6 research outputs found

    Directional Reflectance Studies in Support of the Radiometric Calibration Test Site (RadCaTS) at Railroad Valley

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    The Radiometric Calibration Test Site (RadCaTS) is a suite of commercial and custom instruments used to make measurements of the surface reflectance and atmosphere throughout the day at Railroad Valley, Nevada. It was developed in response to the need for daily radiometric calibration data for the vast array of Earth-observing sensors on orbit, which is continuously increasing as more nations and private companies launch individual environmental satellites as well as large constellations. The current suite of instruments at RadCaTS includes five ground-viewing radiometers (GVRs), four of which view the surface in a nadir-viewing configuration. Many sensors such as those on Landsat-7 and Landsat-8 view Railroad Valley within 3 of nadir, while others such as those on Sentinel-2A and -2B, RapidEye, Aqua, Suomi NPP, and Terra can view Railroad Valley at off-nadir angles. Past efforts have shown that the surface bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) has minimal impact on vicarious calibration uncertainties for views <10, but the desire to use larger view angles has prompted the effort to develop a BRDF correction for data from RadCaTS. The current work investigates the application of Railroad Valley BRDF data derived from a BRF camera developed at the University of Arizona in the 1990s (but is no longer in use) to the current RadCaTS surface reflectance measurements. Also investigated are early results from directional reflectance studies using a mobile spectro-goniometer system during a round-robin field campaign in 2018. This work describes the preliminary results, the effects on current measurements, and the approach for future measurements

    Absolute Radiometric Calibration of Narrow-Swath Imaging Sensors with Reference to Non-Coincident Wide-Swath Sensors

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    An inter-calibration method is developed to provide absolute radiometric calibration of narrow-swath imaging sensors with reference to non-coincident wide-swath sensors. The method predicts at-sensor radiance using non-coincident imagery from the reference sensor and knowledge of spectral reflectance of the test site. The imagery of the reference sensor is restricted to acquisitions that provide similar view and solar illumination geometry to reduce uncertainties due to directional reflectance effects. Spectral reflectance of the test site is found with a simple iterative radiative transfer method using radiance values of a well-understood wide-swath sensor and spectral shape information based on historical ground-based measurements. At-sensor radiance is calculated for the narrow-swath sensor using this spectral reflectance and atmospheric parameters that are also based on historical in situ measurements. Results of the inter-calibration method show agreement on the 2 5 percent level in most spectral regions with the vicarious calibration technique relying on coincident ground-based measurements referred to as the reflectance-based approach. While the variability of the inter-calibration method based on non-coincident image pairs is significantly larger, results are consistent with techniques relying on in situ measurements. The method is also insensitive to spectral differences between the sensors by transferring to surface spectral reflectance prior to prediction of at-sensor radiance. The utility of this inter-calibration method is made clear by its flexibility to utilize image pairings with acquisition dates differing in excess of 30 days allowing frequent absolute calibration comparisons between wide- and narrow-swath sensors

    Design Analysis of a Sapce Based Chromotomographic Hyperspectral Imaging Experiment

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    This research develops the design of several components and/or systems for an experimental space-based chromotomographic hyperspectral imager that is being built by the Air Force Institute of Technology. The design work includes three separate topics. The first topic was the development of a structure utilizing finite element analysis and eigenanalysis for the ground-based version of the chromotomographic experiment (CTEx). The ground-based experiment was performed as a risk mitigation measure for the space-based experiment. The second topic includes a design review of a contractor\u27s proposed off-axis Mersenne telescope for the space-based chromotomographic hyperspectral imager. The work included the creation of preliminary verification requirements from the contract and sub- sequent analysis of the telescope design based on those requirements. The third topic addressed was a trade study of on-orbit focus, alignment, and calibration schemes for the space-based version of CTEx. The selected imaging focusing method entails imaging Earth-based sodium lights at night while stepping through several focus settings. The optimal focus setting shows the clearest sodium spectral features. The critical alignment concerns were identified as the alignment of the prism and of the collimated light onto the prism. The space-based CTEx utilizes three separate calibration methods involving vicarious Earth-based targets, and on-board laser diodes and spectral filters. The results of the research varied by topic. For the first topic, a structural assembly was successfully fabricated that allowed the goals of the ground-based CTEx to be met, validating the design approach. The design review for the second topic was successful with the contractor\u27s telescope design currently undergoing fabrication with delivery in May 2010. For the third topic, applicable methods and procedures were developed for the space-based CTEx

    Design and Characterization of a Space Based Chromotomographic Hyperspectral Imaging Experiment

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    This research focuses upon the design, analysis and characterization of several systems related to a spacebased chromotomographic experiment (CTEx), a hyperspectral imager, currently in development at the Air Force Institute of Technology. Three interrelated subject-areas were developed. The initial focal point was a generic, system-level mechanical layout and integration analysis of the space-based instrument. The scope of this work was intended to baseline the space-based system design in order to allow for further trade-space refinement and requirements development. Second, development of an iteration upon the ground-based version of CTEx was accomplished in an effort to support higher-fidelity field data-collection. This effort encompassed both the engineering design process as well as a system-level characterization test series to validate the enhancements to deviation angle, image quality, and alignment characterization methodologies. Finally, the third effort in this thesis related to the design, analysis, and characterization test campaign encompassing the space-based CTEx instrument computer unit (ICU). This activity produced an experimentally validated thermal mathematical model supporting further trade-space refinement and operational planning aspects for this device. Results from all three of the above focus areas support the transition of this next-generation technology from the laboratory to a fullyrealized, space-readied platform achieving intelligence preparation of the battlespace for the warfighter

    Deep Space Gateway Concept Science Workshop : February 27–March 1, 2018, Denver, Colorado

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    The purpose of this workshop is to discuss what science could be leveraged from a deep space gateway, as well as first-order determination of what instruments are required to acquire the scientific data.Institutional Support, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Universities Space Research Association ; Executive Committee, Ben Bussey, HEOMD Chief Scientist, NASA Headquarters, Jim Garvin, Goddard Space Flight Center Chief Scientist, Michael New, NASA Headquarters, Deputy AA for Research, SMD, Paul Niles, Executive Secretary, NASA Johnson Space Center, Jim Spann, MSFC Chief Scientist, Eileen Stansbery, Johnson Space CenterPARTIAL CONTENTS: Deep Space Gateway as a Deployment Staging Platform and Communication Hub of Lunar Heat Flow Experiment--Lunar Seismology Enabled by a Deep Space Gateway--In-Situ Measurements of Electrostatic Dust Transport on the Lunar Surface--Science Investigations Enabled by Magnetic Field Measurements on the Lunar Surface--Enhancing Return from Lunar Surface Missions via the Deep Space Gateway--Deep Space Gateway Support of Lunar Surface Ops and Tele-Operational Transfer of Surface Assets to the Next Landing Site--Development of a Lunar Surface Architecture Using the Deep Space Gateway--The Deep Space Gateway: The Next Stepping Stone to Mar

    Preflight and Vicarious Calibration of Artemis

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