15,216 research outputs found

    Learning to Reconstruct Texture-less Deformable Surfaces from a Single View

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    Recent years have seen the development of mature solutions for reconstructing deformable surfaces from a single image, provided that they are relatively well-textured. By contrast, recovering the 3D shape of texture-less surfaces remains an open problem, and essentially relates to Shape-from-Shading. In this paper, we introduce a data-driven approach to this problem. We introduce a general framework that can predict diverse 3D representations, such as meshes, normals, and depth maps. Our experiments show that meshes are ill-suited to handle texture-less 3D reconstruction in our context. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our approach generalizes well to unseen objects, and that it yields higher-quality reconstructions than a state-of-the-art SfS technique, particularly in terms of normal estimates. Our reconstructions accurately model the fine details of the surfaces, such as the creases of a T-Shirt worn by a person.Comment: Accepted to 3DV 201

    Deep Reflectance Maps

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    Undoing the image formation process and therefore decomposing appearance into its intrinsic properties is a challenging task due to the under-constraint nature of this inverse problem. While significant progress has been made on inferring shape, materials and illumination from images only, progress in an unconstrained setting is still limited. We propose a convolutional neural architecture to estimate reflectance maps of specular materials in natural lighting conditions. We achieve this in an end-to-end learning formulation that directly predicts a reflectance map from the image itself. We show how to improve estimates by facilitating additional supervision in an indirect scheme that first predicts surface orientation and afterwards predicts the reflectance map by a learning-based sparse data interpolation. In order to analyze performance on this difficult task, we propose a new challenge of Specular MAterials on SHapes with complex IllumiNation (SMASHINg) using both synthetic and real images. Furthermore, we show the application of our method to a range of image-based editing tasks on real images.Comment: project page: http://homes.esat.kuleuven.be/~krematas/DRM

    Exploration of a Polarized Surface Bidirectional Reflectance Model Using the Ground-Based Multiangle Spectropolarimetric Imager

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    Accurate characterization of surface reflection is essential for retrieval of aerosols using downward-looking remote sensors. In this paper, observations from the Ground-based Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (GroundMSPI) are used to evaluate a surface polarized bidirectional reflectance distribution function (PBRDF) model. GroundMSPI is an eight-band spectropolarimetric camera mounted on a rotating gimbal to acquire pushbroom imagery of outdoor landscapes. The camera uses a very accurate photoelastic-modulator-based polarimetric imaging technique to acquire Stokes vector measurements in three of the instrument's bands (470, 660, and 865 nm). A description of the instrument is presented, and observations of selected targets within a scene acquired on 6 January 2010 are analyzed. Data collected during the course of the day as the Sun moved across the sky provided a range of illumination geometries that facilitated evaluation of the surface model, which is comprised of a volumetric reflection term represented by the modified Rahman-Pinty-Verstraete function plus a specular reflection term generated by a randomly oriented array of Fresnel-reflecting microfacets. While the model is fairly successful in predicting the polarized reflection from two grass targets in the scene, it does a poorer job for two manmade targets (a parking lot and a truck roof), possibly due to their greater degree of geometric organization. Several empirical adjustments to the model are explored and lead to improved fits to the data. For all targets, the data support the notion of spectral invariance in the angular shape of the unpolarized and polarized surface reflection. As noted by others, this behavior provides valuable constraints on the aerosol retrieval problem, and highlights the importance of multiangle observations.NASAJPLCenter for Space Researc

    Topological characterization of antireflective and hydrophobic rough surfaces: are random process theory and fractal modeling applicable?

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    The random process theory (RPT) has been widely applied to predict the joint probability distribution functions (PDFs) of asperity heights and curvatures of rough surfaces. A check of the predictions of RPT against the actual statistics of numerically generated random fractal surfaces and of real rough surfaces has been only partially undertaken. The present experimental and numerical study provides a deep critical comparison on this matter, providing some insight into the capabilities and limitations in applying RPT and fractal modeling to antireflective and hydrophobic rough surfaces, two important types of textured surfaces. A multi-resolution experimental campaign by using a confocal profilometer with different lenses is carried out and a comprehensive software for the statistical description of rough surfaces is developed. It is found that the topology of the analyzed textured surfaces cannot be fully described according to RPT and fractal modeling. The following complexities emerge: (i) the presence of cut-offs or bi-fractality in the power-law power-spectral density (PSD) functions; (ii) a more pronounced shift of the PSD by changing resolution as compared to what expected from fractal modeling; (iii) inaccuracy of the RPT in describing the joint PDFs of asperity heights and curvatures of textured surfaces; (iv) lack of resolution-invariance of joint PDFs of textured surfaces in case of special surface treatments, not accounted by fractal modeling.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    Visible and near infrared spectroscopy in soil science

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    This chapter provides a review on the state of soil visible–near infrared (vis–NIR) spectroscopy. Our intention is for the review to serve as a source of up-to date information on the past and current role of vis–NIR spectroscopy in soil science. It should also provide critical discussion on issues surrounding the use of vis–NIR for soil analysis and on future directions. To this end, we describe the fundamentals of visible and infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and spectroscopic multivariate calibrations. A review of the past and current role of vis–NIR spectroscopy in soil analysis is provided, focusing on important soil attributes such as soil organic matter (SOM), minerals, texture, nutrients, water, pH, and heavy metals. We then discuss the performance and generalization capacity of vis–NIR calibrations, with particular attention on sample pre-tratments, co-variations in data sets, and mathematical data preprocessing. Field analyses and strategies for the practical use of vis–NIR are considered. We conclude that the technique is useful to measure soil water and mineral composition and to derive robust calibrations for SOM and clay content. Many studies show that we also can predict properties such as pH and nutrients, although their robustness may be questioned. For future work we recommend that research should focus on: (i) moving forward with more theoretical calibrations, (ii) better understanding of the complexity of soil and the physical basis for soil reflection, and (iii) applications and the use of spectra for soil mapping and monitoring, and for making inferences about soils quality, fertility and function. To do this, research in soil spectroscopy needs to be more collaborative and strategic. The development of the Global Soil Spectral Library might be a step in the right direction
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