27 research outputs found

    d-Omix: a mixer of generic protein domain analysis tools

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    Domain combination provides important clues to the roles of protein domains in protein function, interaction and evolution. We have developed a web server d-Omix (a Mixer of Protein Domain Analysis Tools) aiming as a unified platform to analyze, compare and visualize protein data sets in various aspects of protein domain combinations. With InterProScan files for protein sets of interest provided by users, the server incorporates four services for domain analyses. First, it constructs protein phylogenetic tree based on a distance matrix calculated from protein domain architectures (DAs), allowing the comparison with a sequence-based tree. Second, it calculates and visualizes the versatility, abundance and co-presence of protein domains via a domain graph. Third, it compares the similarity of proteins based on DA alignment. Fourth, it builds a putative protein network derived from domain–domain interactions from DOMINE. Users may select a variety of input data files and flexibly choose domain search tools (e.g. hmmpfam, superfamily) for a specific analysis. Results from the d-Omix could be interactively explored and exported into various formats such as SVG, JPG, BMP and CSV. Users with only protein sequences could prepare an InterProScan file using a service provided by the server as well. The d-Omix web server is freely available at http://www.biotec.or.th/isl/Domix

    UFO: a web server for ultra-fast functional profiling of whole genome protein sequences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Functional profiling is a key technique to characterize and compare the functional potential of entire genomes. The estimation of profiles according to an assignment of sequences to functional categories is a computationally expensive task because it requires the comparison of all protein sequences from a genome with a usually large database of annotated sequences or sequence families.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>Based on machine learning techniques for Pfam domain detection, the UFO web server for ultra-fast functional profiling allows researchers to process large protein sequence collections instantaneously. Besides the frequencies of Pfam and GO categories, the user also obtains the sequence specific assignments to Pfam domain families. In addition, a comparison with existing genomes provides dissimilarity scores with respect to 821 reference proteomes. Considering the underlying UFO domain detection, the results on 206 test genomes indicate a high sensitivity of the approach. In comparison with current state-of-the-art HMMs, the runtime measurements show a considerable speed up in the range of four orders of magnitude. For an average size prokaryotic genome, the computation of a functional profile together with its comparison typically requires about 10 seconds of processing time.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>For the first time the UFO web server makes it possible to get a quick overview on the functional inventory of newly sequenced organisms. The genome scale comparison with a large number of precomputed profiles allows a first guess about functionally related organisms. The service is freely available and does not require user registration or specification of a valid email address.</p

    Protein function annotation using protein domain family resources

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    As a result of the genome sequencing and structural genomics initiatives, we have a wealth of protein sequence and structural data. However, only about 1% of these proteins have experimental functional annotations. As a result, computational approaches that can predict protein functions are essential in bridging this widening annotation gap. This article reviews the current approaches of protein function prediction using structure and sequence based classification of protein domain family resources with a special focus on functional families in the CATH-Gene3D resource

    EuPathDomains: The Divergent Domain Database for Eukaryotic Pathogens

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    International audienceEukaryotic pathogens (e.g. Plasmodium, Leishmania, Trypanosomes, etc.) are a major source of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In Africa, one of the most impacted continents, they cause millions of deaths and constitute an immense economic burden. While the genome sequence of several of these organisms is now available, the biological functions of more than half of their proteins are still unknown. This is a serious issue for bringing to the foreground the expected new therapeutic targets. In this context, the identification of protein domains is a key step to improve the functional annotation of the proteins. However, several domains are missed in eukaryotic pathogens because of the high phylogenetic distance of these organisms from the classical eukaryote models. We recently proposed a method, co-occurrence domain detection (CODD), that improves the sensitivity of Pfam domain detection by exploiting the tendency of domains to appear preferentially with a few other favorite domains in a protein. In this paper, we present EuPathDomains (http://www.atgc-montpellier.fr/EuPathDomains/), an extended database of protein domains belonging to ten major eukaryotic human pathogens. EuPathDomains gathers known and new domains detected by CODD, along with the associated confidence measurements and the GO annotations that can be deduced from the new domains. This database significantly extends the Pfam domain coverage of all selected genomes, by proposing new occurrences of domains as well as new domain families that have never been reported before. For example, with a false discovery rate lower than 20%, EuPathDomains increases the number of detected domains by 13% in Toxoplasma gondii genome and up to 28% in Cryptospordium parvum, and the total number of domain families by 10% in Plasmodium falciparum and up to 16% in C. parvum genome. The database can be queried by protein names, domain identifiers, Pfam or Interpro identifiers, or organisms, and should become a valuable resource to decipher the protein functions of eukaryotic pathogens

    Protein subcellular localization prediction of eukaryotes using a knowledge-based approach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The study of protein subcellular localization (PSL) is important for elucidating protein functions involved in various cellular processes. However, determining the localization sites of a protein through wet-lab experiments can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. Thus, computational approaches become highly desirable. Most of the PSL prediction systems are established for single-localized proteins. However, a significant number of eukaryotic proteins are known to be localized into multiple subcellular organelles. Many studies have shown that proteins may simultaneously locate or move between different cellular compartments and be involved in different biological processes with different roles.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we propose a knowledge based method, called KnowPred<sub>site</sub>, to predict the localization site(s) of both single-localized and multi-localized proteins. Based on the local similarity, we can identify the "related sequences" for prediction. We construct a knowledge base to record the possible sequence variations for protein sequences. When predicting the localization annotation of a query protein, we search against the knowledge base and used a scoring mechanism to determine the predicted sites. We downloaded the dataset from ngLOC, which consisted of ten distinct subcellular organelles from 1923 species, and performed ten-fold cross validation experiments to evaluate KnowPred<sub>site</sub>'s performance. The experiment results show that KnowPred<sub>site </sub>achieves higher prediction accuracy than ngLOC and Blast-hit method. For single-localized proteins, the overall accuracy of KnowPred<sub>site </sub>is 91.7%. For multi-localized proteins, the overall accuracy of KnowPred<sub>site </sub>is 72.1%, which is significantly higher than that of ngLOC by 12.4%. Notably, half of the proteins in the dataset that cannot find any Blast hit sequence above a specified threshold can still be correctly predicted by KnowPred<sub>site</sub>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>KnowPred<sub>site </sub>demonstrates the power of identifying related sequences in the knowledge base. The experiment results show that even though the sequence similarity is low, the local similarity is effective for prediction. Experiment results show that KnowPred<sub>site </sub>is a highly accurate prediction method for both single- and multi-localized proteins. It is worth-mentioning the prediction process of KnowPred<sub>site </sub>is transparent and biologically interpretable and it shows a set of template sequences to generate the prediction result. The KnowPred<sub>site </sub>prediction server is available at <url>http://bio-cluster.iis.sinica.edu.tw/kbloc/</url>.</p

    FACT: Functional annotation transfer between proteins with similar feature architectures

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The increasing number of sequenced genomes provides the basis for exploring the genetic and functional diversity within the tree of life. Only a tiny fraction of the encoded proteins undergoes a thorough experimental characterization. For the remainder, bioinformatics annotation tools are the only means to infer their function. Exploiting significant sequence similarities to already characterized proteins, commonly taken as evidence for homology, is the prevalent method to deduce functional equivalence. Such methods fail when homologs are too diverged, or when they have assumed a different function. Finally, due to convergent evolution, functional equivalence is not necessarily linked to common ancestry. Therefore complementary approaches are required to identify functional equivalents.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present the <b>F</b>eature <b>A</b>rchitecture <b>C</b>omparison <b>T</b>ool <url>http://www.cibiv.at/FACT</url> to search for functionally equivalent proteins. FACT uses the similarity between feature architectures of two proteins, i.e., the arrangements of functional domains, secondary structure elements and compositional properties, as a proxy for their functional equivalence. A scoring function measures feature architecture similarities, which enables searching for functional equivalents in entire proteomes. Our evaluation of 9,570 EC classified enzymes revealed that FACT, using the full feature, set outperformed the existing architecture-based approaches by identifying significantly more functional equivalents as highest scoring proteins. We show that FACT can identify functional equivalents that share no significant sequence similarity. However, when the highest scoring protein of FACT is also the protein with the highest local sequence similarity, it is in 99% of the cases functionally equivalent to the query. We demonstrate the versatility of FACT by identifying a missing link in the yeast glutathione metabolism and also by searching for the human GolgA5 equivalent in <it>Trypanosoma brucei</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>FACT facilitates a quick and sensitive search for functionally equivalent proteins in entire proteomes. FACT is complementary to approaches using sequence similarity to identify proteins with the same function. Thus, FACT is particularly useful when functional equivalents need to be identified in evolutionarily distant species, or when functional equivalents are not homologous. The most reliable annotation transfers, however, are achieved when feature architecture similarity and sequence similarity are jointly taken into account.</p

    Assigning protein function from domain-function associations using DomFun

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    Background: Protein function prediction remains a key challenge. Domain composition affects protein function. Here we present DomFun, a Ruby gem that uses associations between protein domains and functions, calculated using multiple indices based on tripartite network analysis. These domain-function associations are combined at the protein level, to generate protein-function predictions. Results: We analysed 16 tripartite networks connecting homologous superfamily and FunFam domains from CATH-Gene3D with functional annotations from the three Gene Ontology (GO) sub-ontologies, KEGG, and Reactome. We validated the results using the CAFA 3 benchmark platform for GO annotation, finding that out of the multiple association metrics and domain datasets tested, Simpson index for FunFam domain-function associations combined with Stouffer’s method leads to the best performance in almost all scenarios. We also found that using FunFams led to better performance than superfamilies, and better results were found for GO molecular function compared to GO biological process terms. DomFun performed as well as the highest-performing method in certain CAFA 3 evaluation procedures in terms of Fmax and Smin We also implemented our own benchmark procedure, Pathway Prediction Performance (PPP), which can be used to validate function prediction for additional annotations sources, such as KEGG and Reactome. Using PPP, we found similar results to those found with CAFA 3 for GO, moreover we found good performance for the other annotation sources. As with CAFA 3, Simpson index with Stouffer’s method led to the top performance in almost all scenarios. Conclusions: DomFun shows competitive performance with other methods evaluated in CAFA 3 when predicting proteins function with GO, although results vary depending on the evaluation procedure. Through our own benchmark procedure, PPP, we have shown it can also make accurate predictions for KEGG and Reactome. It performs best when using FunFams, combining Simpson index derived domain-function associations using Stouffer’s method. The tool has been implemented so that it can be easily adapted to incorporate other protein features, such as domain data from other sources, amino acid k-mers and motifs. The DomFun Ruby gem is available from https://rubygems.org/gems/DomFun. Code maintained at https://github.com/ElenaRojano/DomFun. Validation procedure scripts can be found at https://github.com/ElenaRojano/DomFun_project

    Capturing protein domain structure and function using self-supervision on domain architectures

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    Predicting biological properties of unseen proteins is shown to be improved by the use of protein sequence embeddings. However, these sequence embeddings have the caveat that biological metadata do not exist for each amino acid, in order to measure the quality of each unique learned embedding vector separately. Therefore, current sequence embedding cannot be intrinsically evaluated on the degree of their captured biological information in a quantitative manner. We address this drawback by our approach, dom2vec, by learning vector representation for protein domains and not for each amino acid base, as biological metadata do exist for each domain separately. To perform a reliable quantitative intrinsic evaluation in terms of biology knowledge, we selected the metadata related to the most distinctive biological characteristics of a domain, which are its structure, enzymatic, and molecular function. Notably, dom2vec obtains an adequate level of performance in the intrinsic assessment—therefore, we can draw an analogy between the local linguistic features in natural languages and the domain structure and function information in domain architectures. Moreover, we demonstrate the dom2vec applicability on protein prediction tasks, by comparing it with state-of-the-art sequence embeddings in three downstream tasks. We show that dom2vec outperforms sequence embeddings for toxin and enzymatic function prediction and is comparable with sequence embeddings in cellular location prediction. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Beyond the E-value: stratified statistics for protein domain prediction

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    E-values have been the dominant statistic for protein sequence analysis for the past two decades: from identifying statistically significant local sequence alignments to evaluating matches to hidden Markov models describing protein domain families. Here we formally show that for "stratified" multiple hypothesis testing problems, controlling the local False Discovery Rate (lFDR) per stratum, or partition, yields the most predictions across the data at any given threshold on the FDR or E-value over all strata combined. For the important problem of protein domain prediction, a key step in characterizing protein structure, function and evolution, we show that stratifying statistical tests by domain family yields excellent results. We develop the first FDR-estimating algorithms for domain prediction, and evaluate how well thresholds based on q-values, E-values and lFDRs perform in domain prediction using five complementary approaches for estimating empirical FDRs in this context. We show that stratified q-value thresholds substantially outperform E-values. Contradicting our theoretical results, q-values also outperform lFDRs; however, our tests reveal a small but coherent subset of domain families, biased towards models for specific repetitive patterns, for which FDRs are greatly underestimated due to weaknesses in random sequence models. Usage of lFDR thresholds outperform q-values for the remaining families, which have as-expected noise, suggesting that further improvements in domain predictions can be achieved with improved modeling of random sequences. Overall, our theoretical and empirical findings suggest that the use of stratified q-values and lFDRs could result in improvements in a host of structured multiple hypothesis testing problems arising in bioinformatics, including genome-wide association studies, orthology prediction, motif scanning, and multi-microarray analyses.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures, does not include supplementary file