953 research outputs found

    Evolutionary tree-based quasi identifier and federated gradient privacy preservations over big healthcare data

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    Big data has remodeled the way organizations supervise, examine and leverage data in any industry. To safeguard sensitive data from public contraventions, several countries investigated this issue and carried out privacy protection mechanism. With the aid of quasi-identifiers privacy is not said to be preserved to a greater extent. This paper proposes a method called evolutionary tree-based quasi-identifier and federated gradient (ETQI-FD) for privacy preservations over big healthcare data. The first step involved in the ETQI-FD is learning quasi-identifiers. Learning quasi-identifiers by employing information loss function separately for categorical and numerical attributes accomplishes both the largest dissimilarities and partition without a comprehensive exploration between tuples of features or attributes. Next with the learnt quasi-identifiers, privacy preservation of data item is made by applying federated gradient arbitrary privacy preservation learning model. This model attains optimal balance between privacy and accuracy. In the federated gradient privacy preservation learning model, we evaluate the determinant of each attribute to the outputs. Then injecting Adaptive Lorentz noise to data attributes our ETQI-FD significantly minimizes the influence of noise on the final results and therefore contributing to privacy and accuracy. An experimental evaluation of ETQI-FD method achieves better accuracy and privacy than the existing methods

    The Future of Information Sciences : INFuture2015 : e-Institutions – Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation

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    Protecting sensitive data using differential privacy and role-based access control

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    Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui oĂč la plupart des aspects de la vie moderne sont traitĂ©s par des systĂšmes informatiques, la vie privĂ©e est de plus en plus une grande prĂ©occupation. En outre, les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es massivement et traitĂ©es en particulier dans les deux derniĂšres annĂ©es, ce qui motive les personnes et les organisations Ă  externaliser leurs donnĂ©es massives Ă  des environnements infonuagiques offerts par des fournisseurs de services. Ces environnements peuvent accomplir les tĂąches pour le stockage et l'analyse de donnĂ©es massives, car ils reposent principalement sur Hadoop MapReduce qui est conçu pour traiter efficacement des donnĂ©es massives en parallĂšle. Bien que l'externalisation de donnĂ©es massives dans le nuage facilite le traitement de donnĂ©es et rĂ©duit le coĂ»t de la maintenance et du stockage de donnĂ©es locales, elle soulĂšve de nouveaux problĂšmes concernant la protection de la vie privĂ©e. Donc, comment on peut effectuer des calculs sur de donnĂ©es massives et sensibles tout en prĂ©servant la vie privĂ©e. Par consĂ©quent, la construction de systĂšmes sĂ©curisĂ©s pour la manipulation et le traitement de telles donnĂ©es privĂ©es et massives est cruciale. Nous avons besoin de mĂ©canismes pour protĂ©ger les donnĂ©es privĂ©es, mĂȘme lorsque le calcul en cours d'exĂ©cution est non sĂ©curisĂ©. Il y a eu plusieurs recherches ont portĂ© sur la recherche de solutions aux problĂšmes de confidentialitĂ© et de sĂ©curitĂ© lors de l'analyse de donnĂ©es dans les environnements infonuagique. Dans cette thĂšse, nous Ă©tudions quelques travaux existants pour protĂ©ger la vie privĂ©e de tout individu dans un ensemble de donnĂ©es, en particulier la notion de vie privĂ©e connue comme confidentialitĂ© diffĂ©rentielle. ConfidentialitĂ© diffĂ©rentielle a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©e afin de mieux protĂ©ger la vie privĂ©e du forage des donnĂ©es sensibles, assurant que le rĂ©sultat global publiĂ© ne rĂ©vĂšle rien sur la prĂ©sence ou l'absence d'un individu donnĂ©. Enfin, nous proposons une idĂ©e de combiner confidentialitĂ© diffĂ©rentielle avec une autre mĂ©thode de prĂ©servation de la vie privĂ©e disponible.In nowadays world where most aspects of modern life are handled and managed by computer systems, privacy has increasingly become a big concern. In addition, data has been massively generated and processed especially over the last two years. The rate at which data is generated on one hand, and the need to efficiently store and analyze it on the other hand, lead people and organizations to outsource their massive amounts of data (namely Big Data) to cloud environments supported by cloud service providers (CSPs). Such environments can perfectly undertake the tasks for storing and analyzing big data since they mainly rely on Hadoop MapReduce framework, which is designed to efficiently handle big data in parallel. Although outsourcing big data into the cloud facilitates data processing and reduces the maintenance cost of local data storage, it raises new problem concerning privacy protection. The question is how one can perform computations on sensitive and big data while still preserving privacy. Therefore, building secure systems for handling and processing such private massive data is crucial. We need mechanisms to protect private data even when the running computation is untrusted. There have been several researches and work focused on finding solutions to the privacy and security issues for data analytics on cloud environments. In this dissertation, we study some existing work to protect the privacy of any individual in a data set, specifically a notion of privacy known as differential privacy. Differential privacy has been proposed to better protect the privacy of data mining over sensitive data, ensuring that the released aggregate result gives almost nothing about whether or not any given individual has been contributed to the data set. Finally, we propose an idea of combining differential privacy with another available privacy preserving method

    Secure big data ecosystem architecture : challenges and solutions

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    Big data ecosystems are complex data-intensive, digital–physical systems. Data-intensive ecosystems offer a number of benefits; however, they present challenges as well. One major challenge is related to the privacy and security. A number of privacy and security models, techniques and algorithms have been proposed over a period of time. The limitation is that these solutions are primarily focused on an individual or on an isolated organizational context. There is a need to study and provide complete end-to-end solutions that ensure security and privacy throughout the data lifecycle across the ecosystem beyond the boundary of an individual system or organizational context. The results of current study provide a review of the existing privacy and security challenges and solutions using the systematic literature review (SLR) approach. Based on the SLR approach, 79 applicable articles were selected and analyzed. The information from these articles was extracted to compile a catalogue of security and privacy challenges in big data ecosystems and to highlight their interdependencies. The results were categorized from theoretical viewpoint using adaptive enterprise architecture and practical viewpoint using DAMA framework as guiding lens. The findings of this research will help to identify the research gaps and draw novel research directions in the context of privacy and security in big data-intensive ecosystems. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Integration of Differential Privacy Mechanism to Map-Reduce Platform for Preserving Privacy in Cloud Environments

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    Le cloud computing peut ĂȘtre dĂ©signĂ© comme utilisant les capacitĂ©s de ressources matĂ©rielles et logicielles basĂ©es sur Internet; C’est la tendance de la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie dans le monde numĂ©rique d’aujourd’hui, de plus en plus rapide. Cela a changĂ© le monde qui nous entoure. L’utilisation du cloud est devenue une norme et les utilisateurs transfĂšrent leurs donnĂ©es vers le cloud Ă  mesure que les donnĂ©es grossissent et qu’il est nĂ©cessaire d’accĂ©der aux donnĂ©es Ă  partir de nombreux appareils. Des tonnes de donnĂ©es sont crĂ©Ă©es chaque jour et toutes les organisations, des instituts scientifiques aux entreprises industrielles, ont pour objectif d’analyser les donnĂ©es et d’en extraire les schĂ©mas afin d’amĂ©liorer leurs services ou Ă  d’autres fins. Dans l’intervalle, les sociĂ©tĂ©s d’analyse de donnĂ©es utilisent les informations de millions de personnes et il est de plus en plus nĂ©cessaire de garantir la protection de leurs donnĂ©es. Des techniques d’ingĂ©nierie sociale aux attaques techniques malveillantes, les donnĂ©es risquent toujours de fuir et nous devrions proposer des solutions pour protĂ©ger les donnĂ©es des individus. Dans cette thĂšse, nous prĂ©sentons «Parmanix», une plateforme de protection de la confidentialitĂ© pour l’analyse de donnĂ©es. Il est basĂ© sur le systĂšme MapReduce et fournit des garanties de confidentialitĂ© pour les donnĂ©es sensibles dans les calculs distribuĂ©s sur des donnĂ©es sensibles. Sur cette plate-forme, les fournisseurs de donnĂ©es dĂ©finissent la politique de sĂ©curitĂ© de leurs donnĂ©es. Le fournisseur de calcul peut Ă©crire du code Mapper non approuvĂ© et utiliser l’un des rĂ©ducteurs de confiance dĂ©jĂ  dĂ©finis dans Parmanix. Comme le systĂšme garantit une surcharge acceptable, il n’y aura aucune fuite de donnĂ©es individuelles lors des calculs de la plate-forme.----------ABSTRACT: Cloud computing can be referred to as using the capabilities of hardware and software resources that are based on the Internet; It is the trend of the past decade growing among today’s digital world at a fast pace. It has changed the world around us. Using the cloud has become a norm and people are moving their data to the cloud since data is getting bigger and there is the need to access the data from many devices. Tones of data are creating every day and all the organizations, from science institutes to industrial companies aim to analyze the data and extract the patterns within them to improve their services or for other purposes. In between, information of millions of people is getting used by data analytic companies and there is an increasing need to guarantee the protection of their data. From social engineering techniques to malicious technical attacks, the data is always at the risk of leakage and we should propose solutions to keep an individual’s data protected. In this thesis, we present “Parmanix”, a privacy preserve module for data analytics. It is based on the MapReduce system and provides privacy guarantees for sensitive data in distributed computations on sensitive data. With this module, data providers define the security policy for their data, and computation provider can write untrusted Mapper code and use one of the trusted Reducers that we have already defined within Parmanix. As system guarantees with an acceptable amount of overhead, there would be no leakage of individual’s data through the platform computations

    Big data y privacidad. Estudio bibliométrico

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    Revisión bibliográfica sobre la Privacidad de los datos personales en la actividad relacionada con el concepto “Big Data”.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster Universitario en Estudios Avanzados en Dirección de Empresa
