8 research outputs found

    Eliciting Empathy towards Urban Accessibility Issues

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    Empathy is an integral part of what it means to be human. Empathy refers to the ability to sense other people's emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what they might be thinking and feeling. Architectural and urban design have identified empathy as a crucial factor in the design process and especially in user-centered participatory methods. Although empathy has been recognized as important for relating to other people's issues, current research has not explored how urban accessibility issues elicit empathy. We conducted a between-subjects online study where 202 participants observed five scenarios on different accessibility issues. Our results show that empathic traits and previous experience are significant factors in empathizing with accessibility issues. Additionally, storytelling and photos can influence perceptions of accessibility issues. The study highlights the importance of empathic traits and personal experience in understanding and addressing accessibility issues, as well as the potential of storytelling and photos in shaping perceptions of accessibility issues and evoking empathy. Our contribution demonstrates the advantages of incorporating narrative multimedia into design processes for improved urban accessibility.</p

    A Design Space for Exploring Rich and Complex Information Environments

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    International audienceIn this paper we discuss the visualization and interaction paradigms based on overview+detail and focus+context models, proposing a design methodology suitable for rich information environments, made of multivariate data and multi-device deployment. We propose to identify a set of meaningful categories of information visualization and interaction corresponding to different user goals and exploration spaces, starting from a global universe of discourse and going down into the ultimate data items, through discrete intermediate steps corresponding to structured context and overview levels. Each category de nes an association with a speci c knowledge goal, the deployment on a suitable class of devices and the access through adequate interaction techniques. Such design methodology is applied to two case studies, one in the domain of energy consumption management, the other in cultural heritage fruition

    EquiP: A Method to Co-Design for Cooperation

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    In Participatory Design (PD), the design of a cooperative digital solution should involve all stakeholders in the co-design. When one stakeholder’s position is weaker due to socio-cultural structures or differences in knowledge or abilities, PD methods should help designers balance the power in the design process at both the macro and micro levels. We present a PD method that addresses the power relations arising during the design process and draws on theories about participation and power in the design and organisation of change processes. We contribute to Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) by using the PD method to design computer support for cooperation on cognitive rehabilitation between people with Mild Acquired Brain Injuries (MACI) and their healthcare professionals, where strengthening the cooperation is considered an element of patient empowerment. This method is presented as a contribution to the intersection between PD and CSCW. The discussion of power in PD contributes to the discussion of cooperation in CSCW. We found that EquiP supported the creation of choices, and hence the ‘power to’ influence the design. This method can contribute to a power ‘equilibrium’ and a positive-sum power relation in PD sessions involving all stakeholders.publishedVersio

    EzNav: A mobile Web browser for the elderly

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    A população mundial está a envelhecer, podendo-se observar uma tendência semelhante no que diz respeito aos utilizadores da Internet. De facto, estudos revelam que as pessoas com mais de 60 anos constituem o grupo com maior crescimento, no que concerne à procura de informação na World Wide Web. No entanto, os desenhos ineficientes das existentes ferramentas tecnológicas e aplicações constituem uma barreira à inclusão digital, por parte dos idosos. Além disso, a maioria destes sofre de um declínio nas suas capacidades visuais, motoras e cognitivas, o que poderá dificultar a interação Web.O projeto descrito neste documento tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação Android, que consiste num navegador Web para os seniores, tendo como foco as suas necessidades. Para tal, foi feita uma revisão da literatura em profundidade acerca das características e dos comportamentos dos adultos mais velhos em relação à interação Web, para que fosse possível encontrar modificações e melhorias a fazer, no que toca à interação de utilizadores idosos com as tecnologias atuais. A aplicação desenvolvida visa ser orientada para os seniores, não só por considerar aspetos gráficos da interface (como usar menos botões e maiores), mas também aspetos do motor de navegação da Web (como remover anúncios, aumentar espaçamento entre parágrafos e alterar cores).De modo a validar a solução e a obter feedback dos utilizadores, protótipos de baixa e de alta fidelidade foram desenvolvidos e testados com um grupo de idosos, num Centro de Dia. Isto permitiu um ciclo acelerado de contínuo desenvolvimento e testes, aumentando, assim, o feedback recebido e, consequentemente, a qualidade geral do sistema. Tendo em conta estas premissas, o desenvolvimento deste projeto seguiu uma metodologia de desenho centrado no utilizador (user-centred design), que, como o nome indica, coloca o utilizador no centro do processo de desenho.Os resultados dos testes finais são promissores, na medida em que todos os utilizadores foram capazes de realizar todas as tarefas, sem dificuldades. Além disso, os idosos, em geral, consideraram a aplicação fácil de usar e todos eles mostraram interesse em utilizá-la novamente, o que reflete uma grande aceitação da mesma. Tendo em conta estes resultados, pode-se afirmar que os objetivos estabelecidos foram, de modo geral, cumpridos.Ageing population is increasing around the world and a similar trend is being observed in the population of Internet users. In fact, some studies revealed that people aged 60 years and over constitute the fastest growing group of information seekers on the World Wide Web. However, inadequate interface designs of existing technology tools and apps constitute a barrier to elders' digital inclusion. Besides, most older adults suffer from a decline in their visual, motor and cognitive skills that may hamper Web interaction.The project described in this document aimed at the development of an Android mobile application that consists of a Web browser for older adults, focusing on their needs. This was done through an in-depth literature review on older adults' characteristics and behaviours towards Web interaction, as well as on guidelines for designing for older people, in order to find possible modifications and improvements regarding senior user interaction with current technologies. The developed application aims at being senior-oriented, not only by considering graphical user interface (GUI) aspects (like using fewer, bigger buttons), but also Web engine aspects (removing ads, increasing spacing between paragraphs, changing colours).In order to validate the solution and get feedback from users, both low- and high-fidelity prototypes were developed and tested with a group of elders, at a day care centre. This allowed for a fast-paced cycle of continuous development and testing, thus increasing the received feedback and, consequently, the overall quality of the system. Given these premises, the development of this project followed a user-centred design (UCD) methodology, which puts the user at the centre of the design process.The results from the final usability tests proved promising, with all test participants performing all tasks, with no effort. Besides, seniors, in general, felt the application was easy to use and all of them would like to use it again, which shows great acceptance and interest in the application. Given these results, one can say that all the goals were, in general, fulfilled

    Saliency Prediction in the Data Visualization Design Process

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    L'abstract è presente nell'allegato / the abstract is in the attachmen

    Multimodales kollaboratives Zeichensystem für blinde Benutzer

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    Bilder und grafische Darstellungen gehören heutzutage zu den gängigen Kommunikationsmitteln und Möglichkeiten des Informationsaustauschs sowie der Wissensvermittlung. Das bildliche Medium kann allerdings, wenn es rein visuell präsentiert wird, ganze Nutzergruppen ausschließen. Blinde Menschen benötigen beispielsweise Alternativtexte oder taktile Darstellungen, um Zugang zu grafischen Informationen erhalten zu können. Diese müssen jedoch an die speziellen Bedürfnisse von blinden und hochgradig sehbehinderten Menschen angepasst sein. Eine Übertragung von visuellen Grafiken in eine taktile Darstellung erfolgt meist durch sehende Grafikautoren und -autorinnen, die teilweise nur wenig Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet der taktilen Grafiktranskription haben. Die alleinige Anwendung von Kriterienkatalogen und Richtlinien über die Umsetzung guter taktiler Grafiken scheint dabei nicht ausreichend zu sein, um qualitativ hochwertige und gut verständliche grafisch-taktile Materialien bereitzustellen. Die direkte Einbeziehung einer sehbehinderten Person in den Transkriptionsprozess soll diese Problematik angehen, um Verständnis- und Qualitätsproblemen vorzubeugen. Großflächige dynamisch taktile Displays können einen nicht-visuellen Zugang zu Grafiken ermöglichen. Es lassen sich so auch dynamische Veränderungen an Grafiken vermitteln. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein kollaborativer Zeichenarbeitsplatz für taktile Grafiken entwickelt, welcher es unter Einsatz eines taktilen Flächendisplays und auditiver Ausgaben ermöglicht, eine blinde Person aktiv als Lektorin bzw. Lektor in den Entstehungsprozess einer Grafik einzubinden. Eine durchgeführte Evaluation zeigt, dass insbesondere unerfahrene sehende Personen von den Erfahrungen sehbehinderter Menschen im Umgang mit taktilen Medien profitieren können. Im Gegenzug lassen sich mit dem kollaborativen Arbeitsplatz ebenso unerfahrene sehbehinderte Personen im Umgang mit taktilen Darstellungen schulen. Neben Möglichkeiten zum Betrachten und kollaborativen Bearbeiten werden durch den zugänglichen Zeichenarbeitsplatz auch vier verschiedene Modalitäten zur Erzeugung von Formen angeboten: Formenpaletten als Text-Menüs, Gesteneingaben, Freihandzeichnen mittels drahtlosem Digitalisierungsstift und das kamerabasierte Scannen von Objektkonturen. In einer Evaluation konnte gezeigt werden, dass es mit diesen Methoden auch unerfahrenen blinden Menschen möglich ist, selbständig Zeichnungen in guter Qualität zu erstellen. Dabei präferieren sie jedoch robuste und verlässliche Eingabemethoden, wie Text-Menüs, gegenüber Modalitäten, die ein gewisses Maß an Können und Übung voraussetzen oder einen zusätzlichen technisch aufwendigen Aufbau benötigen.Pictures and graphical data are common communication media for conveying information and know\-ledge. However, these media might exclude large user groups, for instance visually impaired people, if they are offered in visual form only. Textual descriptions as well as tactile graphics may offer access to graphical information but have to be adapted to the special needs of visually impaired and blind readers. The translation from visual into tactile graphics is usually implemented by sighted graphic authors, some of whom have little experience in creating proper tactile graphics. Applying only recommendations and best practices for preparing tactile graphics does not seem sufficient to provide intelligible, high-quality tactile materials. Including a visually impaired person in the process of creating a tactile graphic should prevent such quality and intelligibility issues. Large dynamic tactile displays offer non-visual access to graphics; even dynamic changes can be conveyed. As part of this thesis, a collaborative drawing workstation was developed. This workstation utilizes a tactile display as well as auditory output to actively involve a blind person as a lector in the drawing process. The evaluation demonstrates that inexperienced sighted graphic authors, in particular, can be\-ne\-fit from the knowledge of a blind person who is accustomed to handling tactile media. Furthermore, inexperienced visually impaired people may be trained in reading tactile graphics with the help of the collaborative drawing workstation. In addition to exploring and manipulating existing graphics, the accessible drawing workstation offers four different modalities to create tactile shapes: text-based shape-palette-menus, gestural drawing, freehand drawings using a wireless stylus and scanning object silhouettes by a ToF-camera. The evaluation confirms that even untrained blind users can create drawings in good quality by using the accessible drawing workstation. However, users seem to prefer robust, reliable modalities for drawing, such as text menus, over modalities which require a certain level of skill or additional technical effort