8 research outputs found

    Prioritizing Key Success Factor of the Internet of Things Application in Tourism Enterprise

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    Purpose: The objective of this study is to explore critical success factors in Internet of Things applying and their importance level in tourism companies using the fuzzy theory.   Theoretical framework: This paper uses the TOE framework and adds a customer security variable. Therefore, the framework includes four variables technology, organization, environment, and customer security (TOEC) which are the four aspects of this research framework.   Design/methodology/approach: By integrating FAHP and FAHP extension methods, the study finds that the critical success factors for IoT application in tourism companies, including technology, organization, environment, and customer security.   Findings: The result show that, the first ranking is organization factor, the second ranking belongs to technology, customer securities come with third ranking, and the fourth ranking is environment. This result also indicates that IT Human resources, Technology infrastructure, Top management support, and organization readiness are the prioritized critical success factors for IoT applications in tourism companies.   Research, Practical & Social implications: This paper contributes to the understanding of IoT, its features and highlights the importance of new technology and solutions in tourism industry.   Originality/value: This study fills the gap in the TEO model by adding the factor of customer securities so-called TEOC model

    Analysis of Critical Success Factors (CSF) in the Quality Assurance Project of PT. SVM

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    A development project of quality assurance is always planned to achieve a successful and satisfactory final project result. Many factors affect a quality assurance project's ability to achieve a successful final project result, called the Critical Success Factors. Conducting critical success factor analysis requires the company appropriate for the research, PT. SVM was selected as the subject of research. This research analyzes the Critical Success Factors (CSF) at PT. SVM in handling university quality assurance development projects in various cities in Indonesia. The research stages are the initial interview, literature review, data analysis and verification, and determining the result. The results of the CSF analysis in the literature matched with the verification results of CSF-related interviews. Based on 25 CSFs analyzed from the literature review, 23 CSFs were used in PT. SVM, and 2 CSFs were not obtained from the verification process at PT. SVM. Twenty-three factors are considered to determine the success of the quality assurance project at PT. SVM. This factor will be able to handle failures that occur by maximizing the success factors that have been analyzed. PT. SVM always carries out the organization of the people involved in the project. Project team skills and knowledge are essential not to burden other teams and to build effective direct communication. A project completed on time indicates success, teamwork, and the clear goal of the project, and teamwork is carried out directly, admonishing each other between the PIC and the project team. The PIC, or project manager, has an important role in PT.SVM in organizing the project and maximizing the 23 CSFs that have been analyze

    Factores críticos que influyen en el éxito de los proyectos de tecnologías de la información ejecutados en la gran empresa del sector textil y confecciones de fibra de alpaca del departamento de Arequipa entre 2019 y 2020

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    En la presente tesis se investigaron los factores críticos que influyen en el éxito de los proyectos de tecnologías de la información ejecutados en la gran empresa del sector textil y confecciones de fibra de alpaca del departamento de Arequipa entre 2019 y 2020. Para ello, se evaluaron las dimensiones de personas y procesos de la variable factores críticos y su influencia en las dimensiones triángulo de hierro y producto exitoso de la variable éxito de los proyectos. La investigación realizada fue aplicada, explicativa y tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de revisión de literatura y de trabajo de campo. Asimismo, la investigación tuvo un diseño no experimental y transeccional. La revisión de literatura partió de una revisión narrativa de fuentes secundarias y de una revisión de literatura sistemática. Para el trabajo de campo se empleó un cuestionario estructurado, con preguntas cerradas y con escalas de Likert. La población objetivo, fueron las personas involucradas en la ejecución de estos proyectos. Para definir su tamaño, fue necesaria la experiencia del investigador en una de las grandes empresas del sector. Se calculó, de forma aproximada, que la cuantía de la población era de alrededor de 500 personas-proyectos y con un nivel de confianza del 95% y un error muestral a 9.3% se tuvo un tamaño de muestra de 91 personas-proyectos. Para analizar los constructos, se emplearon diversos estadísticos descriptivos de tendencia central y de dispersión, también se emplearon tablas de frecuencia. Adicionalmente, se emplearon estadísticos inferenciales como Correlación de Pearson, Chi-cuadrado de Pearson, el test de Fisher-Freeman-Halton (test exacto de Fisher extendido para tablas con filas y columnas diferentes a 2x2) y V de Cramér. Adicionalmente, se empleó Alfa de Cronbach para analizar la fiabilidad del instrumento. Mediante las pruebas estadísticas empleadas se encontró una relación de dependencia significativa, fuerte y directamente proporcional entre los factores críticos y el éxito de los proyectos (Fisher-Freeman-Halton: p=0.000 < 0.05 y V de Cramér: 0.592, p=0.000 < 0.05). También, se encontraron relaciones de dependencia significativas, moderadas y directamente proporcionales entre las dimensiones independientes personas y procesos y las dimensiones dependientes de triángulo de hierro y producto exitoso respectivamente. Finalmente, se recomienda que los gerentes, directores y demás encargados de la ejecución de proyectos de inversión sean capacitados en la gestión de los factores críticos, para con ello, incrementar las probabilidades de éxito de los proyectos que ejecuten

    Earthquake risk assessment using an integrated Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process with Artificial Neural Networks based on GIS: A case study of Sanandaj in Iran

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    Earthquakes are natural phenomena, which induce natural hazard that seriously threatens urban areas, despite significant advances in retrofitting urban buildings and enhancing the knowledge and ability of experts in natural disaster control. Iran is one of the most seismically active countries in the world. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and analyze the extent of earthquake vulnerability in relation to demographic, environmental, and physical criteria. An earthquake risk assessment (ERA) map was created by using a Fuzzy-Analytic Hierarchy Process coupled with an Artificial Neural Networks (FAHP-ANN) model generating five vulnerability classes. Combining the application of a FAHP-ANN with a geographic information system (GIS) enabled to assign weights to the layers of the earthquake vulnerability criteria. The model was applied to Sanandaj City in Iran, located in the seismically active Sanandaj-Sirjan zone which is frequently affected by devastating earthquakes. The Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) model was implemented in the IDRISI software and 250 points were validated for grades 0 and 1. The validation process revealed that the proposed model can produce an earthquake probability map with an accuracy of 95%. A comparison of the results attained by using a FAHP, AHP and MLP model shows that the hybrid FAHP-ANN model proved flexible and reliable when generating the ERA map. The FAHP-ANN model accurately identified the highest earthquake vulnerability in densely populated areas with dilapidated building infrastructure. The findings of this study are useful for decision makers with a scientific basis to develop earthquake risk management strategies

    Critical success factors that influence the performance of agile software development methodologies in organisations.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The agile manifesto was brought into existence in 2001 and agile as a methodology was derived in the 1990s. The reason for the formulation of this methodology was to create methods to produce software in a better manner that could fulfill the customer’s needs in an environment that was iterative and controlled. The types of agile methodologies being followed are Scrum, extreme project management, adaptive project management, and dynamic project management method and scrum is the most widely utilized. There is insufficient research into the hierarchy of importance of the critical success factors that affect agile projects. Critical success factors of organisational structure, people, process, technical and, project factors have been identified in previous studies, however, the ranking of these factors in terms of the level of importance for agile success has not been studied enough. These critical factors are classified as Technical, Organisational, Process, Project, and People categories. There were suggestions from researchers that test automation and cloud computing can also positively affect the success of a project using agile. Since these two factors were not studied in conjunction with the other critical factors mentioned previously, this study extended previous studies by incorporating these factors. This study expanded the factors by including cloud computing and test automation as possible critical factors to the successful implementation of agile software development. The research method chosen for this study was the quantitative method. The data was collected using questionnaires and was analyzed via descriptive and inferential statistics. To achieve an acceptable statistical power, a sample size of 200 agile practitioners was targeted, but the researcher was able to obtain 110 responses. SPSS version 27.0 was used for the descriptive and inferential data analysis and the statistical tests. The main findings indicated that people, technical factors, and test automation were the top three critical success factors in terms of importance. The project, people, and organisational structure were the top three critical success factors in terms of performance. Cloud computing was found to be less important whereas test automation was found to be an important factor for agile success. Significant gaps were identified between the critical success factors and their performance in organisations. The study recommends that organisations place additional emphasis on the critical success factors that affect agile success and the performance of these factors to close the gap identified in this study. Further recommendations are to provide adequate training in agile processes.Author captured on university records as Yeshmeeta Deodutt Peters