrung von systematischen Literaturstudien vor, welche Themen wie "runtime adaptation", "testing" und "legacy migration" untersuchen, da diese Themen in unserer Literaturstudie ausgeschlossen wurden.It is very likely that software running in an everchanging environment needs to evolve at multiple points during its lifecycle. Because maintenance costs money, it is important for such tasks to be as effective and efficient as possible. During the history of software development service- and microservice-based architectures have emerged among other architectures. Since these architectures promise to provide a high maintainability, many legacy systems are or were migrated towards a service- or microservice-based architecture. In order to keep such systems running, maintenance is inevitable. While a lot of research has been published regarding maintainability assurance for service-based systems, microservice-based systems have not gotten a lot of attention. All published research is spread across several scientific databases which makes it difficult to get an extensive overview of existing work. In order to provide such overview of maintainability assurance regarding service- and microservice-based systems, we conducted a systematic literature review. To support our literature review, we developed a set of meaningful research questions and a rigid research protocol. Based on our protocol we collected a set of 223 different papers. These papers were first categorized into a threefold set of categories (architectural, thematical and methodical). After that, the most relevant research directions from each thematical category were extracted and presented. Lastly, we extracted and presented notable differences between approaches relating to service-oriented architecture or microservice-based systems. Our findings show a clear underrepresentation of maintainability assurance approaches suitable for microservice-based systems. We further discovered that regarding our formed categories, we could find several research directions such as change impact in business processes in "Change Impact and Scenarios". In the end, we could identify some differences between service- and microservice-based systems concerning approaches we retrieved in this thesis. A difference, for example was that in comparison with papers related to service-oriented architecture in "Antipatterns and Bad Smells", microservices related papers only contained basic information on antipatterns, but no approaches to detect them. Due to our findings we suggest a higher participation in research regarding maintainability assurance for microservice-based systems. Possible future work in this area could include further research on the applicability of service-oriented maintainability assurance approaches or techniques in microservice-based systems. Furthermore, future researchers could conduct follow-up literature reviews and investigate topics such as runtime adaptation, testing and legacy migration, since we excluded such topics from this thesis

    Adoption and Impact of OER in the Global South

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    Education in the Global South faces several key interrelated challenges, for which Open Educational Resources (OER) are seen to be part of the solution. These challenges include: unequal access to education; variable quality of educational resources, teaching, and student performance; and increasing cost and concern about the sustainability of education. The Research on Open Educational Resources for Development (ROER4D) project seeks to build on and contribute to the body of research on how OER can help to improve access, enhance quality and reduce the cost of education in the Global South. This volume examines aspects of educator and student adoption of OER and engagement in Open Educational Practices (OEP) in secondary and tertiary education as well as teacher professional development in 21 countries in South America, Sub-Saharan Africa and South and Southeast Asia. The ROER4D studies and syntheses presented here aim to help inform Open Education advocacy, policy, practice and research in developing countries

    Designing Sustainability for All

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    This open access book introduces design for Sustainable Product-Service Systems (S.PSS) and for Sustainable Distributed Economies (S.DE). These are introduced as technical and operative tools for the development of a new generation of designers, responsible and capable of designing environmentally, socially and economically sustainable solutions, accessible to all. The book provides a comprehensive framework and also practical tools to support the system design for sustainability process. It overviews methodologies, tools and strategies for Sustainable PSS design applied to Distributed Economies (DE) and provides strategies and design guidelines. All of these are highlighted and expanded upon with international case studies

    Linkages to the Resource Sector: The Role of Companies, Governments, and International Development Cooperation

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    With support from GIZ, CCSI prepared a report titled Linkages to the Resource Sector: The Role of Companies, Governments, and International Development Cooperation. It outlines options for how these stakeholders can increase the economic linkages to the extractive industries sector not only in terms of ‘breadth’ (number of linkages) but also in terms of ‘depth’ (local value added). Apart from providing the theoretical framework for linkage creation and an overview of existing literature on this topic, the study highlights successful case study examples. Recommendations are provided for the three types of stakeholders

    Designing Sustainability for All

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    This open access book introduces design for Sustainable Product-Service Systems (S.PSS) and for Sustainable Distributed Economies (S.DE). These are introduced as technical and operative tools for the development of a new generation of designers, responsible and capable of designing environmentally, socially and economically sustainable solutions, accessible to all. The book provides a comprehensive framework and also practical tools to support the system design for sustainability process. It overviews methodologies, tools and strategies for Sustainable PSS design applied to Distributed Economies (DE) and provides strategies and design guidelines. All of these are highlighted and expanded upon with international case studies

    Quality education

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    This book investigates the intersections between education, social justice, gendered violence and human rights in South African schools and universities. The rich and multifarious tapestry of scholarship and literature emanating from South African classrooms provides a fascinating lens through which we can understand the complex consequences of the economies of education, social justice imperatives, gendered violence on the lives of women and children, and marginalised communities. The scholarship in the book challenges readers to imagine alternative futures predicated on the transformational capacity of a democratic South Africa. Contributors to this volume examine the many ways in which social justice and gendered violence mirrors, expresses, projects and articulates the larger phenomenon of human rights violations in Africa and how, in turn, the discourse of human rights informs the ways in which we articulate, interrogate, conceptualise, enact and interpret quality education. The book also wrestles with the linguistic contradictions and ambiguities in the articulation of quality education in public and private spaces. This book is essential reading for scholars seeking solid grounding in exploring quality education, the instances of epistemic disobedience, the political implications of place and power, and human rights in theory and practice

    The Real Economy

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    This collection highlights a key metaphor in contemporary discourse about economy and society. The contributors explore how references to reality and the real economy are linked both to the utopias of collective well-being, supported by real monies and good economies, and the dystopias of financial bubbles and busts, in which people’s own lives “crash” along with the reality of their economies. An ambitious anthropology of economy, this volume questions how assemblages of vernacular and scientific realizations and enactments of the economy are linked to ideas of truth and moral value; how these multiple and shifting realities become present and entangle with historically and socially situated lives; and how the formal realizations of the concept of the “real” in the governance of economies engage with the experiential lives of ordinary people

    Quality education

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    This book investigates the intersections between education, social justice, gendered violence and human rights in South African schools and universities. The rich and multifarious tapestry of scholarship and literature emanating from South African classrooms provides a fascinating lens through which we can understand the complex consequences of the economies of education, social justice imperatives, gendered violence on the lives of women and children, and marginalised communities. The scholarship in the book challenges readers to imagine alternative futures predicated on the transformational capacity of a democratic South Africa. Contributors to this volume examine the many ways in which social justice and gendered violence mirrors, expresses, projects and articulates the larger phenomenon of human rights violations in Africa and how, in turn, the discourse of human rights informs the ways in which we articulate, interrogate, conceptualise, enact and interpret quality education. The book also wrestles with the linguistic contradictions and ambiguities in the articulation of quality education in public and private spaces. This book is essential reading for scholars seeking solid grounding in exploring quality education, the instances of epistemic disobedience, the political implications of place and power, and human rights in theory and practice
