3,727 research outputs found

    An Energy Aware and Secure MAC Protocol for Tackling Denial of Sleep Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks which form part of the core for the Internet of Things consist of resource constrained sensors that are usually powered by batteries. Therefore, careful energy awareness is essential when working with these devices. Indeed,the introduction of security techniques such as authentication and encryption, to ensure confidentiality and integrity of data, can place higher energy load on the sensors. However, the absence of security protection c ould give room for energy drain attacks such as denial of sleep attacks which have a higher negative impact on the life span ( of the sensors than the presence of security features. This thesis, therefore, focuses on tackling denial of sleep attacks from two perspectives A security perspective and an energy efficiency perspective. The security perspective involves evaluating and ranking a number of security based techniques to curbing denial of sleep attacks. The energy efficiency perspective, on the other hand, involves exploring duty cycling and simulating three Media Access Control ( protocols Sensor MAC, Timeout MAC andTunableMAC under different network sizes and measuring different parameters such as the Received Signal Strength RSSI) and Link Quality Indicator ( Transmit power, throughput and energy efficiency Duty cycling happens to be one of the major techniques for conserving energy in wireless sensor networks and this research aims to answer questions with regards to the effect of duty cycles on the energy efficiency as well as the throughput of three duty cycle protocols Sensor MAC ( Timeout MAC ( and TunableMAC in addition to creating a novel MAC protocol that is also more resilient to denial of sleep a ttacks than existing protocols. The main contributions to knowledge from this thesis are the developed framework used for evaluation of existing denial of sleep attack solutions and the algorithms which fuel the other contribution to knowledge a newly developed protocol tested on the Castalia Simulator on the OMNET++ platform. The new protocol has been compared with existing protocols and has been found to have significant improvement in energy efficiency and also better resilience to denial of sleep at tacks Part of this research has been published Two conference publications in IEEE Explore and one workshop paper

    DCDIDP: A distributed, collaborative, and data-driven intrusion detection and prevention framework for cloud computing environments

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    With the growing popularity of cloud computing, the exploitation of possible vulnerabilities grows at the same pace; the distributed nature of the cloud makes it an attractive target for potential intruders. Despite security issues delaying its adoption, cloud computing has already become an unstoppable force; thus, security mechanisms to ensure its secure adoption are an immediate need. Here, we focus on intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPSs) to defend against the intruders. In this paper, we propose a Distributed, Collaborative, and Data-driven Intrusion Detection and Prevention system (DCDIDP). Its goal is to make use of the resources in the cloud and provide a holistic IDPS for all cloud service providers which collaborate with other peers in a distributed manner at different architectural levels to respond to attacks. We present the DCDIDP framework, whose infrastructure level is composed of three logical layers: network, host, and global as well as platform and software levels. Then, we review its components and discuss some existing approaches to be used for the modules in our proposed framework. Furthermore, we discuss developing a comprehensive trust management framework to support the establishment and evolution of trust among different cloud service providers. © 2011 ICST

    Unified architecture of mobile ad hoc network security (MANS) system

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    In this dissertation, a unified architecture of Mobile Ad-hoc Network Security (MANS) system is proposed, under which IDS agent, authentication, recovery policy and other policies can be defined formally and explicitly, and are enforced by a uniform architecture. A new authentication model for high-value transactions in cluster-based MANET is also designed in MANS system. This model is motivated by previous works but try to use their beauties and avoid their shortcomings, by using threshold sharing of the certificate signing key within each cluster to distribute the certificate services, and using certificate chain and certificate repository to achieve better scalability, less overhead and better security performance. An Intrusion Detection System is installed in every node, which is responsible for colleting local data from its host node and neighbor nodes within its communication range, pro-processing raw data and periodically broadcasting to its neighborhood, classifying normal or abnormal based on pro-processed data from its host node and neighbor nodes. Security recovery policy in ad hoc networks is the procedure of making a global decision according to messages received from distributed IDS and restore to operational health the whole system if any user or host that conducts the inappropriate, incorrect, or anomalous activities that threaten the connectivity or reliability of the networks and the authenticity of the data traffic in the networks. Finally, quantitative risk assessment model is proposed to numerically evaluate MANS security

    The effective combating of intrusion attacks through fuzzy logic and neural networks

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    The importance of properly securing an organization’s information and computing resources has become paramount in modern business. Since the advent of the Internet, securing this organizational information has become increasingly difficult. Organizations deploy many security mechanisms in the protection of their data, intrusion detection systems in particular have an increasingly valuable role to play, and as networks grow, administrators need better ways to monitor their systems. Currently, many intrusion detection systems lack the means to accurately monitor and report on wireless segments within the corporate network. This dissertation proposes an extension to the NeGPAIM model, known as NeGPAIM-W, which allows for the accurate detection of attacks originating on wireless network segments. The NeGPAIM-W model is able to detect both wired and wireless based attacks, and with the extensions to the original model mentioned previously, also provide for correlation of intrusion attacks sourced on both wired and wireless network segments. This provides for a holistic detection strategy for an organization. This has been accomplished with the use of Fuzzy logic and neural networks utilized in the detection of attacks. The model works on the assumption that each user has, and leaves, a unique footprint on a computer system. Thus, all intrusive behaviour on the system and networks which support it, can be traced back to the user account which was used to perform the intrusive behavior


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    This comprehensive research presents and investigates a diverse assessment of interruption discovery strategies and their job in contemporary online protection. Interruption Recognition Frameworks are taken apart as vital parts in defending computerized foundations, utilizing different techniques, for example, signature-based, peculiarity based, and heuristic-based identification. While signature-based strategies demonstrate strong against known dangers, the review highlights the urgent job of irregularity-based and heuristic-based approaches in countering novel and complex assaults. Different types attract, their characteristics and behaviors has explored in this paper. The mix of AI and Man-made consciousness (computer based intelligence) in recognizing odd exercises arises as an extraordinary power, empowering versatile reactions to developing digital dangers. The exploration fundamentally breaks down the difficulties looked by existing location strategies, including versatility concerns, high bogus positive rates, and the encryption-related obstacles in rush hour gridlock examination. The outcomes and investigation segment approves the viability of proposed models, including group learning strategies and creative techniques, for example, the Solid Methodology in light of Blockchain and Peculiarity based location (SABA). A Convolutional Brain Organization (CNN) model for interruption location in IoT conditions and a cross breed approach joining positioning based channel strategies and NSGA-II exhibit eminent exactnesses. The review\u27s suggestions for network security are significant, prompting proposals for a TTP-driven approach, mix of conduct peculiarities, persistent security mindfulness preparing, standard red group works out, versatile episode reaction plans, and intermittent security reviews. By and large, the examination contributes a nuanced comprehension of assailant\u27s ways of behaving, down to earth procedures for online protection flexibility, and makes way for future investigation into dynamic danger scenes and the human component in network safety
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