1,409 research outputs found

    Queue-length balance equations in multiclass multiserver queues and their generalizations

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    A classical result for the steady-state queue-length distribution of single-class queueing systems is the following: the distribution of the queue length just before an arrival epoch equals the distribution of the queue length just after a departure epoch. The constraint for this result to be valid is that arrivals, and also service completions, with probability one occur individually, i.e., not in batches. We show that it is easy to write down somewhat similar balance equations for {\em multidimensional} queue-length processes for a quite general network of multiclass multiserver queues. We formally derive those balance equations under a general framework. They are called distributional relationships, and are obtained for any external arrival process and state dependent routing as long as certain stationarity conditions are satisfied and external arrivals and service completions do not simultaneously occur. We demonstrate the use of these balance equations, in combination with PASTA, by (i) providing very simple derivations of some known results for polling systems, and (ii) obtaining new results for some queueing systems with priorities. We also extend the distributional relationships for a non-stationary framework

    Fixed points for multi-class queues

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    Burke's theorem can be seen as a fixed-point result for an exponential single-server queue; when the arrival process is Poisson, the departure process has the same distribution as the arrival process. We consider extensions of this result to multi-type queues, in which different types of customer have different levels of priority. We work with a model of a queueing server which includes discrete-time and continuous-time M/M/1 queues as well as queues with exponential or geometric service batches occurring in discrete time or at points of a Poisson process. The fixed-point results are proved using interchangeability properties for queues in tandem, which have previously been established for one-type M/M/1 systems. Some of the fixed-point results have previously been derived as a consequence of the construction of stationary distributions for multi-type interacting particle systems, and we explain the links between the two frameworks. The fixed points have interesting "clustering" properties for lower-priority customers. An extreme case is an example of a Brownian queue, in which lower-priority work only occurs at a set of times of measure 0 (and corresponds to a local time process for the queue-length process of higher priority work).Comment: 25 page

    An acceleration simulation method for power law priority traffic

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    A method for accelerated simulation for simulated self-similar processes is proposed. This technique simplifies the simulation model and improves the efficiency by using excess packets instead of packet-by-packet source traffic for a FIFO and non-FIFO buffer scheduler. In this research is focusing on developing an equivalent model of the conventional packet buffer that can produce an output analysis (which in this case will be the steady state probability) much faster. This acceleration simulation method is a further development of the Traffic Aggregation technique, which had previously been applied to FIFO buffers only and applies the Generalized Ballot Theorem to calculate the waiting time for the low priority traffic (combined with prior work on traffic aggregation). This hybrid method is shown to provide a significant reduction in the process time, while maintaining queuing behavior in the buffer that is highly accurate when compared to results from a conventional simulatio

    Rejoinder on: queueing models for the analysis of communication systems

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    In this rejoinder, we respond to the comments and questions of three discussants of our paper on queueing models for the analysis of communication systems. Our responses are structured around two main topics: discrete-time modeling and further extensions of the presented queueing analysis

    Some aspects of queueing and storage processes : a thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Statistics at Massey University

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    In this study the nature of systems consisting of a single queue are first considered. Attention is then drawn to an analogy between such systems and storage systems. A development of the single queue viz queues with feedback is considered after first considering feedback processes in general. The behaviour of queues, some with feedback loops, combined into networks is then considered. Finally, the application of such networks to the analysis of interconnected reservoir systems is considered and the conclusion drawn that such analytic methods complement the more recently developed mathematical programming methods by providing analytic solutions for sub systems behaviour and thus guiding the development of a system model

    Lattice path counting and the theory of queues

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    In this paper we will show how recent advances in the combinatorics of lattice paths can be applied to solve interesting and nontrivial problems in the theory of queues. The problems we discuss range from classical ones like M^a/M^b/1 systems to open tandem systems with and without global blocking and to queueing models that are related to random walks in a quarter plane like the Flatto-Hahn model or systems with preemptive priorities. (author´s abstract)Series: Research Report Series / Department of Statistics and Mathematic

    Power series approximations for two-class generalized processor sharing systems

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    We develop power series approximations for a discrete-time queueing system with two parallel queues and one processor. If both queues are nonempty, a customer of queue 1 is served with probability beta, and a customer of queue 2 is served with probability 1-beta. If one of the queues is empty, a customer of the other queue is served with probability 1. We first describe the generating function U(z (1),z (2)) of the stationary queue lengths in terms of a functional equation, and show how to solve this using the theory of boundary value problems. Then, we propose to use the same functional equation to obtain a power series for U(z (1),z (2)) in beta. The first coefficient of this power series corresponds to the priority case beta=0, which allows for an explicit solution. All higher coefficients are expressed in terms of the priority case. Accurate approximations for the mean stationary queue lengths are obtained from combining truncated power series and Pad, approximation