34 research outputs found

    A Motion Planning Processor on Reconfigurable Hardware

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    Motion planning algorithms enable us to find feasible paths for moving objects. These algorithms utilize feasibility checks to differentiate valid paths from invalid ones. Unfortunately, the computationally expensive nature of such checks reduces the effectiveness of motion planning algorithms. However, by using hardware acceleration to speed up the feasibility checks, we can greatly enhance the performance of the motion planning algorithms. Of course, such acceleration is not limited to feasibility checks; other components of motion planning algorithms can also be accelerated using specially designed hardware. A Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a great platform to support such an acceleration. An FPGA is a collection of digital gates which can be reprogrammed at run time, i.e., it can be used as a CPU that reconfigures itself for a given task. In this paper, we study the feasibility of an FPGA based motion planning processor and evaluate its performance. In order to leverage its highly parallel nature and its modular structure, our processor utilizes the probabilistic roadmap method at its core. The modularity enables us to replace the feasibility criteria with other ones. The reconfigurability lets us run our processor in different roles, such as a motion planning co-processor, an autonomous motion planning processor or dedicated collision detection chip. Our experiments show that such a processor is not only feasible but also can greatly increase the performance of current algorithms

    Parallelizing RRT on distributed-memory architectures

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    This paper addresses the problem of improving the performance of the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm by parallelizing it. For scalability reasons we do so on a distributed-memory architecture, using the message-passing paradigm. We present three parallel versions of RRT along with the technicalities involved in their implementation. We also evaluate the algorithms and study how they behave on different motion planning problems

    A Framework For Parallelizing Sampling-Based Motion Planning Algorithms

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    Motion planning is the problem of finding a valid path for a robot from a start position to a goal position. It has many uses such as protein folding and animation. However, motion planning can be slow and take a long time in difficult environments. Parallelization can be used to speed up this process. This research focused on the implementation of a framework for the implementation and testing of Parallel Motion Planning algorithms. Additionally, two methods were implemented to test this framework. The results showed a reasonable amount of speed-up and coverage and connectivity similar to sequential methods

    Asymptotically near-optimal RRT for fast, high-quality, motion planning

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    We present Lower Bound Tree-RRT (LBT-RRT), a single-query sampling-based algorithm that is asymptotically near-optimal. Namely, the solution extracted from LBT-RRT converges to a solution that is within an approximation factor of 1+epsilon of the optimal solution. Our algorithm allows for a continuous interpolation between the fast RRT algorithm and the asymptotically optimal RRT* and RRG algorithms. When the approximation factor is 1 (i.e., no approximation is allowed), LBT-RRT behaves like RRG. When the approximation factor is unbounded, LBT-RRT behaves like RRT. In between, LBT-RRT is shown to produce paths that have higher quality than RRT would produce and run faster than RRT* would run. This is done by maintaining a tree which is a sub-graph of the RRG roadmap and a second, auxiliary graph, which we call the lower-bound graph. The combination of the two roadmaps, which is faster to maintain than the roadmap maintained by RRT*, efficiently guarantees asymptotic near-optimality. We suggest to use LBT-RRT for high-quality, anytime motion planning. We demonstrate the performance of the algorithm for scenarios ranging from 3 to 12 degrees of freedom and show that even for small approximation factors, the algorithm produces high-quality solutions (comparable to RRG and RRT*) with little running-time overhead when compared to RRT

    A scalable method for parallelizing sampling-based motion planning algorithms

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    Abstract—This paper describes a scalable method for paral-lelizing sampling-based motion planning algorithms. It subdi-vides configuration space (C-space) into (possibly overlapping) regions and independently, in parallel, uses standard (sequen-tial) sampling-based planners to construct roadmaps in each region. Next, in parallel, regional roadmaps in adjacent regions are connected to form a global roadmap. By subdividing the space and restricting the locality of connection attempts, we reduce the work and inter-processor communication associated with nearest neighbor calculation, a critical bottleneck for scalability in existing parallel motion planning methods. We show that our method is general enough to handle a variety of planning schemes, including the widely used Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) and Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRT) algorithms. We compare our approach to two other existing parallel algorithms and demonstrate that our approach achieves better and more scalable performance. Our approach achieves almost linear scalability on a 2400 core LINUX cluster and on a 153,216 core Cray XE6 petascale machine. I

    An Experimental Study on Relationship between Performance and Energy Consumption of Serial and Parallel Text Searching Algorithm.

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    The world data is growing vigorously intersecting of large ordered sets and it is a common problem in the evaluation of data queries to a search engine. Thus, text retrieval systems have become a popular way in providing support for text databases. However this becomes a major question among us like how much energy is consumed? How to reduce execution time in searching large amount of data? In this paper, text searching algorithm is using to study the relationship between performance of computer and amount of energy produced in serial and parallel text searching algorithm. The amount of energy produced should be reduced along with the execution time to increase performance in data searching. Based on data recorded from the series of experiments, Serial Text Searching Algorithm is saving energy and reducing power usage. However, their performance is reducing as a smaller processor speed is using. In contrast to Parallel Text Searching Algorithm, there are larger amount of energy consumed from this experiment. However, it is approved that the performance of parallel experiment is far better than a single node performance