19 research outputs found

    GKW representation theorem and linear BSDEs under restricted information. An application to risk-minimization

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    In this paper we provide Galtchouk-Kunita-Watanabe representation results in the case where there are restrictions on the available information. This allows to prove existence and uniqueness for linear backward stochastic differential equations driven by a general c\`adl\`ag martingale under partial information. Furthermore, we discuss an application to risk-minimization where we extend the results of F\"ollmer and Sondermann (1986) to the partial information framework and we show how our result fits in the approach of Schweizer (1994).Comment: 22 page

    Hedging of unit-linked life insurance contracts with unobservable mortality hazard rate via local risk-minimization

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    In this paper we investigate the local risk-minimization approach for a combined financial-insurance model where there are restrictions on the information available to the insurance company. In particular we assume that, at any time, the insurance company may observe the number of deaths from a specific portfolio of insured individuals but not the mortality hazard rate. We consider a financial market driven by a general semimartingale and we aim to hedge unit-linked life insurance contracts via the local risk-minimization approach under partial information. The F\"ollmer-Schweizer decomposition of the insurance claim and explicit formulas for the optimal strategy for pure endowment and term insurance contracts are provided in terms of the projection of the survival process on the information flow. Moreover, in a Markovian framework, we reduce to solve a filtering problem with point process observations.Comment: 27 page

    Partial information about contagion risk, self-exciting processes and portfolio optimization : [Version 18 April 2013]

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    This paper compares two classes of models that allow for additional channels of correlation between asset returns: regime switching models with jumps and models with contagious jumps. Both classes of models involve a hidden Markov chain that captures good and bad economic states. The distinctive feature of a model with contagious jumps is that large negative returns and unobservable transitions of the economy into a bad state can occur simultaneously. We show that in this framework the filtered loss intensities have dynamics similar to self-exciting processes. Besides, we study the impact of unobservable contagious jumps on optimal portfolio strategies and filtering

    EM algorithm for Markov chains observed via Gaussian noise and point process information: Theory and case studies

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    In this paper we study parameter estimation via the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm for a continuous-time hidden Markov model with diffusion and point process observation. Inference problems of this type arise for instance in credit risk modelling. A key step in the application of the EM algorithm is the derivation of finite-dimensional filters for the quantities that are needed in the E-Step of the algorithm. In this context we obtain exact, unnormalized and robust filters, and we discuss their numerical implementation. Moreover, we propose several goodness-of-fit tests for hidden Markov models with Gaussian noise and point process observation. We run an extensive simulation study to test speed and accuracy of our methodology. The paper closes with an application to credit risk: we estimate the parameters of a hidden Markov model for credit quality where the observations consist of rating transitions and credit spreads for US corporations

    On absolutely continuous compensators and nonlinear filtering equations in default risk models

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    We discuss the pricing of defaultable assets in an incomplete information model where the default time is given by a first hitting time of an unobservable process. We show that in a fairly general Markov setting, the indicator function of the default has an absolutely continuous compensator. Given this compensator we then discuss the optional projection of a class of semimartingales onto the filtration generated by the observation process and the default indicator process. Available formulas for the pricing of defaultable assets are analyzed in this setting and some alternative formulas are suggested