162 research outputs found

    Opinion Mining for Software Development: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Opinion mining, sometimes referred to as sentiment analysis, has gained increasing attention in software engineering (SE) studies. SE researchers have applied opinion mining techniques in various contexts, such as identifying developers’ emotions expressed in code comments and extracting users’ critics toward mobile apps. Given the large amount of relevant studies available, it can take considerable time for researchers and developers to figure out which approaches they can adopt in their own studies and what perils these approaches entail. We conducted a systematic literature review involving 185 papers. More specifically, we present 1) well-defined categories of opinion mining-related software development activities, 2) available opinion mining approaches, whether they are evaluated when adopted in other studies, and how their performance is compared, 3) available datasets for performance evaluation and tool customization, and 4) concerns or limitations SE researchers might need to take into account when applying/customizing these opinion mining techniques. The results of our study serve as references to choose suitable opinion mining tools for software development activities, and provide critical insights for the further development of opinion mining techniques in the SE domain

    Determining the Intrinsic Structure of Public Software Development History

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    Background. Collaborative software development has produced a wealth of version control system (VCS) data that can now be analyzed in full. Little is known about the intrinsic structure of the entire corpus of publicly available VCS as an interconnected graph. Understanding its structure is needed to determine the best approach to analyze it in full and to avoid methodological pitfalls when doing so. Objective. We intend to determine the most salient network topol-ogy properties of public software development history as captured by VCS. We will explore: degree distributions, determining whether they are scale-free or not; distribution of connect component sizes; distribution of shortest path lengths.Method. We will use Software Heritage-which is the largest corpus of public VCS data-compress it using webgraph compression techniques, and analyze it in-memory using classic graph algorithms. Analyses will be performed both on the full graph and on relevant subgraphs. Limitations. The study is exploratory in nature; as such no hypotheses on the findings is stated at this time. Chosen graph algorithms are expected to scale to the corpus size, but it will need to be confirmed experimentally. External validity will depend on how representative Software Heritage is of the software commons.Comment: MSR 2020 - 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Oct 2020, Seoul, South Kore

    A survey on software defect prediction using deep learning

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    Defect prediction is one of the key challenges in software development and programming language research for improving software quality and reliability. The problem in this area is to properly identify the defective source code with high accuracy. Developing a fault prediction model is a challenging problem, and many approaches have been proposed throughout history. The recent breakthrough in machine learning technologies, especially the development of deep learning techniques, has led to many problems being solved by these methods. Our survey focuses on the deep learning techniques for defect prediction. We analyse the recent works on the topic, study the methods for automatic learning of the semantic and structural features from the code, discuss the open problems and present the recent trends in the field. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Logram: Efficient Log Parsing Using n-Gram Dictionaries

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    Software systems usually record important runtime information in their logs. Logs help practitioners understand system runtime behaviors and diagnose field failures. As logs are usually very large in size, automated log analysis is needed to assist practitioners in their software operation and maintenance efforts. Typically, the first step of automated log analysis is log parsing, i.e., converting unstructured raw logs into structured data. However, log parsing is challenging, because logs are produced by static templates in the source code (i.e., logging statements) yet the templates are usually inaccessible when parsing logs. Prior work proposed automated log parsing approaches that have achieved high accuracy. However, as the volume of logs grows rapidly in the era of cloud computing, efficiency becomes a major concern in log parsing. In this work, we propose an automated log parsing approach, Logram, which leverages n-gram dictionaries to achieve efficient log parsing. We evaluated Logram on 16 public log datasets and compared Logram with five state-of-the-art log parsing approaches. We found that Logram achieves a similar parsing accuracy to the best existing approaches while outperforms these approaches in efficiency (i.e., 1.8 to 5.1 times faster than the second fastest approaches). Furthermore, we deployed Logram on Spark and we found that Logram scales out efficiently with the number of Spark nodes (e.g., with near-linear scalability) without sacrificing parsing accuracy. In addition, we demonstrated that Logram can support effective online parsing of logs, achieving similar parsing results and efficiency with the offline mode.Comment: 13 pages, IEEE journal forma

    A Survey on Query-based API Recommendation

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    Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are designed to help developers build software more effectively. Recommending the right APIs for specific tasks has gained increasing attention among researchers and developers in recent years. To comprehensively understand this research domain, we have surveyed to analyze API recommendation studies published in the last 10 years. Our study begins with an overview of the structure of API recommendation tools. Subsequently, we systematically analyze prior research and pose four key research questions. For RQ1, we examine the volume of published papers and the venues in which these papers appear within the API recommendation field. In RQ2, we categorize and summarize the prevalent data sources and collection methods employed in API recommendation research. In RQ3, we explore the types of data and common data representations utilized by API recommendation approaches. We also investigate the typical data extraction procedures and collection approaches employed by the existing approaches. RQ4 delves into the modeling techniques employed by API recommendation approaches, encompassing both statistical and deep learning models. Additionally, we compile an overview of the prevalent ranking strategies and evaluation metrics used for assessing API recommendation tools. Drawing from our survey findings, we identify current challenges in API recommendation research that warrant further exploration, along with potential avenues for future research

    Machine Learning practices and infrastructures

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    Machine Learning (ML) systems, particularly when deployed in high-stakes domains, are deeply consequential. They can exacerbate existing inequities, create new modes of discrimination, and reify outdated social constructs. Accordingly, the social context (i.e. organisations, teams, cultures) in which ML systems are developed is a site of active research for the field of AI ethics, and intervention for policymakers. This paper focuses on one aspect of social context that is often overlooked: interactions between practitioners and the tools they rely on, and the role these interactions play in shaping ML practices and the development of ML systems. In particular, through an empirical study of questions asked on the Stack Exchange forums, the use of interactive computing platforms (e.g. Jupyter Notebook and Google Colab) in ML practices is explored. I find that interactive computing platforms are used in a host of learning and coordination practices, which constitutes an infrastructural relationship between interactive computing platforms and ML practitioners. I describe how ML practices are co-evolving alongside the development of interactive computing platforms, and highlight how this risks making invisible aspects of the ML life cycle that AI ethics researchers' have demonstrated to be particularly salient for the societal impact of deployed ML systems

    “Won’t we fix this issue?” : qualitative characterization and automated identification of wontfix issues on GitHub

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    Context: Addressing user requests in the form of bug reports and Github issues represents a crucial task of any successful software project. However, user-submitted issue reports tend to widely differ in their quality, and developers spend a considerable amount of time handling them. Objective: By collecting a dataset of around 6,000 issues of 279 GitHub projects, we observe that developers take significant time (i.e., about five months, on average) before labeling an issue as a wontfix. For this reason, in this paper, we empirically investigate the nature of wontfix issues and methods to facilitate issue management process. Method: We first manually analyze a sample of 667 wontfix issues, extracted from heterogeneous projects, investigating the common reasons behind a “wontfix decision”, the main characteristics of wontfix issues and the potential factors that could be connected with the time to close them. Furthermore, we experiment with approaches enabling the prediction of wontfix issues by analyzing the titles and descriptions of reported issues when submitted. Results and conclusion: Our investigation sheds some light on the wontfix issues’ characteristics, as well as the potential factors that may affect the time required to make a “wontfix decision”. Our results also demonstrate that it is possible to perform prediction of wontfix issues with high average values of precision, recall, and F-measure (90%-93%)