2,927 research outputs found

    Improving Negotiations Through Awareness

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    Negotiations are an essential part of personal and professional life, and computer-support helps facilitate them as they become increasingly complex. Being aware of the priorities of the partner plays an essential role in successful negotiations. Two cognitive errors – the fixed-sum and the incompatibility error – hinder an integration of different priorities for achieving an economically beneficial outcome. Also, personality traits as well as figural intelligence and social value orientation interdependently influence the negotiator’s individual outcomes in such computer-supported negotiations. Two studies were conducted for this thesis resulting in three articles. Each study with 132 participants, 66 dyads, negotiating in their roles as car seller or buyer. Priority awareness, the awareness about the priorities of the partner, is introduced as a solution approach. Non-interactive bar charts are used to facilitate such awareness without the need for special experience, training or instructions to diminish the two errors and improve different measures of negotiation performance. Performance awareness, a more detailed priority awareness, is a possible successor to the priority awareness approach and compared to it. It uses more of information and communication technologies interactive abilities with the intention to further improve negotiation outcomes and diminish the still existent incompatibility error. The actor-partner interdependence model is used for the analyzes of individual characteristics which may have a different influence on the negotiator’s individual outcomes under the two approaches. Results show that the priority awareness approach improves the joint outcome and pareto efficiency without adverse effects on fairness, satisfaction and duration. The performance awareness approach, although having the capability to outperform the priority awareness approach, does not further improve joint outcome and pareto efficiency and has adverse effects on satisfaction, fairness and deceptiveness. Individual analyses show only hints for different effects for these approaches. In general, a good individual outcome of one partner seems highly dependent upon the lower emotionality, prosocial behavior and higher figural intelligence of the opposing partner. Priority awareness is a useful approach which can already be implemented in current negotiation support system. Future studies building upon the findings of this thesis are discussed.Verhandlungen als essenzieller Bestandteil des privaten und beruflichen Lebens werden stets komplexer und erfordern daher zunehmend eine computertechnische UnterstĂŒtzung. Das Bewusstsein ĂŒber die PrioritĂ€ten des Partners spielt bei erfolgreichen Verhandlungen eine wesentliche Rolle. Zwei kognitive Fehler – der Fixed-Sum-Error und der Incompatibility Error – behindern eine Integration unterschiedlicher PrioritĂ€ten, um ein wirtschaftlich vorteilhaftes Ergebnis zu erzielen. Zudem beeinflussen Persönlichkeitsmerkmale sowie figurale Intelligenz und soziale Wertorientierung die gegenseitigen individuellen Ergebnisse der VerhandlungsfĂŒhrer in solchen computerunterstĂŒtzen Verhandlungen. Zwei Studien wurden fĂŒr diese Dissertation durchgefĂŒhrt und in drei Artikeln verschriftlicht. Jede Studie hatte 132 Teilnehmer, 66 Dyaden, die in ihren Rollen als AutoverkĂ€ufer oder -kĂ€ufer verhandelten. Priority Awareness, das Bewusstsein ĂŒber die PrioritĂ€ten des Partners, wird als Lösungsansatz eingefĂŒhrt. Nicht-interaktive Balkendiagramme werden verwendet, um ein solches Bewusstsein zu fördern, ohne dass spezielle Erfahrungen, Trainings oder Instruktionen erforderlich sind, um die beiden kognitiven Fehler zu verringern und verschiedene Maße des Verhandlungserfolgs zu verbessern. Performance Awareness, eine detailliertere Priority Awareness, ist ein möglicher Nachfolger fĂŒr den Priority-Awareness-Ansatz und wird damit verglichen. Es werden hierbei mehr interaktive FĂ€higkeiten der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien verwendet mit der Absicht, die Verhandlungs-ergebnisse weiter zu verbessern und den noch bestehenden Incompatibility Error zu verringern. Das Actor-Partner Interdependence Model dient der Analyse individueller Merkmale, welche unter den beiden AnsĂ€tzen, unterschiedlichen Einfluss auf die individuellen Ergebnisse haben können. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Priority-Awareness-Ansatz das gemeinsame Ergebnis und die Pareto-Effizienz ohne negative Auswirkungen auf Fairness, Zufriedenheit und Dauer verbessert. Der Performance-Awareness-Ansatz, obwohl er die FĂ€higkeit hĂ€tte, den Priority-Awareness-Ansatz zu ĂŒbertreffen, verbessert das gemeinsame Ergebnis und die Pareto Effizienz nicht weiter und hat negative Auswirkungen auf Zufriedenheit, Fairness und TĂ€uschung. Individuelle Analysen deuten nur unterschiedliche Effekte zwischen den AnsĂ€tzen an. Im Allgemeinen hĂ€ngt ein gutes individuelles Ergebnis eines Partners stark von der geringeren EmotionalitĂ€t, dem prosozialen Verhalten und der höheren figuralen Intelligenz des gegnerischen Partners ab. Priority Awareness ist ein nĂŒtzlicher Ansatz, der bereits in aktueller Software zur UnterstĂŒtzung von Verhandlungen umgesetzt werden kann. ZukĂŒnftige Studien, welche auf den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit aufbauen, werden diskutiert

    Challenges and critical success factors of digital communication, collaboration and knowledge sharing in project management virtual teams: a review

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    Technological advancements, globalization, and the COVID-19 pandemic have transformed digital communication into a central tenet of many project management virtual teams (VTs). However, successful VTs are dependent on communication, collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members. Through a systematic literature review, this study investigates the challenges and critical success factors of digital communication, collaboration, and knowledge sharing in project management VTs. As a result, eight key common themes were identified - trust, cultural diversity, collaboration tools and technology, communication and knowledge hoarding, leadership, psychological safety, communication guidelines and training, and resource planning. Furthermore, given the geographically dispersed nature of VTs, they face additional challenges than teams that interact face-to-face (in-person). Therefore, mitigating the challenges by focusing on the identified themes could lead to project success

    Challenges and critical success factors of digital communication, collaboration and knowledge sharing in project management virtual teams: a review

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    Technological advancements, globalization, and the COVID-19 pandemic have transformed digital communication into a central tenet of many project management virtual teams (VTs). However, successful VTs are dependent on communication, collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members. Through a systematic literature review, this study investigates the challenges and critical success factors of digital communication, collaboration, and knowledge sharing in project management VTs. As a result, eight key common themes were identified - trust, cultural diversity, collaboration tools and technology, communication and knowledge hoarding, leadership, psychological safety, communication guidelines and training, and resource planning. Furthermore, given the geographically dispersed nature of VTs, they face additional challenges than teams that interact face-to-face (in-person). Therefore, mitigating the challenges by focusing on the identified themes could lead to project success

    Metaverse. Old urban issues in new virtual cities

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    Recent years have seen the arise of some early attempts to build virtual cities, utopias or affective dystopias in an embodied Internet, which in some respects appear to be the ultimate expression of the neoliberal city paradigma (even if virtual). Although there is an extensive disciplinary literature on the relationship between planning and virtual or augmented reality linked mainly to the gaming industry, this often avoids design and value issues. The observation of some of these early experiences - Decentraland, Minecraft, Liberland Metaverse, to name a few - poses important questions and problems that are gradually becoming inescapable for designers and urban planners, and allows us to make some partial considerations on the risks and potentialities of these early virtual cities

    Post Rio Communication Styles for Deliberation:between individualization and collective action

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    Open Innovation and Knowledge Sharing - Towards a sustainable offshore aquaculture

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    This thesis explores knowledge sharing, open innovation, and skilled relatedness between two industries, the emerging offshore aquaculture industry, and the oil and gas industry. This research placed a significant emphasis on comparing these two industries using the theories presented in chapter two. To gather data for this thesis, a qualitative research method was utilized, which includes semi-structured interviews, a questionnaire, and a literature study. The desire for sustainable development is a powerful motivator for consumer and company behavior, not to mention government mandates. According to the UN, the world®s food output must quadruple by 2050 to feed a rising population. The sea must provide a significant portion of the increasing food output. Aquaculture has been singled out as essential to enhancing the world®s food output. Offshore aquaculture is an innovative method of fish production. Although this method has been researched for a while, we have never been as close to a functioning aquaculture operation at sea as we are now. Compared to the initial fish farming on land or near the shore, offshore aquaculture has presented additional difficulties. The physical environment will be different for offshore aquaculture compared to inshore aquaculture. Despite the distinct physical and climatic circumstances, many of the biological obstacles of offshore aquaculture will still be similar to those of traditional coastal fish farming, including today’s well-known problems like lice, illness, and fish welfare. Offshore aquaculture developers were obliged to change their approach due to these challenges. Knowledge sharing, skilled relatedness, open innovation and spillovers from the oil and gas industry might all be advantageous for the growing offshore aquaculture industry

    Open Innovation and Knowledge Sharing - Towards a sustainable offshore aquaculture

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    This thesis explores knowledge sharing, open innovation, and skilled relatedness between two industries, the emerging offshore aquaculture industry, and the oil and gas industry. This research placed a significant emphasis on comparing these two industries using the theories presented in chapter two. To gather data for this thesis, a qualitative research method was utilized, which includes semi-structured interviews, a questionnaire, and a literature study. The desire for sustainable development is a powerful motivator for consumer and company behavior, not to mention government mandates. According to the UN, the world ́s food output must quadruple by 2050 to feed a rising population. The sea must provide a significant portion of the increasing food output. Aquaculture has been singled out as essential to enhancing the world ́s food output. Offshore aquaculture is an innovative method of fish production. Although this method has been researched for a while, we have never been as close to a functioning aquaculture operation at sea as we are now. Compared to the initial fish farming on land or near the shore, offshore aquaculture has presented additional difficulties. The physical environment will be different for offshore aquaculture compared to inshore aquaculture. Despite the distinct physical and climatic circumstances, many of the biological obstacles of offshore aquaculture will still be similar to those of traditional coastal fish farming, including today’s well-known problems like lice, illness, and fish welfare. Offshore aquaculture developers were obliged to change their approach due to these challenges. Knowledge sharing, skilled relatedness, open innovation and spillovers from the oil and gas industry might all be advantageous for the growing offshore aquaculture industry

    Toxic Leadership: A Phenomenological Investigation of Recently Retired U.S. Army Service Members\u27 Experiences with Toxic Leaders

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    This phenomenological study investigates the experiences of recently retired U.S. Army service members with toxic leadership. The study involved a sample of 10 participants, with data collection conducted through one-on-one, face-to-face interviews using semi-structured, open-ended questions. Interviews for the study were conducted face-to-face or through virtual platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams, with each session lasting no longer than 90 minutes. Data analysis employed a six-step thematic analysis method, with coding completed through NVivo after initial hand-coding. Findings revealed that the military culture, characterized by strict hierarchy and obedience, inadvertently fosters an environment conducive to toxic leadership. Participants reported that the lack of accountability for abusive leaders and the suppression of subordinates\u27 voices enable toxic behavior. The study highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing toxic leadership within the military. Given the distinct and rigid nature of military rank structures and chain of command, altering an established hierarchy presents challenges. However, the research suggests that fostering leadership styles that highlight authentic and transformational qualities could lead to a more positive and professional military environment
