196 research outputs found

    Predictive Control with Local Visual Data

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    Real-time performance-focused on localisation techniques for autonomous vehicle: a review

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    From locomotion to cognition: Bridging the gap between reactive and cognitive behavior in a quadruped robot

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    The cognitivistic paradigm, which states that cognition is a result of computation with symbols that represent the world, has been challenged by many. The opponents have primarily criticized the detachment from direct interaction with the world and pointed to some fundamental problems (for instance the symbol grounding problem). Instead, they emphasized the constitutive role of embodied interaction with the environment. This has motivated the advancement of synthetic methodologies: the phenomenon of interest (cognition) can be studied by building and investigating whole brain-body-environment systems. Our work is centered around a compliant quadruped robot equipped with a multimodal sensory set. In a series of case studies, we investigate the structure of the sensorimotor space that the application of different actions in different environments by the robot brings about. Then, we study how the agent can autonomously abstract the regularities that are induced by the different conditions and use them to improve its behavior. The agent is engaged in path integration, terrain discrimination and gait adaptation, and moving target following tasks. The nature of the tasks forces the robot to leave the ``here-and-now'' time scale of simple reactive stimulus-response behaviors and to learn from its experience, thus creating a ``minimally cognitive'' setting. Solutions to these problems are developed by the agent in a bottom-up fashion. The complete scenarios are then used to illuminate the concepts that are believed to lie at the basis of cognition: sensorimotor contingencies, body schema, and forward internal models. Finally, we discuss how the presented solutions are relevant for applications in robotics, in particular in the area of autonomous model acquisition and adaptation, and, in mobile robots, in dead reckoning and traversability detection

    Path Planning and Energy Efficiency of Heterogeneous Mobile Robots Using Cuckoo–Beetle Swarm Search Algorithms with Applications in UGV Obstacle Avoidance

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    In this paper, a new meta-heuristic path planning algorithm, the cuckoo–beetle swarm search (CBSS) algorithm, is introduced to solve the path planning problems of heterogeneous mobile robots. Traditional meta-heuristic algorithms, e.g., genetic algorithms (GA), particle swarm search (PSO), beetle swarm optimization (BSO), and cuckoo search (CS), have problems such as the tenancy to become trapped in local minima because of premature convergence and a weakness in global search capability in path planning. Note that the CBSS algorithm imitates the biological habits of cuckoo and beetle herds and thus has good robustness and global optimization ability. In addition, computer simulations verify the accuracy, search speed, energy efficiency and stability of the CBSS algorithm. The results of the real-world experiment prove that the proposed CBSS algorithm is much better than its counterparts. Finally, the CBSS algorithm is applied to 2D path planning and 3D path planning in heterogeneous mobile robots. In contrast to its counterparts, the CBSS algorithm is guaranteed to find the shortest global optimal path in different sizes and types of maps

    An Incremental Navigation Localization Methodology for Application to Semi-Autonomous Mobile Robotic Platforms to Assist Individuals Having Severe Motor Disabilities.

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    In the present work, the author explores the issues surrounding the design and development of an intelligent wheelchair platform incorporating the semi-autonomous system paradigm, to meet the needs of individuals with severe motor disabilities. The author presents a discussion of the problems of navigation that must be solved before any system of this type can be instantiated, and enumerates the general design issues that must be addressed by the designers of systems of this type. This discussion includes reviews of various methodologies that have been proposed as solutions to the problems considered. Next, the author introduces a new navigation method, called Incremental Signature Recognition (ISR), for use by semi-autonomous systems in structured environments. This method is based on the recognition, recording, and tracking of environmental discontinuities: sensor reported anomalies in measured environmental parameters. The author then proposes a robust, redundant, dynamic, self-diagnosing sensing methodology for detecting and compensating for hidden failures of single sensors and sensor idiosyncrasies. This technique is optimized for the detection of spatial discontinuity anomalies. Finally, the author gives details of an effort to realize a prototype ISR based system, along with insights into the various implementation choices made

    How much of driving is pre-attentive?

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    Driving a car in an urban setting is an extremely difficult problem, incorporating a large number of complex visual tasks; however, this problem is solved daily by most adults with little apparent effort. This paper proposes a novel vision-based approach to autonomous driving that can predict and even anticipate a driver's behavior in real time, using preattentive vision only. Experiments on three large datasets totaling over 200 000 frames show that our preattentive model can (1) detect a wide range of driving-critical context such as crossroads, city center, and road type; however, more surprisingly, it can (2) detect the driver's actions (over 80% of braking and turning actions) and (3) estimate the driver's steering angle accurately. Additionally, our model is consistent with human data: First, the best steering prediction is obtained for a perception to action delay consistent with psychological experiments. Importantly, this prediction can be made before the driver's action. Second, the regions of the visual field used by the computational model strongly correlate with the driver's gaze locations, significantly outperforming many saliency measures and comparable to state-of-the-art approaches.European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013

    Spatial Representation and Navigation in a Bio-inspired Robot

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    A biologically inspired computational model of rodent repre-sentation?based (locale) navigation is presented. The model combines visual input in the form of realistic two dimensional grey-scale images and odometer signals to drive the firing of simulated place and head direction cells via Hebbian synapses. The space representation is built incrementally and on-line without any prior information about the environment and consists of a large population of location-sensitive units (place cells) with overlapping receptive fields. Goal navigation is performed using reinforcement learning in continuous state and action spaces, where the state space is represented by population activity of the place cells. The model is able to reproduce a number of behavioral and neuro-physiological data on rodents. Performance of the model was tested on both simulated and real mobile Khepera robots in a set of behavioral tasks and is comparable to the performance of animals in similar tasks

    Gridbot: An autonomous robot controlled by a Spiking Neural Network mimicking the brain's navigational system

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    It is true that the "best" neural network is not necessarily the one with the most "brain-like" behavior. Understanding biological intelligence, however, is a fundamental goal for several distinct disciplines. Translating our understanding of intelligence to machines is a fundamental problem in robotics. Propelled by new advancements in Neuroscience, we developed a spiking neural network (SNN) that draws from mounting experimental evidence that a number of individual neurons is associated with spatial navigation. By following the brain's structure, our model assumes no initial all-to-all connectivity, which could inhibit its translation to a neuromorphic hardware, and learns an uncharted territory by mapping its identified components into a limited number of neural representations, through spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP). In our ongoing effort to employ a bioinspired SNN-controlled robot to real-world spatial mapping applications, we demonstrate here how an SNN may robustly control an autonomous robot in mapping and exploring an unknown environment, while compensating for its own intrinsic hardware imperfections, such as partial or total loss of visual input.Comment: 8 pages, 3 Figures, International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems (ICONS 2018

    Robust and Convergent Distributed Cooperative Localization with Labelled Bernoulli Random Finite Set

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    Cooperative localization (CL) is critical for multirobot systems to accurately ascertain their positions in the environment. This article presents a robust and convergent distributed CL algorithm to effectively address localization inaccuracies and inconsistency caused by intermittent or limited absolute observation capabilities. The algorithm integrates three key modules: propagation, observation, and communication, enabling each robot to estimate its states and measure noise covariance simultaneously. To enhance the estimation consistency, intervehicle relative observations and landmark absolute observations are modeled as multi-Bernoulli random finite sets (RFSs), with robot states updated using a coupled correlation scheme. By combining extended particle filtering and covariance intersection (CI) techniques, the algorithm efficiently handles intermittent observations, leading to substantial improvements in localization accuracy and estimation consistency. Furthermore, the proofs of convergent consistency are provided in this article, validating the algorithm's robustness and convergence