20 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Job Scope, Job Routinization, Compensation, and Commitment with Employee Turnover Intension: In the Case of Selected Public Service Bureau of Dire Dawa Administration

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    The aim of this study was to examine the relationship of scope of the job, job routinization, compensation, and commitment with employee turnover intention in public service bureau of Dire Dawa Administration namely, Trade, Industry and Investment Bureau, Land Development Bureau, and Administration City Manager Office. Descriptive research design and quantitative research method were utilized to identify the relationship b/n the independent and dependant variable (employee’s turnover intention). To conduct this study all permanent employees ware included as target of the study from purposively selected public service organizations.The collected data were processed and analyzed through descriptive analysis, and to determine the relationship between variables correlation analysis methods were employed. The study finding indicated that turnover intention is negatively correlated with scope of job, compensation and commitment but positively correlated with job routinization. This indicate the organization should give emphasis for compensation   as well as the  nature of the job so as to make jobs more challenging, variety and well defined and  interesting in order to tackle the problem of turnover intention. Keywords: Employee Turnover Intension, Scope Of The Job, Compensation, Commitment And Job Routinization

    Comparative Study on Job Satisfaction among Health Workers in Public and Private Sector Hospitals at South-West Shoa Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

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    Job satisfaction among health workers become high on the agenda as it has been the driving force on quality of work, productivity, patients’ satisfaction and organizational performance. Employees’ job satisfaction is sector dependent and inconsistent findings were reported in public and private sectors hospitals. Thus, the objective of this study was to examine the level of job satisfaction among health workers of private and public sector hospitals in South-West Shoa Zone, Oromia Regional State. Comparative cross-sectional survey was conducted on 220 healthcare workers who were selected based on stratified sampling method. The stratification is based on fields of profession. Spector’s self-administered Job Satisfaction Scale was used to collect data on job satisfaction. Descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation; and inferential statistics including independent sample t-test, one way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post-hoc analysis were used. Pearson Correlation was also computed to determine the association between overall job satisfactions with facets of job satisfaction. The result of this study indicated that the mean score of overall job satisfaction in private sector hospital (M = 3.29, SD =.56) was found to be higher than those in public sector hospital (M = 2.94, SD = .41).  The Independent sample t-test also revealed statistically significant difference on the level of overall job satisfaction between health workers at private and public sector hospital,  t (219) = 5.292, p = .000.  Regarding profession, the mean score of overall job satisfaction of Physicians was found to be 3.35 with SD of .54; Health officers (M= 3.48, SD= .63); Nurses (M=2.94, SD= .41); Midwifes (M=3.07, SD=.36); Lab technicians (M=2.70, SD=.09); Anesthesia expert (M=3.02, SD=.53); and others (M= 3.02, SD= .48). ANOVA further revealed the statistically significant differences on job satisfaction across fields of profession F (6, 214) = 7.430, p = .001. Moreover,the post-hoc analysis using Bonferroni showed  Health officers are significantly more satisfied than all the other fields of profession except for the Physicians and Lab Technicians. Table 20 also indicates high level of dissatisfaction between Anesthesia experts and some fields of profession as indicated by the large mean difference between Anesthesia experts and Health Officers (mean difference was -.77429); and Anesthesia experts and Physicians (mean difference was -.65379). High level of dissatisfaction between Nurse and some fields of professions was also obtained by large mean difference between Nurses and Health Officers (mean difference was -.53304); and Nurses and Physicians (mean difference was -.41253). Multiple regression analysis revealed a statistically significant moderate positive relationship between overall job satisfaction and nine facets of job satisfaction (p <.05), which indicates that increases in dimension of satisfaction correspond to increases in the overall job satisfaction. Conclusion: The level of job satisfaction among health workers in public and private sector at South-West Shoa Zone was moderate in general though private health workers had a better job satisfaction. The study findings could provide decision makers with valuable insights on the various components of job satisfaction for future intervention aimed at enhancing job satisfaction of health workers. Key words: Job satisfaction, Health workers, Public and Private Sector Hospital

    Examining the role of job satisfaction, job security, working environment and organization commitment toward private lecturer in Klang Valley

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    Turnover intention is a continuous issue which has effected organizations until today. Many organizations have tried to understand the factors that could contribute to turnover intention among employees. Although many research have been conducted to study the turnover intention based on variables such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment, the research condud may not be relevant due to lapse of time. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between four factors affecting intention to turnover which are job satisfaction, job security, working environment and organizational commitment among lecturers in private college in Klang Valley. This study was conducted quantitatively where premier data was collected through distribution of questionnaires to 180 respondents of lecturers in the private college in Klang Valley. "Statistical Package for Social Science" (SPSS Window) Version 20.0 was used to carry out descriptive data analysis in this study in order to understand the relationship between the four factors which were job satisfaction, job security, working environment and organizational commitment with intention to turnover among lecturers in private college in Klang Valley; and also for hypothesis testing. The four factors in this study were expected to have negative correlation with intention to turnover. Intention to turnover gave a mean reading (mean = 4.23) , and job satisfaction (mean = 3.00). The mean for job security, working environment and organizational commitment were 3.34, 3.53 and 3.08 respectively. The findings showed that the four factors; job satisfaction, job security, working environment and organizational commitment and intention to turnover; generally support the hypotheses. These findings showed that the related factors should be given attention to retain the employees in the organisation. Some suggestions have been recommended for the organisation and for future research to be more complete and comprehensiv

    The Effect of Job-Related Factors and Organisational Factors on Turnover Intention of IT Professionals in the Western Province, Sri Lanka

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    The turnover rate of IT professionals has remained high over the decades. As a country with rapid growth in the IT industry, Sri Lanka is also facing the same problem of high employee turnover. Numerous studies on the topic of turnover intention for IT employees have been carried out in various parts of the world. However, there is very little literature in the Sri Lankan context on that topic. Among diverse reasons for the turnover intention of IT professionals, this study is focusing on investigating the effect of job-related factors (perceived work load, role ambiguity, role conflict, and work exhaustion) and organisational factors (peer relations, supervisor relations, pay and benefits, advancement opportunities and job security) on turnover intention of IT professionals in the Western Province, Sri Lanka. The study was conducted as a quantitative study. Data were collected from 182 IT professionals in the Western Province, Sri Lanka through a survey method using a standard questionnaire. Bivariate correlation analysis is used as the data analysis technique. Results show that from job related factors, perceived workload, role conflict, and work exhaustion are positively correlated with the turnover intention of IT professionals in the Western Provence, Sri Lanka, and from organisational factors, supervisor relations, peer relations, pay and benefits, advancement opportunities and job security, all show a negative correlation with the turnover intention of IT professionals in the Western Provence, Sri Lanka. This study fills the empirical gap in IT turnover intention literature in the Sri Lankan context and provides insights to managers to better understand the turnover intention among IT professionals in Sri Lanka. Keywords: IT Professional, IT Turnover, Job Related Factors, Organisational Factors, Turnover Intentio

    Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasi dan Ketidakamanan Pekerjaan (Job Insecurity) Terhadap Intensi Turnover Tenaga Pengajar Di Sekolah ABC Pekanbaru

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    Dalam dunia kerja termasuk pendidikan, komitmen seseorang terhadap organisasi/perusahaan seringkali menjadi isu yang sangat penting. Aspek selanjutnya adalah kepercayaan pada manajemen, selain faktor komitmen, faktor lain peningkatan job insecurity yang dialami karyawan cenderung mengarah pada peningkatan turnover intention. ABC School Pekanbaru memiliki masalah produktivitas kegiatan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Hal ini terlihat dari tingginya tingkat pergantian dosen dari tahun ke tahun, berkisar antara 50-60% pertahun. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis sejauh mana pengaruh komitmen organisasi dan job insecurity terhadap turnover intention dosen. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 33 orang dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara sensus. Data dari penelitian ini adalah data primer dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumen penelitian. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah statistik deskriptif dan analisis statistik inferensial. Pengujian hipotesis adalah dengan uji F dan uji t. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa komitmen organisasional dan job insecurity berpengaruh terhadap turnover intention dosen di Sekolah ABC Pekanbaru. Komitmen organisasi berpengaruh negatif terhadap turnover intention. Pengaruh terbesar seorang anggota fakultas memutuskan untuk keluar lebih dipengaruhi oleh komitmen organisasi dan hanya kemudian karena perasaan tidak aman atas status pekerjaannya. In the world of work including education, one's commitment to the organization/company is often a very important issue. The next aspect is the confidence in management, in addition to the commitment factor, other factors increasing job insecurity experienced by employees tend to lead to increased turnover intention. ABC School Pekanbaru has productivity problems inseparable activities. It is seen from the high level of faculty turnover is from year to year, ranging between 50-60% annually. The research objective was to analyze the extent to which the influence of organizational commitment and job insecurity on the faculty turnover intentions. The study population numbered 33 people and sampling conducted by the census. The data from this study are primary data using questionnaires as research instruments. Techniques analysis used in this research is a descriptive statistic and inferential statistic analysis. Hypothesis testing is to test the F and t-test. The results of this study concluded that organizational commitment and job insecurity affect faculty turnover intentions in ABC School Pekanbaru. Organizational commitment negatively affects turnover intention. The biggest influence of a faculty member decides to intend out more influenced by organizational commitment and only then because of feelings of insecurity over his job status


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    This paper addresses an under-investigated thematic area of IT turnover personnel literature: IT Entrepreneurial Turnover. Drawing upon the IT Entrepreneurial Turnover model and following a grounded theory methodological approach, we introduce a conceptual construct, the IT Entrepreneurial Epiphany (ITEE), to describe the moment when the IT employee/future entrepreneur realizes that a critical aspect of the necessary conditions for her to quit her job and start her own business have been met. Five lower-level concepts compose the core category of IT Entrepreneurial Epiphany: the rules of the business game (in the corporation and in the market), the estimation of the risk involved in the new venture creation process compared to salaried employment, long-term considerations, the socio-economic context, and the dimension of time. We suggest that ITEE can inform the research on turnover behavior of IT and non IT personnel

    When Agile Means Staying: A Moderated Mediated Model

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    The design of software development methods focuses on improving task processes, including accommodating changing user requirements and accelerating product delivery. However, there is limited research on how the use of different software development methods impacts IT professionals’ perceptions of organizational mobility. Drawing on concepts from the agile development literature and job characteristics theory, we formulate a moderated mediation model explicating the mechanism and the condition under which agile development use exerts an influence on IT professionals’ intention to stay with their current employer. Specifically, we examine job satisfaction as mediating the effect of using agile development on the intention to stay as well as how the strength of the mediated relationship differs across firms. We test our hypotheses using a sample of 32,389 software developers. We find that job satisfaction fully mediates the effect of using agile development on the intention to stay. The strength of the mediation effect is significantly different for large and small firms

    The impact of security cooperation established in Turkey on private security officers’ burnout and turnover intention

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    Günümüzde suç önleme politikalarının merkezinde yer alan özel güvenliğin, kamu güvenliğine katkısını artırabilmek için tüm dünyada çeşitli işbirliği projeleri gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bu projelerin en önemlilerinden biri de, Türkiye’de polis ve özel güvenlik görevlileri arasında işbirliği kültürü yaratarak özel güvenlik görevlilerinin genel güvenliğe katkısını azami seviyeye çıkarmayı amaçlayan Genel Kolluk Özel Güvenlik İşbirliği ve Entegrasyonu-KAAN Projesidir. Proje, genel hedeflerine ulaşma yönünde başarılı olmakla birlikte, özel güvenlik görevlilerinin iş tutumları üzerinde olumlu etkiler oluşturma potansiyeline de sahiptir. Araştırmanın amacı Türkiye’de gerçekleştirilen işbirliği projesi kapsamında görev yapan özel güvenlik görevlileriyle bu kapsamda görev yapmayanların tükenmişlik ve işten ayrılma niyetleri arasında fark olup olmadığını tespit etmektir. Nicel paradigma çerçevesinde gerçekleştirilen araştırma, betimsel tarama şeklinde desenlenmiştir. Araştırmanın evrenini Isparta ilinde çalışan özel güvenlik görevlileri oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada tam sayım kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak, Maslach ve Jackson (1981) tarafından geliştirilen Maslach Tükenmişlik Envanteri ve Scott ve arkadaşları (1999) tarafından geliştirilmiş olan İşten Ayrılma Niyeti Ölçeğini içeren anket formu kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sürecinde elde edilen verinin analizi neticesinde, Proje kapsamında çalışan özel güvenlik görevlileriyle bu kapsamda görev yapmayanların kişisel başarı algıları arasında istatistiksel olarak fark bulunduğu, işten ayrılma niyeti ve tükenmişlik envanterinin diğer boyutları kapsamında herhangi bir farkın olmadığı tespit edilmiştir.In order to increase the contribution of private security which has been at the center of crime prevention policies today, to public safety, various cooperation projects are carried out all over the world. One of the most important ones of these projects is also Law Enforcement Private Security Cooperation and Integration-KAAN Project which aims to maximize the contribution of private security to public safety in Turkey by creating a cooperation culture between police and private security officers. While the project is successful in achieving its overall goals, it also has the potential to have positive effects on private security officers’ job attitudes. The aim of the study is to determine whether there is any difference between the private security officers’ burnout and turnover intention who works in the scope of Project and who don’t work. The research carried out within the framework of the quantitative paradigm was planned as a descriptive survey. The universe of the research consists of private security officers working in Isparta city. The full count sample was used in the study. In the research, a questionnaire form was used as data collection tool which contains Maslach Burnout Inventory developed by Maslach and Jackson (1981) and Intention to Leave Scale developed by Scott et al (1999). As a result of the analysis of the data obtained during the research process, it was determined that there is a statistically significant difference between the personal success perception of the private security officers working within the scope of the project and those who don’t work within it, and there is no difference in terms of turnover intention and other dimensions of the burnout

    Turnover intentions of information technology employees within South African firms: the role of cognitive engagement, job satisfaction and job performance

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    Thesis (M.Com. (Information Systems))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, School of Economic and Business Sciences, 2015.The decision of an information technology (IT) employee to leave their organisation introduces challenges for organisations and IT software project success. Since 1980 MIS managers have been concerning themselves in keeping resignation rates low. However IT employee turnover is still a problem experienced in practice today. Thus the turnover of information technology employees represent a key IT management issue. To improve our understanding of IT employee turnover, this research study draws on the constructs of job satisfaction, job performance and cognitive engagement. More specifically, this research study developed and tested a model of how the understudied construct of cognitive engagement amongst IT employees influences their job satisfaction and job performance and ultimately their turnover intention. Two dimensions of cognitive engagement were considered. These were attention, defined as the amount of cognitive resources that a person can allocate to think about work, and absorption, defined as intensity of immersion and focus that one experiences when working. These two dimensions of cognitive engagement were hypothesized to influence two important intermediary variables that prior research has shown to be important in the turnover intention of employees, namely job satisfaction and job performance. Job characteristics, namely skill variety, task identity, task significance, job feedback, and autonomy were also considered to be important to both job satisfaction and turnover intentions of IT employees. Other factors such as job rewards were also considered. A survey methodology was used to test the research model. This required that a questionnaire instrument be developed to collect data from IT professionals in South Africa. The study’s variables were operationalised from the literature and multi-item scales were employed. First, the IT employees of randomly selected companies from the McGregor’s Who Owns Whom directory were invited to participate in the study by completing the questionnaire. This was later supplemented by a non-probability snowball sampling approach. Data was collected over three months, and a total of 105 useable responses from IT professionals in South Africa were collected. After removing incomplete responses, handling missing data, and checking for outliers, the data was checked for reliability and validity. First, an exploratory factor analysis was carried out to ensure the unidimensionality, convergent and discriminant validity of the constructs. Then scale reliability was confirmed using Cronbach’s alpha. Composite scores for all multi-item variables were then calculated and relationships examined using Pearson’s correlation analysis. Finally hypothesized relationships were tested using multiple regression. The final results supported job satisfaction as a determinant of turnover intention. Also, job satisfaction completely mediated the effect of attention, as a dimension of cognitive engagement, on turnover intention. Attention also showed a correlation with job performance and fully mediates the effect of task significance, as a job characteristic, on job satisfaction. The employee turnover phenomenon is important to both IT management practice and research. This study addressed this key IT management issue by determining the extent to which job vi satisfaction, job performance, and cognitive engagement are important to the turnover intentions of South African IT employees. Results have useful implications for practice