8,898 research outputs found

    Spatio-temporal epidemic modelling using additive-multiplicative intensity models

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    An extension of the stochastic susceptible-infectious-recovered (SIR) model is proposed in order to accommodate a regression context for modelling infectious disease surveillance data. The proposal is based on a multivariate counting process specified by conditional intensities, which contain an additive epidemic component and a multiplicative endemic component. This allows the analysis of endemic infectious diseases by quantifying risk factors for infection by external sources in addition to infective contacts. Simulation from the model is straightforward by Ogata's modified thinning algorithm. Inference can be performed by considering the full likelihood of the stochastic process with additional parameter restrictions to ensure non-negative conditional intensities. As an illustration we analyse data provided by the Federal Research Centre for Virus Diseases of Animals, Wusterhausen, Germany, on the incidence of the classical swine fever virus in Germany during 1993-2004

    Expanding Paramedicine in the Community (EPIC): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

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    BackgroundThe incidence of chronic diseases, including diabetes mellitus (DM), heart failure (HF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is on the rise. The existing health care system must evolve to meet the growing needs of patients with these chronic diseases and reduce the strain on both acute care and hospital-based health care resources. Paramedics are an allied health care resource consisting of highly-trained practitioners who are comfortable working independently and in collaboration with other resources in the out-of-hospital setting. Expanding the paramedic's scope of practice to include community-based care may decrease the utilization of acute care and hospital-based health care resources by patients with chronic disease.Methods/designThis will be a pragmatic, randomized controlled trial comparing a community paramedic intervention to standard of care for patients with one of three chronic diseases. The objective of the trial is to determine whether community paramedics conducting regular home visits, including health assessments and evidence-based treatments, in partnership with primary care physicians and other community based resources, will decrease the rate of hospitalization and emergency department use for patients with DM, HF and COPD. The primary outcome measure will be the rate of hospitalization at one year. Secondary outcomes will include measures of health system utilization, overall health status, and cost-effectiveness of the intervention over the same time period. Outcome measures will be assessed using both Poisson regression and negative binomial regression analyses to assess the primary outcome.DiscussionThe results of this study will be used to inform decisions around the implementation of community paramedic programs. If successful in preventing hospitalizations, it has the ability to be scaled up to other regions, both nationally and internationally. The methods described in this paper will serve as a basis for future work related to this study.Trial registrationClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02034045. Date: 9 January 2014

    Regulation of withdrawals in individual account systems

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    Funded mandatory pension systems based on individual accounts are spreading around the world. With the maturation of those systems, regulating the withdrawal of retirement savings will become increasingly important. Government regulation of withdrawals should mandate the purchase of inflation-indexed life annuities exceeding income available from government welfare programs for the retiree and potential survivors. However, proper functioning of insurance markets does not require annuitizing the entire account balance. Instead, more flexibility for the choice of withdrawals could be permitted for any remaining funds, helping to tailor income streams to individual needs and living arrangements.Pensions&Retirement Systems,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Financial Intermediation,Insurance&Risk Mitigation

    Computational Statistics and Applications

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    Nature evolves mainly in a statistical way. Different strategies, formulas, and conformations are continuously confronted in the natural processes. Some of them are selected and then the evolution continues with a new loop of confrontation for the next generation of phenomena and living beings. Failings are corrected without a previous program or design. The new options generated by different statistical and random scenarios lead to solutions for surviving the present conditions. This is the general panorama for all scrutiny levels of the life cycles. Over three sections, this book examines different statistical questions and techniques in the context of machine learning and clustering methods, the frailty models used in survival analysis, and other studies of statistics applied to diverse problems

    A flexible framework for synthesizing human activity patterns with application to sequential categorical data

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    The ability to synthesize realistic data in a parametrizable way is valuable for a number of reasons, including privacy, missing data imputation, and evaluating the performance of statistical and computational methods. When the underlying data generating process is complex, data synthesis requires approaches that balance realism and simplicity. In this paper, we address the problem of synthesizing sequential categorical data of the type that is increasingly available from mobile applications and sensors that record participant status continuously over the course of multiple days and weeks. We propose the paired Markov Chain (paired-MC) method, a flexible framework that produces sequences that closely mimic real data while providing a straightforward mechanism for modifying characteristics of the synthesized sequences. We demonstrate the paired-MC method on two datasets, one reflecting daily human activity patterns collected via a smartphone application, and one encoding the intensities of physical activity measured by wearable accelerometers. In both settings, sequences synthesized by paired-MC better capture key characteristics of the real data than alternative approaches


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    Most of the IT governance frameworks address information systems management in the corporate settings that support top-down management. However, this neglects some organizational settings in favor of bottom-up approach, such as, higher education. To close the gap, this study compares the management styles and organizational practices between higher education and banking industry to reveal the underlying factors that drive organizational security norms in both industries. The results reveal that higher education operates in an open environment that supports employee’s participation for policy compliance. On the other hand, top-down management enforces policies and facilitates employee’s participation for information security safeguard in the banking industry. Accordingly, this study suggests that a new paradigm of IT Governance framework (ITG) is necessary for addressing the unique culture of higher education. Additionally, IT governance can operate in a decentralized mode in the banking industry for encouraging employee’s participation in support of information policy compliance