628 research outputs found

    Prediction of cis/trans isomerization in proteins using PSI-BLAST profiles and secondary structure information

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    BACKGROUND: The majority of peptide bonds in proteins are found to occur in the trans conformation. However, for proline residues, a considerable fraction of Prolyl peptide bonds adopt the cis form. Proline cis/trans isomerization is known to play a critical role in protein folding, splicing, cell signaling and transmembrane active transport. Accurate prediction of proline cis/trans isomerization in proteins would have many important applications towards the understanding of protein structure and function. RESULTS: In this paper, we propose a new approach to predict the proline cis/trans isomerization in proteins using support vector machine (SVM). The preliminary results indicated that using Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernels could lead to better prediction performance than that of polynomial and linear kernel functions. We used single sequence information of different local window sizes, amino acid compositions of different local sequences, multiple sequence alignment obtained from PSI-BLAST and the secondary structure information predicted by PSIPRED. We explored these different sequence encoding schemes in order to investigate their effects on the prediction performance. The training and testing of this approach was performed on a newly enlarged dataset of 2424 non-homologous proteins determined by X-Ray diffraction method using 5-fold cross-validation. Selecting the window size 11 provided the best performance for determining the proline cis/trans isomerization based on the single amino acid sequence. It was found that using multiple sequence alignments in the form of PSI-BLAST profiles could significantly improve the prediction performance, the prediction accuracy increased from 62.8% with single sequence to 69.8% and Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) improved from 0.26 with single local sequence to 0.40. Furthermore, if coupled with the predicted secondary structure information by PSIPRED, our method yielded a prediction accuracy of 71.5% and MCC of 0.43, 9% and 0.17 higher than the accuracy achieved based on the singe sequence information, respectively. CONCLUSION: A new method has been developed to predict the proline cis/trans isomerization in proteins based on support vector machine, which used the single amino acid sequence with different local window sizes, the amino acid compositions of local sequence flanking centered proline residues, the position-specific scoring matrices (PSSMs) extracted by PSI-BLAST and the predicted secondary structures generated by PSIPRED. The successful application of SVM approach in this study reinforced that SVM is a powerful tool in predicting proline cis/trans isomerization in proteins and biological sequence analysis

    Detection of discriminative sequence patterns in the neighborhood of proline cis peptide bonds and their functional annotation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Polypeptides are composed of amino acids covalently bonded via a peptide bond. The majority of peptide bonds in proteins is found to occur in the <it>trans </it>conformation. In spite of their infrequent occurrence, <it>cis </it>peptide bonds play a key role in the protein structure and function, as well as in many significant biological processes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We perform a systematic analysis of regions in protein sequences that contain a proline <it>cis </it>peptide bond in order to discover non-random associations between the primary sequence and the nature of proline <it>cis/trans </it>isomerization. For this purpose an efficient pattern discovery algorithm is employed which discovers regular expression-type patterns that are overrepresented (i.e. appear frequently repeated) in a set of sequences. Four types of pattern discovery are performed: i) exact pattern discovery, ii) pattern discovery using a chemical equivalency set, iii) pattern discovery using a structural equivalency set and iv) pattern discovery using certain amino acids' physicochemical properties. The extracted patterns are carefully validated using a specially implemented scoring function and a significance measure (i.e. log-probability estimate) indicative of their specificity. The score threshold for the first three types of pattern discovery is 0.90 while for the last type of pattern discovery 0.80. Regarding the significance measure, all patterns yielded values in the range [-9, -31] which ensure that the derived patterns are highly unlikely to have emerged by chance. Among the highest scoring patterns, most of them are consistent with previous investigations concerning the neighborhood of <it>cis </it>proline peptide bonds, and many new ones are identified. Finally, the extracted patterns are systematically compared against the PROSITE database, in order to gain insight into the functional implications of <it>cis </it>prolyl bonds.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>Cis </it>patterns with matches in the PROSITE database fell mostly into two main functional clusters: family signatures and protein signatures. However considerable propensity was also observed for targeting signals, active and phosphorylation sites as well as domain signatures.</p

    Extraction of consensus protein patterns in regions containing non-proline cis peptide bonds and their functional assessment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In peptides and proteins, only a small percentile of peptide bonds adopts the <it>cis </it>configuration. Especially in the case of amide peptide bonds, the amount of <it>cis </it>conformations is quite limited thus hampering systematic studies, until recently. However, lately the emerging population of databases with more 3D structures of proteins has produced a considerable number of sequences containing non-proline <it>cis </it>formations (<it>cis</it>-nonPro).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In our work, we extract regular expression-type patterns that are descriptive of regions surrounding the <it>cis</it>-nonPro formations. For this purpose, three types of pattern discovery are performed: i) exact pattern discovery, ii) pattern discovery using a chemical equivalency set, and iii) pattern discovery using a structural equivalency set. Afterwards, using each pattern as predicate, we search the Eukaryotic Linear Motif (ELM) resource to identify potential functional implications of regions with <it>cis</it>-nonPro peptide bonds. The patterns extracted from each type of pattern discovery are further employed, in order to formulate a pattern-based classifier, which is used to discriminate between <it>cis</it>-nonPro and <it>trans</it>-nonPro formations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In terms of functional implications, we observe a significant association of <it>cis</it>-nonPro peptide bonds towards ligand/binding functionalities. As for the pattern-based classification scheme, the highest results were obtained using the structural equivalency set, which yielded 70% accuracy, 77% sensitivity and 63% specificity.</p

    Prediction of protein binding sites in protein structures using hidden Markov support vector machine

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Predicting the binding sites between two interacting proteins provides important clues to the function of a protein. Recent research on protein binding site prediction has been mainly based on widely known machine learning techniques, such as artificial neural networks, support vector machines, conditional random field, etc. However, the prediction performance is still too low to be used in practice. It is necessary to explore new algorithms, theories and features to further improve the performance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we introduce a novel machine learning model hidden Markov support vector machine for protein binding site prediction. The model treats the protein binding site prediction as a sequential labelling task based on the maximum margin criterion. Common features derived from protein sequences and structures, including protein sequence profile and residue accessible surface area, are used to train hidden Markov support vector machine. When tested on six data sets, the method based on hidden Markov support vector machine shows better performance than some state-of-the-art methods, including artificial neural networks, support vector machines and conditional random field. Furthermore, its running time is several orders of magnitude shorter than that of the compared methods.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The improved prediction performance and computational efficiency of the method based on hidden Markov support vector machine can be attributed to the following three factors. Firstly, the relation between labels of neighbouring residues is useful for protein binding site prediction. Secondly, the kernel trick is very advantageous to this field. Thirdly, the complexity of the training step for hidden Markov support vector machine is linear with the number of training samples by using the cutting-plane algorithm.</p

    Prediction of flexible/rigid regions from protein sequences using k-spaced amino acid pairs

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    BACKGROUND: Traditionally, it is believed that the native structure of a protein corresponds to a global minimum of its free energy. However, with the growing number of known tertiary (3D) protein structures, researchers have discovered that some proteins can alter their structures in response to a change in their surroundings or with the help of other proteins or ligands. Such structural shifts play a crucial role with respect to the protein function. To this end, we propose a machine learning method for the prediction of the flexible/rigid regions of proteins (referred to as FlexRP); the method is based on a novel sequence representation and feature selection. Knowledge of the flexible/rigid regions may provide insights into the protein folding process and the 3D structure prediction. RESULTS: The flexible/rigid regions were defined based on a dataset, which includes protein sequences that have multiple experimental structures, and which was previously used to study the structural conservation of proteins. Sequences drawn from this dataset were represented based on feature sets that were proposed in prior research, such as PSI-BLAST profiles, composition vector and binary sequence encoding, and a newly proposed representation based on frequencies of k-spaced amino acid pairs. These representations were processed by feature selection to reduce the dimensionality. Several machine learning methods for the prediction of flexible/rigid regions and two recently proposed methods for the prediction of conformational changes and unstructured regions were compared with the proposed method. The FlexRP method, which applies Logistic Regression and collocation-based representation with 95 features, obtained 79.5% accuracy. The two runner-up methods, which apply the same sequence representation and Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Naïve Bayes classifiers, obtained 79.2% and 78.4% accuracy, respectively. The remaining considered methods are characterized by accuracies below 70%. Finally, the Naïve Bayes method is shown to provide the highest sensitivity for the prediction of flexible regions, while FlexRP and SVM give the highest sensitivity for rigid regions. CONCLUSION: A new sequence representation that uses k-spaced amino acid pairs is shown to be the most efficient in the prediction of the flexible/rigid regions of protein sequences. The proposed FlexRP method provides the highest prediction accuracy of about 80%. The experimental tests show that the FlexRP and SVM methods achieved high overall accuracy and the highest sensitivity for rigid regions, while the best quality of the predictions for flexible regions is achieved by the Naïve Bayes method

    Analysis of protein-RNA and protein-peptide interactions in Equine Infectious Anemia Virus (EIAV) infection

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    Macromolecular interactions are essential for virtually all cellular functions including signal transduction processes, metabolic processes, regulation of gene expression and immune responses. This dissertation focuses on the characterization of two important macromolecular interactions involved in the relationship between Equine Infectious Anemia Virus (EIAV) and its host cell in horse: (i) the interaction between the EIAV Rev protein and its binding site, the Rev-responsive element (RRE) and (ii) interactions between equine MHC class I molecules and epitope peptides derived from EIAV proteins.;EIAV, one of the most divergent members of the lentivirus family, has a single-stranded RNA genome and carries several regulatory and structural proteins within its viral particle. Rev is an essential EIAV regulatory encoded protein that interacts with the viral RRE, a specific binding site in the viral mRNA. Using a combination of experimental and computational methods, the interactions between EIAV Rev and RRE were characterized in detail. EIAV Rev was shown to have a bipartite RNA binding domain containing two arginine rich motifs (ARMs). The RRE secondary structure was determined and specific structural motifs that act as cis-regulatory elements for EIAV Rev-RRE interaction were identified. Interestingly, a structural motif located in the high affinity Rev binding site is well conserved in several diverse lentiviral genomes, including HIV-1.;Macromolecular interactions involved in the immune response of the horse to EIAV infection were investigated by analyzing complexes between MHC class I proteins and epitope peptides derived from EIAV Rev, Env and Gag proteins. Computational modeling results provided a mechanistic explanation for the experimental finding that a single amino acid change in the peptide binding domain of the equine MHC class I molecule differentially affects the recognition of specific epitopes by EIAV-specific CTL. Together, the findings in this dissertation provide novel insights into the strategy used by EIAV to replicate itself, and provide new details about how the host cell responds to and defends against EIAV upon the infection. Moreover, they have contributed to our understanding of the macromolecular recognition events that regulate these processes

    Improving Antibody CDR Template Selection by Structural Cluster Prediction

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    With the advent of high-throughput sequencing, antibody sequences can be acquired at much greater speed than corresponding structures, creating a need for rapid structure determination. Computational modeling is the only feasible method for high-throughput structure determination, however it does not always produce models with high accuracy. In antibody modeling, the framework regions are well conserved and readily modeled to sub-Angstrom accuracy, but accurate modeling of the complementarity determining region (CDR) loops remains elusive. This is a challenge we must overcome if we are to study antibody function or design an antibody, using models. Of the six CDR loops, the non-H3 CDR loops (H1, H2, and L1–L3) are easier to model than the H3 loop, because they are shorter and have less structural and length variability. Moreover, most of the non-H3 CDR loop structures can be grouped by CDR and length and can be clustered into a few canonical structure clusters. The ability to accurately predict the correct cluster of a CDR from sequence alone could improve structural modeling. In this thesis, I assessed how well current modeling techniques can identify the CDR canonical structures from sequence alone and I improved the retrieval accuracy. First, I benchmarked the current CDR loop modeling method in Rosetta and found it failed to predict the correct canonical structure clusters for 19% of CDRs. Next, I assessed the significance of the failures by comparing to a random cluster selection model. Then, to improve the accuracy of template selection, I trained a machine learning classifier, for each CDR and length group, with sequences as features, and found that the classifier successfully improved the retrieval of canonical structures. This improvement is not achievable by the residue position rules alone. Finally, I propose incorporating canonical class prediction via machine learning to improve canonical structure retrieval accuracy and I expected this improvement to increase as the less populated CDR clusters become more enriched

    Photoactivated processes in condensed phase studied by molecular dynamics simulations

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    SUMOhydro: A Novel Method for the Prediction of Sumoylation Sites Based on Hydrophobic Properties

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    Sumoylation is one of the most essential mechanisms of reversible protein post-translational modifications and is a crucial biochemical process in the regulation of a variety of important biological functions. Sumoylation is also closely involved in various human diseases. The accurate computational identification of sumoylation sites in protein sequences aids in experimental design and mechanistic research in cellular biology. In this study, we introduced amino acid hydrophobicity as a parameter into a traditional binary encoding scheme and developed a novel sumoylation site prediction tool termed SUMOhydro. With the assistance of a support vector machine, the proposed method was trained and tested using a stringent non-redundant sumoylation dataset. In a leave-one-out cross-validation, the proposed method yielded an excellent performance with a correlation coefficient, specificity, sensitivity and accuracy equal to 0.690, 98.6%, 71.1% and 97.5%, respectively. In addition, SUMOhydro has been benchmarked against previously described predictors based on an independent dataset, thereby suggesting that the introduction of hydrophobicity as an additional parameter could assist in the prediction of sumoylation sites. Currently, SUMOhydro is freely accessible at http://protein.cau.edu.cn/others/SUMOhydro/