29 research outputs found

    Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Nondeterministic Applications

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    All practical applications contain some degree of nondeterminism. When such applications are replicated to achieve Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT), their nondeterministic operations must be controlled to ensure replica consistency. To the best of our knowledge, only the most simplistic types of replica nondeterminism have been dealt with. Furthermore, there lacks a systematic approach to handling common types of nondeterminism. In this paper, we propose a classification of common types of replica nondeterminism with respect to the requirement of achieving Byzantine fault tolerance, and describe the design and implementation of the core mechanisms necessary to handle such nondeterminism within a Byzantine fault tolerance framework.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 200

    BLOXY: Providing Transparent and Generic BFT-Based Ordering Services for Blockchains

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    With the wide-spread use of blockchain technology, Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) protocols are explored as a means to achieve consensus on which transactions should be processed next. BFT protocols are not a one-size-fits-all solution: they should be chosen according to the blockchain's use case, which can range from supply chain management to decentralised storage, requiring specialisation e.g. regarding throughput, latency, or level of decentralisation. Previously, consensus protocols were usually hardcoded into the blockchain infrastructure and could not be exchanged, therefore inhibiting flexible use of an otherwise generic blockchain infrastructure. Hyperledger Fabric claims to provide modular consensus and support for crash-fault and Byzantine fault tolerant protocols. However, integrating a BFT protocol has shown that Fabric's architecture is currently not well-suited for this fault model as it requires substantial changes and thereby breaks Fabric's modularity. This also has to be repeated for each integrated BFT protocol. In this paper, we present Bloxy, a blockchain-aware trusted proxy running on the replica that encapsulates all BFT client functionality. Bloxy enables transparent access to generic BFT frameworks and preserves Fabric's modularity even for the Byzantine fault model. It runs inside a trusted execution environment based on Intel's Software Guard Extensions. Bloxy offers blockchain-specific communication mechanisms as well as short-term block storage to handle crashes or disconnects to ensure that all nodes receive block updates. We implemented two Bloxy-based ordering services based on PBFT and the hybrid BFT protocol Hybster. Our evaluation shows that our approach increases throughput by up to 71% compared to directly integrated BFT protocols

    Byzantine quorum systems

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    Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Nondeterministic Applications

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    The growing reliance on online services accessible on the Internet demands highly reliable system that would not be interrupted when encountering faults. A number of Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) algorithms have been developed to mask the most complicated type of faults - Byzantine faults such as software bugs,operator mistakes, and malicious attacks, which are usually the major cause of service interruptions. However, it is often difficult to apply these algorithms to practical applications because such applications often exhibit sophisticated non-deterministic behaviors that the existing BFT algorithms could not cope with. In this thesis, we propose a classification of common types of replica nondeterminism with respect to the requirement of achieving Byzantine fault tolerance, and describe the design and implementation of the core mechanisms necessary to handle such replica nondeterminism within a Byzantine fault tolerance framework. In addition, we evaluated the performance of our BFT library, referred to as ND-BFT using both a micro-benchmark application and a more realistic online porker game application. The performance results show that the replicated online poker game performs approximately 13 slower than its nonreplicated counterpart in the presence of small number of player

    Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Nondeterministic Applications

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    The growing reliance on online services accessible on the Internet demands highly reliable system that would not be interrupted when encountering faults. A number of Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) algorithms have been developed to mask the most complicated type of faults - Byzantine faults such as software bugs,operator mistakes, and malicious attacks, which are usually the major cause of service interruptions. However, it is often difficult to apply these algorithms to practical applications because such applications often exhibit sophisticated non-deterministic behaviors that the existing BFT algorithms could not cope with. In this thesis, we propose a classification of common types of replica nondeterminism with respect to the requirement of achieving Byzantine fault tolerance, and describe the design and implementation of the core mechanisms necessary to handle such replica nondeterminism within a Byzantine fault tolerance framework. In addition, we evaluated the performance of our BFT library, referred to as ND-BFT using both a micro-benchmark application and a more realistic online porker game application. The performance results show that the replicated online poker game performs approximately 13 slower than its nonreplicated counterpart in the presence of small number of player

    Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Nondeterministic Applications

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    The growing reliance on online services accessible on the Internet demands highly reliable system that would not be interrupted when encountering faults. A number of Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) algorithms have been developed to mask the most complicated type of faults - Byzantine faults such as software bugs,operator mistakes, and malicious attacks, which are usually the major cause of service interruptions. However, it is often difficult to apply these algorithms to practical applications because such applications often exhibit sophisticated non-deterministic behaviors that the existing BFT algorithms could not cope with. In this thesis, we propose a classification of common types of replica nondeterminism with respect to the requirement of achieving Byzantine fault tolerance, and describe the design and implementation of the core mechanisms necessary to handle such replica nondeterminism within a Byzantine fault tolerance framework. In addition, we evaluated the performance of our BFT library, referred to as ND-BFT using both a micro-benchmark application and a more realistic online porker game application. The performance results show that the replicated online poker game performs approximately 13 slower than its nonreplicated counterpart in the presence of small number of player

    How to Tolerate Half Less One Byzantine Nodes in Practical Distributed System

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    The application of dependability concepts and approaches to the design of secure distributed systems is raising a considerable amount of interest in both communities under the designation of intrusion tolerance. However, practical intrusion-tolerant replicated systems based on the state machine approach can handle at most f Byzantine components out of a total of n=3f+1, which is the maximum resilience in asynchronous systems. This paper extends the normal asynchronous system with a special distributed oracle called TTCB. Using this extended system we manage to implement an intrusion-tolerant service, based on the state machine approach (SMA), with 2f+1 replicas only. Albeit a few other papers in the literature present intrusion-tolerant services based on the SMA, this is the first time the number of replicas is reduced from 3f+1 to 2f+1. Another interesting characteristic of the described service is a low time complexit