58 research outputs found

    Altered Cortical Gyrification in Adults Who Were Born Very Preterm and Its Associations With Cognition and Mental Health

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    Background: The last trimester of pregnancy is a critical period for the establishment of cortical gyrification, and altered folding patterns have been reported following very preterm birth (\u3c 33 weeks of gestation) in childhood and adolescence. However, research is scant on the persistence of such alterations in adulthood and their associations with cognitive and psychiatric outcomes. Methods: We studied 79 very preterm and 81 age-matched full-term control adults. T1-weighted magnetic resonance images were used to measure a local gyrification index (LGI), indicating the degree of folding across multiple vertices of the reconstructed cortical surface. Group and group-by-sex LGI differences were assessed by means of per-vertex adjustment for cortical thickness and overall intracranial volume. Within-group correlations were also computed between LGI and functional outcomes, including general intelligence (IQ) and psychopathology. Results: Very preterm adults had significantly reduced LGI in extensive cortical regions encompassing the frontal, anterior temporal, and occipitoparietal lobes. Alterations in lateral fronto-temporal-parietal and medial occipitoparietal regions were present in both men and women, although men showed more extensive alterations. In both very preterm and control adults, higher LGI was associated with higher IQ and lower psychopathology scores, with the spatial distribution of these associations substantially differing between the two groups. Conclusions: Very preterm adults’ brains are characterized by significant and widespread local hypogyria, and these alterations might be implicated in cognitive and psychiatric outcomes. Gyrification reflects an early developmental process and provides a fingerprint for very preterm birth

    Longitudinal measurement of the developing grey matter in preterm subjects using multi-modal MRI.

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    Preterm birth is a major public health concern, with the severity and occurrence of adverse outcome increasing with earlier delivery. Being born preterm disrupts a time of rapid brain development: in addition to volumetric growth, the cortex folds, myelination is occurring and there are changes on the cellular level. These neurological events have been imaged non-invasively using diffusion-weighted (DW) MRI. In this population, there has been a focus on examining diffusion in the white matter, but the grey matter is also critically important for neurological health. We acquired multi-shell high-resolution diffusion data on 12 infants born at ≤28weeks of gestational age at two time-points: once when stable after birth, and again at term-equivalent age. We used the Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging model (NODDI) (Zhang et al., 2012) to analyse the changes in the cerebral cortex and the thalamus, both grey matter regions. We showed region-dependent changes in NODDI parameters over the preterm period, highlighting underlying changes specific to the microstructure. This work is the first time that NODDI parameters have been evaluated in both the cortical and the thalamic grey matter as a function of age in preterm infants, offering a unique insight into neuro-development in this at-risk population

    Longitudinal analysis of extreme prematurity: a neuroimage investigation of early brain development

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    Brain development is a complex process, and disruptions from its normal course may affect the later neurological outcome of an individual. Preterm infants are at higher risk of disability, since a substantial part of brain development happens outside the mother’s womb, making it vulnerable to a range of insults. Understanding the early brain development during the preterm period is of critical importance and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows us to investigate this. Methodologically, this is a challenging task, as classical approaches of studying longitudinal development over this period do not cope with the large changes taking place. This thesis focuses on the development of tools to study the changes in cortical folding, shape of different brain structures and microstructural changes over the preterm period from longitudinal data of extremely preterm-born infants. It describes a tissue segmentation pipeline, optimised on a postmortem fetal dataset, and then focuses on finding longitudinal correspondences between the preterm and termequivalent brain regions and structures in extremely preterm-born infants using MRI. Three novel registration techniques are proposed for longitudinal registration of this challenging data. These are based on matching the spectral components associated with either the cortical surfaces, diffusion tensor images, or both. These allow us to quantify longitudinal changes in different brain regions and structures. We investigated changes in cortical folding of different lobes, microstructural changes and tracts in the white matter, cortical thickness and changes in cortical fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity. We used cortical surface registration to look at shape differences between controls and extremely preterm-born young adults to gain an insight into the long-term impact of prematurity. This research may contribute to the development of early biomarkers for predicting the neurological outcome of preterm infants and illuminate our understanding of brain development during this crucial period

    Quantification of cortical folding using MR image data

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    The cerebral cortex is a thin layer of tissue lining the brain where neural circuits perform important high level functions including sensory perception, motor control and language processing. In the third trimester the fetal cortex folds rapidly from a smooth sheet into a highly convoluted arrangement of gyri and sulci. Premature birth is a high risk factor for poor neurodevelopmental outcome and has been associated with abnormal cortical development, however the nature of the disruption to developmental processes is not fully understood. Recent developments in magnetic resonance imaging have allowed the acquisition of high quality brain images of preterms and also fetuses in-utero. The aim of this thesis is to develop techniques which quantify folding from these images in order to better understand cortical development in these two populations. A framework is presented that quantifies global and regional folding using curvature-based measures. This methodology was applied to fetuses over a wide gestational age range (21.7 to 38.9 weeks) for a large number of subjects (N = 80) extending our understanding of how the cortex folds through this critical developmental period. The changing relationship between the folding measures and gestational age was modelled with a Gompertz function which allowed an accurate prediction of physiological age. A spectral-based method is outlined for constructing a spatio-temporal surface atlas (a sequence of mean cortical surface meshes for weekly intervals). A key advantage of this method is the ability to do group-wise atlasing without bias to the anatomy of an initial reference subject. Mean surface templates were constructed for both fetuses and preterms allowing a preliminary comparison of mean cortical shape over the postmenstrual age range 28-36 weeks. Displacement patterns were revealed which intensified with increasing prematurity, however more work is needed to evaluate the reliability of these findings.Open Acces

    Longer Gestation Among Children Born Full Term Influences Cognitive and Motor Development

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    Children born preterm show persisting impairments in cognitive functioning, school achievement, and brain development. Most research has focused on implications of birth prior to 37 gestational weeks; however, the fetal central nervous system continues to make fundamental changes throughout gestation. Longer gestation is associated with reduced morbidity and mortality even among infants born during the period clinically defined as full term (37–41 gestational weeks). The implications of shortened gestation among term infants for neurodevelopment are poorly understood. The present study prospectively evaluates 232 mothers and their full term infants (50.4% male infants) at three time points across the first postnatal year. We evaluate the association between gestational length and cognitive and motor development. Infants included in the study were full term (born between 37 and 41 weeks gestation). The present study uses the combination of Last Menstrual Period (LMP) and early ultrasound for accurate gestational dating. Hierarchical Linear Regression analyses revealed that longer gestational length is associated with higher scores on the Bayley scales of mental and motor development at 3, 6 and 12 months of age after considering socio-demographic, pregnancy, and infant-level covariates. Findings were identical using revised categories of early, term, and late term proposed by the Working Group for Defining Term Pregnancy. Our findings indicate that longer gestation, even among term infants, benefits both cognitive and motor development

    Examining the development of brain structure in utero with fetal MRI, acquired as part of the Developing Human Connectome Project

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    The human brain is an incredibly complex organ, and the study of it traverses many scales across space and time. The development of the brain is a protracted process that begins embryonically but continues into adulthood. Although neural circuits have the capacity to adapt and are modulated throughout life, the major structural foundations are laid in utero during the fetal period, through a series of rapid but precisely timed, dynamic processes. These include neuronal proliferation, migration, differentiation, axonal pathfinding, and myelination, to name a few. The fetal origins of disease hypothesis proposed that a variety of non-communicable diseases emerging in childhood and adulthood could be traced back to a series of risk factors effecting neurodevelopment in utero (Barker 1995). Since this publication, many studies have shown that the structural scaffolding of the brain is vulnerable to external environmental influences and the perinatal developmental window is a crucial determinant of neurological health later in life. However, there remain many fundamental gaps in our understanding of it. The study of human brain development is riddled with biophysical, ethical, and technical challenges. The Developing Human Connectome Project (dHCP) was designed to tackle these specific challenges and produce high quality open-access perinatal MRI data, to enable researchers to investigate normal and abnormal neurodevelopment (Edwards et al., 2022). This thesis will focus on investigating the diffusion-weighted and anatomical (T2) imaging data acquired in the fetal period, between the second to third trimester (22 – 37 gestational weeks). The limitations of fetal MR data are ill-defined due to a lack of literature and therefore this thesis aims to explore the data through a series of critical and strategic analysis approaches that are mindful of the biophysical challenges associated with fetal imaging. A variety of analysis approaches are optimised to quantify structural brain development in utero, exploring avenues to relate the changes in MR signal to possible neurobiological correlates. In doing so, the work in this thesis aims to improve mechanistic understanding about how the human brain develops in utero, providing the clinical and medical imaging community with a normative reference point. To this aim, this thesis investigates fetal neurodevelopment with advanced in utero MRI methods, with a particular emphasis on diffusion MRI. Initially, the first chapter outlines a descriptive, average trajectory of diffusion metrics in different white matter fiber bundles across the second to third trimester. This work identified unique polynomial trajectories in diffusion metrics that characterise white matter development (Wilson et al., 2021). Guided by previous literature on the sensitivity of DWI to cellular processes, I formulated a hypothesis about the biophysical correlates of diffusion signal components that might underpin this trend in transitioning microstructure. This hypothesis accounted for the high sensitivity of the diffusion signal to a multitude of simultaneously occurring processes, such as the dissipating radial glial scaffold, commencement of pre-myelination and arborization of dendritic trees. In the next chapter, the methods were adapted to address this hypothesis by introducing another dimension, and charting changes in diffusion properties along developing fiber pathways. With this approach it was possible to identify compartment-specific microstructural maturation, refining the spatial and temporal specificity (Wilson et al., 2023). The results reveal that the dynamic fluctuations in the components of the diffusion signal correlate with observations from previous histological work. Overall, this work allowed me to consolidate my interpretation of the changing diffusion signal from the first chapter. It also serves to improve understanding about how diffusion signal properties are affected by processes in transient compartments of the fetal brain. The third chapter of this thesis addresses the hypothesis that cortical gyrification is influenced by both underlying fiber connectivity and cytoarchitecture. Using the same fetal imaging dataset, I analyse the tissue microstructural change underlying the formation of cortical folds. I investigate correlations between macrostructural surface features (curvature, sulcal depth) and tissue microstructural measures (diffusion tensor metrics, and multi-shell multi-tissue decomposition) in the subplate and cortical plate across gestational age, exploring this relationship both at the population level and within subjects. This study provides empirical evidence to support the hypotheses that microstructural properties in the subplate and cortical plate are altered with the development of sulci. The final chapter explores the data without anatomical priors, using a data-driven method to extract components that represent coordinated structural maturation. This analysis aims to examine if brain regions with coherent patterns of growth over the fetal period converge on neonatal functional networks. I extract spatially independent features from the anatomical imaging data and quantify the spatial overlap with pre-defined neonatal resting state networks. I hypothesised that coherent spatial patterns of anatomical development over the fetal period would map onto the functional networks observed in the neonatal period. Overall, this thesis provides new insight about the developmental contrast over the second to third trimester of human development, and the biophysical correlates affecting T2 and diffusion MR signal. The results highlight the utility of fetal MRI to research critical mechanisms of structural brain maturation in utero, including white matter development and cortical gyrification, bridging scales from neurobiological processes to whole brain macrostructure. their gendered constructions relating to women

    Using compartment models of diffusion MRI to investigate the preterm brain

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    Preterm birth is the leading cause of neonatal mortality, with survivors experiencing motor, cognitive and other deficits at increased rates. In preterm infancy, the developing brain undergoes folding, myelination, and rapid cellular growth. Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DW MRI) is an imaging modality that allows noninvasive inference of cellular microstructure in living tissue, and its parameters reflect changes in brain tissue composition. In this thesis, we employ compartment models of DW MRI to investigate the microstructure in preterm-born subjects at different ages. Within infants, we have used the NODDI model to investigate longitudinal changes in neurite density and orientation dispersion within the white matter, cerebral cortex and thalamus, explaining known trends in diffusion tensor parameters with greater specificity. We then used a quantitative T2 sequence to develop and investigate a novel, multi-modal parameter known as the ‘g-ratio’. We have also investigated changing microstructural geometry within the cortex. Immediately after preterm birth, the highly-ordered underlying cellular structure makes diffusion in the cortex almost entirely radial. This undergoes a transition to a disordered and isotropic state over the first weeks of life, which we have used the DIAMOND model to quantify. This radiality decreases at a rate that depends on the cortical lobe. In a cohort of young adults born extremely preterm, we have quantified differences in brain microstructure compared to term-born controls. In preterm subjects, the brain structures are smaller than for controls, leading to increased partial volume in some regions of interest. We introduce a method to infer diffusion parameters in partial volume, even for regions which are smaller than the diffusion resolution. Overall, this thesis utilises and evaluates a variety of compartment models of DW MRI. By developing and applying principled and robust methodology, we present new insights into microstructure within the preterm-born brain

    MR connectomics: a conceptual framework for studying the developing brain

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    The combination of advanced neuroimaging techniques and major developments in complex network science, have given birth to a new framework for studying the brain: “connectomics.” This framework provides the ability to describe and study the brain as a dynamic network and to explore how the coordination and integration of information processing may occur. In recent years this framework has been used to investigate the developing brain and has shed light on many dynamic changes occurring from infancy through adulthood. The aim of this article is to review this work and to discuss what we have learned from it. We will also use this body of work to highlight key technical aspects that are necessary in general for successful connectome analysis using today's advanced neuroimaging techniques. We look to identify current limitations of such approaches, what can be improved, and how these points generalize to other topics in connectome research