8,855 research outputs found

    Probabilistic movement primitives

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    Movement Primitives (MP) are a well-established approach for representing modular and re-usable robot movement generators. Many state-of-the-art robot learning successes are based MPs, due to their compact representation of the inherently continuous and high dimensional robot movements. A major goal in robot learning is to combine multiple MPs as building blocks in a modular control architecture to solve complex tasks. To this effect, a MP representation has to allow for blending between motions, adapting to altered task variables, and co-activating multiple MPs in parallel. We present a probabilistic formulation of the MP concept that maintains a distribution over trajectories. Our probabilistic approach allows for the derivation of new operations which are essential for implementing all aforementioned properties in one framework. In order to use such a trajectory distribution for robot movement control, we analytically derive a stochastic feedback controller which reproduces the given trajectory distribution. We evaluate and compare our approach to existing methods on several simulated as well as real robot scenarios

    Probabilistic prioritization of movement primitives

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    Movement prioritization is a common approach to combine controllers of different tasks for redundant robots, where each task is assigned a priority. The priorities of the tasks are often hand-tuned or the result of an optimization, but seldomly learned from data. This paper combines Bayesian task prioritization with probabilistic movement primitives to prioritize full motion sequences that are learned from demonstrations. Probabilistic movement primitives (ProMPs) can encode distributions of movements over full motion sequences and provide control laws to exactly follow these distributions. The probabilistic formulation allows for a natural application of Bayesian task prioritization. We extend the ProMP controllers with an additional feedback component that accounts inaccuracies in following the distribution and allows for a more robust prioritization of primitives. We demonstrate how the task priorities can be obtained from imitation learning and how different primitives can be combined to solve even unseen task-combinations. Due to the prioritization, our approach can efficiently learn a combination of tasks without requiring individual models per task combination. Further, our approach can adapt an existing primitive library by prioritizing additional controllers, for example, for implementing obstacle avoidance. Hence, the need of retraining the whole library is avoided in many cases. We evaluate our approach on reaching movements under constraints with redundant simulated planar robots and two physical robot platforms, the humanoid robot “iCub” and a KUKA LWR robot arm

    Dimensionality reduction for probabilistic movement primitives

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    Humans as well as humanoid robots can use a large number of degrees of freedom to solve very complex motor tasks. The high-dimensionality of these motor tasks adds difficulties to the control problem and machine learning algorithms. However, it is well known that the intrinsic dimensionality of many human movements is small in comparison to the number of employed DoFs, and hence, the movements can be represented by a small number of synergies encoding the couplings between DoFs. In this paper, we want to apply Dimensionality Reduction (DR) to a recent movement representation used in robotics, called Probabilistic Movement Primitives (ProMP). While ProMP have been shown to have many benefits, they suffer with the high-dimensionality of a robotic system as the number of parameters of a ProMP scales quadratically with the dimensionality. We use probablistic dimensionality reduction techniques based on expectation maximization to extract the unknown synergies from a given set of demonstrations. The ProMP representation is now estimated in the low-dimensional space of the synergies. We show that our dimensionality reduction is more efficient both for encoding a trajectory from data and for applying Reinforcement Learning with Relative Entropy Policy Search (REPS)

    Active Learning of Probabilistic Movement Primitives

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    A Probabilistic Movement Primitive (ProMP) defines a distribution over trajectories with an associated feedback policy. ProMPs are typically initialized from human demonstrations and achieve task generalization through probabilistic operations. However, there is currently no principled guidance in the literature to determine how many demonstrations a teacher should provide and what constitutes a "good'" demonstration for promoting generalization. In this paper, we present an active learning approach to learning a library of ProMPs capable of task generalization over a given space. We utilize uncertainty sampling techniques to generate a task instance for which a teacher should provide a demonstration. The provided demonstration is incorporated into an existing ProMP if possible, or a new ProMP is created from the demonstration if it is determined that it is too dissimilar from existing demonstrations. We provide a qualitative comparison between common active learning metrics; motivated by this comparison we present a novel uncertainty sampling approach named "Greatest Mahalanobis Distance.'' We perform grasping experiments on a real KUKA robot and show our novel active learning measure achieves better task generalization with fewer demonstrations than a random sampling over the space.Comment: Under revie

    Probabilistic segmentation applied to an assembly task

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    Movement primitives are a well established approach for encoding and executing robot movements. While the primitives themselves have been extensively researched, the concept of movement primitive libraries has not received as much attention. Libraries of movement primitives represent the skill set of an agent and can be queried and sequenced in order to solve specific tasks. The goal of this work is to segment unlabeled demonstrations into an optimal set of skills. Our novel approach segments the demonstrations while learning a probabilistic representation of movement primitives. The method differs from current approaches by taking advantage of the often neglected, mutual dependencies between the segments contained in the demonstrations and the primitives to be encoded. Therefore, improving the combined quality of both segmentation and skill learning. Furthermore, our method allows incorporating domain specific insights using heuristics, which are subsequently evaluated and assessed through probabilistic inference methods. We demonstrate our method on a real robot application, where the robot segments demonstrations of a chair assembly task into a skill library. The library is subsequently used to assemble the chair in an order not present in the demonstrations

    Mutual information weighing for probabilistic movement primitives

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    Reinforcement Learning (RL) of trajectory data has been used in several fields, and it is of relevance in robot motion learning, in which sampled trajectories are run and their outcome is evaluated with a reward value. The responsibility on the performance of a task can be associated to the trajectory as a whole, or distributed throughout its points (timesteps). In this work, we present a novel method for attributing the responsibility of the rewards to each time-step separately by using Mutual Information (MI) to bias the model fitting of a trajectory.Postprint (author's final draft

    ProDMPs: A Unified Perspective on Dynamic and Probabilistic Movement Primitives

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    Movement Primitives (MPs) are a well-known concept to represent and generate modular trajectories. MPs can be broadly categorized into two types: (a) dynamics-based approaches that generate smooth trajectories from any initial state, e. g., Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMPs), and (b) probabilistic approaches that capture higher-order statistics of the motion, e. g., Probabilistic Movement Primitives (ProMPs). To date, however, there is no method that unifies both, i. e. that can generate smooth trajectories from an arbitrary initial state while capturing higher-order statistics. In this paper, we introduce a unified perspective of both approaches by solving the ODE underlying the DMPs. We convert expensive online numerical integration of DMPs into basis functions that can be computed offline. These basis functions can be used to represent trajectories or trajectory distributions similar to ProMPs while maintaining all the properties of dynamical systems. Since we inherit the properties of both methodologies, we call our proposed model Probabilistic Dynamic Movement Primitives (ProDMPs). Additionally, we embed ProDMPs in deep neural network architecture and propose a new cost function for efficient end-to-end learning of higher-order trajectory statistics. To this end, we leverage Bayesian Aggregation for non-linear iterative conditioning on sensory inputs. Our proposed model achieves smooth trajectory generation, goal-attractor convergence, correlation analysis, non-linear conditioning, and online re-planing in one framework.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Model-free Probabilistic Movement Primitives for physical interaction

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    Physical interaction in robotics is a complex problem that requires not only accurate reproduction of the kinematic trajectories but also of the forces and torques exhibited during the movement. We base our approach on Movement Primitives (MP), as MPs provide a framework for modelling complex movements and introduce useful operations on the movements, such as generalization to novel situations, time scaling, and others. Usually, MPs are trained with imitation learning, where an expert demonstrates the trajectories. However, MPs used in physical interaction either require additional learning approaches, e.g., reinforcement learning, or are based on handcrafted solutions. Our goal is to learn and generate movements for physical interaction that are learned with imitation learning, from a small set of demonstrated trajectories. The Probabilistic Movement Primitives (ProMPs) framework is a recent MP approach that introduces beneficial properties, such as combination and blending of MPs, and represents the correlations present in the movement. The ProMPs provides a variable stiffness controller that reproduces the movement but it requires a dynamics model of the system. Learning such a model is not a trivial task, and, therefore, we introduce the model-free ProMPs, that are learning jointly the movement and the necessary actions from a few demonstrations. We derive a variable stiffness controller analytically. We further extent the ProMPs to include force and torque signals, necessary for physical interaction. We evaluate our approach in simulated and real robot tasks