99 research outputs found

    Predicting the Dominant Clique in Meetings through Fusion of Nonverbal Cues

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    This paper addresses the problem of automatically predicting the dominant clique (i.e., the set of K-dominant people) in face-to-face small group meetings recorded by multiple audio and video sensors. For this goal, we present a framework that integrates automatically extracted nonverbal cues and dominance prediction models. Easily computable audio and visual activity cues are automatically extracted from cameras and microphones. Such nonverbal cues, correlated to human display and perception of dominance, are well documented in the social psychology literature. The effectiveness of the cues were systematically investigated as single cues as well as in unimodal and multimodal combinations using unsupervised and supervised learning approaches for dominant clique estimation. Our framework was evaluated on a five-hour public corpus of teamwork meetings with third-party manual annotation of perceived dominance. Our best approaches can exactly predict the dominant clique with 80.8% accuracy in four-person meetings in which multiple human annotators agree on their judgments of perceived dominance

    Computational Modeling of Face-to-Face Social Interaction Using Nonverbal Behavioral Cues

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    The computational modeling of face-to-face interactions using nonverbal behavioral cues is an emerging and relevant problem in social computing. Studying face-to-face interactions in small groups helps in understanding the basic processes of individual and group behavior; and improving team productivity and satisfaction in the modern workplace. Apart from the verbal channel, nonverbal behavioral cues form a rich communication channel through which people infer – often automatically and unconsciously – emotions, relationships, and traits of fellowmembers. There exists a solid body of knowledge about small groups and the multimodal nature of the nonverbal phenomenon in social psychology and nonverbal communication. However, the problem has only recently begun to be studied in the multimodal processing community. A recent trend is to analyze these interactions in the context of face-to-face group conversations, using multiple sensors and make inferences automatically without the need of a human expert. These problems can be formulated in a machine learning framework involving the extraction of relevant audio, video features and the design of supervised or unsupervised learning models. While attempting to bridge social psychology, perception, and machine learning, certain factors have to be considered. Firstly, various group conversation patterns emerge at different time-scales. For example, turn-taking patterns evolve over shorter time scales, whereas dominance or group-interest trends get established over larger time scales. Secondly, a set of audio and visual cues that are not only relevant but also robustly computable need to be chosen. Thirdly, unlike typical machine learning problems where ground truth is well defined, interaction modeling involves data annotation that needs to factor in inter-annotator variability. Finally, principled ways of integrating the multimodal cues have to be investigated. In the thesis, we have investigated individual social constructs in small groups like dominance and status (two facets of the so-called vertical dimension of social relations). In the first part of this work, we have investigated how dominance perceived by external observers can be estimated by different nonverbal audio and video cues, and affected by annotator variability, the estimationmethod, and the exact task involved. In the second part, we jointly study perceived dominance and role-based status to understand whether dominant people are the ones with high status and whether dominance and status in small-group conversations be automatically explained by the same nonverbal cues. We employ speaking activity, visual activity, and visual attention cues for both the works. In the second part of the thesis, we have investigated group social constructs using both supervised and unsupervised approaches. We first propose a novel framework to characterize groups. The two-layer framework consists of a individual layer and the group layer. At the individual layer, the floor-occupation patterns of the individuals are captured. At the group layer, the identity information of the individuals is not used. We define group cues by aggregating individual cues over time and person, and use them to classify group conversational contexts – cooperative vs competitive and brainstorming vs decision-making. We then propose a framework to discover group interaction patterns using probabilistic topicmodels. An objective evaluation of ourmethodology involving human judgment and multiple annotators, showed that the learned topics indeed are meaningful, and also that the discovered patterns resemble prototypical leadership styles – autocratic, participative, and free-rein – proposed in social psychology

    Automatic role recognition

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    The computing community is making significant efforts towards the development of automatic approaches for the analysis of social interactions. The way people interact depends on the context, but there is one aspect that all social interactions seem to have in common: humans behave according to roles. Therefore, recognizing the roles of participants is an essential step towards understanding social interactions and the construction of socially aware computer. This thesis addresses the problem of automatically recognizing roles of participants in multi-party recordings. The objective is to assign to each participant a role. All the proposed approaches use a similar strategy. They all start by segmenting the audio into turns. Those turns are used as basic analysis units. The next step is to extract features accounting for the organization of turns. The more sophisticated approaches extend the features extracted with features from either the prosody or the semantic. Finally, the mapping of people or turns to roles is done using statistical models. The goal of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of role recognition and we will investigate three aspects that can influence the performance of the system: We investigate the impact of modelling the dependency between the roles. We investigate the contribution of different modalities for the effectiveness of role recognition approach. We investigate the effectiveness of the approach for different scenarios. Three models are proposed and tested on three different corpora totalizing more than 90 hours of audio. The first contribution of this thesis is to investigate the combination of turn-taking features and semantic information for role recognition, improving the accuracy of role recognition from a baseline of 46.4% to 67.9% on the AMI meeting corpus. The second contribution is to use features extracted from the prosody to assign roles. The performance of this model is 89.7% on broadcast news and 87.0% on talk-shows. Finally, the third contribution is the development of a model robust to change in the social setting. This model achieved an accuracy of 86.7% on a database composed of a mixture of broadcast news and talk-shows

    Social Network Analysis for Automatic Role Recognition

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    The computing community has shown a significant interest for the analysis of social interactions in the last decade. Different aspects of social interactions have been studied such as dominance, emotions, conflicts, etc. However, the recognition of roles has been neglected whereas these are a key aspect of social interactions. In fact, sociologists have shown not only that people play roles each time they interact, but also that roles shape behavior and expectations of interacting participants. The aim of this thesis is to fill this gap by investigating the problem of automatic role recognition in a wide range of interaction settings, including production environments, e.g. news and talk-shows, and spontaneous exchanges, e.g. meetings. The proposed role recognition approach includes two main steps. The first step aims at representing the individuals involved in an interaction with feature vectors accounting for their relationships with others. This step includes three main stages, namely segmentation of audio into turns (i.e. time intervals during which only one person talks), conversion of the sequence of turns into a social network, and use of the social network as a tool to extract features for each person. The second step uses machine learning methods to map the feature vectors into roles. The experiments have been carried out over roughly 90 hours of material. This is not only one of the largest databases ever used in literature on role recognition, but also the only one, to the best of our knowledge, including different interaction settings. In the experiments, the accuracy of the percentage of data correctly labeled in terms of roles is roughly 80% in production environments and 70% in spontaneous exchanges (lexical features have been added in the latter case). The importance of roles has been assessed in an application scenario as well. In particular, the thesis shows that roles help to segment talk-shows into stories, i.e. time intervals during which a single topic is discussed, with satisfactory performance. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work where social network analysis is applied to automatic analysis of conversation recordings. This thesis provides the first quantitative measure of how much roles constrain conversations, and a large corpus of recordings annotated in terms of roles. The results of this work have been published in one journal paper, and in five conference articles

    The Phenomenon of Woman-on-Woman Abuse and its Relationship to Gender Profile and Personal Experiences of Women

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    Purpose of the Study. Female-on-female aggression is often inferred, or drawn from studies conducted with children or males. Little or no information is available that reports behaviors perceived as mistreatment or abuse among women. The purposes of this study were to investigate (a) behaviors demonstrated by women that women consider abuse or mistreatment; (b) the extent to which these perceptions of abuse/mistreatment were related to gender profiles; and (c) the extent to which personal experiences as victims or perpetrators of abuse were related to age, race, and education. Method. This study used the survey research method in which questionnaires were mailed and self-administered to a convenience sample of 1,700 Mary Kay™ personnel and their associates. Six hundred and twenty-six of the 640 respondents who chose to participate in this study were included for final data analysis. The questionnaire was designed to elicit demographic characteristics, gender profile, and overt and covert acts or behaviors that may be considered mistreatment/abuse. Results. Thirty-five percent of the women admitted to being perpetrators of abuse, while 59% reported being victims of abuse by other women. Only overt behaviors such as “sleeping with her husband to hurt her” were considered acts of abuse. Caucasians tended to view these overt acts as more abusive than other racial groups. In addition, women in the 40-49 age range perceived these acts to be more abusive. Perception of abuse was not related to gender profile. Conclusion. The phenomenon of woman-on-woman abuse is quite real. Unlike gender and education, race and age appear to play important roles in the perception of this phenomenon. Race, age and educational levels appeared to play important roles in the perception of victimization

    Apprentissage statistique de modèles de comportement multimodal pour les agents conversationnels interactifs

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    Face to face interaction is one of the most fundamental forms of human communication. It is a complex multimodal and coupled dynamic system involving not only speech but of numerous segments of the body among which gaze, the orientation of the head, the chest and the body, the facial and brachiomanual movements, etc. The understanding and the modeling of this type of communication is a crucial stage for designing interactive agents capable of committing (hiring) credible conversations with human partners. Concretely, a model of multimodal behavior for interactive social agents faces with the complex task of generating gestural scores given an analysis of the scene and an incremental estimation of the joint objectives aimed during the conversation. The objective of this thesis is to develop models of multimodal behavior that allow artificial agents to engage into a relevant co-verbal communication with a human partner. While the immense majority of the works in the field of human-agent interaction (HAI) is scripted using ruled-based models, our approach relies on the training of statistical models from tracks collected during exemplary interactions, demonstrated by human trainers. In this context, we introduce "sensorimotor" models of behavior, which perform at the same time the recognition of joint cognitive states and the generation of the social signals in an incremental way. In particular, the proposed models of behavior have to estimate the current unit of interaction ( IU) in which the interlocutors are jointly committed and to predict the co-verbal behavior of its human trainer given the behavior of the interlocutor(s). The proposed models are all graphical models, i.e. Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBN). The models were trained and evaluated - in particular compared with classic classifiers - using datasets collected during two different interactions. Both interactions were carefully designed so as to collect, in a minimum amount of time, a sufficient number of exemplars of mutual attention and multimodal deixis of objects and places. Our contributions are completed by original methods for the interpretation and comparative evaluation of the properties of the proposed models. By comparing the output of the models with the original scores, we show that the HMM, thanks to its properties of sequential modeling, outperforms the simple classifiers in term of performances. The semi-Markovian models (HSMM) further improves the estimation of sensorimotor states thanks to duration modeling. Finally, thanks to a rich structure of dependency between variables learnt from the data, the DBN has the most convincing performances and demonstrates both the best performance and the most faithful multimodal coordination to the original multimodal events.L'interaction face-à-face représente une des formes les plus fondamentales de la communication humaine. C'est un système dynamique multimodal et couplé – impliquant non seulement la parole mais de nombreux segments du corps dont le regard, l'orientation de la tête, du buste et du corps, les gestes faciaux et brachio-manuels, etc – d'une grande complexité. La compréhension et la modélisation de ce type de communication est une étape cruciale dans le processus de la conception des agents interactifs capables d'engager des conversations crédibles avec des partenaires humains. Concrètement, un modèle de comportement multimodal destiné aux agents sociaux interactifs fait face à la tâche complexe de générer un comportement multimodal étant donné une analyse de la scène et une estimation incrémentale des objectifs conjoints visés au cours de la conversation. L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer des modèles de comportement multimodal pour permettre aux agents artificiels de mener une communication co-verbale pertinente avec un partenaire humain. Alors que l'immense majorité des travaux dans le domaine de l'interaction humain-agent repose essentiellement sur des modèles à base de règles, notre approche se base sur la modélisation statistique des interactions sociales à partir de traces collectées lors d'interactions exemplaires, démontrées par des tuteurs humains. Dans ce cadre, nous introduisons des modèles de comportement dits "sensori-moteurs", qui permettent à la fois la reconnaissance des états cognitifs conjoints et la génération des signaux sociaux d'une manière incrémentale. En particulier, les modèles de comportement proposés ont pour objectif d'estimer l'unité d'interaction (IU) dans laquelle sont engagés de manière conjointe les interlocuteurs et de générer le comportement co-verbal du tuteur humain étant donné le comportement observé de son/ses interlocuteur(s). Les modèles proposés sont principalement des modèles probabilistes graphiques qui se basent sur les chaînes de markov cachés (HMM) et les réseaux bayésiens dynamiques (DBN). Les modèles ont été appris et évalués – notamment comparés à des classifieurs classiques – sur des jeux de données collectés lors de deux différentes interactions face-à-face. Les deux interactions ont été soigneusement conçues de manière à collecter, en un minimum de temps, un nombre suffisant d'exemplaires de gestion de l'attention mutuelle et de deixis multimodale d'objets et de lieux. Nos contributions sont complétées par des méthodes originales d'interprétation et d'évaluation des propriétés des modèles proposés. En comparant tous les modèles avec les vraies traces d'interactions, les résultats montrent que le modèle HMM, grâce à ses propriétés de modélisation séquentielle, dépasse les simples classifieurs en terme de performances. Les modèles semi-markoviens (HSMM) ont été également testé et ont abouti à un meilleur bouclage sensori-moteur grâce à leurs propriétés de modélisation des durées des états. Enfin, grâce à une structure de dépendances riche apprise à partir des données, le modèle DBN a les performances les plus probantes et démontre en outre la coordination multimodale la plus fidèle aux évènements multimodaux originaux

    Apprentissage statistique de modèles de comportement multimodal pour les agents conversationnels interactifs

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    Face to face interaction is one of the most fundamental forms of human communication. It is a complex multimodal and coupled dynamic system involving not only speech but of numerous segments of the body among which gaze, the orientation of the head, the chest and the body, the facial and brachiomanual movements, etc. The understanding and the modeling of this type of communication is a crucial stage for designing interactive agents capable of committing (hiring) credible conversations with human partners. Concretely, a model of multimodal behavior for interactive social agents faces with the complex task of generating gestural scores given an analysis of the scene and an incremental estimation of the joint objectives aimed during the conversation. The objective of this thesis is to develop models of multimodal behavior that allow artificial agents to engage into a relevant co-verbal communication with a human partner. While the immense majority of the works in the field of human-agent interaction (HAI) is scripted using ruled-based models, our approach relies on the training of statistical models from tracks collected during exemplary interactions, demonstrated by human trainers. In this context, we introduce "sensorimotor" models of behavior, which perform at the same time the recognition of joint cognitive states and the generation of the social signals in an incremental way. In particular, the proposed models of behavior have to estimate the current unit of interaction ( IU) in which the interlocutors are jointly committed and to predict the co-verbal behavior of its human trainer given the behavior of the interlocutor(s). The proposed models are all graphical models, i.e. Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBN). The models were trained and evaluated - in particular compared with classic classifiers - using datasets collected during two different interactions. Both interactions were carefully designed so as to collect, in a minimum amount of time, a sufficient number of exemplars of mutual attention and multimodal deixis of objects and places. Our contributions are completed by original methods for the interpretation and comparative evaluation of the properties of the proposed models. By comparing the output of the models with the original scores, we show that the HMM, thanks to its properties of sequential modeling, outperforms the simple classifiers in term of performances. The semi-Markovian models (HSMM) further improves the estimation of sensorimotor states thanks to duration modeling. Finally, thanks to a rich structure of dependency between variables learnt from the data, the DBN has the most convincing performances and demonstrates both the best performance and the most faithful multimodal coordination to the original multimodal events.L'interaction face-à-face représente une des formes les plus fondamentales de la communication humaine. C'est un système dynamique multimodal et couplé – impliquant non seulement la parole mais de nombreux segments du corps dont le regard, l'orientation de la tête, du buste et du corps, les gestes faciaux et brachio-manuels, etc – d'une grande complexité. La compréhension et la modélisation de ce type de communication est une étape cruciale dans le processus de la conception des agents interactifs capables d'engager des conversations crédibles avec des partenaires humains. Concrètement, un modèle de comportement multimodal destiné aux agents sociaux interactifs fait face à la tâche complexe de générer un comportement multimodal étant donné une analyse de la scène et une estimation incrémentale des objectifs conjoints visés au cours de la conversation. L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer des modèles de comportement multimodal pour permettre aux agents artificiels de mener une communication co-verbale pertinente avec un partenaire humain. Alors que l'immense majorité des travaux dans le domaine de l'interaction humain-agent repose essentiellement sur des modèles à base de règles, notre approche se base sur la modélisation statistique des interactions sociales à partir de traces collectées lors d'interactions exemplaires, démontrées par des tuteurs humains. Dans ce cadre, nous introduisons des modèles de comportement dits "sensori-moteurs", qui permettent à la fois la reconnaissance des états cognitifs conjoints et la génération des signaux sociaux d'une manière incrémentale. En particulier, les modèles de comportement proposés ont pour objectif d'estimer l'unité d'interaction (IU) dans laquelle sont engagés de manière conjointe les interlocuteurs et de générer le comportement co-verbal du tuteur humain étant donné le comportement observé de son/ses interlocuteur(s). Les modèles proposés sont principalement des modèles probabilistes graphiques qui se basent sur les chaînes de markov cachés (HMM) et les réseaux bayésiens dynamiques (DBN). Les modèles ont été appris et évalués – notamment comparés à des classifieurs classiques – sur des jeux de données collectés lors de deux différentes interactions face-à-face. Les deux interactions ont été soigneusement conçues de manière à collecter, en un minimum de temps, un nombre suffisant d'exemplaires de gestion de l'attention mutuelle et de deixis multimodale d'objets et de lieux. Nos contributions sont complétées par des méthodes originales d'interprétation et d'évaluation des propriétés des modèles proposés. En comparant tous les modèles avec les vraies traces d'interactions, les résultats montrent que le modèle HMM, grâce à ses propriétés de modélisation séquentielle, dépasse les simples classifieurs en terme de performances. Les modèles semi-markoviens (HSMM) ont été également testé et ont abouti à un meilleur bouclage sensori-moteur grâce à leurs propriétés de modélisation des durées des états. Enfin, grâce à une structure de dépendances riche apprise à partir des données, le modèle DBN a les performances les plus probantes et démontre en outre la coordination multimodale la plus fidèle aux évènements multimodaux originaux

    Socially intelligent robots that understand and respond to human touch

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    Touch is an important nonverbal form of interpersonal interaction which is used to communicate emotions and other social messages. As interactions with social robots are likely to become more common in the near future these robots should also be able to engage in tactile interaction with humans. Therefore, the aim of the research presented in this dissertation is to work towards socially intelligent robots that can understand and respond to human touch. To become a socially intelligent actor a robot must be able to sense, classify and interpret human touch and respond to this in an appropriate manner. To this end we present work that addresses different parts of this interaction cycle. The contributions of this dissertation are the following. We have made a touch gesture dataset available to the research community and have presented benchmark results. Furthermore, we have sparked interest into the new field of social touch recognition by organizing a machine learning challenge and have pinpointed directions for further research. Also, we have exposed potential difficulties for the recognition of social touch in more naturalistic settings. Moreover, the findings presented in this dissertation can help to inform the design of a behavioral model for robot pet companions that can understand and respond to human touch. Additionally, we have focused on the requirements for tactile interaction with robot pets for health care applications
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