203 research outputs found

    Pruning 2-Connected Graphs

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    Given an edge-weighted undirected graph GG with a specified set of terminals, let the emph{density} of any subgraph be the ratio of its weight/cost to the number of terminals it contains. If GG is 2-connected, does it contain smaller 2-connected subgraphs of density comparable to that of GG? We answer this question in the affirmative by giving an algorithm to emph{prune} GG and find such subgraphs of any desired size, at the cost of only a logarithmic increase in density (plus a small additive factor). We apply the pruning techniques to give algorithms for two NP-Hard problems on finding large 2-vertex-connected subgraphs of low cost; no previous approximation algorithm was known for either problem. In the kv problem, we are given an undirected graph GG with edge costs and an integer kk; the goal is to find a minimum-cost 2-vertex-connected subgraph of GG containing at least kk vertices. In the bv problem, we are given the graph GG with edge costs, and a budget BB; the goal is to find a 2-vertex-connected subgraph HH of GG with total edge cost at most BB that maximizes the number of vertices in HH. We describe an O(lognlogk)O(log n log k) approximation for the kv problem, and a bicriteria approximation for the bv problem that gives an O(frac1epslog2n)O(frac{1}{eps}log^2 n) approximation, while violating the budget by a factor of at most 3+eps3+eps

    Navigating Central Path with Electrical Flows: from Flows to Matchings, and Back

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    We present an O~(m10/7)=O~(m1.43)\tilde{O}(m^{10/7})=\tilde{O}(m^{1.43})-time algorithm for the maximum s-t flow and the minimum s-t cut problems in directed graphs with unit capacities. This is the first improvement over the sparse-graph case of the long-standing O(mmin(m,n2/3))O(m \min(\sqrt{m},n^{2/3})) time bound due to Even and Tarjan [EvenT75]. By well-known reductions, this also establishes an O~(m10/7)\tilde{O}(m^{10/7})-time algorithm for the maximum-cardinality bipartite matching problem. That, in turn, gives an improvement over the celebrated celebrated O(mn)O(m \sqrt{n}) time bound of Hopcroft and Karp [HK73] whenever the input graph is sufficiently sparse

    Improved Approximation Algorithms for Steiner Connectivity Augmentation Problems

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    The Weighted Connectivity Augmentation Problem is the problem of augmenting the edge-connectivity of a given graph by adding links of minimum total cost. This work focuses on connectivity augmentation problems in the Steiner setting, where we are not interested in the connectivity between all nodes of the graph, but only the connectivity between a specified subset of terminals. We consider two related settings. In the Steiner Augmentation of a Graph problem (kk-SAG), we are given a kk-edge-connected subgraph HH of a graph GG. The goal is to augment HH by including links and nodes from GG of minimum cost so that the edge-connectivity between nodes of HH increases by 1. In the Steiner Connectivity Augmentation Problem (kk-SCAP), we are given a Steiner kk-edge-connected graph connecting terminals RR, and we seek to add links of minimum cost to create a Steiner (k+1)(k+1)-edge-connected graph for RR. Note that kk-SAG is a special case of kk-SCAP. All of the above problems can be approximated to within a factor of 2 using e.g. Jain's iterative rounding algorithm for Survivable Network Design. In this work, we leverage the framework of Traub and Zenklusen to give a (1+ln2+ε)(1 + \ln{2} +\varepsilon)-approximation for the Steiner Ring Augmentation Problem (SRAP): given a cycle H=(V(H),E)H = (V(H),E) embedded in a larger graph G=(V,EL)G = (V, E \cup L) and a subset of terminals RV(H)R \subseteq V(H), choose a subset of links SLS \subseteq L of minimum cost so that (V,ES)(V, E \cup S) has 3 pairwise edge-disjoint paths between every pair of terminals. We show this yields a polynomial time algorithm with approximation ratio (1+ln2+ε)(1 + \ln{2} + \varepsilon) for 22-SCAP. We obtain an improved approximation guarantee of (1.5+ε)(1.5+\varepsilon) for SRAP in the case that R=V(H)R = V(H), which yields a (1.5+ε)(1.5+\varepsilon)-approximation for kk-SAG for any kk