12 research outputs found

    Wi-Fi Location Determination for Semantic Locations

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    In Wi-Fi location determination literature, little attention is paid to locations that do not have numeric, geometric coordinates, though many users prefer the convenience of non-coordinate locations (consider the ease of giving a street address as opposed to giving latitude and longitude). It is not often easy to tell from the title or abstract of a Wi-Fi location determination article whether or not it has applicability to semantic locations such as room-level names. This article surveys the literature through 2011 on Wi-Fi localization for symbolic locations

    RFID-Based Indoor Spatial Query Evaluation with Bayesian Filtering Techniques

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    People spend a significant amount of time in indoor spaces (e.g., office buildings, subway systems, etc.) in their daily lives. Therefore, it is important to develop efficient indoor spatial query algorithms for supporting various location-based applications. However, indoor spaces differ from outdoor spaces because users have to follow the indoor floor plan for their movements. In addition, positioning in indoor environments is mainly based on sensing devices (e.g., RFID readers) rather than GPS devices. Consequently, we cannot apply existing spatial query evaluation techniques devised for outdoor environments for this new challenge. Because Bayesian filtering techniques can be employed to estimate the state of a system that changes over time using a sequence of noisy measurements made on the system, in this research, we propose the Bayesian filtering-based location inference methods as the basis for evaluating indoor spatial queries with noisy RFID raw data. Furthermore, two novel models, indoor walking graph model and anchor point indexing model, are created for tracking object locations in indoor environments. Based on the inference method and tracking models, we develop innovative indoor range and k nearest neighbor (kNN) query algorithms. We validate our solution through use of both synthetic data and real-world data. Our experimental results show that the proposed algorithms can evaluate indoor spatial queries effectively and efficiently. We open-source the code, data, and floor plan at https://github.com/DataScienceLab18/IndoorToolKit

    In Search of Indoor Dense Regions:An Approach Using Indoor Positioning Data

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    Finding Most Popular Indoor Semantic Locations Using Uncertain Mobility Data

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    Continuous Spatial Query Processing:A Survey of Safe Region Based Techniques

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    In the past decade, positioning system-enabled devices such as smartphones have become most prevalent. This functionality brings the increasing popularity of location-based services in business as well as daily applications such as navigation, targeted advertising, and location-based social networking. Continuous spatial queries serve as a building block for location-based services. As an example, an Uber driver may want to be kept aware of the nearest customers or service stations. Continuous spatial queries require updates to the query result as the query or data objects are moving. This poses challenges to the query efficiency, which is crucial to the user experience of a service. A large number of approaches address this efficiency issue using the concept of safe region . A safe region is a region within which arbitrary movement of an object leaves the query result unchanged. Such a region helps reduce the frequency of query result update and hence improves query efficiency. As a result, safe region-based approaches have been popular for processing various types of continuous spatial queries. Safe regions have interesting theoretical properties and are worth in-depth analysis. We provide a comparative study of safe region-based approaches. We describe how safe regions are computed for different types of continuous spatial queries, showing how they improve query efficiency. We compare the different safe region-based approaches and discuss possible further improvements