10 research outputs found

    Principles for the design of digital occupational health systems

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    There is a growing body of literature that addresses the importance of health and wellbeing in the workplace, and the effectiveness of corporate wellness programs. Following advancements in low-cost and unobtrusive computing technology, an emerging trend in corporate wellness programs is to offer wearable devices to employees. These devices monitor employees’ physiological and environmental conditions in order to improve their awareness of their personal health. In addition, organizations can harness the aggregated anonymized data provided by such technology to investigate ways of improving the work environment. However, promoting digital health monitoring systems introduces new dynamic interactions between the social actors and technology. Three main categories of strain caused by the use of these systems in a work environment are value tensions (privacy vs. wellbeing); action tensions (work vs. leisure activities), and role tensions (leisure vs. work roles). Based on an analysis of these tensions, design principles for digital occupational health systems are derived that minimize strain and have much bigger chances to be accepted and thus to create value for all stakeholders. Consequently, this study follows the design science research paradigm to derive design principles

    My data, my choice?! The difference between fitness and stress data monitoring on employees’ perception of privacy

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    Besides the vast distribution in the private sector, employers begin to integrate wearables in occupational health management (OHM). Through the implementation of 'stress' and 'fitness monitoring', organizations are able to invest in employees' health and well-being. While employees' consent is mandatory for the implementation, these, in turn, might perceive monitoring as a risk instead of realizing the benefits going along. By conducting an experimental study, we compare employees' perceived privacy risks/costs (PRC) and benefits (PBE) regarding the two monitoring cases. According to our results, employees interpret their stress data as rather sensitive while rating the PBE of fitness monitoring higher. Further, fair communication practices towards employees plays an essential role in the successful implementation of OHM. The research article provides theoretical and practical implications and sheds light on paths for further research regarding actual use behavior, international aspects, and employers' interests

    The New Normal in the Post-pandemic Workplace? A Meta-Analysis on the Use Cases and Implementation Challenges of Internet-of-Things Technology in Office Settings

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    While governmental tracing apps received special attention by research and the media during the Covid-19 pandemic, the surge in new work surveillance technologies went almost unnoticed. New organizational infrastructures based on Internet-of-things (IoT) technology have emerged at both, public and private sector organizations, promising a safe return to the workplace but equally threatening the privacy of employees. The goal of this paper is to take a closer look at a technology with ambivalent use by conducting a meta-synthesis of extant IoT studies. We classify the literature into four use cases with their implementation options: physical health monitoring, mental health monitoring, environmental health monitoring, and connected workplace. We also discuss main challenges emerging from privacy concerns along the IoT data lifecycle for occupational health initiatives in the office context. Based on that, we propose normative guidelines to assist employers interested in implementing privacy preserving IoT solu-tions for health and safety at work

    Usefulness design goals of occupational mHealth apps for healthcare workers

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    To improve healthcare professionals health and wellbeing at work, many available effective treatments including meditation, and workplace intervention, have been developed. However, the utilisation of these interventions is still limited. Currently, various mobile health applications (mHealth Apps) exist to assist a wide range of users with different occupational health issues, such as stress, anxiety, and burnout. Despite their advantages, post-download uptake of mHealth apps by end-users remains low. Some of the reasons for this are poor usability, irrelevant or missing user-desired features, and poor user experience. This review paper explores the usefulness of mHealth Apps to support occupational ill-health in healthcare workers. To achieve this, we developed a conceptual framework that identifies relevant usability, utility, and user experience design goals that enhance the usefulness of such mHealth apps. This paper presents a review of the literature combined with a proposed framework that identifies design goals proven to be relevant or often lacking. The review shows that occupational mHealth apps rarely fit end users’ backgrounds, work contexts, and dynamics. In turn, these identified design goals will be used as assessment points with end-users in subsequent stages of our project. Expected results at the end of the project will provide an enhanced understanding of usefulness design goals that contribute to the long-term use and adoption of these apps

    A Methodology for Context—Specific Information Systems Design Theorizing

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    Prescriptive knowledge constitutes one of the important contributions of information systems design theorizing in information systems (IS) research. Existing methods for IS design theorizing apply kernel/reference theories as sources of justificatory knowledge that serve to justify and validate the knowledge produced. This has gaps in guiding how specific contexts of stakeholders and their practices can be entertained in the design process. This research attempts to address the above void, taking a socio-technically complex agricultural extension information service and the contexts that define it into account. The research builds on an existing IS design theory framework and shows how it can be improved by incorporating context into its components. It contributes to theory by adapting the existing frameworks using contextual insights from the local development practices and the stakeholders’ conditions. It in turn contributes to practice by developing a context-specific knowledge that can guide practitioners engaged in rolling out information and communication technology for development interventions in such environments

    Gestión de seguridad ocupacional y accidentes laborales en una entidad pública del sector transporte en Lima y Callao, 2021

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    Es importante que las empresas o empleadores realicen las pertinentes evaluaciones de riesgos y decidir qué tipo de medidas deben ser implementadas en el caso de que se necesite realizar alguna acción. La investigación propuso como objetivo determinar el impacto de las normas de seguridad y salud en el trabajo sobre la accidentalidad en la Autoridad de Transporte Urbano de Lima y Callao. Como metodología se utilizó de tipo básica y de diseño no experimental. Asimismo, como instrumento de recolección de datos se empleó el cuestionario para ambas variables, el cual fue aplicado a una muestra de 63 personas de la Autoridad de Transporte Urbano para Lima y Callao. Los resultados indicaron impacto significativo entre las normas de seguridad y salud en el trabajo sobre la accidentalidad en la Autoridad de Transporte Urbano de Lima y Callao. Se concluyó que las normas de seguridad al tener un impacto significativo con la salud en el trabajo sobre la accidentalidad, se incluye la identificación de posibles riesgos en el lugar de trabajo y la aplicación de medidas adecuadas de prevención y contro

    Implementación de un sistema informático para mejorar la gestión de la salud ocupacional en la empresa Expreso Extra, Lima, 2022

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    El objetivo del estudio fue implementar un sistema informático para mejorar la gestión de salud ocupacional en la empresa Expreso Extra en Lima, este sistema se desarrolló en base a los lineamientos de Scrum. De enfoque cuantitativo, tipo aplicada y nivel explicativo. Con una muestra de 84 colaboradores del área de producción de Expreso Extra. Se utilizó el cuestionario y la ficha de observación para la recolección de datos. Con respecto a la gestión de la salud ocupacional se obtuvo que en su planeación incrementó de 6.67% a 66.67%; la organización mejoró en un 52%; la ejecución se optimizó de 11.90% a 71.43% y, la evaluación pasó de 7.43% a 60%. En conclusión, la implementación del sistema informático bajo plataforma web permitió registrar fichas de atención médica, gestión de incidentes, calendarización de actividades y reducción de tiempos de búsqueda de información, mejorando significativamente la gestión de la salud ocupacional en la empresa Expreso Extra en Lima.Campus Lima Nort