829 research outputs found

    Prediction model of triple play services for QoS assessment in IP based networks

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    This paper brings a QoS (Quality of Service) assessment model which can estimate voice and video quality. Based on the proposed model, speech or video quality is computed with regard to congestion management QoS configuration in the network and its level of total utilization. The contribution of this paper lies in designing a new mathematical model capable of predicting the quality of multimedia services respecting network behavior and performance. Index Terms—delay, E-Model, packet loss, QoS, SSIM, triple play.Web of Science10423923

    Voice quality estimation in combined radio-VoIP networks for dispatching systems

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    The voice quality modelling assessment and planning field is deeply and widely theoretically and practically mastered for common voice communication systems, especially for the public fixed and mobile telephone networks including Next Generation Networks (NGN - internet protocol based networks). This article seeks to contribute voice quality modelling assessment and planning for dispatching communication systems based on Internet Protocol (IP) and private radio networks. The network plan, correction in E-model calculation and default values for the model are presented and discussed

    Estimation of Perceived Quality in Convergent Services

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    Triple-Play (3P) and Quadruple-Play (4P) services are being widely offered by telecommunication services providers. Such services must be able to offer equal or higher quality levels than those obtained with traditional systems, especially for the most demanding services such as broadcast IPTV. This paper presents a matrix-based model, defined in terms of service components, user perceptions, agent capabilities, performance indicators and evaluation functions, which allows to estimate the overall quality of a set of convergent services, as perceived by the users, from a set of performance and/or Quality of Service (QoS) parameters of the convergent IP transport networ

    Network degradation effects on different codec types and characteristics of video streaming

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    Nowadays, there is a quickly growing demand for the transmission of voice, video and data over an IP based network. Multimedia, whether we are talking about broadcast, audio and video transmission and others, from a global perspective is growing exponentially with time. With incoming requests from users, new technologies for data transfer are continually developing. Data must be delivered reliably and with the fewest losses at such high speed. Video quality as part of multimedia technology has a very important role nowadays. It is influenced by several factors, where each of them can have many forms and processing. Network performance is the major degradation effect that influences the quality of resulting image. Poor network performance (lack of link capacity, high network load…) causes data packet losses or different delivery time for each packet. This work focuses exactly on these network phenomena. It examines the impact of different delays and packet losses on the quality parameters of triple play services, to evaluate the results using objective methods. The aim of this work is to bring a detailed view on the performance of video streaming over IP-based networks


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    Enhancing QoS and QoE in IMS Enabled Next Generation Networks

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    Managing network complexity, accommodating greater numbers of subscribers, improving coverage to support data services (e.g. email, video, and music downloads), keeping up to speed with fast-changing technology, and driving maximum value from existing networks - all while reducing CapEX and OpEX and ensuring Quality of Service (QoS) for the network and Quality of Experience (QoE) for the user. These are just some of the pressing business issues faced by mobileservice providers, summarized by the demand to "achieve more, for less." The ultimate goal of optimization techniques at the network and application layer is to ensure End-user perceived QoS. The next generation networks (NGN), a composite environment of proven telecommunications and Internet-oriented mechanisms have become generally recognized as the telecommunications environment of the future. However, the nature of the NGN environment presents several complex issues regarding quality assurance that have not existed in the legacy environments (e.g., multi-network, multi-vendor, and multi-operator IP-based telecommunications environment, distributed intelligence, third-party provisioning, fixed-wireless and mobile access, etc.). In this Research Paper, a service aware policy-based approach to NGN quality assurance is presented, taking into account both perceptual quality of experience and technologydependant quality of service issues. The respective procedures, entities, mechanisms, and profiles are discussed. The purpose of the presented approach is in research, development, and discussion of pursuing the end-to-end controllability of the quality of the multimedia NGN-based communications in an environment that is best effort in its nature and promotes end user's access agnosticism, service agility, and global mobility.Comment: 11 Page

    Network and service monitoring in heterogeneous home networks

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    Home networks are becoming dynamic and technologically heterogeneous. They consist of an increasing number of devices which offer several functionalities and can be used for many different services. In the home, these devices are interconnected using a mixture of networking technologies (for example, Ethernet, Wifi, coaxial cable, or power-line). However, interconnecting these devices is often not easy. The increasing heterogeneity has led to significant device- and service-management complexity. In addition, home networks provide a critical "last meters" access to the public telecom and Internet infrastructure and have a dramatic impact on to the end-to-end reliability and performance of services from these networks. This challenges service providers not only to maintain a satisfactory quality of service level in such heterogeneous home networks, but also to remotely monitor and troubleshoot them. The present thesis work contributes research and several solutions in the field of network and service monitoring in home networks, mainly in three areas: (1) providing automatic device- and service-discovery and configuration, (2) remote management, and (3) providing quality of service (QoS). With regard to the first area, current service discovery technology is designed to relieve the increasing human role in network and service administration. However, the relevant Service Discovery Protocols (SDPs) are lacking crucial features namely: (1) they are not platform- and network-independent, and (2) they do not provide sufficient mechanisms for (device) resource reservation. Consequently, devices implementing different SDPs cannot communicate with each other and share their functionalities and resources in a managed way, especially when they use different network technologies. As a solution to the first problem, we propose a new proxy server architecture that enables IP-based devices and services to be discovered on non-IP based network and vice versa. We implemented the proxy architecture using UPnP respectively Bluetooth SDP as IP- and non-IP-based SDPs. The proxy allows Bluetooth devices and UPnP control points to discover, access, and utilize services located on the other network. Validation experiments with the proxy prototype showed that seamless inter-working can be achieved keeping all proxy functionalities on a single device, thus not requiring modification of currently existing UPnP and Bluetooth end devices. Although the proxy itself taxes the end-to-end performance of the service, it is shown to be still acceptable for an end user. For mitigating resource conflicts in SDPs, we propose a generic resource reservation scheme with properties derived from common SDP operation. Performance studies with a prototype showed that this reservation scheme significantly improves the scalability and sustainability of service access in SDPs, at a minor computational cost. With regard to the second area, it is known that the end-to-end quality of Internet services depends crucially on the performance of the home network. Consequently, service providers require the ability to monitor and configure devices in the home network, behind the home gateway (HG). However, they can only put limited requirements to these off-the-shelf devices, as the consumer electronics market is largely outside their span of control. Therefore they have to make intelligent use of the given device control and management protocols. In this work, we propose an architecture for remote discovery and management of devices in a highly heterogeneous home network. A proof-of-concept is developed for the remote management of UPnP devices in the home with a TR-069/UPnP proxy on the HG. Although this architecture is protocol specific, it can be easily adapted to other web-services based protocols. Service providers are also asking for diagnostic tools with which they can remotely troubleshoot the home networks. One of these tools should be able to gather information about the topology of the home network. Although topology discovery protocols already exist, nothing is known yet about their performance. In this work we propose a set of key performance indicators for home network topology discovery architectures, and how they should be measured. We applied them to the Link-Layer Topology Discovery (LLTD) protocol and the Link-Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP). Our performance measurement results show that these protocols do not fulfill all the requirements as formulated by the service providers. With regard to the third area, current QoS solutions are mostly based on traffic classification. Because they need to be supported by all devices in the network, they are relatively expensive for home networks. Furthermore, they are not interoperable between different networking technologies. Alternative QoS provision techniques have been proposed in the literature. These techniques require end-user services to pragmatically adapt their properties to the actual condition of the network. For this, the condition of the home network in terms of its available bandwidth, delay, jitter, etc., needs to be known in real time. Appropriate tools for determining the available home network resources do not yet exist. In this work we propose a new method to probe the path capacity and available bandwidth between a server and a client in a home network. The main features of this method are: (a) it does not require adaptation of existing end devices, (b) it does not require pre-knowledge of the link-layer network topology, and (c) it is accurate enough to make reliable QoS predictions for the most relevant home applications. To use these predictions for effective service- or content-adaptation or admission control, one should also know how the state of the home network is expected to change immediately after the current state has been probed. However, not much is known about the stochastic properties of traffic in home networks. Based on a relatively small set of traffic observations in several home networks in the Netherlands, we were able to build a preliminary model for home network traffic dynamics

    Adaptive reservation of network resources according to video classification scenes

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    Video quality evaluation needs a combined approach that includes subjective and objective metrics, testing, and monitoring of the network. This paper deals with the novel approach of mapping quality of service (QoS) to quality of experience (QoE) using QoE metrics to determine user satisfaction limits, and applying QoS tools to provide the minimum QoE expected by users. Our aim was to connect objective estimations of video quality with the subjective estimations. A comprehensive tool for the estimation of the subjective evaluation is proposed. This new idea is based on the evaluation and marking of video sequences using the sentinel flag derived from spatial information (SI) and temporal information (TI) in individual video frames. The authors of this paper created a video database for quality evaluation, and derived SI and TI from each video sequence for classifying the scenes. Video scenes from the database were evaluated by objective and subjective assessment. Based on the results, a new model for prediction of subjective quality is defined and presented in this paper. This quality is predicted using an artificial neural network based on the objective evaluation and the type of video sequences defined by qualitative parameters such as resolution, compression standard, and bitstream. Furthermore, the authors created an optimum mapping function to define the threshold for the variable bitrate setting based on the flag in the video, determining the type of scene in the proposed model. This function allows one to allocate a bitrate dynamically for a particular segment of the scene and maintains the desired quality. Our proposed model can help video service providers with the increasing the comfort of the end users. The variable bitstream ensures consistent video quality and customer satisfaction, while network resources are used effectively. The proposed model can also predict the appropriate bitrate based on the required quality of video sequences, defined using either objective or subjective assessment.Web of Science216art. no. 194