7 research outputs found

    Prequips—an extensible software platform for integration, visualization and analysis of LC-MS/MS proteomics data

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    Summary: We describe an integrative software platform, Prequips, for comparative proteomics-based systems biology analysis that: (i) integrates all information generated from mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics as well as from basic proteomics data analysis tools, (ii) visualizes such information for various proteomic analyses via graphical interfaces and (iii) links peptide and protein abundances to external tools often used in systems biology studies. Availability: http://prequips.sourceforge.net Contact: [email protected]

    MZmine 2: Modular framework for processing, visualizing, and analyzing mass spectrometry-based molecular profile data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mass spectrometry (MS) coupled with online separation methods is commonly applied for differential and quantitative profiling of biological samples in metabolomic as well as proteomic research. Such approaches are used for systems biology, functional genomics, and biomarker discovery, among others. An ongoing challenge of these molecular profiling approaches, however, is the development of better data processing methods. Here we introduce a new generation of a popular open-source data processing toolbox, MZmine 2.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A key concept of the MZmine 2 software design is the strict separation of core functionality and data processing modules, with emphasis on easy usability and support for high-resolution spectra processing. Data processing modules take advantage of embedded visualization tools, allowing for immediate previews of parameter settings. Newly introduced functionality includes the identification of peaks using online databases, MS<sup>n </sup>data support, improved isotope pattern support, scatter plot visualization, and a new method for peak list alignment based on the random sample consensus (RANSAC) algorithm. The performance of the RANSAC alignment was evaluated using synthetic datasets as well as actual experimental data, and the results were compared to those obtained using other alignment algorithms.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>MZmine 2 is freely available under a GNU GPL license and can be obtained from the project website at: <url>http://mzmine.sourceforge.net/</url>. The current version of MZmine 2 is suitable for processing large batches of data and has been applied to both targeted and non-targeted metabolomic analyses.</p

    ePlant and the 3D Data Display Initiative: Integrative Systems Biology on the World Wide Web

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    Visualization tools for biological data are often limited in their ability to interactively integrate data at multiple scales. These computational tools are also typically limited by two-dimensional displays and programmatic implementations that require separate configurations for each of the user's computing devices and recompilation for functional expansion. Towards overcoming these limitations we have developed “ePlant” (http://bar.utoronto.ca/eplant) – a suite of open-source world wide web-based tools for the visualization of large-scale data sets from the model organism Arabidopsis thaliana. These tools display data spanning multiple biological scales on interactive three-dimensional models. Currently, ePlant consists of the following modules: a sequence conservation explorer that includes homology relationships and single nucleotide polymorphism data, a protein structure model explorer, a molecular interaction network explorer, a gene product subcellular localization explorer, and a gene expression pattern explorer. The ePlant's protein structure explorer module represents experimentally determined and theoretical structures covering >70% of the Arabidopsis proteome. The ePlant framework is accessed entirely through a web browser, and is therefore platform-independent. It can be applied to any model organism. To facilitate the development of three-dimensional displays of biological data on the world wide web we have established the “3D Data Display Initiative” (http://3ddi.org)

    Prequips--an extensible software platform for integration, visualization and analysis of LC-MS/MS proteomics data

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    Summary: We describe an integrative software platform, Prequips, for comparative proteomics-based systems biology analysis that: (i) integrates all information generated from mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics as well as from basic proteomics data analysis tools, (ii) visualizes such information for various proteomic analyses via graphical interfaces and (iii) links peptide and protein abundances to external tools often used in systems biology studies. Availability: http://prequips.sourceforge.net Contact: [email protected]

    Prequips-an extensible software platform for integration, visualization and analysis of LC-MS/MS proteomics data

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    We describe an integrative software platform, Prequips, for comparative proteomics-based systems biology analysis that: (i) integrates all information generated from mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics as well as from basic proteomics data analysis tools, (ii) visualizes such information for various proteomic analyses via graphical interfaces and (iii) links peptide and protein abundances to external tools often used in systems biology studies.X1111sciescopu

    Identification de nouveaux substrats des kinases Erk1/2 par une approche bio-informatique, pharmacologique et phosphoprotéomique

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    La phosphorylation est une modification post-traductionnelle omniprésente des protéines Cette modification est ajoutée et enlevée par l’activité enzymatique respective des protéines kinases et phosphatases. Les kinases Erk1/2 sont au cœur d’une voie de signalisation importante qui régule l’activité de protéines impliquées dans la traduction, le cycle cellulaire, le réarrangement du cytosquelette et la transcription. Ces kinases sont aussi impliquées dans le développement de l’organisme, le métabolisme du glucose, la réponse immunitaire et la mémoire. Différentes pathologies humaines comme le diabète, les maladies cardiovasculaires et principalement le cancer, sont associées à une perturbation de la phosphorylation sur les différents acteurs de cette voie. Considérant l’importance biologique et clinique de ces deux kinases, connaître l’étendue de leur activité enzymatique pourrait mener au développement de nouvelles thérapies pharmacologiques. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif principal de cette thèse était de mesurer l’influence de cette voie sur le phosphoprotéome et de découvrir de nouveaux substrats des kinases Erk1/2. Une étude phosphoprotéomique de cinétique d’inhibition pharmacologique de la voie de signalisation Erk1/2 a alors été entreprise. Le succès de cette étude était basé sur trois technologies clés, soit l’enrichissement des phosphopeptides avec le dioxyde de titane, la spectrométrie de masse haut débit et haute résolution, et le développement d’une plateforme bio-informatique nommée ProteoConnections. Cette plateforme permet d’organiser les données de protéomique, évaluer leur qualité, indiquer les changements d’abondance et accélérer l’interprétation des données. Une fonctionnalité distinctive de ProteoConnections est l’annotation des sites phosphorylés identifiés (kinases, domaines, structures, conservation, interactions protéiques phospho-dépendantes). Ces informations ont été essentielles à l’analyse des 9615 sites phosphorylés sur les 2108 protéines identifiées dans cette étude, soit le plus large ensemble rapporté chez le rat jusqu’à ce jour. L’analyse des domaines protéiques a révélé que les domaines impliqués dans les interactions avec les protéines, les acides nucléiques et les autres molécules sont les plus fréquemment phosphorylés et que les sites sont stratégiquement localisés pour affecter les interactions. Un algorithme a été implémenté pour trouver les substrats potentiels des kinases Erk1/2 à partir des sites identifiés selon leur motif de phosphorylation, leur cinétique de stimulation au sérum et l’inhibition pharmacologique de Mek1/2. Une liste de 157 substrats potentiels des kinases Erk1/2 a ainsi été obtenue. Parmi les substrats identifiés, douze ont déjà été rapportés et plusieurs autres ont des fonctions associées aux substrats déjà connus. Six substrats (Ddx47, Hmg20a, Junb, Map2k2, Numa1, Rras2) ont été confirmés par un essai kinase in vitro avec Erk1. Nos expériences d’immunofluorescence ont démontré que la phosphorylation de Hmg20a sur la sérine 105 par Erk1/2 affecte la localisation nucléocytoplasmique de cette protéine. Finalement, les phosphopeptides isomériques positionnels, soit des peptides avec la même séquence d’acides aminés mais phosphorylés à différentes positions, ont été étudiés avec deux nouveaux algorithmes. Cette étude a permis de déterminer leur fréquence dans un extrait enrichi en phosphopeptides et d’évaluer leur séparation par chromatographie liquide en phase inverse. Une stratégie analytique employant un des algorithmes a été développée pour réaliser une analyse de spectrométrie de masse ciblée afin de découvrir les isomères ayant été manqués par la méthode d’analyse conventionnelle.Phosphorylation is an omnipresent post-translational modification of proteins that regulates numerous cellular processes. This modification is controlled by the enzymatic activity of protein kinases and phosphatases. Erk1/2 kinases are central to an important signaling pathway that modulates translation, cell cycle, cytoskeleton rearrangement and transcription. They are also implicated in organism development, glucose metabolism, immune response and memory. Different human pathologies such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and most importantly cancer, are associated with misregulation or mutations in members of this pathway. Considering the biological and clinical importance of those two kinases, discovering the extent of their enzymatic activity could favor the development of new pharmacological therapies. In this context, the principal objective of this thesis was to measure the influence of this pathway on the phosphoproteome and to discover new substrates of the Erk1/2 kinases. A phosphoproteomics study on the pharmacological inhibition kinetics of the Erk1/2 signaling pathway was initiated. The success of this study was based on three key technologies such as phosphopeptides enrichment with titanium dioxide, high-throughput and high-resolution mass spectrometry, and the development of ProteoConnections, a bioinformatics analysis platform. This platform is dedicated to organize proteomics data, evaluate data quality, report changes of abundance and accelerate data interpretation. A distinctive functionality of ProteoConnections is the annotation of phosphorylated sites (kinases, domains, structures, conservation, phospho-dependant protein interactions, etc.). This information was essential for the dataset analysis of 9615 phosphorylated sites identified on 2108 proteins during the study, which is, until now, the largest one reported for rat. Protein domain analysis revealed that domains implicated in proteins, nucleic acids and other molecules binding were the most frequently phosphorylated and that these sites are strategically located to affect the interactions. An algorithm was implemented to find Erk1/2 kinases potential substrates of identified sites using their phosphorylation motif, serum stimulation and Mek1/2 inhibition kinetic profile. A list of 157 potential Erk1/2 substrates was obtained. Twelve of them were previously reported and many more have functions associated to known substrates. Six substrates (Ddx47, Hmg20a, Junb, Map2k2, Numa1, and Rras2) were confirmed by in vitro kinase assays with Erk1. Our immunofluorescence experiments demonstrated that the phosphorylation of Hmg20a on serine 105 by Erk1/2 affects the nucleocytoplasmic localization of this protein. Finally, phosphopeptides positional isomers, peptides with the same amino acids sequence but phosphorylated at different positions, were studied with two new algorithms. This study allowed us to determine their frequency in an enriched phosphopeptide extract and to evaluate their separation by reverse-phase liquid chromatography. An analytical strategy that uses one of the algorithms was developed to do a targeted mass spectrometry analysis to discover the isomers that had been missed by the conventional method