10 research outputs found

    Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of Social Spider Algorithm

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    Social Spider Algorithm (SSA) is a recently proposed general-purpose real-parameter metaheuristic designed to solve global numerical optimization problems. This work systematically benchmarks SSA on a suite of 11 functions with different control parameters. We conduct parameter sensitivity analysis of SSA using advanced non-parametric statistical tests to generate statistically significant conclusion on the best performing parameter settings. The conclusion can be adopted in future work to reduce the effort in parameter tuning. In addition, we perform a success rate test to reveal the impact of the control parameters on the convergence speed of the algorithm

    Learning to Control Differential Evolution Operators

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    Evolutionary algorithms are widely used for optimsation by researchers in academia and industry. These algorithms have parameters, which have proven to highly determine the performance of an algorithm. For many decades, researchers have focused on determining optimal parameter values for an algorithm. Each parameter configuration has a performance value attached to it that is used to determine a good configuration for an algorithm. Parameter values depend on the problem at hand and are known to be set in two ways, by means of offline and online selection. Offline tuning assumes that the performance value of a configuration remains same during all generations in a run whereas online tuning assumes that the performance value varies from one generation to another. This thesis presents various adaptive approaches each learning from a range of feedback received from the evolutionary algorithm. The contributions demonstrate the benefits of utilising online and offline learning together at different levels for a particular task. Offline selection has been utilised to tune the hyper-parameters of proposed adaptive methods that control the parameters of evolutionary algorithm on-the-fly. All the contributions have been presented to control the mutation strategies of the differential evolution. The first contribution demonstrates an adaptive method that is mapped as markov reward process. It aims to maximise the cumulative future reward. Next chapter unifies various adaptive methods from literature that can be utilised to replicate existing methods and test new ones. The hyper-parameters of methods in first two chapters are tuned by an offline configurator, irace. Last chapter proposes four methods utilising deep reinforcement learning model. To test the applicability of the adaptive approaches presented in the thesis, all methods are compared to various adaptive methods from literature, variants of differential evolution and other state-of-the-art algorithms on various single objective noiseless problems from benchmark set, BBOB

    Aco-based feature selection algorithm for classification

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    Dataset with a small number of records but big number of attributes represents a phenomenon called “curse of dimensionality”. The classification of this type of dataset requires Feature Selection (FS) methods for the extraction of useful information. The modified graph clustering ant colony optimisation (MGCACO) algorithm is an effective FS method that was developed based on grouping the highly correlated features. However, the MGCACO algorithm has three main drawbacks in producing a features subset because of its clustering method, parameter sensitivity, and the final subset determination. An enhanced graph clustering ant colony optimisation (EGCACO) algorithm is proposed to solve the three (3) MGCACO algorithm problems. The proposed improvement includes: (i) an ACO feature clustering method to obtain clusters of highly correlated features; (ii) an adaptive selection technique for subset construction from the clusters of features; and (iii) a genetic-based method for producing the final subset of features. The ACO feature clustering method utilises the ability of various mechanisms such as intensification and diversification for local and global optimisation to provide highly correlated features. The adaptive technique for ant selection enables the parameter to adaptively change based on the feedback of the search space. The genetic method determines the final subset, automatically, based on the crossover and subset quality calculation. The performance of the proposed algorithm was evaluated on 18 benchmark datasets from the University California Irvine (UCI) repository and nine (9) deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) microarray datasets against 15 benchmark metaheuristic algorithms. The experimental results of the EGCACO algorithm on the UCI dataset are superior to other benchmark optimisation algorithms in terms of the number of selected features for 16 out of the 18 UCI datasets (88.89%) and the best in eight (8) (44.47%) of the datasets for classification accuracy. Further, experiments on the nine (9) DNA microarray datasets showed that the EGCACO algorithm is superior than the benchmark algorithms in terms of classification accuracy (first rank) for seven (7) datasets (77.78%) and demonstrates the lowest number of selected features in six (6) datasets (66.67%). The proposed EGCACO algorithm can be utilised for FS in DNA microarray classification tasks that involve large dataset size in various application domains

    Réagir et s’adapter à son environnement: Concevoir des méthodes autonomes pour l’optimisation combinatoire à plusieurs objectifs

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    Large-scale optimisation problems are usually hard to solve optimally. Approximation algorithms such as metaheuristics, able to quickly find sub-optimal solutions, are often preferred. This thesis focuses on multi-objective local search (MOLS) algorithms, metaheuristics able to deal with the simultaneous optimisation of multiple criteria. As many algorithms, metaheuristics expose many parameters that significantly impact their performance. These parameters can be either predicted and set before the execution of the algorithm, or dynamically modified during the execution itself.While in the last decade many advances have been made on the automatic design of algorithms, the great majority of them only deal with single-objective algorithms and the optimisation of a single performance indicator such as the algorithm running time or the final solution quality. In this thesis, we investigate the relations between automatic algorithm design and multi-objective optimisation, with an application on MOLS algorithms.We first review possible MOLS strategies ans parameters and present a general, highly configurable, MOLS framework. We also propose MO-ParamILS, an automatic configurator specifically designed to deal with multiple performance indicators. Then, we conduct several studies on the automatic offline design of MOLS algorithms on multiple combinatorial bi-objective problems. Finally, we discuss two online extensions of classical algorithm configuration: first the integration of parameter control mechanisms, to benefit from having multiple configuration predictions; then the use of configuration schedules, to sequentially use multiple configurations.Les problèmes d’optimisation à grande échelle sont généralement difficiles à résoudre de façon optimale. Des algorithmes d’approximation tels que les métaheuristiques, capables de trouver rapidement des solutions sous-optimales, sont souvent préférés. Cette thèse porte sur les algorithmes de recherche locale multi-objectif (MOLS), des métaheuristiques capables de traiter l’optimisation simultanée de plusieurs critères. Comme de nombreux algorithmes, les MOLS exposent de nombreux paramètres qui ont un impact important sur leurs performances. Ces paramètres peuvent être soit prédits et définis avant l’exécution de l’algorithme, soit ensuite modifiés dynamiquement.Alors que de nombreux progrès ont récemment été réalisés pour la conception automatique d’algorithmes, la grande majorité d’entre eux ne traitent que d’algorithmes mono-objectif et l’optimisation d’un unique indicateur de performance. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les relations entre la conception automatique d’algorithmes et l’optimisation multi-objective.Nous passons d’abord en revue les stratégies MOLS possibles et présentons un framework MOLS général et hautement configurable. Nous proposons également MO-ParamILS, un configurateur automatique spécialement conçu pour gérer plusieurs indicateurs de performance. Nous menons ensuite plusieurs études sur la conception automatique de MOLS sur de multiples problèmes combinatoires bi-objectifs. Enfin, nous discutons deux extensions de la configuration d’algorithme classique : d’abord l’intégration des mécanismes de contrôle de paramètres, pour bénéficier de multiples prédictions de configuration; puis l’utilisation séquentielle de plusieurs configurations

    Choosing the appropriate forecasting model for predictive parameter control

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    All commonly used stochastic optimisation algorithms have to be parameterised to perform effectively. Adaptive parameter control (APC) is an effective method used for this purpose. APC repeatedly adjusts parameter values during the optimisation process for optimal algorithm performance. The assignment of parameter values for a given iteration is based on previously measured performance. In recent research, time series prediction has been proposed as a method of projecting the probabilities to use for parameter value selection. In this work, we examine the suitability of a variety of prediction methods for the projection of future parameter performance based on previous data. All considered prediction methods have assumptions the time series data has to conform to for the prediction method to provide accurate projections. Looking specifically at parameters of evolutionary algorithms (EAs), we find that all standard EA parameters with the exception of population size conform largely to the assumptionsmade by the considered prediction methods. Evaluating the performance of these prediction methods, we find that linear regression provides the best results by a very small and statistically insignificant margin. Regardless of the prediction method, predictive parameter control outperforms state of the art parameter control methods when the performance data adheres to the assumptionsmade by the prediction method. When a parameter's performance data does not adhere to the assumptions made by the forecasting method, the use of prediction does not have a notable adverse impact on the algorithm's performance


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    In stochastic optimisation, all currently employed algorithms have to be parameterised to perform effectively. Users have to rely on approximate guidelines or, alternatively, under-take extensive prior tuning. This study introduces a novel method of parameter control, i.e. the dynamic and auto-mated variation of values for parameters used in approx-imate algorithms. The method uses an evaluation of the recent performance of previously applied parameter values and predicts how likely each of the parameter values is to produce optimal outcomes in the next cycle of the algorithm. The resulting probability distribution is used to determine the parameter values for the following cycle. The results of our experiments show a consistently superior performance of two very different EA algorithms when they are parame-terised using the predictive parameter control method