1,424 research outputs found

    Investigation of Team Formation in Dynamic Social Networks

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    Team Formation Problem (TFP) in Social Networks (SN) is to collect the group of individuals who match the requirements of given tasks under some constraints. It has several applications, including academic collaborations, healthcare, and human resource management. These types of problems are highly challenging because each individual has his or her own demands and objectives that might conflict with team objectives. The major contribution of this dissertation is to model a computational framework to discover teams of experts in various applications and predict the potential for collaboration in the future from a given SN. Inspired by an evolutionary search technique using a higher-order cultural evolution, a framework is proposed using Knowledge-Based Cultural Algorithms to identify teams from co-authorship and industrial settings. This model reduces the search domain while guiding the search direction by extracting situational knowledge and updating it in each evolution. Motivated from the above results, this research examines the palliative care multidisciplinary networks to identify and measure the performance of the optimal team of care providers in a highly dynamic and unbalanced SN of volunteer, community, and professional caregivers. Thereafter, a visualization framework is designed to explore and monitor the evolution in the structure of the care networks. It helps to identify isolated patients, imbalanced resource allocation, and uneven service distribution in the network. This contribution is recognized by Hospice and the Windsor Essex Compassion Care Community in partnership with the Faculty of Nursing. In each setting, several cost functions are attempted to measure the performance of the teams. To support this study, the temporal nature of two important evaluation metrics is analyzed in Dynamic Social Networks (DSN): dynamic communication cost and dynamic expertise level. Afterward, a novel generic framework for TFP is designed by incorporating essential cost functions, including the above dynamic cost functions. The Multi-Objective Cultural Algorithms (MOCA) is used for this purpose. In each generation, it keeps track of the best solutions and enhances exploration by driving mutation direction towards unexplored areas. The experimental results reach closest to the exact algorithm and outperform well-known searching methods. Subsequently, this research focuses on predicting suitable members for the teams in the future, which is typically a real-time application of Link Prediction. Learning temporal behavior of each vertex in a given DSN can be used to decide the future connections of the individual with the teams. A probability function is introduced based on the activeness of the individual. To quantify the activeness score, this study examines each vertex as to how actively it interacts with new and existing vertices in DSN. It incorporates two more objective functions: the weighted shortest distance and the weighted common neighbor index. Because it is technically a classification problem, deep learning methods have been observed as the most effective solution. The model is trained and tested with Multilayer Perceptron. The AUC achieves above 93%. Besides this, analyzing common neighbors with any two vertices, which are expected to connect, have a high impact on predicting the links. A new method is introduced that extracts subgraph of common neighbors and examines features of each vertex in the subgraph to predict the future links. The sequence of subgraphs\u27 adjacency matrices of DSN can be ordered temporally and treated as a video. It is tested with Convolutional Neural Networks and Long Short Term Memory Networks for the prediction. The obtained results are compared against heuristic and state-of-the-art methods, where the results reach above 96% of AUC. In conclusion, the knowledge-based evolutionary approach performs well in searching through SN and recommending effective teams of experts to complete given tasks successfully in terms of time and accuracy. However, it does not support the prediction problem. Deep learning methods, however, perform well in predicting the future collaboration of the teams

    Encouraging Inactive Users towards Effective Recommendation

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    Disagreement amongst users in a social network might occur when some of them have different opinion or preferences towards certain items (e.g. topics). Some of the users in the social network might have dynamic preferences due to certain situations. With these differences in opinion amongst the users, some of the users might decide to become either less-active or inactive in providing their opinions on items for recommendation processes to be possible or effective. The current state of the users will lead to a cold-start problem where the recommender system will be unable to find accurate preference information of the users for a recommendation of new items to be provided to them. It will also be difficult to identify these inactive or less-active users within a group for the recommendation of items to be done effectively. Attempts have been made by several researchers to reduce the cold-start problem using singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithm, but the disagreement problem amongst users will still occur due to the dynamic preferences of the users towards items. It was hypothesized in this thesis that an influence based preference modelling could resolve the disagreement problem. It is possible to encourage less-active or inactive users to become active only if they have been identified with a group of their trustworthy neighbours. A suitable clustering technique that does not require pre-specified parameters (e.g. the number of clusters or the number of cluster members) was needed to accurately identify trustworthy users with groups (i.e. clusters) and also identify exemplars (i.e. Cluster representatives) from each group. Several existing clustering techniques such as Highly connected subgraphs (HCS), Markov clustering and Affinity Propagation (AP) clustering were explored in this thesis to check if they have the capabilities to achieve these required outputs. The suitable clustering technique amongst these techniques that is able to identify exemplars in each cluster could be validated using pattern information of past social activities, estimated trust values or familiarity values. The proposed method for estimating these values was based on psychological theories such as the theory of interpersonal behaviour (TIB) and rational choice theory as it was necessary to predict the trustworthiness behaviour of social users. It will also be revealed that users with high trust values (i.e. Trustworthy users) are not necessarily exemplars of various clusters, but they are more likely to encourage less active users in accepting recommended items preferred by the exemplar of their respective cluster

    Learning through online participation : A longitudinal analysis of participatory budgeting using Big Data indicators

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    Local authorities increasingly employ digital platforms to facilitate public engagement in participatory budgeting processes. This creates opportunities for and challenges in synthesizing citizens’ voices online in an iterated cycle, requiring a systematic tool to monitor democratic quality and produce formative feedback. In this paper, we demonstrate how cases of online deliberation can be compared longitudinally by using six Big Data-based, automated indicators of deliberative quality. Longitudinal comparison is a way of setting a reference point that helps practitioners, designers, and researchers of participatory processes to interpret analytics and evaluative findings in a meaningful way. By comparing the two rounds of OmaStadi, we found that the levels of participation remain low but that the continuity and responsiveness of online deliberation developed positively.Peer reviewe

    Marketing Applications of Social Tagging Networks

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    This dissertation focuses on marketing applications of social tagging networks. Social tagging is a new way to share and categorize content, allowing users to express their perceptions and feelings with respect to concepts such as brands and firms with their own keywords, “tags.” The associative information in social tagging networks provides marketers with a rich source of information reflecting consumers’ mental representations of a brand/firm/product. The first essay presents a methodology to create “social tag maps,” brand associative networks derived from social tags. The proposed approach reflects a significant improvement towards understanding brand associations compared to conventional techniques (e.g., brand concept maps and recent text mining techniques), and helps marketers to track real-time updates in a brand’s associative network and dynamically visualize the relative competitive position of their brand. The second essay investigates how information contained in social tags acts as proxy measures of brand assets that track and predict the financial valuation of firms using the data collected from a social bookmarking website, del.icio.us, for 61 firms across 16 industries. The results suggest that brand asset metrics based on social tags explain stock return. Specifically, an increase in social attention and connectedness to competitors is shown to be positively related to stock return for less prominent brands, while for prominent brands associative uniqueness and evaluation valence is found to be more significantly related to stock return. The findings suggest to marketing practitioners a new way to proactively improve brand assets for impacting a firm’s financial performance. The third essay investigates whether the position of products on social tagging networks can predict sales dynamics. We find that (1) books in long tail can increase sales by being strongly linked to well-known keywords with high degree centrality and (2) top sellers can be better sellers by creating dense content clusters rather than connecting them to well-known keywords with high degree centrality. Our findings suggest that marketing managers better understand a user community’s perception of products and potentially influence product sales by taking into account the positioning of their products within social tagging networks

    Stock Prediction Based on Social Media Data via Sentiment Analysis: a Study on Reddit

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    With the development of internet and information technology, online text data has become available and accessible for research in many fields including stock prediction. Social media, being one of the biggest content generators on the internet, is a great data resource for text mining and stock prediction. It has a large capacity, high data density, and fast information spread. In this thesis, analyses on the relationship between the stock-related text in social media (Reddit) and the price changes of corresponding stocks are implemented. In the analysis, sentiment analysis is first applied to extract the individual users’ emotions and opinions about the stocks. After that, the extracted features are analyzed via descriptive statistics and predictive analysis using the Pearson correlation coefficient and machine learning models. The predictive analysis is designed to examine the dependence between the social media text data and stock price change by evaluating the performance of predictions, four indicators are used in the evaluation including “prediction accuracy on price change direction” and three indicators in simulated algorithm trading experiments based on prediction results. They are “total profit with trading strategy for single stock”, “daily profit efficiency of trading strategy” and “total profit with Portfolio trading strategy”. From the results and the comparison with a Buy and Hold (B&H) baseline strategy, the predictions show good results in terms of “daily profit efficiency” and “total profit with Portfolio trading strategy”. Therefore, the online forum text from Reddit are proved to be correlated with future stock price changes and might be used to make more profit than B&H strategy by incorporating their information in portfolio trading strategies

    Big networks : a survey

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    A network is a typical expressive form of representing complex systems in terms of vertices and links, in which the pattern of interactions amongst components of the network is intricate. The network can be static that does not change over time or dynamic that evolves through time. The complication of network analysis is different under the new circumstance of network size explosive increasing. In this paper, we introduce a new network science concept called a big network. A big networks is generally in large-scale with a complicated and higher-order inner structure. This paper proposes a guideline framework that gives an insight into the major topics in the area of network science from the viewpoint of a big network. We first introduce the structural characteristics of big networks from three levels, which are micro-level, meso-level, and macro-level. We then discuss some state-of-the-art advanced topics of big network analysis. Big network models and related approaches, including ranking methods, partition approaches, as well as network embedding algorithms are systematically introduced. Some typical applications in big networks are then reviewed, such as community detection, link prediction, recommendation, etc. Moreover, we also pinpoint some critical open issues that need to be investigated further. © 2020 Elsevier Inc
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