117 research outputs found

    Novel Semi-Supervised Learning Models to Balance Data Inclusivity and Usability in Healthcare Applications

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    abstract: Semi-supervised learning (SSL) is sub-field of statistical machine learning that is useful for problems that involve having only a few labeled instances with predictor (X) and target (Y) information, and abundance of unlabeled instances that only have predictor (X) information. SSL harnesses the target information available in the limited labeled data, as well as the information in the abundant unlabeled data to build strong predictive models. However, not all the included information is useful. For example, some features may correspond to noise and including them will hurt the predictive model performance. Additionally, some instances may not be as relevant to model building and their inclusion will increase training time and potentially hurt the model performance. The objective of this research is to develop novel SSL models to balance data inclusivity and usability. My dissertation research focuses on applications of SSL in healthcare, driven by problems in brain cancer radiomics, migraine imaging, and Parkinson’s Disease telemonitoring. The first topic introduces an integration of machine learning (ML) and a mechanistic model (PI) to develop an SSL model applied to predicting cell density of glioblastoma brain cancer using multi-parametric medical images. The proposed ML-PI hybrid model integrates imaging information from unbiopsied regions of the brain as well as underlying biological knowledge from the mechanistic model to predict spatial tumor density in the brain. The second topic develops a multi-modality imaging-based diagnostic decision support system (MMI-DDS). MMI-DDS consists of modality-wise principal components analysis to incorporate imaging features at different aggregation levels (e.g., voxel-wise, connectivity-based, etc.), a constrained particle swarm optimization (cPSO) feature selection algorithm, and a clinical utility engine that utilizes inverse operators on chosen principal components for white-box classification models. The final topic develops a new SSL regression model with integrated feature and instance selection called s2SSL (with “s2” referring to selection in two different ways: feature and instance). s2SSL integrates cPSO feature selection and graph-based instance selection to simultaneously choose the optimal features and instances and build accurate models for continuous prediction. s2SSL was applied to smartphone-based telemonitoring of Parkinson’s Disease patients.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Industrial Engineering 201

    Knowledge-based Biomedical Data Science 2019

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    Knowledge-based biomedical data science (KBDS) involves the design and implementation of computer systems that act as if they knew about biomedicine. Such systems depend on formally represented knowledge in computer systems, often in the form of knowledge graphs. Here we survey the progress in the last year in systems that use formally represented knowledge to address data science problems in both clinical and biological domains, as well as on approaches for creating knowledge graphs. Major themes include the relationships between knowledge graphs and machine learning, the use of natural language processing, and the expansion of knowledge-based approaches to novel domains, such as Chinese Traditional Medicine and biodiversity.Comment: Manuscript 43 pages with 3 tables; Supplemental material 43 pages with 3 table


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    Deep learning of brain asymmetry digital biomarkers to support early diagnosis of cognitive decline and dementia

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    Early identification of degenerative processes in the human brain is essential for proper care and treatment. This may involve different instrumental diagnostic methods, including the most popular computer tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) scans. These technologies provide detailed information about the shape, size, and function of the human brain. Structural and functional cerebral changes can be detected by computational algorithms and used to diagnose dementia and its stages (amnestic early mild cognitive impairment - EMCI, Alzheimer’s Disease - AD). They can help monitor the progress of the disease. Transformation shifts in the degree of asymmetry between the left and right hemispheres illustrate the initialization or development of a pathological process in the brain. In this vein, this study proposes a new digital biomarker for the diagnosis of early dementia based on the detection of image asymmetries and crosssectional comparison of NC (normal cognitively), EMCI and AD subjects. Features of brain asymmetries extracted from MRI of the ADNI and OASIS databases are used to analyze structural brain changes and machine learning classification of the pathology. The experimental part of the study includes results of supervised machine learning algorithms and transfer learning architectures of convolutional neural networks for distinguishing between cognitively normal subjects and patients with early or progressive dementia. The proposed pipeline offers a low-cost imaging biomarker for the classification of dementia. It can be potentially helpful to other brain degenerative disorders accompanied by changes in brain asymmetries

    How does rumination impact cognition? A first mechanistic model.

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    Rumination is a process of uncontrolled, narrowly-foused neg- ative thinking that is often self-referential, and that is a hall- mark of depression. Despite its importance, little is known about its cognitive mechanisms. Rumination can be thought of as a specific, constrained form of mind-wandering. Here, we introduce a cognitive model of rumination that we devel- oped on the basis of our existing model of mind-wandering. The rumination model implements the hypothesis that rumina- tion is caused by maladaptive habits of thought. These habits of thought are modelled by adjusting the number of memory chunks and their associative structure, which changes the se- quence of memories that are retrieved during mind-wandering, such that during rumination the same set of negative memo- ries is retrieved repeatedly. The implementation of habits of thought was guided by empirical data from an experience sam- pling study in healthy and depressed participants. On the ba- sis of this empirically-derived memory structure, our model naturally predicts the declines in cognitive task performance that are typically observed in depressed patients. This study demonstrates how we can use cognitive models to better un- derstand the cognitive mechanisms underlying rumination and depression

    How does rumination impact cognition? A first mechanistic model.

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    Rumination is a process of uncontrolled, narrowly-foused neg- ative thinking that is often self-referential, and that is a hall- mark of depression. Despite its importance, little is known about its cognitive mechanisms. Rumination can be thought of as a specific, constrained form of mind-wandering. Here, we introduce a cognitive model of rumination that we devel- oped on the basis of our existing model of mind-wandering. The rumination model implements the hypothesis that rumina- tion is caused by maladaptive habits of thought. These habits of thought are modelled by adjusting the number of memory chunks and their associative structure, which changes the se- quence of memories that are retrieved during mind-wandering, such that during rumination the same set of negative memo- ries is retrieved repeatedly. The implementation of habits of thought was guided by empirical data from an experience sam- pling study in healthy and depressed participants. On the ba- sis of this empirically-derived memory structure, our model naturally predicts the declines in cognitive task performance that are typically observed in depressed patients. This study demonstrates how we can use cognitive models to better un- derstand the cognitive mechanisms underlying rumination and depression

    A computational model of focused attention meditation and its transfer to a sustained attention task

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    Although meditation and mindfulness practices are widely discussed and studied more and more in the scientific literature, there is little theory about the cognitive mechanisms that comprise it. Here we begin to develop such a theory by creating a computational cognitive model of a particular type of meditation: focused attention mediation. This model was created within Prims, a cognitive architecture similar to and based on ACT-R, which enables us to make predictions about the cognitive tasks that meditation experience may affect. We implemented a model based on an extensive literature review of how the meditation experience unfolds over time. We then subjected the Prims model to a session of the Sustained Reaction to Response Task, a task typically used to study sustained attention, a faculty that may be trained with meditation practice. Analyses revealed that the model was significantly more sensitive to detecting targets and non-targets after the meditation practice than before. These results agree with empirical findings of a longitudinal study conducted in 2010. These results suggest that our approach to modeling meditation and its effects of cognition is feasible
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