19 research outputs found

    Faculty Publications & Presentations, 2008-2009

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    Anchor-Free Localization in Mixed Wireless Sensor Network Systems

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    Recent technological advances have fostered the emergence of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), which consist of tiny, wireless, battery-powered nodes that are expected to revolutionize the ways in which we understand and construct complex physical systems. A fundamental property needed to use and maintain these WSNs is ``localization\u27\u27, which allows the establishment of spatial relationships among nodes over time. This dissertation presents a series of Geographic Distributed Localization (GDL) algorithms for mixed WSNs, in which both static and mobile nodes can coexist. The GDL algorithms provide a series of useful methods for localization in mixed WSNs. First, GDL provides an approximation called ``hop-coordinates\u27\u27, which improves the accuracy of both hop-counting and connectivity-based measurement techniques. Second, GDL utilizes a distributed algorithm to compute the locations of all nodes in static networks with the help of the hop-coordinates approximation. Third, GDL integrates a sensor component into this localization paradigm for possible mobility and as a result allows for a more complex deployment of WSNs as well as lower costs. In addition, the development of GDL incorporated the possibility of manipulated communications, such as wormhole attacks. Simulations show that such a localization system can provide fundamental support for security by detecting and localizing wormhole attacks. Although several localization techniques have been proposed in the past few years, none currently satisfies our requirements to provide an accurate, efficient and reliable localization for mixed WSNs. The contributions of this dissertation are: (1) our measurement technique achieves better accuracy both in measurement and localization than other methods; (2) our method significantly improves the efficiency of localization in updating location in mixed WSNs by incorporating sensors into the method; (3) our method can detect and locate the communication that has been manipulated by a wormhole in a network without relying on a central server

    An Information-Theoretic Framework for Consistency Maintenance in Distributed Interactive Applications

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    Distributed Interactive Applications (DIAs) enable geographically dispersed users to interact with each other in a virtual environment. A key factor to the success of a DIA is the maintenance of a consistent view of the shared virtual world for all the participants. However, maintaining consistent states in DIAs is difficult under real networks. State changes communicated by messages over such networks suffer latency leading to inconsistency across the application. Predictive Contract Mechanisms (PCMs) combat this problem through reducing the number of messages transmitted in return for perceptually tolerable inconsistency. This thesis examines the operation of PCMs using concepts and methods derived from information theory. This information theory perspective results in a novel information model of PCMs that quantifies and analyzes the efficiency of such methods in communicating the reduced state information, and a new adaptive multiple-model-based framework for improving consistency in DIAs. The first part of this thesis introduces information measurements of user behavior in DIAs and formalizes the information model for PCM operation. In presenting the information model, the statistical dependence in the entity state, which makes using extrapolation models to predict future user behavior possible, is evaluated. The efficiency of a PCM to exploit such predictability to reduce the amount of network resources required to maintain consistency is also investigated. It is demonstrated that from the information theory perspective, PCMs can be interpreted as a form of information reduction and compression. The second part of this thesis proposes an Information-Based Dynamic Extrapolation Model for dynamically selecting between extrapolation algorithms based on information evaluation and inferred network conditions. This model adapts PCM configurations to both user behavior and network conditions, and makes the most information-efficient use of the available network resources. In doing so, it improves PCM performance and consistency in DIAs

    Forschungsbericht Universität Mannheim 2006 / 2007

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    Sie erhalten darin zum einen zusammenfassende Darstellungen zu den Forschungsschwerpunkten und Forschungsprofilen der Universität und deren Entwicklung in der Forschung. Zum anderen gibt der Forschungsbericht einen Überblick über die Publikationen und Forschungsprojekte der Lehrstühle, Professuren und zentralen Forschungseinrichtungen. Diese werden ergänzt um Angaben zur Organisation von Forschungsveranstaltungen, der Mitwirkung in Forschungsausschüssen, einer Übersicht zu den für Forschungszwecke eingeworbenen Drittmitteln, zu den Promotionen und Habilitationen, zu Preisen und Ehrungen und zu Förderern der Universität Mannheim. Darin zeigt sich die Bandbreite und Vielseitigkeit der Forschungsaktivitäten und deren Erfolg auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene


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    Includes supplementary material, which may be found at https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/66767Blockchain technology has garnered significant attention for its disruptive potential in several domains of national security interest. For the United States government to meet the challenge of incorporating blockchain technology into its IT infrastructure and cyber warfare strategy, personnel must be educated about blockchain technology and its applications. This thesis presents both the design and prototype implementation for a blockchain-mediated cyber-physical system called a BlockGrid. The system consists of a cluster of microcomputers that form a simple smart grid controlled by smart contracts on a private blockchain. The microcomputers act as private blockchain nodes and are programmed to activate microcomputer-attached circuits in response to smart-contract transactions. LEDs are used as visible circuit elements that serve as indicators of the blockchain’s activity and allow demonstration of the technology to observers. Innovations in networking configuration and physical layout allow the prototype to be highly portable and pre-configured for use upon assembly. Implementation options allow the use of BlockGrid in a variety of instructional settings, thus increasing its potential benefit to educators.Civilian, CyberCorps: Scholarship for ServiceApproved for public release. distribution is unlimite

    Advances and Applications of Dezert-Smarandache Theory (DSmT) for Information Fusion (Collected Works), Vol. 4

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    The fourth volume on Advances and Applications of Dezert-Smarandache Theory (DSmT) for information fusion collects theoretical and applied contributions of researchers working in different fields of applications and in mathematics. The contributions (see List of Articles published in this book, at the end of the volume) have been published or presented after disseminating the third volume (2009, http://fs.unm.edu/DSmT-book3.pdf) in international conferences, seminars, workshops and journals. First Part of this book presents the theoretical advancement of DSmT, dealing with Belief functions, conditioning and deconditioning, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Decision Making, Multi-Criteria, evidence theory, combination rule, evidence distance, conflicting belief, sources of evidences with different importance and reliabilities, importance of sources, pignistic probability transformation, Qualitative reasoning under uncertainty, Imprecise belief structures, 2-Tuple linguistic label, Electre Tri Method, hierarchical proportional redistribution, basic belief assignment, subjective probability measure, Smarandache codification, neutrosophic logic, Evidence theory, outranking methods, Dempster-Shafer Theory, Bayes fusion rule, frequentist probability, mean square error, controlling factor, optimal assignment solution, data association, Transferable Belief Model, and others. More applications of DSmT have emerged in the past years since the apparition of the third book of DSmT 2009. Subsequently, the second part of this volume is about applications of DSmT in correlation with Electronic Support Measures, belief function, sensor networks, Ground Moving Target and Multiple target tracking, Vehicle-Born Improvised Explosive Device, Belief Interacting Multiple Model filter, seismic and acoustic sensor, Support Vector Machines, Alarm classification, ability of human visual system, Uncertainty Representation and Reasoning Evaluation Framework, Threat Assessment, Handwritten Signature Verification, Automatic Aircraft Recognition, Dynamic Data-Driven Application System, adjustment of secure communication trust analysis, and so on. Finally, the third part presents a List of References related with DSmT published or presented along the years since its inception in 2004, chronologically ordered

    Algorithmic and combinatorial problems on multi-UAV systems

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    Mathematics has always been a fundamental piece in robotics and, research in robotics has played an important role in the development of mathematics. This thesis is motivated by the growing interest on problems that appear in aerial robotics applications, specifically, on cooperative systems of multiple aerial robots or drones. Most of the research works in multi-robot systems have focused primarily on construction and validation of working systems, rather than more general and formal analysis of problems and solutions. By contrast, this thesis focuses on formally solving problems of aerial multi-robot systems from a discrete and combinatorial optimization perspective. Inspired on problems of this area, the thesis introduces some new theoretical models and problems of interest for mathematicians and computer scientists. The following topics are covered in this thesis: (1) synchronization: design of a coordination strategy to allow periodical communication between the members of a cooperative team while performing a task along fixed trajectories in a scenario with limited communication range, (2) robustness: analysis of the detrimental effects in the performance of a synchronized system when one or more robots fail, (3) stochastic strategies: performance analysis of a synchronized system using drones with stochastic decision making, and (4) task allocation: decentralized coordination to perform periodical task allocation in order to maintain a balanced work load for all members of a team with limited communication range. In the first part of the thesis, we study the synchronization problem giving a theoretical characterization of the solutions and, we present an algorithm to build a synchronized system for a given set of covering trajectories. The second part focuses on the study of the robustness in a synchronized system regarding to two key aspects: covering of the working area and communication between the members of the team. We rigorously study several combinatorial problems to measure how robust a system is to deal with drones failures. Connections of theseproblemswithnumbertheory, graphtheory, circulantgraphsandpolynomial multiplication are shown. The third part is devoted to an analysis of synchronized systems using random aerial robots. This topic is closely related to the random walk theory. It is shown that stochastic strategies increase the robustness of a synchronized system. Finally, this thesis introduces the block sharing strategy to addresstheproblemofmaintainingabalancedtaskallocationamongtherobotsby using periodical communications. A proof on the convergence to an optimal task allocation is given and, a case study for structure construction using a cooperative team of aerial robots is presented. All algorithms developed in this thesis have been implemented and extensive experiments have been conducted to analyze and validate the proposed methods.Las matemáticas siempre han sido una pieza fundamental en el desarrollo de la robótica, así como los problemas de robótica han jugado un importante papel en el desarrollo de las matemáticas. Esta tesis está motivada por el creciente interés en problemas que aparecen en aplicaciones de robótica aérea, específicamente, está enfocada en sistemas cooperativos de múltiples robots aéreos o drones. La mayoría de los trabajos de investigación en sistemas de robots se han centrado en la construcción y validación de arquitecturas desde un enfoque empírico. Por el contrario, esta tesis enfoca el estudio de problemas relacionados con tareas para equipos de robots aéreos desde el punto de vista de la optimización discreta y combinatoria. Inspirada en problemas de este campo, esta memoria plantea nuevos modelos teóricos y problemas de interés para las matemáticas aplicadas y la ciencia computacional. Enestatesisse abordanlostemassiguientes: (1) sincronización: diseñodeuna estrategia de coordinación que permita comunicación periódica entre los miembros de un equipo cooperativo mientras ejecutan una tarea sobre trayectorias fijadas, (2) robustez: análisis del efecto que produce el fallo de los agentes en un sistema sincronizado, (3)estrategias estocásticas: análisisdelfuncionamientodeunsistema sincronizado cuando se utilizan drones con toma de decisiones aleatorias, y (4) asignación de tareas: coordinación no centralizada usando asignación periódica de tareas que permita mantener una carga de trabajo balanceada. En la primera parte, se estudia teóricamente el problema de la sincronización, dando condiciones necesarias y suficientes para la existencia de solución y se presenta un algoritmo que construye un sistema sincronizado para un conjunto fijado de trayectorias de vuelo. La segunda parte de la tesis estudia la robustez de un sistema sincronizado teniendo en cuenta dos aspectos fundamentales: el cubrimiento del terreno y la comunicación entre los miembros del equipo. Se estudian de forma rigurosa problemas combinatorios que surgen cuando se requiere saber cómo de robusto es un sistema con respecto a fallos. Se muestran conexiones con áreas matemáticas como la teoría de números, la teoría de grafos, los grafos circulantes o multiplicación de polinomios. En la tercera parte de la tesis, se estudia la robustez del sistema cuando se introducen decisiones aleatorias de los drones. Se prueba la relación de este problema con la teoría de caminatas aleatorias y se muestra que el uso de estrategias estocásticas supone una mejora de la robustez del sistema sincronizado. Por último, se propone la estrategia de coordinación por bloques para la asignación balanceada de tareas. Se prueba la convergencia del método a una asignación óptima y se realiza un estudio de caso para la construcción de una estructura mediante un equipo cooperativo de drones. Todos los algoritmos desarrollados en esta tesis han sido implementados y se han llevado a cabo diversos experimentosque demuestran la validez de los métodos propuestos

    Annotierte interaktive nichtlineare Videos - Software Suite, Download- und Cache-Management

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    Modern Web technology makes the dream of fully interactive and enriched video come true. Nowadays it is possible to organize videos in a non-linear way playing in a sequence unknown in advance. Furthermore, additional information can be added to the video, ranging from short descriptions to animated images and further videos. This affords an easy and efficient to use authoring tool which is capable of the management of the single media objects, as well as a clear arrangement of the links between the parts. Tools of this kind can be found rarely and do mostly not provide the full range of needed functions. While providing an interactive experience to the viewer in the Web player, parallel plot sequences and additional information lead to an increased download volume. This may cause pauses during playback while elements have to be downloaded which are displayed with the video. A good quality of experience for these videos with small waiting times and a playback without interruptions is desired. This work presents the SIVA Suite to create the previously described annotated interactive non-linear videos. We propose a video model for interactivity, non-linearity, and annotations, which is implemented in an XML format, an authoring tool, and a player. Video is the main medium, whereby different scenes are linked to a scene graph. Time controlled additional content called annotations, like text, images, audio files, or videos, is added to the scenes. The user is able to navigate in the scene graph by selecting a button at a button panel. Furthermore, other navigational elements like a table of contents or a keyword search are provided. Besides the SIVA Suite, this thesis presents algorithms and strategies for download and cache management to provide a good quality of experience while watching the annotated interactive non-linear videos. Therefor, we implemented a standard-independent player framework. Integrated into a simulation environment, the framework allows to evaluate algorithms and strategies for the calculation of start-up times, and the selection of elements to pre-fetch into and delete from the cache. Their interaction during the playback of non-linear video contents can be analyzed. The algorithms and strategies can be used to minimize interruptions in the video flow after user interactions. Our extensive evaluation showed that our techniques result in faster start-up times and lesser interruptions in the video flow than those of other players. Knowledge of the structure of an interactive non-linear video can be used to minimize the start-up time at the beginning of a video while minimizing an increase in the overall download volume.Moderne Web-Technologien lassen den Traum von voll interaktiven und bereicherten Videos wahr werden. Heutzutage ist es möglich, Videos in nicht-linearer Art und Weise zu organisieren, welche dann in einer vorher unbekannten Reihenfolge abgespielt werden können. Weiterhin können den Videos Zusatzinformationen in Form von kurzen Beschreibungen über animierte Bilder bis hin zu weiteren Videos hinzugefügt werden. Dies erfordert ein einfach und effizient zu bedienendes Autorenwerkzeug, das in der Lage ist, sowohl einzelne Medien-Objekte zu verwalten, als auch die Verbindungen zwischen den einzelnen Teilen klar darzustellen. Tools dieser Art sind selten und bieten meist nicht den vollen benötigten Funktionsumfang. Während dem Betrachter dieses interaktive Erlebnis im Web Player zur Verfügung gestellt wird, führen parallele Handlungsstränge und zusätzliche Inhalte zu einem erhöhten Download-Volumen. Dies kann zu Pausen während der Wiedergabe führen, in denen Elemente vom Server geladen werden müssen, welche mit dem Video angezeigt werden sollen. Ein gutes Benutzungserlebnis für solche Videos kann durch geringe Wartezeiten und eine unterbrechungsfreie Wiedergabe erreicht werden. Diese Arbeit stellt die SIVA Suite vor, mit der die zuvor beschriebenen annotierten interaktiven nicht-linearen Videos erstellt werden können. Wir bilden Interaktivität, Nichtlinearität und Annotationen in einem Video-Model ab. Dieses wird in unserem XML-Format, Autorentool und Player umgesetzt. Als Leitmedium werden hierbei Videos verwendet, welche aufgeteilt in Szenen zu einer Graphstruktur zusammengefügt werden können. Zeitlich gesteuerte zusätzliche Inhalte, sogenannte Annotationen, wie Texte, Bilder, Audio-Dateien und Videos, werden den Szenen hinzugefügt. Der Betrachter kann im Szenengraph navigieren, indem er in einem bereitgestellten Button-Panel eine Nachfolgeszene auswählt. Andere Navigationselemente sind ein Inhaltsverzeichnis sowie eine Suchfunktion. Neben der SIVA Suite beschreibt diese Arbeit Algorithmen und Strategien für Download und Cache Management, um eine gute Nutzungserfahrung während der Betrachtung der annotierten interaktiven nicht-linearen Videos zu bieten. Ein Webstandard-unabhängiges Playerframework erlaubt es, das Zusammenspiel von Algorithmen und Strategien zu evaluieren, welche für die Berechnung der Start-Zeitpunkte für die Wiedergabe, sowie die Auswahl von vorauszuladenden sowie zu löschenden Elemente verwendet werden. Ziel ist es, Unterbrechungen zu minimieren, wenn der Ablauf des Videos durch Benutzerinteraktion beeinflusst wird. Unsere umfassende Evaluation zeigte, dass es möglich ist, kürzere Startup-Zeiten und weniger Unterbrechungen mit unseren Strategien zu erreichen, als bei der Verwendung der Strategien anderer Player. Die Kenntnis der Struktur des interaktiven nicht-linearen Videos kann dazu verwendet werden, die Startzeit am Anfang der Szenen zu minimieren, während das Download-Volumen nicht erhöht wird