5,604 research outputs found

    Misusability Measure Based Sanitization of Big Data for Privacy Preserving MapReduce Programming

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    Leakage and misuse of sensitive data is a challenging problem to enterprises. It has become more serious problem with the advent of cloud and big data. The rationale behind this is the increase in outsourcing of data to public cloud and publishing data for wider visibility. Therefore Privacy Preserving Data Publishing (PPDP), Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) and Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Mining (PPDM) are crucial in the contemporary era. PPDP and PPDM can protect privacy at data and process levels respectively. Therefore, with big data privacy to data became indispensable due to the fact that data is stored and processed in semi-trusted environment. In this paper we proposed a comprehensive methodology for effective sanitization of data based on misusability measure for preserving privacy to get rid of data leakage and misuse. We followed a hybrid approach that caters to the needs of privacy preserving MapReduce programming. We proposed an algorithm known as Misusability Measure-Based Privacy serving Algorithm (MMPP) which considers level of misusability prior to choosing and application of appropriate sanitization on big data. Our empirical study with Amazon EC2 and EMR revealed that the proposed methodology is useful in realizing privacy preserving Map Reduce programming

    CS 790-01: Privacy-Aware Computing

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    In this course, we will discuss a set of research papers on various topics of privacy-aware computing: data perturbation, data anonymization, randomized responses, privacy preserving data mining, privacy preserving multivariate statistical analysis, private information retrieval, and secure data outsourcing, etc. Students are expected to read some papers and submit paper summaries. Participation in the class discussion is encouraged. Students will need to finish a course project and give a project presentation. Each project team can have 1~2 people. (4 Hours Lecture)

    A Privacy-Preserving Framework for Collaborative Association Rule Mining in Cloud

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    Collaborative Data Mining facilitates multiple organizations to integrate their datasets and extract useful knowledge from their joint datasets for mutual benefits. The knowledge extracted in this manner is found to be superior to the knowledge extracted locally from a single organization’s dataset. With the rapid development of outsourcing, there is a growing interest for organizations to outsource their data mining tasks to a cloud environment to effectively address their economic and performance demands. However, due to privacy concerns and stringent compliance regulations, organizations do not want to share their private datasets neither with the cloud nor with other participating organizations. In this paper, we address the problem of outsourcing association rule mining task to a federated cloud environment in a privacy-preserving manner. Specifically, we propose a privacy-preserving framework that allows a set of users, each with a private dataset, to outsource their encrypted databases and the cloud returns the association rules extracted from the aggregated encrypted databases to the participating users. Our proposed solution ensures the confidentiality of the outsourced data and also minimizes the users’ participation during the association rule mining process. Additionally, we show that the proposed solution is secure under the standard semi-honest model and demonstrate its practicality

    Privacy-Preserving and Outsourced Multi-User k-Means Clustering

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    Many techniques for privacy-preserving data mining (PPDM) have been investigated over the past decade. Often, the entities involved in the data mining process are end-users or organizations with limited computing and storage resources. As a result, such entities may want to refrain from participating in the PPDM process. To overcome this issue and to take many other benefits of cloud computing, outsourcing PPDM tasks to the cloud environment has recently gained special attention. We consider the scenario where n entities outsource their databases (in encrypted format) to the cloud and ask the cloud to perform the clustering task on their combined data in a privacy-preserving manner. We term such a process as privacy-preserving and outsourced distributed clustering (PPODC). In this paper, we propose a novel and efficient solution to the PPODC problem based on k-means clustering algorithm. The main novelty of our solution lies in avoiding the secure division operations required in computing cluster centers altogether through an efficient transformation technique. Our solution builds the clusters securely in an iterative fashion and returns the final cluster centers to all entities when a pre-determined termination condition holds. The proposed solution protects data confidentiality of all the participating entities under the standard semi-honest model. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first work to discuss and propose a comprehensive solution to the PPODC problem that incurs negligible cost on the participating entities. We theoretically estimate both the computation and communication costs of the proposed protocol and also demonstrate its practical value through experiments on a real dataset.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, 5 table

    Paillier based Privacy-Preserving Mining of Association Rules from Outsourced Transaction Databases

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    The Cloud computing is computing in which massive assembling of remote servers are managed to authorized centralized data storage and online access to computer resources , while Privacy-preserving data mining (PPDM) is one of the latest inclination in privacy and security studies. It is determined by one of the important positioning issues of the information era - the right to privacy. With the use of cloud computing services, an organization lack in computational resources can deploy its mining requires to an outsider service provider. However, both the elements and the association rules of the deployed database are observed as private property of the organization. The data owner converts its data and sends it to the server, ships mining queries to the server, and recoup the actual design from the extricate designs received from the outsider server for corporate privacy prevention. In this theory, we study the problems of outsourcing the association rule mining mechanisms within a corporate privacy-preserving framework. The Rob Frugal method is founded with defeat the security obligations of outsourced data. This method is an encryption plan which is based on one to one substitution ciphers for items and fake pattern from the database. In this system attacker discovers data by guessing attack, also man in the middle attack which is possible on Rob Frugal encryption to conquer this problem, the proposed technique encompasses Paillier encryption for enhancing the security level for outsourced data with the less complexity and to protect against the forging the contents of the correspondence. FP-growth algorithm is used for generating association rules for improving the performance and for preserving a homomorphic encryption algorithm Paillier cryptosystem is being used

    Privacy-preserving targeted advertising scheme for IPTV using the cloud

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    In this paper, we present a privacy-preserving scheme for targeted advertising via the Internet Protocol TV (IPTV). The scheme uses a communication model involving a collection of viewers/subscribers, a content provider (IPTV), an advertiser, and a cloud server. To provide high quality directed advertising service, the advertiser can utilize not only demographic information of subscribers, but also their watching habits. The latter includes watching history, preferences for IPTV content and watching rate, which are published on the cloud server periodically (e.g. weekly) along with anonymized demographics. Since the published data may leak sensitive information about subscribers, it is safeguarded using cryptographic techniques in addition to the anonymization of demographics. The techniques used by the advertiser, which can be manifested in its queries to the cloud, are considered (trade) secrets and therefore are protected as well. The cloud is oblivious to the published data, the queries of the advertiser as well as its own responses to these queries. Only a legitimate advertiser, endorsed with a so-called {\em trapdoor} by the IPTV, can query the cloud and utilize the query results. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated with experiments, which show that the scheme is suitable for practical usage

    Secure Protocols for Privacy-preserving Data Outsourcing, Integration, and Auditing

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    As the amount of data available from a wide range of domains has increased tremendously in recent years, the demand for data sharing and integration has also risen. The cloud computing paradigm provides great flexibility to data owners with respect to computation and storage capabilities, which makes it a suitable platform for them to share their data. Outsourcing person-specific data to the cloud, however, imposes serious concerns about the confidentiality of the outsourced data, the privacy of the individuals referenced in the data, as well as the confidentiality of the queries processed over the data. Data integration is another form of data sharing, where data owners jointly perform the integration process, and the resulting dataset is shared between them. Integrating related data from different sources enables individuals, businesses, organizations and government agencies to perform better data analysis, make better informed decisions, and provide better services. Designing distributed, secure, and privacy-preserving protocols for integrating person-specific data, however, poses several challenges, including how to prevent each party from inferring sensitive information about individuals during the execution of the protocol, how to guarantee an effective level of privacy on the released data while maintaining utility for data mining, and how to support public auditing such that anyone at any time can verify that the integration was executed correctly and no participants deviated from the protocol. In this thesis, we address the aforementioned concerns by presenting secure protocols for privacy-preserving data outsourcing, integration and auditing. First, we propose a secure cloud-based data outsourcing and query processing framework that simultaneously preserves the confidentiality of the data and the query requests, while providing differential privacy guarantees on the query results. Second, we propose a publicly verifiable protocol for integrating person-specific data from multiple data owners, while providing differential privacy guarantees and maintaining an effective level of utility on the released data for the purpose of data mining. Next, we propose a privacy-preserving multi-party protocol for high-dimensional data mashup with guaranteed LKC-privacy on the output data. Finally, we apply the theory to the real world problem of solvency in Bitcoin. More specifically, we propose a privacy-preserving and publicly verifiable cryptographic proof of solvency scheme for Bitcoin exchanges such that no information is revealed about the exchange's customer holdings, the value of the exchange's total holdings is kept secret, and multiple exchanges performing the same proof of solvency can contemporaneously prove they are not colluding

    CryptGraph: Privacy Preserving Graph Analytics on Encrypted Graph

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    Many graph mining and analysis services have been deployed on the cloud, which can alleviate users from the burden of implementing and maintaining graph algorithms. However, putting graph analytics on the cloud can invade users' privacy. To solve this problem, we propose CryptGraph, which runs graph analytics on encrypted graph to preserve the privacy of both users' graph data and the analytic results. In CryptGraph, users encrypt their graphs before uploading them to the cloud. The cloud runs graph analysis on the encrypted graphs and obtains results which are also in encrypted form that the cloud cannot decipher. During the process of computing, the encrypted graphs are never decrypted on the cloud side. The encrypted results are sent back to users and users perform the decryption to obtain the plaintext results. In this process, users' graphs and the analytics results are both encrypted and the cloud knows neither of them. Thereby, users' privacy can be strongly protected. Meanwhile, with the help of homomorphic encryption, the results analyzed from the encrypted graphs are guaranteed to be correct. In this paper, we present how to encrypt a graph using homomorphic encryption and how to query the structure of an encrypted graph by computing polynomials. To solve the problem that certain operations are not executable on encrypted graphs, we propose hard computation outsourcing to seek help from users. Using two graph algorithms as examples, we show how to apply our methods to perform analytics on encrypted graphs. Experiments on two datasets demonstrate the correctness and feasibility of our methods