12 research outputs found

    Prioritized Optimal Control

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    Pre-print of the paper presented at Robotics and Automation (ICRA), IEEE International Conference on, Hong Kong, China, 2014This paper presents a new technique to control highly redundant mechanical systems, such as humanoid robots. We take inspiration from two approaches. Prioritized control is a widespread multi-task technique in robotics and animation: tasks have strict priorities and they are satisfied only as long as they do not conflict with any higher-priority task. Optimal control instead formulates an optimization problem whose solution is either a feedback control policy or a feedforward trajectory of control inputs. We introduce strict priorities in multi-task optimal control problems, as an alternative to weighting task errors proportionally to their importance. This ensures the respect of the specified priorities, while avoiding numerical conditioning issues. We compared our approach with both prioritized control and optimal control with tests on a simulated robot with 11 degrees of freedom

    Bounded haptic teleoperation of a quadruped robot’s foot posture for sensing and manipulation

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    This paper presents a control framework to teleoperate a quadruped robot's foot for operator-guided haptic exploration of the environment. Since one leg of a quadruped robot typically only has 3 actuated degrees of freedom (DoFs), the torso is employed to assist foot posture control via a hierarchical whole-body controller. The foot and torso postures are controlled by two analytical Cartesian impedance controllers cascaded by a null space projector. The contact forces acting on supporting feet are optimized by quadratic programming (QP). The foot's Cartesian impedance controller may also estimate contact forces from trajectory tracking errors, and relay the force-feedback to the operator. A 7D haptic joystick, Sigma.7, transmits motion commands to the quadruped robot ANYmal, and renders the force feedback. Furthermore, the joystick's motion is bounded by mapping the foot's feasible force polytope constrained by the friction cones and torque limits in order to prevent the operator from driving the robot to slipping or falling over. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed framework.Comment: Under review. Video Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htI8202vfe

    Learning Task Priorities from Demonstrations

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    Bimanual operations in humanoids offer the possibility to carry out more than one manipulation task at the same time, which in turn introduces the problem of task prioritization. We address this problem from a learning from demonstration perspective, by extending the Task-Parameterized Gaussian Mixture Model (TP-GMM) to Jacobian and null space structures. The proposed approach is tested on bimanual skills but can be applied in any scenario where the prioritization between potentially conflicting tasks needs to be learned. We evaluate the proposed framework in: two different tasks with humanoids requiring the learning of priorities and a loco-manipulation scenario, showing that the approach can be exploited to learn the prioritization of multiple tasks in parallel.Comment: Accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Robotic

    Variable autonomy of whole-body control for inspection and intervention in industrial environments using legged robots

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    The deployment of robots in industrial and civil scenarios is a viable solution to protect operators from danger and hazards. Shared autonomy is paramount to enable remote control of complex systems such as legged robots, allowing the operator to focus on the essential tasks instead of overly detailed execution. To realize this, we propose a comprehensive control framework for inspection and intervention using a legged robot and validate the integration of multiple loco-manipulation algorithms optimised for improving the remote operation. The proposed control offers 3 operation modes: fully automated, semi-autonomous, and the haptic interface receiving onsite physical interaction for assisting teleoperation. Our contribution is the design of a QP-based semi-analytical whole-body control, which is the key to the various task completion subject to internal and external constraints. We demonstrate the versatility of the whole-body control in terms of decoupling tasks, singularity tolerance and constraint satisfaction. We deploy our solution in field trials and evaluate in an emergency setting by an E-stop while the robot is clearing road barriers and traversing difficult terrains

    Excitation and Stabilization of Passive Dynamics in Locomotion using Hierarchical Operational Space Control

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    This paper describes a hierarchical operational space control (OSC) method based on least square optimization and outlines different ways to reduce the dimensionality of the optimization vector. The framework allows to emulate various behaviors by prioritized task-space motion, joint torque, and contact force optimization. Moreover, a methodology is introduced to partially excite the natural dynamics of the robot by open-loop motor regulation while the entire behavior is stabilized by hierarchical OSC. As a major contribution, the presented control strategies are tested and validated in real hardware walking, trotting, and pronking experiments using a fully torque controllable quadrupedal robot

    N\mathcal{N}IPM-HLSP: An Efficient Interior-Point Method for Hierarchical Least-Squares Programs

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    Hierarchical least-squares programs with linear constraints (HLSP) are a type of optimization problem very common in robotics. Each priority level contains an objective in least-squares form which is subject to the linear constraints of the higher priority hierarchy levels. Active-set methods (ASM) are a popular choice for solving them. However, they can perform poorly in terms of computational time if there are large changes of the active set. We therefore propose a computationally efficient primal-dual interior-point method (IPM) for HLSP's which is able to maintain constant numbers of solver iterations in these situations. We base our IPM on the null-space method which requires only a single decomposition per Newton iteration instead of two as it is the case for other IPM solvers. After a priority level has converged we compose a set of active constraints judging upon the dual and project lower priority levels into their null-space. We show that the IPM-HLSP can be expressed in least-squares form which avoids the formation of the quadratic Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) Hessian. Due to our choice of the null-space basis the IPM-HLSP is as fast as the state-of-the-art ASM-HLSP solver for equality only problems.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Motion Synthesis and Control for Autonomous Agents using Generative Models and Reinforcement Learning

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    Imitating and predicting human motions have wide applications in both graphics and robotics, from developing realistic models of human movement and behavior in immersive virtual worlds and games to improving autonomous navigation for service agents deployed in the real world. Traditional approaches for motion imitation and prediction typically rely on pre-defined rules to model agent behaviors or use reinforcement learning with manually designed reward functions. Despite impressive results, such approaches cannot effectively capture the diversity of motor behaviors and the decision making capabilities of human beings. Furthermore, manually designing a model or reward function to explicitly describe human motion characteristics often involves laborious fine-tuning and repeated experiments, and may suffer from generalization issues. In this thesis, we explore data-driven approaches using generative models and reinforcement learning to study and simulate human motions. Specifically, we begin with motion synthesis and control of physically simulated agents imitating a wide range of human motor skills, and then focus on improving the local navigation decisions of autonomous agents in multi-agent interaction settings. For physics-based agent control, we introduce an imitation learning framework built upon generative adversarial networks and reinforcement learning that enables humanoid agents to learn motor skills from a few examples of human reference motion data. Our approach generates high-fidelity motions and robust controllers without needing to manually design and finetune a reward function, allowing at the same time interactive switching between different controllers based on user input. Based on this framework, we further propose a multi-objective learning scheme for composite and task-driven control of humanoid agents. Our multi-objective learning scheme balances the simultaneous learning of disparate motions from multiple reference sources and multiple goal-directed control objectives in an adaptive way, enabling the training of efficient composite motion controllers. Additionally, we present a general framework for fast and robust learning of motor control skills. Our framework exploits particle filtering to dynamically explore and discretize the high-dimensional action space involved in continuous control tasks, and provides a multi-modal policy as a substitute for the commonly used Gaussian policies. For navigation learning, we leverage human crowd data to train a human-inspired collision avoidance policy by combining knowledge distillation and reinforcement learning. Our approach enables autonomous agents to take human-like actions during goal-directed steering in fully decentralized, multi-agent environments. To inform better control in such environments, we propose SocialVAE, a variational autoencoder based architecture that uses timewise latent variables with socially-aware conditions and a backward posterior approximation to perform agent trajectory prediction. Our approach improves current state-of-the-art performance on trajectory prediction tasks in daily human interaction scenarios and more complex scenes involving interactions between NBA players. We further extend SocialVAE by exploiting semantic maps as context conditions to generate map-compliant trajectory prediction. Our approach processes context conditions and social conditions occurring during agent-agent interactions in an integrated manner through the use of a dual-attention mechanism. We demonstrate the real-time performance of our approach and its ability to provide high-fidelity, multi-modal predictions on various large-scale vehicle trajectory prediction tasks

    The Science and Technology of 3D Printing

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    Three-dimensional printing, or additive manufacturing, is an emerging manufacturing process. Research and development are being performed worldwide to provide a better understanding of the science and technology of 3D printing to make high-quality parts in a cost-effective and time-efficient manner. This book includes contemporary, unique, and impactful research on 3D printing from leading organizations worldwide

    Control of objects with a high degree of freedom

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    In this thesis, I present novel strategies for controlling objects with high degrees of freedom for the purpose of robotic control and computer animation, including articulated objects such as human bodies or robots and deformable objects such as ropes and cloth. Such control is required for common daily movements such as folding arms, tying ropes, wrapping objects and putting on clothes. Although there is demand in computer graphics and animation for generating such scenes, little work has targeted these problems. The difficulty of solving such problems are due to the following two factors: (1) The complexity of the planning algorithms: The computational costs of the methods that are currently available increase exponentially with respect to the degrees of freedom of the objects and therefore they cannot be applied for full human body structures, ropes and clothes . (2) Lack of abstract descriptors for complex tasks. Models for quantitatively describing the progress of tasks such as wrapping and knotting are absent for animation generation. In this work, we employ the concept of a task-centric manifold to quantitatively describe complex tasks, and incorporate a bi-mapping scheme to bridge this manifold and the configuration space of the controlled objects, called an object-centric manifold. The control problem is solved by first projecting the controlled object onto the task-centric manifold, then getting the next ideal state of the scenario by local planning, and finally projecting the state back to the object-centric manifold to get the desirable state of the controlled object. Using this scheme, complex movements that previously required global path planning can be synthesised by local path planning. Under this framework, we show the applications in various fields. An interpolation algorithm for arbitrary postures of human character is first proposed. Second, a control scheme is suggested in generating Furoshiki wraps with different styles. Finally, new models and planning methods are given for quantitatively control for wrapping/ unwrapping and dressing/undressing problems