9 research outputs found

    Efficient planning of energy production and maintenance of large-scale combined heat and power plants

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    In this study, an efficient optimization framework is presented for the simultaneous planning of energy production and maintenance in combined heat and power plants, and applied in the largest coal-fired cogeneration plant of Kazakhstan. In brief, the proposed optimization model considers: (i) unit commitment constraints for boilers and turbines; (ii) minimum and maximum runtimes as well as minimum idle times for boilers and turbines; (iii) bounds on the operating levels for boilers and turbines within desired operating regions; (iv) extreme operating regions for turbines; (v) energy balances for turbines; (vi) total electricity and heat balances for satisfying the corresponding demands for electricity and heat (for each heat network); and (vii) maintenance tasks for units that must occur within given flexible time-windows. The minimization of the annual total cost of the cogeneration plant constitutes the optimization goal here, and consists of startup and shutdown costs, fixed operating and fuel costs, maintenance costs, and penalties for deviation from heat and electricity demands, and penalties for turbines for operating outside the desired operating regions. An extensive data analysis of historical data has been performed to extract the necessary input data. In comparison to the implemented industrial solution that follows a predefined maintenance policy, the solutions derived by the proposed approach achieve reductions in annual total cost more than 21% and completely avoid turbines operation outside their desired operating regions. Our solutions report substantial reductions in startup/shutdown, fuel and fixed operating costs (about 85%, 15%, and 13%, respectively). The comparative case study clearly demonstrates that the proposed approach is an effective means for generating optimal energy production and maintenance plans, enhancing significantly the resource and energy efficiency of the plant. Importantly, the proposed optimization framework could be readily applied to other cogeneration plants that have a similar plant structure

    Multi-objective pareto ant colony system based algorithm for generator maintenance scheduling

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    Existing multi-objective Generator Maintenance Scheduling (GMS) models have considered unit commitment problem together with unit maintenance problem based on a periodic maintenance strategy. These models are inefficient because unit commitment does not undergo maintenance and periodic strategy cannot be applied on different types of generators. Present graph models cannot generate schedule for the multi-objective GMS models while existing Pareto Ant Colony System (PACS) algorithms were not able to consider the two problems separately. A multi-objective PACS algorithm based on sequential strategy which considers unit commitment and GMS problem separately is proposed to obtain solution for a proposed GMS model. A graph model is developed to generate the units’ maintenance schedule. The Taguchi and Grey Relational Analysis methods are proposed to tune the PACS’s parameters. The IEEE RTS 26, 32 and 36-unit dataset systems were used in the performance evaluation of the PACS algorithm. The performance of PACS algorithm was compared against four benchmark multi-objective algorithms including the Nondominated Sorting Genetic, Strength Pareto Evolutionary, Simulated Annealing, and Particle Swarm Optimization using the metrics grey relational grade (GRG), coverage, distance to Pareto front, Pareto spread, and number of non-dominated solutions. Friedman test was performed to determine the significance of the results. The multiobjective GMS model is superior than the benchmark model in producing the GMS schedule in terms of reliability, and violation objective functions with an average improvement between 2.68% and 92.44%. Friedman test using GRG metric shows significant better performance (p-values<0.05) for PACS algorithm compared to benchmark algorithms. The proposed models and algorithm can be used to solve the multi-objective GMS problem while the new parameters’ values can be used to obtain optimal or near optimal maintenance scheduling of generators. The proposed models and algorithm can be applied on different types of generating units to minimize the interruptions of energy and extend their lifespan

    Diseño de una metodología basada en una técnica inteligente para el análisis de los tiempos muertos de una línea de producción. Aplicación en una empresa del sector alimenticio de la zona centro de Colombia

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    En este trabajo se presenta una metodología basada en una técnica inteligente para analizar las fallas en las diferentes máquinas de una línea de producción, con el fin de establecer e identificar las principales variables que generan la mayor fracción de tiempos muertos en el sistema productivo y plantear posibles soluciones. El desarrollo se realizó en cinco pasos. El primero corresponde a la recolección de la información en una base de datos; el segundo es la estandarización de la descripción de los fallos; el tercero es la aplicación de la minería de datos a partir de la información recolectada; el cuarto es la determinación del modelo matemático a aplicar; el quinto es concluir a partir de los resultados obtenidos. La herramienta utilizada es WEKA con el modelo de árbol de clasificación J48. El resultado de la metodología propuesta en comparación a la metodología actual es positivo, ya que se logra un incremento de 3.58 puntos porcentuales en el indicador de eficiencia global, lo que concluye que la herramienta sirve para identificar y reducir los tiempos muertos de una línea de producciónAbstract : This paper proposed methodology based on an intelligent technique to analyze the failures in the different machines of a production line, in order to establish and identify the main variables that generate the greatest fraction of idle times in the system and to propose possible solutions. The development of the methodology was carried out in five steps. The first corresponds to the collection of information in a database; the second is the standardization of the description of the faults; the third is the application of data mining from the information collected; the fourth is the determination of the mathematical model to be applied; the fifth is to conclude from the results obtained. The tool used was WEKA with the classification tree J48. The result of the proposed methodology in comparison with the current methodology, is positive, because it is achieved increase of 3.58 percentage points is achieved in the overall efficiency indicator, which allows to conclude that the tool is used to identify and reduce the idle times of a line of productionMaestrí

    Development of ship maintenance performance measurement framework to assess the decision making process to optimise in ship maintenance planning

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    Effective maintenance planning is essential and important in any organisation that is responsible for procuring and managing complex assets. In the marine shipping industry maintenance planning is very significant due to its complexity and the obligations on shipping organisations to comply with certain regulations and requirements. Moreover, improper planning can reduce the ship's availability, which may in turn, be reflected in the revenue of the company. Another issue that requires attention in this field is the cost of maintenance, since improper or inadequate planning could result in breakdowns that could increase the cost of maintenance.This research aims to identify the key factors that affect ship maintenance planning and to provide a framework that can help the decision maker to identify and choose optimum decisions regarding ship maintenance. The research is divided into four stages in order to achieve its objectives and to address the research problem.The first stage is the review of the literature to identify the need for maintenance and to select the key factors that affect maintenance planning. The findings indicate that: maintenance scheduling, selection of maintenance strategy, ship construction, crew compensation, and shipyard selection are the most important factors.The second stage is to evaluate maintenance performance measurements for the marine shipping industry by conducting case study and interviews with professionals involved in the mercantile industry. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six senior staff experts from three different organisations. The results show that: dry docking scheduling, maintenance costs and budgets, customer satisfaction, employees' satisfaction, classification requirements, and the ship's maintenance requirements are the main factors that have great influence on maintenance planning.The third stage is to develop new methodology to measure the maintenance performance in the marine shipping organisation which is the ship maintenance performance measurement (SMPM) framework. The developed method was validated to assist managers in making the right decisions in ship maintenance planning. The framework was developed based on ten thematic criteria that can be used as indicators for potential organisation growth, i.e., maintenance strategy; dry docking scheduling; budget and costs; the ship's equipment; customer satisfaction; employees; health, safety and environment; learning and growth; classification requirements; and the ship's operation and demands requirements. Interviews were conducted with key personnel from the Kuwait Oil Tanker Company (KOTC) to validate the framework.The fourth stage demonstrates that an optimised schedule for the dry docking of ships for routine maintenance has been constructed. This is accomplished on the basis of one measured criterion, dry docking scheduling, by using an integer programming model to maximise the ship's availability within the company fleet. The model is defined by three constraints: the maintenance window, maintenance completion, and the ship's limit. The model was validated using data from KOTC, and the results depict an optimum solution for maintenance scheduling, maximising the ship's availability to 100% and not less than 92%.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceCollege of Technological Studies at Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, KuwaitGBUnited Kingdo

    Design and planning of energy supply chain networks.

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    During a period of transformation towards decarbonised energy networks, maintenance of a reliable and secure energy supply whilst increasing efficiency and reducing cost will be key aims for all energy supply chain (ESC) networks. With the knowledge that about 80% of global energy is obtained from fossil fuels, appropriate design and planning of its supply chain networks is inevitable. Notwithstanding, renewable energy sources, such as biomass, solar, wind and geothermal, will also play important roles in the future ESCs as climate change mitigation becomes an increasingly important concern. To achieve this aim, energy systems optimization models were derived; (i) for the simultaneous planning of energy production and maintenance in combined heat and power (CHP) plants for overall cost reduction, with results obtained benchmarked against data from industry; (ii) for biomass integration into ESC networks for emissions reduction and benchmarking it against data from literature and the governing equations solved for optimality using the General Algebraic Modelling System (GAMS) software. Further, energy survey questionnaires were developed using the Qualtrics online survey tool and same disseminated to individuals in some counties of the United Kingdom (UK) with the aim of proposing strategies for improved renewable energy (RE) embracement in the UK energy mix. The case study of the coal-fired CHP plant predicted a 21% reduction in annual total cost in comparison to the implemented industrial solution that follows a predefined maintenance policy, thereby, enhancing the resource and energy efficiency of the plant. Additionally, the optimization model for integrating biomass into energy supply chain networks indicated that a reduction in the emissions level of up to 4.32% is achievable on integration of 5-8% of biomass in the ESC with a 4.57% increase in the total cost of the ESC network predicted at biomass fraction of 7.9% in the mixed fuel, indicating that the cost increment in a biomass and coal co-fired plant can be offset with the introduction of effective carbon pricing legislation.PhD in Energy and Powe

    Operational and maintenance planning of production and utility systems in process industries.

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    Major process industries have installed onsite the utility systems that can generate several types of utilities for meeting the utility requirements of the main production systems. A traditional sequential approach is typically used for the planning of production and utility systems. However, this approach provides suboptimal solutions because the interconnected production and utility systems are not optimised simultaneously. In this research, a general optimisation framework for the simultaneous operational and maintenance planning of utility and production systems is presented with the main purpose of reducing the energy needs and resources utilisation of the overall system. A number of industrial-inspired case studies solved show that the solutions of the proposed integrated approach provides better solutions than the solutions obtained by the sequential approach. The results reported a reduction in total costs from 5% to 32%. The reduction in total costs demonstrate that the proposed integrated approach can result in efficient operation of utility systems by avoiding unnecessary purchases of utility resources and improved utilisation of energy and material resources. In addition, the proposed integrated optimisation-based model was further improved with the presence of process uncertainty in order to address dynamic production environment in process industries. However, integrated planning problems of production and utility systems results to large mixed integer programming (MIP) model that is difficult to solve to optimality and computationally expensive. With this regards, three-stage MIP-based decomposition strategy is proposed. The computational experiments showed that the solutions of the proposed MIP-based decomposition strategy can achieve optimal or near-optimal solutions at further reduced computational time by an average magnitude of 4. Overall, the proposed optimisation framework could be used to integrate production and utility systems for effective planning management in the realistic industrial scenarios.PhD in Energy and Powe