5 research outputs found

    Deep Neural Networks for ECG-Based Pulse Detection during Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

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    The automatic detection of pulse during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is necessary for the early recognition of the arrest and the detection of return of spontaneous circulation (end of the arrest). The only signal available in every single defibrillator and valid for the detection of pulse is the electrocardiogram (ECG). In this study we propose two deep neural network (DNN) architectures to detect pulse using short ECG segments (5 s), i.e., to classify the rhythm into pulseless electrical activity (PEA) or pulse-generating rhythm (PR). A total of 3914 5-s ECG segments, 2372 PR and 1542 PEA, were extracted from 279 OHCA episodes. Data were partitioned patient-wise into training (80%) and test (20%) sets. The first DNN architecture was a fully convolutional neural network, and the second architecture added a recurrent layer to learn temporal dependencies. Both DNN architectures were tuned using Bayesian optimization, and the results for the test set were compared to state-of-the art PR/PEA discrimination algorithms based on machine learning and hand crafted features. The PR/PEA classifiers were evaluated in terms of sensitivity (Se) for PR, specificity (Sp) for PEA, and the balanced accuracy (BAC), the average of Se and Sp. The Se/Sp/BAC of the DNN architectures were 94.1%/92.9%/93.5% for the first one, and 95.5%/91.6%/93.5% for the second one. Both architectures improved the performance of state of the art methods by more than 1.5 points in BAC.This work was supported by: The Spanish Ministerio de Econom铆a y Competitividad, TEC2015-64678-R, jointly with the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), UPV/EHU via GIU17/031 and the Basque Government through the grant PRE_2018_2_0260

    Stat Med

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    Biobanks linked to electronic health records provide rich resources for health-related research. With improvements in administrative and informatics infrastructure, the availability and utility of data from biobanks have dramatically increased. In this paper, we first aim to characterize the current landscape of available biobanks and to describe specific biobanks, including their place of origin, size, and data types. The development and accessibility of large-scale biorepositories provide the opportunity to accelerate agnostic searches, expedite discoveries, and conduct hypothesis-generating studies of disease-treatment, disease-exposure, and disease-gene associations. Rather than designing and implementing a single study focused on a few targeted hypotheses, researchers can potentially use biobanks' existing resources to answer an expanded selection of exploratory questions as quickly as they can analyze them. However, there are many obvious and subtle challenges with the design and analysis of biobank-based studies. Our second aim is to discuss statistical issues related to biobank research such as study design, sampling strategy, phenotype identification, and missing data. We focus our discussion on biobanks that are linked to electronic health records. Some of the analytic issues are illustrated using data from the Michigan Genomics Initiative and UK Biobank, two biobanks with two different recruitment mechanisms. We summarize the current body of literature for addressing these challenges and discuss some standing open problems. This work complements and extends recent reviews about biobank-based research and serves as a resource catalog with analytical and practical guidance for statisticians, epidemiologists, and other medical researchers pursuing research using biobanks.20192021-03-22T00:00:00ZT42 OH008455/OH/NIOSH CDC HHS/United StatesP30 CA046592/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United StatesMC_QA137853/MRC_/Medical Research Council/United KingdomMC_PC_12028/MRC_/Medical Research Council/United KingdomMC_PC_17228/MRC_/Medical Research Council/United Kingdom31859414PMC79838091097

    Machine learning and signal processing contributions to identify circulation states during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

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    212 p. (eusk) 216 p. (eng.)Bat-bateko bihotz geldialdia (BBG) ustekabeko bihotz jardueraren etenaldi gisa definitzen da [9], non odol perfusioa ez baita iristenez burmuinera, ez beste ezinbesteko organoetara. BBGa ahalik eta azkarren tratatu behar da berpizte terapien bidez bat-bateko bihotz heriotza (BBH) ekiditeko [10, 11]. Ohikoena BBGa ospitalez kanpoko inguruneetan gertatzea da [12] eta kasu gehienetan ez da lekukorik egoten [13]. Horregatik, berpizte terapien aplikazio goiztiarra erronka mediku eta soziala da gaur egun