11,201 research outputs found

    The relation among achievement goals and academic achievement in statistics: the mediating role of statistics anxiety and statistics self-efficacy

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    AbstractIn order to predict student's academic achievement in statistics in terms of achievement goals, statistics anxiety and statistics selfefficacy, 323 participants from Fars Peyame Noor Universities were selected via multi- stage cluster sampling and then were asked to fill in a set of questionnaires, consisted of achievement goals, statistics anxiety and statistics self-efficacy scales. Results of path analysis generally showed that achievement goals indirectly and through statistics anxiety and statistics self-efficacy affect students’ achievement in statistics. Moreover, results showed that unlike avoidance-performance goals, the indirect effect of mastery goals on statistical achievement is positive

    Self-beliefs in the introductory programming lab and game-based fantasy role-play

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of philosophy and awarded by Brunel University LondonIt is important for students to engage in adequate deliberate practice in order to develop programming expertise. However, students often encounter anxiety when they begin to learn. This can present a challenge to educators because such anxiety can influence practice behaviour. This thesis situates this challenge within the Control- Value Theory of Achievement Emotions, emphasising a need for domain-specific research and presenting new research tools which can be used to investigate the area. Analysis of data collected from three cohorts of introductory programming students on web programming (2011-12) and robot programming (2012-13 and 2013-14) courses show that programming self-concept and programming aptitude mindset can predict programming anxiety and that programming anxiety is negatively correlated with programming practice. However, levels of anxiety remained consistently high across this period. A method to enrich these psychological constructs through a multimedia-rich learning environment is proposed. Drawing upon the interplay between narrative reinforcement and procedural rhetoric that can be achieved in a fantasy role-play, students' self-concept can be enhanced. A double-blind randomised controlled trial demonstrates promising results, however small effect sizes suggest further research is needed

    The Impact of an Interdisciplinary Seminar on First-Year University Students' Development of Personal Epistemology and Motivational and Strategic Components of Self-Regulated Learning

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    The study first sought to determine if students' self-reported scores on measures of personal epistemology and motivational and strategic components of self-regulated learning (a) changed over time and (b) were impacted by enrollment in an interdisciplinary course. Secondly, the study questioned how these measures impacted end-of-term GPA. Four hundred ninety traditional aged first-year students at a mid-sized private southeastern university, 287 females and 203 males, comprised the sample. Data were collected during a fall term in a pre-post format for this quasi-experimental research design. After scaling and adjusting to fit this study population, three scales were derived from the Epistemic Beliefs Inventory and seven scales were derived from the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. A repeated measures MANOVA was conducted for treatment (interdisciplinary course) x time (pre/post) for each of the 11 scales and found no interaction effect for treatment. Over time, significant within-group differences indicated that all students moved toward the naïve perspective for measures of Quick Learning and Innate Learning. Motivational measures of Task Value and Extrinsic Goal Orientation declined significantly. More significant use of Elaboration and Written Study Strategies were reported over time. Between groups differences indicated that students in the interdisciplinary course had more desirable mean scores for the following scales: Quick Learning, Self-Efficacy for Learning and Performance, Task Value, Intrinsic Goal Orientation, Extrinsic Goal Orientation, Elaboration and Critical Thinking. Additional data analysis determined that significant differences existed between group means on entering academic record variables. However, there were no significant differences in the variance of pretest scores and only one significant difference for posttest scores. Consequently, these entering characteristics may only indirectly account for the between-groups significant main effects. Correlation analysis between pre and post scores for the 11 scales and end-of-term cumulative GPA isolated significantly correlated variables to include in a stepwise multiple regression analysis. Analyses indicated that Quick Learning pretest scores and posttest scores for Self-Efficacy for Learning and Performance explained 8.8% of the variability of GPA

    Psychology in Education and Health- Proceedings of the II Leipzig-Évora Scientific Meeting in Psychology

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    This ebook contains several papers on the application applied psychology in education, health and well-being, personality,family interactions and emotional and epistemological development.The aim of this volume is to inform the scientific community on the research on Psychology mainly made at Évora and Leipzig Universities, but also in other contexts like Mexico or Brazil.FC

    A Critical Evaluation of the Thinking Frames Approach as a Teaching Strategy for Multidimensional Conceptual Change in the Science Classroom

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    This study investigated how a multi-dimensional conceptual change strategy, called the Thinking Frames Approach (TFA), supported students’ learning. The study was conducted in Grades 8-10 science classes over a two-year period. Results showed that students improved their conceptual understanding and written explanations in many science topics. Students’ interest and self-efficacy in science were also positively influenced. TFA support provided to the teacher in guiding students to go through multi-dimensional conceptual change is also discussed

    Internet source evaluation: The role of implicit associations and psychophysiological self-regulation

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    This study focused on middle school students\u2019 source evaluation skills as a key component of digital literacy. Specifically, it examined the role of two unexplored individual factors that may affect the evaluation of sources providing information about the controversial topic of the health risks associated with the use of mobile phones. The factors were the implicit association of mobile phone with health or no health, and psychophysiological self-regulation as reflected in basal Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Seventy-two seventh graders read six webpages that provided contrasting information on the unsettled topic of the potential health risks related to the use of mobile phones. Then they were asked to rank-order the six websites along the dimension of reliability (source evaluation). Findings revealed that students were able to discriminate between the most and least reliable websites, justifying their ranking in light of different criteria. However, overall, they were little accurate in rank-ordering all six Internet sources. Both implicit associations and HRV correlated with source evaluation. The interaction between the two individual variables was a significant predictor of participants\u2019 performance in rank-ordering the websites for reliability. A slope analysis revealed that when students had an average psychophysiological self-regulation, the stronger their association of the mobile phone with health, the better their performance on source evaluation. Theoretical and educational significances of the study are discussed

    Povezanost epistemičkih uvjerenja s ciljevima postignuća i pristupima studenata učenju matematike

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    Epistemička uvjerenja su uvjerenja o prirodi znanja i načinima stjecanja znanja te su važan prediktor kako procesa, tako i ishoda učenja. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio utvrditi u kolikoj su mjeri epistemička uvjerenja povezana s ciljevima postignuća i pristupima učenju matematike te utvrditi imaju li ciljevi postignuća medijatorsku ulogu u povezanosti epistemičkih uvjerenja s pristupima studenata učenju u kontekstu učenja matematike na visokoškolskoj razini. Istraživana su dva aspekta epistemičkih uvjerenja – neadaptivno uvjerenje o jednostavnosti znanja i adaptivno uvjerenje o evaluaciji znanja. Dimenzija jednostavnosti znanja odnosi se na koncepciju znanja kao kontinuuma koji nastaje akumulacijom činjenica, za razliku od poimanja znanja kao visoko povezanih i međuzavisnih koncepata, dok se evaluacija znanja odnosi na uvjerenja o tome kako se mogu provjeriti različite informacije, uključujući i korištenje dokaza. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 333 studenta prve godine elektrotehnike i računarstva koji su ispunjavali upitnik koji se odnosio na kolegij iz matematike i koji je obuhvaćao mjere epistemičkih uvjerenja, ciljeva postignuća te pristupa studenata učenju. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da su uvjerenja o jednostavnosti znanja negativno, a uvjerenja o evaluaciji znanja pozitivno povezana s učinkovitim motivacijskim i kognitivnim procesima pri učenju. Pritom, u skladu s hijerarhijskim modelom ciljeva postignuća, ciljevi postignuća predstavljaju značajne medijatore odnosa epistemičkih uvjerenja i pristupa studenata učenju matematike. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da je tijekom nastave važno poticati adaptivna epistemička uvjerenja ukazivanjem na vrijednost poznavanja teorije te poticanjem integracije i praktične primjene stečenih znanja

    Applying science of learning in education: Infusing psychological science into the curriculum

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    The field of specialization known as the science of learning is not, in fact, one field. Science of learning is a term that serves as an umbrella for many lines of research, theory, and application. A term with an even wider reach is Learning Sciences (Sawyer, 2006). The present book represents a sliver, albeit a substantial one, of the scholarship on the science of learning and its application in educational settings (Science of Instruction, Mayer 2011). Although much, but not all, of what is presented in this book is focused on learning in college and university settings, teachers of all academic levels may find the recommendations made by chapter authors of service. The overarching theme of this book is on the interplay between the science of learning, the science of instruction, and the science of assessment (Mayer, 2011). The science of learning is a systematic and empirical approach to understanding how people learn. More formally, Mayer (2011) defined the science of learning as the “scientific study of how people learn” (p. 3). The science of instruction (Mayer 2011), informed in part by the science of learning, is also on display throughout the book. Mayer defined the science of instruction as the “scientific study of how to help people learn” (p. 3). Finally, the assessment of student learning (e.g., learning, remembering, transferring knowledge) during and after instruction helps us determine the effectiveness of our instructional methods. Mayer defined the science of assessment as the “scientific study of how to determine what people know” (p.3). Most of the research and applications presented in this book are completed within a science of learning framework. Researchers first conducted research to understand how people learn in certain controlled contexts (i.e., in the laboratory) and then they, or others, began to consider how these understandings could be applied in educational settings. Work on the cognitive load theory of learning, which is discussed in depth in several chapters of this book (e.g., Chew; Lee and Kalyuga; Mayer; Renkl), provides an excellent example that documents how science of learning has led to valuable work on the science of instruction. Most of the work described in this book is based on theory and research in cognitive psychology. We might have selected other topics (and, thus, other authors) that have their research base in behavior analysis, computational modeling and computer science, neuroscience, etc. We made the selections we did because the work of our authors ties together nicely and seemed to us to have direct applicability in academic settings

    Povezanost epistemičkih uvjerenja s ciljevima postignuća i pristupima studenata učenju matematike

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    Epistemička uvjerenja su uvjerenja o prirodi znanja i načinima stjecanja znanja te su važan prediktor kako procesa, tako i ishoda učenja. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio utvrditi u kolikoj su mjeri epistemička uvjerenja povezana s ciljevima postignuća i pristupima učenju matematike te utvrditi imaju li ciljevi postignuća medijatorsku ulogu u povezanosti epistemičkih uvjerenja s pristupima studenata učenju u kontekstu učenja matematike na visokoškolskoj razini. Istraživana su dva aspekta epistemičkih uvjerenja – neadaptivno uvjerenje o jednostavnosti znanja i adaptivno uvjerenje o evaluaciji znanja. Dimenzija jednostavnosti znanja odnosi se na koncepciju znanja kao kontinuuma koji nastaje akumulacijom činjenica, za razliku od poimanja znanja kao visoko povezanih i međuzavisnih koncepata, dok se evaluacija znanja odnosi na uvjerenja o tome kako se mogu provjeriti različite informacije, uključujući i korištenje dokaza. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 333 studenta prve godine elektrotehnike i računarstva koji su ispunjavali upitnik koji se odnosio na kolegij iz matematike i koji je obuhvaćao mjere epistemičkih uvjerenja, ciljeva postignuća te pristupa studenata učenju. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da su uvjerenja o jednostavnosti znanja negativno, a uvjerenja o evaluaciji znanja pozitivno povezana s učinkovitim motivacijskim i kognitivnim procesima pri učenju. Pritom, u skladu s hijerarhijskim modelom ciljeva postignuća, ciljevi postignuća predstavljaju značajne medijatore odnosa epistemičkih uvjerenja i pristupa studenata učenju matematike. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da je tijekom nastave važno poticati adaptivna epistemička uvjerenja ukazivanjem na vrijednost poznavanja teorije te poticanjem integracije i praktične primjene stečenih znanja

    The Relationship of Epistemic Beliefs with Achievement Goals and Student Approaches to Learning Mathematics

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    Epistemička uvjerenja su uvjerenja o prirodi znanja i načinima stjecanja znanja te su važan prediktor kako procesa, tako i ishoda učenja. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio utvrditi u kolikoj su mjeri epistemička uvjerenja povezana s ciljevima postignuća i pristupima učenju matematike te utvrditi imaju li ciljevi postignuća medijatorsku ulogu u povezanosti epistemičkih uvjerenja s pristupima studenata učenju u kontekstu učenja matematike na visokoškolskoj razini. Istraživana su dva aspekta epistemičkih uvjerenja – neadaptivno uvjerenje o jednostavnosti znanja i adaptivno uvjerenje o evaluaciji znanja. Dimenzija jednostavnosti znanja odnosi se na koncepciju znanja kao kontinuuma koji nastaje akumulacijom činjenica, za razliku od poimanja znanja kao visoko povezanih i međuzavisnih koncepata, dok se evaluacija znanja odnosi na uvjerenja o tome kako se mogu provjeriti različite informacije, uključujući i korištenje dokaza. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 333 studenta prve godine elektrotehnike i računarstva koji su ispunjavali upitnik koji se odnosio na kolegij iz matematike i koji je obuhvaćao mjere epistemičkih uvjerenja, ciljeva postignuća te pristupa studenata učenju. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da su uvjerenja o jednostavnosti znanja negativno, a uvjerenja o evaluaciji znanja pozitivno povezana s učinkovitim motivacijskim i kognitivnim procesima pri učenju. Pritom, u skladu s hijerarhijskim modelom ciljeva postignuća, ciljevi postignuća predstavljaju značajne medijatore odnosa epistemičkih uvjerenja i pristupa studenata učenju matematike. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da je tijekom nastave važno poticati adaptivna epistemička uvjerenja ukazivanjem na vrijednost poznavanja teorije te poticanjem integracije i praktične primjene stečenih znanja.Epistemic beliefs are individual’s beliefs about the nature of knowledge and knowing, as well as an important predictor of the learning process and outcome. The aim of this research was to explore the relationship of epistemic beliefs with achievement goals and approaches to learning mathematics at the university level, and to determine whether achievement goals have a mediating role in the relationship between epistemic beliefs and student approaches to learning mathematics. Two aspects of epistemic beliefs were explored - the maladaptive belief about simple knowledge and the adaptive belief about knowledge justification. The dimension of simple knowledge refers to the concept of knowledge as a continuum with the accumulation of facts on one side, and the concept of knowledge as highly connected and interdependent concepts on the other, while the justification dimension refers to beliefs on how different information can be verified, including practical application and proving. The participants were 333 first-year students of electrical engineering and computer science. They completed scales of their epistemic beliefs, achievement goals, and student approaches to learning, all related to the mathematics course. The results show that epistemic beliefs are negatively, and beliefs about justification, positively related to effective motivational and cognitive processes during learning. Also, in line with the hierarchical model of achievement goals, they represent significant mediators of the relationship between epistemic beliefs and students’ approach to learning mathematics. Therefore, it is important that teachers encourage adaptive epistemic beliefs by promoting the value of understanding theory and by encouraging the integration and practical application of acquired knowledge