23 research outputs found

    Language design for a personal learning environment design language

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    Approaching technology-enhanced learning from the perspective of a learner, we foster the idea of learning environment design, learner interactions, and tool interoperability. In this paper, we shortly summarize the motivation for our personal learning environment approach and describe the development of a domain-specific language for this purpose as well as its realization in practice. Consequently, we examine our learning environment design language according to its lexis and syntax, the semantics behind it, and pragmatical aspects within a first prototypic implementation. Finally, we discuss strengths, problematic aspects, and open issues of our approach

    A Multi-dimensional Framework for Characterizing Domain Specific Languages

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    The paper presents a questionnaire to assess Domain Specific Languages based on a multi-dimensional framework for characterizing languages. An issue is whether and how to distinguish between characteristics of domain-specific and general purpose languages. We discuss how to emphasize dimensions that are particularly important for domain-specific languages such as being formal, yet transparent as well as integrable with other languages. We consider hazards and potentials of the approach.A Multi-dimensional Framework for Characterizing Domain Specific Language

    Design of Transmission Pipeline Modeling Language

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    General purpose software design and development involves the repetition of many processes, and the ability to automate these processes is often desired. To formalize a software process, such as modelling pipeline systems that transport fluids, an existing general purpose programming language (GPL) can be extended with its important aspects extracted as a model. However, the complexities and boundaries the programming language places on the ability to concisely and clearly describe the designing and modelling processes of the pipeline configurations can be difficult. The reality is that the library of a typical GPL Application Programmers Interface (API) constitutes class, method, and function names that become available only by object creation and method invocation, and as such cannot express domain concepts effectively. An alternative approach is to develop a language specifically for describing the processes. A language formalism that encourages domain specific development and as a tool for solving the complex problem of efficiently and effectively aiding the pipeline engineer in the design and implementation of pipeline configurations is presented in this paper. The language tool is used on the .Net platform for domain specific software development

    Conceptual Modeling in Human Resource Management: A Design Research Approach

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    In this paper, we introduce conceptual human resource modeling (CHRM) as a new methodical paradigm in HRM. To this end, we employ a design research approach. On a general level, we identify general tasks that CHRM can tackle and general solutions that it can provide. On a concrete level, we use the specific problem of employee assignment as an example and develop a specific CHRM solution for this HR task. By using the prototypical CHRM tool, we show how one can solve practical HR tasks based on CHRM. Finally, we discuss the lessons learned and implications for future research in CHRM

    Visual Unified Modeling Language for the Composition of Scenarios in Modeling and Simulation Systems

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    The Department of Defense uses modeling and simulation systems in many various roles, from research and training to modeling likely outcomes of command decisions. Simulation systems have been increasing in complexity with the increased capability of low-cost computer systems to support these DOD requirements. The demand for scenarios is also increasing, but the complexity of the simulation systems has caused a bottleneck in scenario development due to the limited number of individuals with knowledge of the arcane simulator languages in which these scenarios are written. This research combines the results of previous AFIT efforts in visual modeling languages to create a language that unifies description of entities within a scenario with its behavior using a visual tool that was developed in the course of this research. The resulting language has a grammar and syntax that can be parsed from the visual representation of the scenario. The language is designed so that scenarios can be described in a generic manner, not tied to a specific simulation system, allowing the future development of modules to translate the generic scenario into simulation system specific scenarios

    UML Assisted Visual Debugging for Distributed Systems

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    The DOD is developing a Joint Battlespace Infosphere, linking a large number of data sources and user applications. To assist in this process, debugging and analysis tools are required. Software debugging is an extremely difficult cognitive process requiring comprehension of the overall application behavior, along with detailed understanding of specific application components. This is further complicated with distributed systems by the addition of other programs, their large size and synchronization issues. Typical debuggers provide inadequate support for this process, focusing primarily on the details accessible through source code. To overcome this deficiency, this research links the dynamic program execution state to a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram that is reverse-engineered from data accessed within the Java Platform Debug Architecture. This research uses focus + context, graph layout, and color encoding techniques to enhance the standard UML diagram. These techniques organize and present objects and events in a manner that facilitates analysis of system behavior. High-level abstractions commonly used in system design support debugging while maintaining access to low-level details with an interactive display. The user is also able to monitor the control flow through highlighting of the relevant object and method in the display