3 research outputs found

    Lexicographically-ordered constraint satisfaction problems

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    We describe a simple CSP formalism for handling multi-attribute preference problems with hard constraints, one that combines hard constraints and preferences so the two are easily distinguished conceptually and for purposes of problem solving. Preferences are represented as a lexicographic order over complete assignments based on variable importance and rankings of values in each domain. Feasibility constraints are treated in the usual manner. Since the preference representation is ordinal in character, these problems can be solved with algorithms that do not require evaluations to be represented explicitly. This includes ordinary CSP algorithms, although these cannot stop searching until all solutions have been checked, with the important exception of heuristics that follow the preference order (lexical variable and value ordering). We describe relations between lexicographic CSPs and more general soft constraint formalisms and show how a full lexicographic ordering can be expressed in the latter. We discuss relations with (T)CP-nets, highlighting the advantages of the present formulation, and we discuss the use of lexicographic ordering in multiobjective optimisation. We also consider strengths and limitations of this form of representation with respect to expressiveness and usability. We then show how the simple structure of lexicographic CSPs can support specialised algorithms: a branch and bound algorithm with an implicit cost function, and an iterative algorithm that obtains optimal values for successive variables in the importance ordering, both of which can be combined with appropriate variable ordering heuristics to improve performance. We show experimentally that with these procedures a variety of problems can be solved efficiently, including some for which the basic lexically ordered search is infeasible in practice

    Configuration interactive et contraintes : connaissances, filtrage et extensions

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    The value of our research work is rooted in the following observations :-1- the life cycle of products, systems, services and processes is tending to get shorter ; -2- new designs and updates of products on the market are becoming more and more frequent, leading to increasingly short design cycles ; -3 technologies are constantly changing, requiring permanent, ongoing acquisition of knowledge ; -4-the diversity of products offered on the market is growing all the time, ranging from customizable or configurable to made-to-measure or designed to order.These trends, and the mass of information and knowledge that requires treating as a result of them, are placing heavy demands on designers, requiring ever more attentiveness and increasingly intense cognitive effort. The result is an increased risk that the product does not fully meet the customerā€™s needs, that it is difficult to implement or manufacture, or that it will be prohibitively expensive. The aim of our work is thus to help the design process to reduce these risks and errors by delivering software tools and methodological environments that serve to capitalize and exploit general, contextual, academic, expert or business knowledge.Our work on various complex industrial cases has led us to take into consideration two kinds of knowledge, involving on the one hand the "product domain" and on the other the "product diversity element". Each kind of knowledge leads to differing industrial cases. The first kind of knowledge encompasses the scientific and technical aspects, but also the specific rules governing the business in question. This knowledge is required in order to define the product itself, and involves issues that can be resolved by aiding the product /system/service design. The second kind of knowledge relates to the diverse nature of the products, and involves issues of customization or configuration of the product/system/service.Our aim is to help in what might be called "routine" design, where different kinds and various types of knowledge exist, due to the recurrent nature of the activity. We consider that aid in design or configuration can be formalized, either completely or partially, in the form of a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). In this context, we focus more specifically on interactive decision-support, by introducing the principles of filtering or constraint propagation. The diversity of knowledge formalized as a CSP and the interaction with the user allow us to assemble and adapt filtering algorithms in a generic constraint propagation engine, integrated in our CoFiADe software solution.In addition, this formalism based on CSP constraints is complemented by : - ontologies to structure knowledge and facilitate its reuse throughout the development cycle, - analogy-based approaches taking advantage of contextual knowledge encapsulated in the case under study, so as to make recommendations to the user on the choice of values, - evolutionary approaches to optimize the search for multi-criteria solutions.Les travaux de recherche preĢsenteĢs dans ce meĢmoire trouvent leurs fondements dans les constats suivants :-1- la dureĢe de vie des produits et systeĢ€mes tend aĢ€ se reĢduire,-2- les conceptions et les actualisations des produits mis sur le marcheĢ sont de plus en plus freĢquentes alors que les cycles de conception sont toujours plus brefs,-3- les technologies employeĢes en constante eĢvolution neĢcessitent une acquisition de connaissance permanente,-4- la diversiteĢ des produits offerte sur les marcheĢs ne cesse de croiĢ‚tre allant des produits personnali- sables ou configureĢs jusquā€™aux produits sur-mesure et concĢ§us aĢ€ la commande.Ces tendances et la masse dā€™informations et de connaissances aĢ€ traiter en deĢcoulant exigent des concepteurs toujours plus dā€™attention et un travail cognitif toujours plus intense. Il en reĢsulte une augmentation des risques, que le produit reĢponde imparfaitement aux besoins du demandeur, quā€™il soit difficilement reĢalisable et fabricable, ou encore quā€™il le soit aĢ€ un couĢ‚t prohibitif. Lā€™objectif de nos travaux est donc de limiter ces risques et erreurs en proposant des outils logiciels et des environnements meĢthodologiques destineĢs aĢ€ capitaliser et exploiter des connaissances geĢneĢrales, contextuelles, acadeĢmiques, expertes ou meĢtier pour aider la conception.Les travaux effectueĢs sur diffeĢrentes probleĢmatiques industrielles ont conduit aĢ€ prendre en consideĢration deux natures de connaissances relevant du Ā« domaine produit Ā» et de la Ā« diversiteĢ produit Ā» conduisant aĢ€ des probleĢmatiques industrielles diffeĢrentes : la premieĢ€re nature de connaissance recouvre aussi bien des aspects scientifiques et techniques que des reĢ€gles meĢtier, elle est neĢcessaire pour la deĢfinition du produit et deĢbouche sur des probleĢmatiques dā€™aide aĢ€ la conception de produit ; la seconde nature est une connaissance lieĢe aĢ€ la diversiteĢ des produits, qui deĢbouche sur les probleĢmatiques dā€™aide aĢ€ la personnalisation ou configuration de produit.Nous visons aĢ€ aider un type de conception plutoĢ‚t Ā« routinier Ā» ouĢ€ de la connaissance de diffeĢrentes natures et de divers types existe du fait de la reĢcurrence de lā€™activiteĢ. Nous consideĢrons de plus dans nos travaux que lā€™aide aĢ€ la conception ou configuration peut se formaliser, compleĢ€tement ou partiellement, comme un probleĢ€me de satisfaction de contraintes (CSP). Dans ce cadre, nous nous inteĢressons plus speĢcifiquement aĢ€ lā€™aide aĢ€ la deĢcision interactive exploitant les principes de filtrage ou de propagation de contraintes. Notre objectif se deĢcline alors en lā€™accompagnement des concepteurs dans la construction des solutions reĢpondant au mieux aĢ€ leurs probleĢ€mes, en retirant progressivement de lā€™espace des solutions, celles qui ne sont plus coheĢrentes avec les deĢcisions prises, en estimant celles-ci au fil de leur construction et/ou en les optimisant.en compleĢment, nous associons aĢ€ ce formalisme aĢ€ base de contraintes CSP :- des ontologies pour structurer les connaissances et faciliter leur reĢutilisateion sur lā€™ensemble du cycle de deĢveloppement,- des approches par analogie exploitant de la connaissance contextuelle encapsuleĢe dans des cas afin de proposer aĢ€ lā€™utilisateur des recommandations quant aux choix de valeurs,- des approches eĢvolutionnaires pour optimiser la recherche des solutions de manieĢ€re multicriteĢ€re

    Preference-based problem solving for constraint programming

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    Abstract. Combinatorial problems such as scheduling, resource allocation, and configuration have many attributes that can be subject of user preferences. Traditional optimization approaches compile those preferences into a single utility function and use it as the optimization objective when solving the problem, but neither explain why the resulting solution satisfies the original preferences, nor indicate the trade-offs made during problem solving. We argue that the whole problem solving process becomes more transparent and controllable for the user if it is based on the original preferences. We show how the original preferences can be used to control the problem solving process and how they can be used to explain the choice and the optimality of the detected solution. Based on this explanation, the user can refine the preference model, thus gaining full control over the problem solver.