12 research outputs found

    SEEC: A Framework for Self-aware Management of Multicore Resources

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    This paper presents SEEC, a self-aware programming model, designed to reduce programming effort in modern multicore systems. In the SEEC model, application programmers specify application goals and progress, while systems programmers separately specify actions system software and hardware can take to affect an application (e.g. resource allocation). The SEEC runtime monitors applications and dynamically selects actions to meet application goals optimally (e.g. meeting performance while minimizing power consumption). The SEEC runtime optimizes system behavior for the application rather than requiring the application programmer to optimize for the system. This paper presents a detailed discussion of the SEEC model and runtime as well as several case studies demonstrating their benefits. SEEC is shown to optimize performance per Watt for a video encoder, find optimal resource allocation for an application with complex resource usage, and maintain the goals of multiple applications in the face of environmental fluctuations

    Multicore Architecture-aware Scientific Applications

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    Modern high performance systems are becoming increasingly complex and powerful due to advancements in processor and memory architecture. In order to keep up with this increasing complexity, applications have to be augmented with certain capabilities to fully exploit such systems. These may be at the application level, such as static or dynamic adaptations or at the system level, like having strategies in place to override some of the default operating system polices, the main objective being to improve computational performance of the application. The current work proposes two such capabilites with respect to multi-threaded scientific applications, in particular a large scale physics application computing ab-initio nuclear structure. The first involves using a middleware tool to invoke dynamic adaptations in the application, so as to be able to adjust to the changing computational resource availability at run-time. The second involves a strategy for effective placement of data in main memory, to optimize memory access latencies and bandwidth. These capabilties when included were found to have a significant impact on the application performance, resulting in average speedups of as much as two to four times

    Multicore Architecture-aware Scientific Applications

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    Automated Cluster-Based Web Service Performance Tuning

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    In this paper, we apply the Active Harmony system to improve the performance of a cluster-based web service system. The performance improvement cannot easily be achieved by tuning individual components for such a system. The experimental results show that there is no single configuration for the system that performs well for all kinds of workloads. By tuning the parameters, the Active Harmony helps the system adapt to different workloads and improve the performance up to 16%. For scalability, we demonstrate how to reduce the time when tuning a large system with many tunable parameters. Finally an algorithm is proposed to automatically adjust the structure of cluster-based web systems, and the system throughput is improved up to 70% using this technology. (UMIACS-TR-2003-84

    Efficient execution of electronic structure calculations on SMP clusters

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    Applications augmented with adaptive capabilities are becoming common in parallel computing environments. For large-scale scientific applications, dynamic adjustments to a computationally-intensive part may lead to a large pay-off in facilitating efficient execution of the entire application while aiming at avoiding resource contention. Application-specific knowledge, often best revealed during the run-time, is required to initiate and time these adjustments. In particular, General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System (GAMESS) is a program for ab initio quantum chemistry that places significant demands on the high-performance computing platforms. Certain electronic structure calculations are characterized by high consumption of a particular resource, such as CPU, main memory, or disk I/O. This may lead to resource contention among concurrent GAMESS jobs and other programs in the dynamically changing environment. Thus, it is desirable to improve GAMESS calculations by means of dynamic adaptations. In this thesis, we show how an application- or algorithm-specific knowledge may play a significant role in achieving this goal. The choice of implementation is facilitated by a module-driven middleware easily integrated with GAMESS that assesses resource consumption and invokes GAMESS adaptations to the system environment. We show that the throughput of GAMESS jobs may be improved greatly as a result of such adaptations

    A Performance Study of Dynamic Replication Techniques in Continuous Media Servers

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    Multimedia applications are emerging in education, information dissemination, entertainment, as well as many other applications. The stringent requirements of such applications make design of cost-effective and scalable systems difficult, and therefore efficient adaptive and dynamic resource management techniques can be of great help in improving resource utilization and consequently improving performance and scalability of such systems. In this paper, we focus on threshold-based policies, for dynamic resource management, and specifically, in the context of continuous media (CM) servers. Furthermore, we propose a mathematical model of user behavior and show, through a performance study, that not only does the use of this model in conjunction with dynamic resource management policies improves the system's performance but that it also facilitates significantly reduced sensitivity to changes in: (a) system architecture, (b) workload characteristics, (c) skewness of data access patterns, (d) frequency of changes in data access patterns, and (e) choice of threshold values. We believe that not only is this a desirable property for a CM server, in general, but that furthermore, it suggests the usefulness of these techniques across a wide range of continuous media applications. Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-98-6

    Adaptive mechanisms for self-aware multicore systems

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 90-92).As the push for extreme scale performance continues to make computer architectures increasingly complex, there has been a call for better programming models, and the systems to support them. Todays microprocessors now expose more system resources than ever to software, leaving it up to the application programmer to manage them. Studies have shown that the energy efficiency of future technologies may eventually affect the ultimate performance of multicore processors, and so programmers are forced to optimize systems for both performance and energy in the midst of countless configurable parameters - an extremely difficult task. Self-aware systems can configure themselves through introspection, providing performance and energy optimization without pressing an unrealistic burden on the programmer. However, to build effective self-aware systems, we must identify useful sources of adaptivity. This thesis will show the effectiveness of a number of adaptive mechanisms for self-aware multicore systems. We show that adding these mechanisms improves efficiency, and then make a case for coordinated adaptive systems. Coordinated systems treat adaptivity as a first-class object, and can outperform all non-adaptive, statically configured, and uncoordinated adaptive systems that do not possess a general view of system-wide adaptivity.by Eric Lau.S.M

    Towards Automatic Performance Tuning

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    When the computing environment becomes heterogeneous and applications become modular with reusable components, automatic performance tuning is needed for these applications to run well in different environments. We present the Active Harmony automated runtime tuning system and describe the interface used by programs to make applications tunable. We present the optimization algorithm used to adjust application parameters and the Library Specification Layer which helps program library developers expose multiple variations of the same API using different algorithms. By comparing the experience stored in a database, the tuning server is able to find appropriate configurations more rapidly. Utilizing historical data together with a mechanism that estimates performance speeds up the tuning process. To avoid performance oscillations during the initial phase of the tuning process, we use improved search refinement techniques that use configurations equally spaced throughout the performance search space to make the tuning process smoother. We also introduce a parameter prioritizing tool to focus on those performance critical parameters. We demonstrate how to reduce the time when tuning a large system with many tunable parameters. The search space can be reduced by checking the relations among parameters to avoid unnecessary search. In addition, for homogeneous processing nodes, we demonstrate how to use one set of the parameters and replicate the values to the remaining processing nodes. For environments where parameters can be divided into independent groups, an individual tuning server is used for each group. An algorithm is given to automatically adjust the structure of cluster-based web systems and it improves the system throughput up to 70%. We successfully apply the Active Harmony system to a cluster-based web service system and scientific programs. By tuning the parameters, Active Harmony helps the system adapt to different workloads and improve the performance up to 16%. The performance improvement cannot easily be achieved by tuning individual components for such a system and there is no single configuration that performs well for all kinds of workloads. All the design and experimental results show that Active Harmony is a feasible and useful tool in performance tuning