513 research outputs found

    A data-driven approach using deep learning time series prediction for forecasting power system variables

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    This study investigates the performance of ‘Group Method of Data Handling’ type neural network algorithm in short-term time series prediction of the renewable energy and grid-balancing variables, such as the Net Regulation Volume (NRV) and System Imbalance (SI). The proposed method is compared with a Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network which is known as a universal approximator. Empirical validation results show that the GMDH performance is more accurate in compression with the most recent forecast which is provided by ELIA (Belgian transmission system operator). This study aims to practice the applicability of the polynomial GMDH-type neural network algorithm in time series prediction under a wide range of complexity and uncertainty related to the environment and electricity market

    Current Scenario of Solar Energy Applications in Bangladesh: Techno-Economic Perspective, Policy Implementation, and Possibility of the Integration of Artificial Intelligence

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    Bangladesh is blessed with abundant solar resources. Solar power is considered the most desirable energy source to mitigate the high energy demand of this densely populated country. Although various articles deal with solar energy applications in Bangladesh, no detailed review can be found in the literature. Therefore, in this study, we report on the current scenario of renewable energy in Bangladesh and the most significant potential of solar energy’s contribution among multiple renewable energy resources in mitigating energy demand. One main objective of this analysis was to outline the overall view of solar energy applications in Bangladesh to date, as well as the ongoing development of such projects. The technical and theoretical solar energy potential and the technologies available to harvest solar energy were also investigated. A detailed techno-economic design of solar power applications for the garment industry was also simulated to determine the potential of solar energy for this specific scenario. Additionally, renewable energy policies applied in Bangladesh to date are discussed comprehensively, with an emphasis on various ongoing projects undertaken by the government. Moreover, we elaborate global insight into solar power applications and compare Bangladesh’s current solar power scenario with that of other regions worldwide. Furthermore, the potential of artificial intelligence to accelerate solar energy enhancement is delineated comprehensively. Therefore, in this study, we determined the national scenarios of solar power implementation in Bangladesh and projected the most promising approaches for large-scale solar energy applications using artificial intelligence approaches

    Machine Learning based Wind Power Forecasting for Operational Decision Support

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    To utilize renewable energy efficiently to meet the needs of mankind's living demands becomes an extremely hot topic since global warming is the most serious global environmental problem that human beings are facing today. Burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil directly for generating electricity leads to environment pollution and exacerbates global warning. However, large-scale development of hydropower increases greenhouse gas emissions and greenhouse effects. This research is related to knowledge of wind power forecasting (WPF) and machine learning (ML). This research is built around one central research question: How to improve the accuracy of WPF by using AI methods? A pilot conceptual system combining meteorological information and operations management has been formulated. The main contribution is visualized in a proposed new framework, named Meteorological Information Service Decision Support System, consisting of a meteorological information module, wind power prediction module and operations management module. This conceptual framework has been verified by quantitative analysis in empirical cases. This system utilizes meteorological information for decision-making based on condition-based maintenance in operations and management for the purpose of optimizing energy management. It aims to analyze and predict the variation of wind power for the next day or the following week to develop scheduling planning services for WPEs based on predicting wind speed for every six hours, which is short-term wind speed prediction, through training, validating, and testing dataset. Accurate prediction of wind speed is crucial for weather forecasting service and WPF. This study presents a carefully designed wind speed prediction model which combines fully-connected neural network (FCNN), long short-term memory (LSTM) algorithm with eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) technique, to predict wind speed. The performance of each model is tested by using reanalysis data from European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for Meteorological observatory located in Vaasa in Finland. The results show that XGBoost algorithm has similar improved prediction performance as LSTM algorithm, in terms of RMSE, MAE and R2 compared to the commonly used traditional FCNN model. On the other hand, the XGBoost algorithm has a significant advantage on training time while comparing to the other algorithms in this case study. Additionally, this sensitivity analysis indicates great potential of the optimized deep learning (DL) method, which is a subset of machine learning (ML), in improving local weather forecast on the coding platform of Python. The results indicate that, by using Meteorological Information Service Decision Support System, it is possible to support effective decision-making and create timely actions within the WPEs. Findings from this research contribute to WPF in WPEs. The main contribution of this research is achieving decision optimization on a decision support system by using ML. It was concluded that the proposed system is very promising for potential applications in wind (power) energy management

    A Systematic Review for Transformer-based Long-term Series Forecasting

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    The emergence of deep learning has yielded noteworthy advancements in time series forecasting (TSF). Transformer architectures, in particular, have witnessed broad utilization and adoption in TSF tasks. Transformers have proven to be the most successful solution to extract the semantic correlations among the elements within a long sequence. Various variants have enabled transformer architecture to effectively handle long-term time series forecasting (LTSF) tasks. In this article, we first present a comprehensive overview of transformer architectures and their subsequent enhancements developed to address various LTSF tasks. Then, we summarize the publicly available LTSF datasets and relevant evaluation metrics. Furthermore, we provide valuable insights into the best practices and techniques for effectively training transformers in the context of time-series analysis. Lastly, we propose potential research directions in this rapidly evolving field

    Enhancing Automation with Label Defect Detection and Content Parsing Algorithms

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    The stable operation of power transmission and distribution is closely related to the overall performance and construction quality of circuit breakers. Focusing on circuit breakers as the research subject, we propose a machine vision method for automated defect detection, which can be applied in intelligent robots to improve detection efficiency, reduce costs, and address the issues related to performance and assembly quality. Based on the LeNet-5 convolutional neural network, a method for the detection of character defects on labels is proposed. This method is then combined with squeezing and excitation networks to achieve more precise classification with a feature graph mechanism. The experimental results show the accuracy of the LeNet-CB model can reach up to 99.75%, while the average time for single character detection is 17.9 milliseconds. Although the LeNet-SE model demonstrates certain limitations in handling some easily confused characters, it maintains an average accuracy of 98.95%. Through further optimization, a label content detection method based on the LSTM framework is constructed, with an average accuracy of 99.57%, and an average detection time of 84 milliseconds. Overall, the system meets the detection accuracy requirements and delivers a rapid response. making the results of this research a meaningful contribution to the practical foundation for ongoing improvements in robot intelligence and machine vision

    Applied Metaheuristic Computing

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    For decades, Applied Metaheuristic Computing (AMC) has been a prevailing optimization technique for tackling perplexing engineering and business problems, such as scheduling, routing, ordering, bin packing, assignment, facility layout planning, among others. This is partly because the classic exact methods are constrained with prior assumptions, and partly due to the heuristics being problem-dependent and lacking generalization. AMC, on the contrary, guides the course of low-level heuristics to search beyond the local optimality, which impairs the capability of traditional computation methods. This topic series has collected quality papers proposing cutting-edge methodology and innovative applications which drive the advances of AMC
