190 research outputs found

    LLCMDA: A Novel Method for Predicting miRNA Gene and Disease Relationship Based on Locality-Constrained Linear Coding

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    MiRNAs are small non-coding regulatory RNAs which are associated with multiple diseases. Increasing evidence has shown that miRNAs play important roles in various biological and physiological processes. Therefore, the identification of potential miRNA-disease associations could provide new clues to understanding the mechanism of pathogenesis. Although many traditional methods have been successfully applied to discover part of the associations, they are in general time-consuming and expensive. Consequently, computational-based methods are urgently needed to predict the potential miRNA-disease associations in a more efficient and resources-saving way. In this paper, we propose a novel method to predict miRNA-disease associations based on Locality-constrained Linear Coding (LLC). Specifically, we first reconstruct similarity networks for both miRNAs and diseases using LLC and then apply label propagation on the similarity networks to get relevant scores. To comprehensively verify the performance of the proposed method, we compare our method with several state-of-the-art methods under different evaluation metrics. Moreover, two types of case studies conducted on two common diseases further demonstrate the validity and utility of our method. Extensive experimental results indicate that our method can effectively predict potential associations between miRNAs and diseases

    A message passing framework with multiple data integration for miRNA-disease association prediction

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    Micro RNA or miRNA is a highly conserved class of non-coding RNA that plays an important role in many diseases. Identifying miRNA-disease associations can pave the way for better clinical diagnosis and finding potential drug targets. We propose a biologically-motivated data-driven approach for the miRNA-disease association prediction, which overcomes the data scarcity problem by exploiting information from multiple data sources. The key idea is to enrich the existing miRNA/disease-protein-coding gene (PCG) associations via a message passing framework, followed by the use of disease ontology information for further feature filtering. The enriched and filtered PCG associations are then used to construct the inter-connected miRNA-PCG-disease network to train a structural deep network embedding (SDNE) model. Finally, the pre-trained embeddings and the biologically relevant features from the miRNA family and disease semantic similarity are concatenated to form the pair input representations to a Random Forest classifier whose task is to predict the miRNA-disease association probabilities. We present large-scale comparative experiments, ablation, and case studies to showcase our approach’s superiority. Besides, we make the model prediction results for 1618 miRNAs and 3679 diseases, along with all related information, publicly available at http://software.mpm.leibniz-ai-lab.de/ to foster assessments and future adoption

    Neighborhood based computational approaches for the prediction of lncRNA-disease associations

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    Motivation: Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a class of molecules involved in important biological processes. Extensive efforts have been provided to get deeper understanding of disease mechanisms at the lncRNA level, guiding towards the detection of biomarkers for disease diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention. Unfortunately, due to costs and time complexity, the number of possible disease-related lncRNAs verified by traditional biological experiments is very limited. Computational approaches for the prediction of disease-lncRNA associations allow to identify the most promising candidates to be verified in laboratory, reducing costs and time consuming. Results: We propose novel approaches for the prediction of lncRNA-disease associations, all sharing the idea of exploring associations among lncRNAs, other intermediate molecules (e.g., miRNAs) and diseases, suitably represented by tripartite graphs. Indeed, while only a few lncRNA-disease associations are still known, plenty of interactions between lncRNAs and other molecules, as well as associations of the latters with diseases, are available. A first approach presented here, NGH, relies on neighborhood analysis performed on a tripartite graph, built upon lncRNAs, miRNAs and diseases. A second approach (CF) relies on collaborative filtering; a third approach (NGH-CF) is obtained boosting NGH by collaborative filtering. The proposed approaches have been validated on both synthetic and real data, and compared against other methods from the literature. It results that neighborhood analysis allows to outperform competitors, and when it is combined with collaborative filtering the prediction accuracy further improves, scoring a value of AUC equal to 0966

    A representation learning model based on variational inference and graph autoencoder for predicting lncRNA‑disease associations

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    Background: Numerous studies have demonstrated that long non-coding RNAs are related to plenty of human diseases. Therefore, it is crucial to predict potential lncRNAdisease associations for disease prognosis, diagnosis and therapy. Dozens of machine learning and deep learning algorithms have been adopted to this problem, yet it is still challenging to learn efficient low-dimensional representations from high-dimensional features of lncRNAs and diseases to predict unknown lncRNA-disease associations accurately. Results: We proposed an end-to-end model, VGAELDA, which integrates variational inference and graph autoencoders for lncRNA-disease associations prediction. VGAELDA contains two kinds of graph autoencoders. Variational graph autoencoders (VGAE) infer representations from features of lncRNAs and diseases respectively, while graph autoencoders propagate labels via known lncRNA-disease associations. These two kinds of autoencoders are trained alternately by adopting variational expectation maximization algorithm. The integration of both the VGAE for graph representation learning, and the alternate training via variational inference, strengthens the capability of VGAELDA to capture efficient low-dimensional representations from high-dimensional features, and hence promotes the robustness and preciseness for predicting unknown lncRNA-disease associations. Further analysis illuminates that the designed co-training framework of lncRNA and disease for VGAELDA solves a geometric matrix completion problem for capturing efficient low-dimensional representations via a deep learning approach. Conclusion: Cross validations and numerical experiments illustrate that VGAELDA outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods in lncRNA-disease association prediction. Case studies indicate that VGAELDA is capable of detecting potential lncRNAdisease associations. The source code and data are available at https:// github. com/ zhang labNKU/ VGAEL DA

    Graph Representation Learning in Biomedicine

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    Biomedical networks are universal descriptors of systems of interacting elements, from protein interactions to disease networks, all the way to healthcare systems and scientific knowledge. With the remarkable success of representation learning in providing powerful predictions and insights, we have witnessed a rapid expansion of representation learning techniques into modeling, analyzing, and learning with such networks. In this review, we put forward an observation that long-standing principles of networks in biology and medicine -- while often unspoken in machine learning research -- can provide the conceptual grounding for representation learning, explain its current successes and limitations, and inform future advances. We synthesize a spectrum of algorithmic approaches that, at their core, leverage graph topology to embed networks into compact vector spaces, and capture the breadth of ways in which representation learning is proving useful. Areas of profound impact include identifying variants underlying complex traits, disentangling behaviors of single cells and their effects on health, assisting in diagnosis and treatment of patients, and developing safe and effective medicines

    Predicting miRNA-Disease Association Based on Modularity Preserving Heterogeneous Network Embedding

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a category of small non-coding RNAs that profoundly impact various biological processes related to human disease. Inferring the potential miRNA-disease associations benefits the study of human diseases, such as disease prevention, disease diagnosis, and drug development. In this work, we propose a novel heterogeneous network embedding-based method called MDN-NMTF (Module-based Dynamic Neighborhood Non-negative Matrix Tri-Factorization) for predicting miRNA-disease associations. MDN-NMTF constructs a heterogeneous network of disease similarity network, miRNA similarity network and a known miRNA-disease association network. After that, it learns the latent vector representation for miRNAs and diseases in the heterogeneous network. Finally, the association probability is computed by the product of the latent miRNA and disease vectors. MDN-NMTF not only successfully integrates diverse biological information of miRNAs and diseases to predict miRNA-disease associations, but also considers the module properties of miRNAs and diseases in the course of learning vector representation, which can maximally preserve the heterogeneous network structural information and the network properties. At the same time, we also extend MDN-NMTF to a new version (called MDN-NMTF2) by using modular information to improve the miRNA-disease association prediction ability. Our methods and the other four existing methods are applied to predict miRNA-disease associations in four databases. The prediction results show that our methods can improve the miRNA-disease association prediction to a high level compared with the four existing methods

    Identifying drug-target and drug-disease associations using computational intelligence

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    Background: Traditional drug development is an expensive process that typically requires the investment of a large number of resources in terms of finances, equipment, and time. However, sometimes these efforts do not result in a pharmaceutical product in the market. To overcome the limitations of this process, complementary—or in some cases, alternative—methods with high-throughput results are necessary. Computational drug discovery is a shortcut that can reduce the difficulties of traditional methods because of its flexible nature. Drug repositioning, which aims to find new applications for existing drugs, is one of the promising approaches in computational drug discovery. Considering the availability of different types of data in various public databases, drug-disease association identification and drug repositioning can be performed based on the interaction of drugs and biomolecules. Moreover, drug repositioning mainly focuses on the similarity of drugs and the similarity of agents interacting with drugs. It is assumed that if drug D is associated or interacts with target T, then drugs similar to drug D can be associated or interact with target T or targets similar to target T. Therefore, similarity-based approaches are widely used for drug repositioning. Research Objectives: Develop novel computational methods for drug-target and drug-disease association prediction to be used for drug repositioning. Results: In this thesis, the problem of drug-disease association identification and drug repositioning is divided into sub-problems. These sub-problems include drug-target interaction prediction and using targets as intermediaries for drug-disease association identification. Addressing these subproblems results in the development of three new computational models for drug-target interaction and drug-disease association prediction: MDIPA, NMTF-DTI, and NTD-DR. MDIPA is a nonnegative matrix factorization-based method to predict interaction scores of drug-microRNA pairs, where the interaction scores can effectively be used for drug repositioning. This method uses the functional similarity of microRNAs and structural similarity of drugs to make predictions. To include more biomolecules (e.g., proteins) in the study as well as achieve a more flexible model, we develop NMTF-DTI. This nonnegative matrix tri- factorization method uses multiple types of similarities for drugs and proteins to predict the associations between drugs and targets and their interaction score. To take another step towards drug repositioning, we identify the associations between drugs and disease. In this step, we develop NTD-DR, a nonnegative tensor decomposition approach where multiple similarities for drugs, targets, and diseases are used to identify the associations between drugs and diseases to be used for drug repositioning. The detail of each method is discussed in Chapters 3, 4, 5, respectively. Future work will focus on considering additional biomolecules as the drug target to identify drug-disease associations for drug repositioning. In summary, using nonnegative matrix factorization, nonnegative matrix tri-factorization, and nonnegative tensor decomposition, as well as applying different types of association information and multiple types of similarities, improve the performance of proposed methods over those methods that use single association or similarity information

    Joint learning from multiple information sources for biological problems

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    Thanks to technological advancements, more and more biological data havebeen generated in recent years. Data availability offers unprecedented opportunities to look at the same problem from multiple aspects. It also unveils a more global view of the problem that takes into account the intricated inter-play between the involved molecules/entities. Nevertheless, biological datasets are biased, limited in quantity, and contain many false-positive samples. Such challenges often drastically downgrade the performance of a predictive model on unseen data and, thus, limit its applicability in real biological studies. Human learning is a multi-stage process in which we usually start with simple things. Through the accumulated knowledge over time, our cognition ability extends to more complex concepts. Children learn to speak simple words before being able to formulate sentences. Similarly, being able to speak correct sentences supports our learning to speak correct and meaningful paragraphs, etc. Generally, knowledge acquired from related learning tasks would help boost our learning capability in the current task. Motivated by such a phenomenon, in this thesis, we study supervised machine learning models for bioinformatics problems that can improve their performance through exploiting multiple related knowledge sources. More specifically, we concern with ways to enrich the supervised models’ knowledge base with publicly available related data to enhance the computational models’ prediction performance. Our work shares commonality with existing works in multimodal learning, multi-task learning, and transfer learning. Nevertheless, there are certain differences in some cases. Besides the proposed architectures, we present large-scale experiment setups with consensus evaluation metrics along with the creation and release of large datasets to showcase our approaches’ superiority. Moreover, we add case studies with detailed analyses in which we place no simplified assumptions to demonstrate the systems’ utilities in realistic application scenarios. Finally, we develop and make available an easy-to-use website for non-expert users to query the model’s generated prediction results to facilitate field experts’ assessments and adaptation. We believe that our work serves as one of the first steps in bridging the gap between “Computer Science” and “Biology” that will open a new era of fruitful collaboration between computer scientists and biological field experts
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