8 research outputs found

    Approximating k-Forest with Resource Augmentation: A Primal-Dual Approach

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    In this paper, we study the kk-forest problem in the model of resource augmentation. In the kk-forest problem, given an edge-weighted graph G(V,E)G(V,E), a parameter kk, and a set of mm demand pairs ⊆V×V\subseteq V \times V, the objective is to construct a minimum-cost subgraph that connects at least kk demands. The problem is hard to approximate---the best-known approximation ratio is O(min⁥{n,k})O(\min\{\sqrt{n}, \sqrt{k}\}). Furthermore, kk-forest is as hard to approximate as the notoriously-hard densest kk-subgraph problem. While the kk-forest problem is hard to approximate in the worst-case, we show that with the use of resource augmentation, we can efficiently approximate it up to a constant factor. First, we restate the problem in terms of the number of demands that are {\em not} connected. In particular, the objective of the kk-forest problem can be viewed as to remove at most m−km-k demands and find a minimum-cost subgraph that connects the remaining demands. We use this perspective of the problem to explain the performance of our algorithm (in terms of the augmentation) in a more intuitive way. Specifically, we present a polynomial-time algorithm for the kk-forest problem that, for every Ï”>0\epsilon>0, removes at most m−km-k demands and has cost no more than O(1/Ï”2)O(1/\epsilon^{2}) times the cost of an optimal algorithm that removes at most (1−ϔ)(m−k)(1-\epsilon)(m-k) demands

    Lagrangian Duality based Algorithms in Online Energy-Efficient Scheduling

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    We study online scheduling problems in the general energy model of speed scaling with power down. The latter is a combination of the two extensively studied energy models, speed scaling and power down, toward a more realistic one. Due to the limits of the current techniques, only few results have been known in the general energy model in contrast to the large literature of the previous ones. In the paper, we consider a Lagrangian duality based approach to design and analyze algorithms in the general energy model. We show the applicability of the approach to problems which are unlikely to admit a convex relaxation. Specifically, we consider the problem of minimizing energy with a single machine in which jobs arrive online and have to be processed before their deadlines. We present an alpha^alpha-competitive algorithm (whose the analysis is tight up to a constant factor) where the energy power function is of typical form z^alpha + g for constants alpha > 2 and g non-negative. Besides, we also consider the problem of minimizing the weighted flow-time plus energy. We give an O(alpha/ln(alpha))-competitive algorithm; that matches (up to a constant factor) to the currently best known algorithm for this problem in the restricted model of speed scaling

    Primal–Dual and Dual-Fitting Analysis of Online Scheduling Algorithms for Generalized Flow-Time Problems

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    International audienceWe study online scheduling problems on a single processor that can be viewed as extensions of the well-studied problem of minimizing total weighted flow time. In particular, we provide a framework of analysis that is derived by duality properties, does not rely on potential functions and is applicable to a variety of scheduling problems. A key ingredient in our approach is bypassing the need for “black-box” rounding of fractional solutions, which yields improved competitive ratios. We begin with an interpretation of Highest-Density-First (HDF) as a primal–dual algorithm, and a corresponding proof that HDF is optimal for total fractional weighted flow time (and thus scalable for the integral objective). Building upon the salient ideas of the proof, we show how to apply and extend this analysis to the more general problem of minimizing ∑jwjg(Fj) , where wj is the job weight, Fj is the flow time and g is a non-decreasing cost function. Among other results, we present improved competitive ratios for the setting in which g is a concave function, and the setting of same-density jobs but general cost functions. We further apply our framework of analysis to online weighted completion time with general cost functions as well as scheduling under polyhedral constraints

    Primal-Dual and Dual-Fitting analysis of online scheduling algorithms for generalized flow time problems

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    International audienceWe study online scheduling problems on a single processor that can be viewed as extensions of the well-studied problem of minimizing total weighted flow time. In particular, we provide a framework of analysis that is derived by duality properties, does not rely on potential functions and is applicable to a variety of scheduling problems. A key ingredient in our approach is bypassing the need for “black-box” rounding of fractional solutions, which yields improved competitive ratios. We begin with an interpretation of Highest-Density-First (HDF) as a primal-dual algorithm, and a corresponding proof that HDF is optimal for total fractional weighted flow time (and thus scalable for the integral objective). Building upon the salient ideas of the proof, we show how to apply and extend this analysis to the more general problem of minimizing Σj wjg(Fj), where wj is the job weight, Fj is the flow time and g is a non-decreasing cost function. Among other results, we present improved competitive ratios for the setting in which g is a concave function, and the setting of same-density jobs but general cost functions. We further apply our framework of analysis to online weighted completion time with general cost functions as well as scheduling under polyhedral constraints

    15th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory: SWAT 2016, June 22-24, 2016, Reykjavik, Iceland

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