3 research outputs found

    On the Asymptotic Capacity of XX-Secure TT-Private Information Retrieval with Graph Based Replicated Storage

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    The problem of private information retrieval with graph-based replicated storage was recently introduced by Raviv, Tamo and Yaakobi. Its capacity remains open in almost all cases. In this work the asymptotic (large number of messages) capacity of this problem is studied along with its generalizations to include arbitrary TT-privacy and XX-security constraints, where the privacy of the user must be protected against any set of up to TT colluding servers and the security of the stored data must be protected against any set of up to XX colluding servers. A general achievable scheme for arbitrary storage patterns is presented that achieves the rate (ρminβ‘βˆ’Xβˆ’T)/N(\rho_{\min}-X-T)/N, where NN is the total number of servers, and each message is replicated at least ρmin⁑\rho_{\min} times. Notably, the scheme makes use of a special structure inspired by dual Generalized Reed Solomon (GRS) codes. A general converse is also presented. The two bounds are shown to match for many settings, including symmetric storage patterns. Finally, the asymptotic capacity is fully characterized for the case without security constraints (X=0)(X=0) for arbitrary storage patterns provided that each message is replicated no more than T+2T+2 times. As an example of this result, consider PIR with arbitrary graph based storage (T=1,X=0T=1, X=0) where every message is replicated at exactly 33 servers. For this 33-replicated storage setting, the asymptotic capacity is equal to 2/Ξ½2(G)2/\nu_2(G) where Ξ½2(G)\nu_2(G) is the maximum size of a 22-matching in a storage graph G[V,E]G[V,E]. In this undirected graph, the vertices VV correspond to the set of servers, and there is an edge uv∈Euv\in E between vertices u,vu,v only if a subset of messages is replicated at both servers uu and vv

    Cross Subspace Alignment and the Asymptotic Capacity of XX-Secure TT-Private Information Retrieval

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    XX-secure and TT-private information retrieval (XSTPIR) is a form of private information retrieval where data security is guaranteed against collusion among up to XX servers and the user's privacy is guaranteed against collusion among up to TT servers. The capacity of XSTPIR is characterized for arbitrary number of servers NN, and arbitrary security and privacy thresholds XX and TT, in the limit as the number of messages Kβ†’βˆžK\rightarrow\infty. Capacity is also characterized for any number of messages if either N=3,X=T=1N=3, X=T=1 or if N≀X+TN\leq X+T. Insights are drawn from these results, about aligning versus decoding noise, dependence of PIR rate on field size, and robustness to symmetric security constraints. In particular, the idea of cross subspace alignment, i.e., introducing a subspace dependence between Reed-Solomon code parameters, emerges as the optimal way to align undesired terms while keeping desired terms resolvable

    The Capacity of Private Information Retrieval with Eavesdroppers

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    We consider the problem of private information retrieval (PIR) with colluding servers and eavesdroppers (abbreviated as ETPIR). The ETPIR problem is comprised of KK messages, NN servers where each server stores all KK messages, a user who wants to retrieve one of the KK messages without revealing the desired message index to any set of TT colluding servers, and an eavesdropper who can listen to the queries and answers of any EE servers but is prevented from learning any information about the messages. The information theoretic capacity of ETPIR is defined to be the maximum number of desired message symbols retrieved privately per information symbol downloaded. We show that the capacity of ETPIR is C=(1βˆ’EN)(1+Tβˆ’ENβˆ’E+β‹―+(Tβˆ’ENβˆ’E)Kβˆ’1)βˆ’1C = \left( 1- \frac{E}{N} \right) \left(1 + \frac{T-E}{N-E} + \cdots + \left( \frac{T-E}{N-E} \right)^{K-1} \right)^{-1} when E<TE < T, and C=(1βˆ’EN)C = \left( 1 - \frac{E}{N} \right) when Eβ‰₯TE \geq T. To achieve the capacity, the servers need to share a common random variable (independent of the messages), and its size must be at least ENβ‹…1C\frac{E}{N} \cdot \frac{1}{C} symbols per message symbol. Otherwise, with less amount of shared common randomness, ETPIR is not feasible and the capacity reduces to zero. An interesting observation is that the ETPIR capacity expression takes different forms in two regimes. When E<TE < T, the capacity equals the inverse of a sum of a geometric series with KK terms and decreases with KK; this form is typical for capacity expressions of PIR. When Eβ‰₯TE \geq T, the capacity does not depend on KK, a typical form for capacity expressions of SPIR (symmetric PIR, which further requires data-privacy, {\it i.e.,} the user learns no information about other undesired messages); the capacity does not depend on TT either. In addition, the ETPIR capacity result includes multiple previous PIR and SPIR capacity results as special cases