5 research outputs found

    Visualização de fluxos migratórios

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    Mestrado em Sistemas de InformaçãoA importância e quantidade da Informação criada em diversas áreas tornam a sua visualização e compreensão numas das tarefas mais importantes nos dias de hoje. A utilização da visualização de informação para representar vários tipos de dados de uma forma mais acessível tem-se difundido em várias áreas. Este projeto tem como objetivo representar fluxos migratórios com base em dados fornecidos pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatística. As visualizações geradas servem para facilitar a sua compressão e análise. Este relatório apresenta uma breve introdução à visualização de informação, apresentando alguns exemplos de aplicações e algumas ferramentas usadas nesta área. De seguida apresentam-se as visualizações desenvolvidas e suas características, a plataforma que as integra e os resultados de uma primeira avaliação.The importance and the amount of information generated by many areas make its visualization and understanding one of the most important tasks of the present. The use of information visualization, to represent in a simple manner several types of data, has spread in many areas. This project has as objective the representation of migratory flows given the data shared by Statistics Portugal. The generated visualizations are meant to simplify their analysis and understanding. This project presents a brief introduction to information visualization, some application examples and some common tools used in the area. Afterwards, the developed visualizations and their features are presented, as well as the integrating platform and the results of a first evaluation

    Exploração do espaço de design das interações humano-computador: uma abordagem da gestão do conhecimento ergonômico

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do ConhecimentoO projeto da interação humano-computador é uma atividade em alta demanda, complexa e intensiva em conhecimento. O objetivo geral deste trabalho de tese é estabelecer uma abordagem de representação, integração, reuso e evolução de conhecimento ergonômico para a exploração do espaço de design de interações humano-computador. Para tal o conceito de design rationale é explorado em três dimensões: como parte do entendimento corrente da atividade de design, como caracterização das atividades de design como intensivas de conhecimento e passíveis de suporte específico e como possível unificador dos diversos tipos de conhecimento envolvidos no design de IHC. Destas compreensões uma proposta de abordagem para suportar a gestão do conhecimento ergonômico para exploração do espaço de design de IHC é proposta e aplicada em um estudo de campo. O estudo de campo foi parte do esforço para definição de um padrão de referência em usabilidade para o Sistema Brasileiro de TV Digital (SBTVD). A abordagem metodológica resultante inclui uma taxonomia de argumentos ergonômicos para design de IHC, um processo de gestão de conhecimento ergonômico, um processo mínimo de design de IHC e uma extensão da notação QOC apropriada à gestão de conhecimento de design de IHC

    Synthetic voice design and implementation.

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    The limitations of speech output technology emphasise the need for exploratory psychological research to maximise the effectiveness of speech as a display medium in human-computer interaction. Stage 1 of this study reviewed speech implementation research, focusing on general issues for tasks, users and environments. An analysis of design issues was conducted, related to the differing methodologies for synthesised and digitised message production. A selection of ergonomic guidelines were developed to enhance effective speech interface design. Stage 2 addressed the negative reactions of users to synthetic speech in spite of elegant dialogue structure and appropriate functional assignment. Synthetic speech interfaces have been consistently rejected by their users in a wide variety of application domains because of their poor quality. Indeed the literature repeatedly emphasises quality as being the most important contributor to implementation acceptance. In order to investigate this, a converging operations approach was adopted. This consisted of a series of five experiments (and associated pilot studies) which homed in on the specific characteristics of synthetic speech that determine the listeners varying perceptions of its qualities, and how these might be manipulated to improve its aesthetics. A flexible and reliable ratings interface was designed to display DECtalk speech variations and record listeners perceptions. In experiment one, 40 participants used this to evaluate synthetic speech variations on a wide range of perceptual scales. Factor analysis revealed two main factors: "listenability" accounting for 44.7% of the variance and correlating with the DECtalk "smoothness" parameter to . 57 (p<0.005) and "richness" to . 53 (p<0.005); "assurance" accounting for 12.6% of the variance and correlating with "average pitch" to . 42 (p<0.005) and "head size" to. 42 (p<0.005). Complimentary experiments were then required in order to address appropriate voice design for enhanced listenability and assurance perceptions. With a standard male voice set, 20 participants rated enhanced smoothness and attenuated richness as contributing significantly to speech listenability (p<0.001). Experiment three using a female voice set yielded comparable results, suggesting that further refinements of the technique were necessary in order to develop an effective methodology for speech quality optimization. At this stage it became essential to focus directly on the parameter modifications that are associated with the the aesthetically pleasing characteristics of synthetic speech. If a reliable technique could be developed to enhance perceived speech quality, then synthesis systems based on the commonly used DECtalk model might assume some of their considerable yet unfulfilled potential. In experiment four, 20 subjects rated a wide range of voices modified across the two main parameters associated with perceived listenability, smoothness and richness. The results clearly revealed a linear relationship between enhanced smoothness and attenuated richness and significant improvements in perceived listenability (p<0.001 in both cases). Planned comparisons conducted were between the different levels of the parameters and revealed significant listenability enhancements as smoothness was increased, and a similar pattern as richness decreased. Statistical analysis also revealed a significant interaction between the two parameters (p<0.001) and a more comprehensive picture was constructed. In order to expand the focus of and enhance the generality of the research, it was now necessary to assess the effects of synthetic speech modifications whilst subjects were undertaking a more realistic task. Passively rating the voices independent of processing for meaning is arguably an artificial task which rarely, if ever, would occur in 'real-world' settings. In order to investigate perceived quality in a more realistic task scenario, experiment five introduced two levels of information processing load. The purpose of this experiment was firstly to see if a comprehension load modified the pattern of listenability enhancements, and secondly to see if that pattern differed between high and and low load. Techniques for introducing cognitive load were investigated and comprehension load was selected as the most appropriate method in this case. A pilot study distinguished two levels of comprehension load from a set of 150 true/false sentences and these were recorded across the full range of parameter modifications. Twenty subjects then rated the voices using the established listenability scales as before but also performing the additional task of processing each spoken stimuli for meaning and determining the authenticity of the statements. Results indicated that listenability enhancements did indeed occur at both levels of processing although at the higher level variations in the pattern occured. A significant difference was revealed between optimal parameter modifications for conditions of high and low cognitive load (p<0.05). The results showed that subjects perceived the synthetic voices in the high cognitive load condition to be significantly less listenable than those same voices in the low cognitive load condition. The analysis also revealed that this effect was independent of the number of errors made. This result may be of general value because conclusions drawn from this findings are independent of any particular parameter modifications that may be exclusively available to DECtalk users. Overall, the study presents a detailed analysis of the research domain combined with a systematic experimental program of synthetic speech quality assessment. The experiments reported establish a reliable and replicable procedure for optimising the aesthetically pleasing characteristics of DECtalk speech, but the implications of the research extend beyond the boundaries of a particular synthesiser. Results from the experimental program lead to a number of conclusions, the most salient being that not only does the synthetic speech designer have to overcome the general rejection of synthetic voices based on their poor quality by sophisticated customisation of synthetic voice parameters, but that he or she needs to take into account the cognitive load of the task being undertaken. The interaction between cognitive load and optimal settings for synthesis requires direct consideration if synthetic speech systems are going to realise and maximise their potential in human computer interaction

    Composition flexible par planification automatique

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    Nous nous positionnons dans un contexte d'informatique ambiante dans lequel il arrive que les besoins de l'utilisateur n'aient pas été prévus, notamment en situation exceptionnelle. Dans ce cas, il peut ne pas exister de système préconçu qui réponde exactement à ces besoins. Pour les satisfaire, il faut alors pouvoir composer les systèmes disponibles dans l'environnement, et le système composé doit permettre à l'utilisateur de faire des choix à l'exécution. Ainsi, l'utilisateur a la possibilité d'adapter l'exécution de la composition à son contexte. Cela signifie que la composition intègre des structures de contrôle de l'exécution, destinées à l'utilisateur : la composition est dite flexible. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons de répondre au problème de la composition flexible en contexte d'intelligence ambiante avec un planificateur produisant des plans flexibles. Dans un premier temps, nous proposons une modélisation de la planification flexible. Pour cela, nous définissons les opérateurs de séquence et d'alternative, utilisés pour caractériser les plans flexibles. Nous définissons deux autres opérateurs au moyen de la séquence et de l'alternative : l'entrelacement et l'itération. Nous nous référons à ce cadre théorique pour délimiter la flexibilité traitée par notre planificateur Lambda-Graphplan. L'originalité de Lambda-Graphplan est de produire des itérations en s'appuyant sur une approche par graphe de planification. Nous montrons notamment que Lambda-Graphplan est très performant avec les domaines se prêtant à la construction de structures itératives.In a context of Ambient Intelligence, some of the user's needs might not be anticipated, e.g. when the user is in an unforeseen situation. In this case, there could exist no system that exactly meets their needs. By composing the available systems, the user could obtain a new system that satisfies their needs. In order to adapt the composition to the context, the composition must allow the user to make choices at runtime. So the composition includes control structures for the user: the composition is flexible. In this thesis, I deal with the problem of the flexible composition by automated planning. I propose a model of flexible planning. The sequence and the choice operators are defined and used to characterize flexible plans. Then, two other operators are derived from the sequence and the choice operators: the interleaving and the iteration operators. I refer to this framework to define the flexibility produced by my planner, Lambda-Graphplan, which is based on the planning graph. The originality of Lambda-Graphplan is to produce iterations. I show that Lambda-Graphplan is very efficient on domains that allow the construction of iterative structures.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF